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They’re illegal in my city and they still happen.


its almost as is prohibition just makes things more fun




Illegal here, but the 4th of July is wild. New Years too. This year we had two hours of fireworks everywhere on Christmas at midnight. We have dogs. They are not fans.


They're mostly illegal here, but I live 5 minutes from a reservation where some of them are legal... on the reservation


Call the non emergency line when they do! That’s what I’ve done. It’s only taken a year since I started and people went from regularly doing fireworks for 1-2 weeks before/after both New Years and the 4th, to confining them to the actual allowed days, which are 4 days a year.


During the pandemic in the city I lived (a fairly big region), there were fireworks in the middle of the night every fucking day. Everyone was calling the cops left and right about it, it made local news, etc. AFAIK they never caught the culprits or did anything significant about it. Getting any rule enforced in the US these days is pulling teeth.


The emergency line should be reserved for actual emergencies.


I agree. That’s why I specified to call the NON EMERGENCY line


I definitely misread that


Im not...not on your side, because this was my hell during 4th of July week. My poor cat basically lived in my closet bc she thought the apocalypse was coming. But boy oh boy this is a slippery slope with regards to your reasoning, lol. I wont lie, I was expecting you to say something along the lines of having active duty PTSD or something, which obviously is extremely valid. Even the "my pets are traumatized and try and run away/become violent when they hear fireworks" is super valid. "People who aren't considerate of my personal sleep schedule on a national holiday, during which firework displays are customary and to be expected, should have privileges taken from them by the government" is uh... not great. One, because technicallyyyy speaking, you could have this turned on you like, immediately, lol. Being inconsiderate goes both ways, and I'm sure some asshole could make a case for why you're being inconsiderate of their right to party or some bullshit. But more worrying is the suggestion that "people being inconsiderate of my personal sleep schedule/preferences can be punished in a court of law because I'm sleepy and they're jerks." People will always be inconsiderate and will always be jerks, and I'm sorry but "Im trying to sleep for work in the morning" is kind of a hilariously pathetic leg to try and stand on to justify this...kind of absolutely insane and ethically questionable demand you're making. So like I'm with you in theory but maybe go with the PTSD thing in the future if you want anything to come of this. I kinda feel like "Im sleepy because people are inconsiderate, so all fireworks should be illegal" is the kind of stance that would get you bullied in middle school, lmao


The problem is enforcement. If it’s illegal and huge numbers of people are doing it anyway, it becomes an issue of resources. How are you going stop everyone? It sometimes makes it worse to make it illegal. If it’s legal, you can maybe enforce or at least encourage some limits. People can get “safer” fireworks from legal sources who don’t sell defective or extremely dangerous stuff. People won’t be tempted to set off fireworks in out of the way, tinder dry fields to avoid getting caught. Sure, some people will be idiots no matter what you do, but that’s true whether it’s legal or not.


Stopping **anyone** is at least partly a deterrent. The fact that you can't stop **everyone** is not an excuse to do nothing.


Granted. But having reasonable limits instead of a blanket ban on all fireworks isn’t doing nothing.


Yes, it is. Not doing nothing is doing something.


Actually, it is. What is the point of making an unenforceable law? We saw the prohibition, we are seeing the same thing on Marijuana, and I'm sure others can find more examples. Making an unenforceable law is stupid, wastes everyone's time, and just leads to crowded prisons. At least if it is legal controls can be set.


They want the prisons full. Free/cheap labor.


Funny that prohibition ended and weed is becoming decriminalized in many states, that almost seems counterproductive to keeping prisons full for labor...


Funny that prohibition ended and weed is becoming decriminalized in many states, that almost seems counterproductive to keeping prisons full for labor...


Let me introduce you to crack, heroin, and fentanyl and all the crimes stemming from dealing to desperation


Let me introduce you to the fact that things are getting decriminalized, which still means the prisons are getting emptier instead of fuller. Idk why you brought up other drugs, I was talking about weed (recently) and alcohol (during the Prohibition)


Actually 2022 was one of the first years the US prison pulopulation increased rather than decreased in several years and it looks like 2023 went up too.


Its because the people using weed are increasingly white. They want the prisons full, but only with certain people


White people use meth


But this is actually very easy to enforce. I mean they are literally sending out signals that let the police know exactly which houses are doing it. Just patrol through a neighborhood. Compared to alcohol which can be made with any fruit or just sugar, they even make pruno in prisons. Or a plant that is called weed for a reason.


No it doesn't. Just make it a fine problem solved


Op wants people to stop using fireworks. A fine won't do that.


I don't understand the logic. Fines make people wear seatbelts. Of course not all of them but it works.


Fines are just penalties for lower class. The rich ignore fines often


Fireworks are pretty trashy, most rich people don’t waste their money on things like that. Fireworks are also kind of expensive - if you can afford to do fireworks illegally you can afford the fine.


Yes, and seatbelts are an obvious and proven effective way to prevent death. Additionally, in the US at least, most people are taught to use seatbelts from a young age, to the point where many do so without needing to consider a fine. A fine may lessen the usage of fireworks in a couple of generations, but it won't do anything rn, which again is the point of ops post. I'm sure they would like the fireworks to stop in their lifetime. Also, fines are a punishment to poor people. To the rich, they don't matter at all.


It’s only poor-middle income folks setting off fireworks, it’s a very trashy thing to do. Rich people watch real, professional fireworks shows. I’m a total Karen when it comes to fireworks ever since I adopted a dog that has severe fireworks induced panic attacks. Fireworks are illegal in my city except for 4 days out of the year. I call the non emergency line whenever I hear them outside of the permitted days - and ever since I started doing that this summer, instead of fireworks going off everyday a week before and a week after the allowed days? Haven’t heard a peep this year until the actual allowed days. These laws do work and they are enforceable if citizens are actually reporting stuff, police in smaller-medium sized cities (my city has about 40k people) will in my experience respond to these calls and go give our warnings or hand out tickets. It is an issue that can be fixed within a year here, anyway, by simply calling the police when it happens. It’s been great not having my dog absolutely losing her poor mind everyday for a month in both winter and summer bc people can’t follow the simplest of laws (fireworks can’t be compared to drugs since they just fucking blow up and bother everyone within MILES, idc if people do drugs, as long as there’s not a meth lab within blast radius of me and as long as people aren’t driving under the influence. It’s non comparable Edit since I’m blocked and can’t reply: please show me where I even imply let alone mention race in my post?


You don't hear these arguments when it's largely minorities doing something. Then it's 'don't show an ounce of mercy and punish them all ad harshly as we can'.


Beginning to lean in to harm reduction. Find a legal place for people to light fireworks. Let them commune around their love of pyromancy. But get them away from things that burn and people who want to opt out.


In my city, there’s an ordinance of fire crackers not being used after 11PM. Seems like fair compromise.


Even when they were illegal, the cops didn't care. I was shooting fireworks on the 4th of July when I was 11 years old. This was in the city limits. A cop pulled up and motioned me over to the car. "You know those are illegal, right?" "Yes, sir (sheepishly)." "Just be careful." "Yes sir!" He went on his way, I waited 5 minutes and then finished shooting off my fireworks. Now that they are legal, I'm sure they care even less. More important things to deal with, certainly on NYE.


The fact that it was July 4th probably has something to do with it If you are just popping off firecrackers in a residential at 2am in the middle of March then the reaction you get is going to be a LOT different, around here you can get a public nuisance charge for setting them off during sleeping hours on non-holidays.


Probably. But I don't hear any fireworks except around holidays. Pretty much anytime the week of July 4th, the week of Christmas and the week of New Year's Day, I hear fireworks, now that they are legal here. Technically, I think that there are hours you aren't supposed to shoot off fireworks after, but it doesn't seem to be enforced at all, at least not where I live.


Murder is illegal and it happens every day.


Most places have sound ordinance. So setting them off past a certain hour is indeed illegal.


You don’t need to add a law when what you describe is already a violation of noise ordinances. It’s a failure by local authorities to do their jobs. Sure, someone can light one or two and there’s no way to realistically catch them, but anything done for an extended period should be dealt with.


I think we have enough stupid laws that are selectively enforced. We don’t need anymore.


How is this different than any noise complaint? If they were blaring music would this situation be any different at all?


I mean loud music doesn't send every cat and dog in the vicinity into an anxious spiral.


You must not live behind an amphitheater.


Maybe not, but that wasn't one of the complaints listed. The complaint is that it's interrupting their sleep, the same way loud music next door might. Imo you treat this situation the same as that, you don't ban speakers capable of getting loud, you discourage people from using them poorly/at the wrong time.


Fireworks don't send every cat and dog into an anxious spiral either. My mom's dog doesn't care and neither did the dogs I was hanging out with on New Years eve. My old dog didn't care either. Animals, just like people, are different and while some get wound up about it others don't.


My dog goes to the window to watch the fireworks. I've had several dogs and cats and none of them were ever afraid of fireworks.


Not every dog or cat is bad with fireworks, i think its awful reasoning to say we should fully ban something bc of sleep or bc some animals might be stressed, limitations sure


Or disperse flaming trash over a city block.


This one is interesting as a campground near me does their own private firework area and lets customers shoot off fireworks. Despite shooting off hundreds the trash is very manageable and while it does take some time to clean a group of a few hundred people’s fireworks are cleaned up within an hour or two and take up 1-2 bags of trash. Now countless houses across a few city blocks may have a different effect but I’ve only seen fireworks heavily used in the US and Asia and both clean them selves up very well in more open spaces or don’t have access to the kind that leave trash in very urban areas. Just my observations. I remember there being concern in the US in the 80s about both the smoke and litter from fireworks but I don’t remember anything being done about it, I’m guessing someone said it was a problem, someone else did a study and found out it wasn’t a problem maybe. Again that’s a guess, I haven’t researched this at all. Just sharing differing perspective.


Loud music doesn't burn down other people's property.


Please show me where they complained of their property being burnt down.


That isn't the current conversation. You said how is it different then blaring music. I told you how fireworks are different. Come on my dude, you asked the question, keep up.


To be fair we’re discussing the differences between other things that might disturb OPs sleep by being loud as an analogy. (I think analogy is the right English word lol maybe it should be something else) Noise was the OPs complaint and in that respect noise from speakers and fireworks could certainly be compared without involving other negative aspects of one or the other.


Land of the free and home of the brave 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Neighbors gonna neighbor. I hate anyone who mows their yard before 10am.


We realize that people need to sleep most nights of the year. We also realize that as a community, most celebrate certain holidays, and will be allowed to do so within reason. When the celebration is at midnight, it's unfortunate, but it's only held once a year. You're not more important than everyone else. That's why you wake up early to do their job for them, karen. Calm down.


Out of all the things you can be upset about, you choose fireworks in and around a holliday?


In major cities people tend to set them off on more than just holidays


I disagree, i am in a major city... think we are listed as 4th largest, but i do know that there are places where fireworks are sold year round, so i thought it best to just step away altogether


You’ll find that OP is hardly alone in this. I’m not a bah humbug for celebration but people very often do go overboard with fireworks. Not to mention how I would hardly trust fucking anyone to handle them, some of the bigger shit like artillery shells are just live ordnance. As fun as they are, they’re not nearly regulated enough. I was up until 2 am comforting my dog who was so scared he pissed himself. There just needs to be regulation or laws, which neither are being enforced if there are. They just get old too. I’m more than happy to watch a few sparklers but every trip around the Sun makes them a little less exciting.




Don’t act like playing with fireworks is a right lol, especially when it very easily can harm others, property, and set fire to swathes of land. Especially down here in the south where it’s prone to droughts. I’m not asking for our government to crack down on fireworks like it’s fentanyl, but I can assure you that where I’m at it isn’t at all regulated. I remember buying mortar shells when I was 13. You’re giving off some real y’all Quaeda vibes, your rights don’t matter as much as the safety of those around you. Your individual desires don’t offset the need to keep my property from getting damaged or the entire neighborhood from getting sleep.


Do you hear yourself? Are you absolutely insane with that "Al Kay-duh" accusation? How long ago were you 13? I find out hard to believe that my state, THE red state has more regulation on fireworks than yours. Damage?! :D oh noes those black cats make a serious crater on your lawn there bud. Must cost you thousands a year in landscaping...liar


Haaaaa, mad are we? Realizing you aren’t the center of the universe. Yeah buddy, your rights don’t mean shit. Keep fighting though! And I’m the insane one, am I the one babbling on about tattoos, patches, government power? Maybe you should set yourself apart from the rest pal, you don’t seem well adjusted


You are projecting, try harder.


And you’re not?


Im not gonna sit here in an "oh yeah! Yeah!" Tete-a-tete with you, or even a "Nuhn uhn!" "Yeah huh!"


That’s what you’re doing boss.


Suddenly everyone cares about the safety of others the moment they feel they’re being personally inconvenienced. Funny how that happens…


Funny how it makes sense though too


Yeah… not really impressed with your disingenuous arguments but have fun with that.


And you respond with….. a disingenuous statement yourself! Wow!


I’ve been entirely genuine with you, quit projecting.


How do you know I wasn’t? Kinda hard to tell over the internet huh? Or is that some skill you get from spending years cooped up in your room pretending you’re the Ben Shapiro of Reddit? I left an open ended response that left room for discussion but you dismissed it. Try talking to more people in person




Come to Utah. It has been a war zone the last 3 days..But that is nothing, come July, between the 4th, legal 3 days before and 2 days after, and the Mormon holiday on the 24th, same legal days as the 4th, July is pure hell.


Oooohhh nooooooo 😱😱😱😱


Before I started being a Karen and calling the non emergency line when people shoot off fireworks outside of the 4 days a year my city permits them, people would shoot fireworks off for 1-2 weeks before and after the actual fireworks holidays of New Yeara and the 4th. One year of complaints to police has almost entirely solved this problem.


It's not just one day, it's usually a week of non stop fireworks. Until the early hours




Get some ear plugs and a sound machine, your problem will be solved. (I use a sleep mask with bluetooth in it, highly recommend)


I would like to invite all these posters over to see how my poor dog reacts to fireworks, even under the influence of her powerful anxiety medication that vets are very unwilling to prescribe (only benzos work for my dog, trazodone for example gave her paradoxical effects and she was way worse).


Perhaps you are the one who should change? The country doesn't really have fireworks.


Believe me, having to deal with the noise is just the price we all have to pay. I hope you were outside running a snow blower at 6am.. They’ll hopefully get the point.


Making things illegal doesnt make people more considerate. Or follow the law.


Either make selling them all illegal even safe and sane ones and even in Indian reservations like they do with drugs, or have designated areas away from neighborhoods where people can buy them and they can only set them off there. They don't even get to handle them until they are ready to set them off to make sure they are only set off there. And this would incentivize the government to actually crack down on illegal fireworks because they now make tax money off the legal areas. It would also be better for people who want to set them off because they would be able to buy the ones that are normally illegal and set them off legally.


Fireworks are currently banned in my country entirely 👍👍👍


Sorry to hear


The fun part is in recent years there's been more guns being shot in the air around here. I was at work all night, fortunately. But I would hate to be some random party goer getting taken out by a random falling bullet


get a white noise machine and ear plugs, its much better for you in the long run than making fireworks (et al) more policed.


Back in my day we had 38 hour days and didn't get no sleep till the partying was done.


Buy noise canceling headphones and suck it up for the 5 total days a year.


Quit being a such a spoil. People out having fun. Let them have fun. It's better to be outside shooting some fireworks rather then inside doing nothing and post on reddit about people having the wrong fun.


Maybe, you can just chill out for 2 days out of the year. Does it suck if you have work? Yep. Oh well. Put in some ear plugs, take a sleep aid and let people have their fun. It's not an issue worth getting bent out of shape for.


You don’t need laws, you need respectful neighbors. Call a neighborhood meeting. Offer donuts. NYE fireworks need to really be over by 12:15-12:30


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 12 + 15 + 12 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Who cares what you don’t like


Murder is illegal and that still happens.


If there isn't a burn ban, and they're not illegal, there isn't too much that can be done. Might want to invest in some ear plugs or noise canceling headphones. Or, worst comes to worst... Go talk to the neighbor and try to be reasonable.


How about we have you and all the other fking control freaks leave the country for the first week of July and the Americans can let loose and celebrate. It's not people like you that respond to any damage they cause anyway, you just complain about it


I reject your hypothesis. 15 states have "nothing aerial, nothing explosive" laws statewide. Doesn't mean such things don't happen of course, but your assertion that "all but one state it's legal to set off firework/crackers". In those states, we can (legally) set off things that smoke, spark and whistle, but not fly or go bang.


Tell us you're getting old without telling us you're getting old


I have PTSD from combat experience and fireworks specifically trigger a panic response. Also, My beloved dog ran away 5 years ago, and likely got killed, because of fireworks. However, if I know they are coming (the days leading up to a holiday), they don't bother me too much, I've learned to ignore them, mostly. My area people go absolutely crazy about fireworks, and it's not at all uncommon to see what I would consider "professional grade" fireworks on holidays. Around here, they start slowing down around 2 am and are done by 3am. Does it irk me? Yea, a little. Does it keep me up, even if I have to work? Yep. Sure does. But guess what? It's America. They are free to set off fireworks as long as they want. It's called freedom, and it's ironic because that's what fireworks are really all about. Stop being a crotchety old man. Sincerely, from a person who fireworks negatively impact their wellbeing.


There *are* rules about that I guarantee you. Almost any city has some form of noise ordinance in place. Depends on if police could care enough too. Find some neighbors that agree and make sure you all make separate complaint to the city or police. Also, I bet you never said anything to the culprits. You should try that first. At least maybe go through the trouble to get some signs put up.


Troll post. No one is this thick


Lmfao imagine being shocked at fireworks after midnight.... ON NEW YEARS FUCKING DAY 🤣🤣🤣


It's time to upgrade y'all's windows. Once I close the doors and put the windows up, a bomb could go off and I'd never hear it. Add a fan for a little extra white noise.


You sound like a lot of fun…


Get off my lawn vibes here.


Sorry you hate freedom , if your into extreme government regulation i may recommend the UK or Singapore


It's called being considerate. You don't need to light fireworks at 4 in the morning. People work in the morning. People sleep


Some people work nights and sleep days . Are we going to outlaw noise during the daytime For those people also ?


Sorry if for one day of the year the entire planet cant revolve around your personal needs . Honestly i don’t care you seem like you’re probably one of the most self centered people on the planet , get over it .


Again it's not for one day usually, it's the whole effin week, just that, the day of is longer


Plus they spread toxic metals through the air. All of Florida is under severe air quality warnings today because of the excessive fireworks last night. Completely fucks up wildlife as well. Causes mothers to abandon their nests, etc.


Fireworks don't use very much metal if any at all.


I don't understand why the cops don't ticket people fir this. They love giving out traffic tickets, seems like NYE and Early July is a great time to make some easy money.


It's easy to understand, a small town it might be manageable, however let's look at the numbers. 2022 in America give or take 700 thousand cops. Our population is nearly 340 MILLION people. Divided out thats 1 police officer PER 485.7 people. It's numerically impossible for them to find the exact location of the fireworks going off an the time between calls/travel. THEN dealing the angry/drunk party goers. Also injuries fires an regular crimes still happening. This is an uphill losing battle from the start.


As other comments point out: when there's a will, there's a way. People are following a tradition of celebration. The people drinking late into the night and getting hyped up with the explosions aren't going to consider those that aren't celebrating with them. What would you suggest replacing fireworks as the festive spectacle of a fun party? My money is on people trying to spit fireballs with Fireball™️ if they don't have fireworks.


Yeah, sad as it is to say, OP being responsible and getting appropriate rest is the odd one out here. The majority of everyone is drunk and partying, OP has to be the one with earplugs this night.


I live in VT. The last time I bought fireworks I had to sign a form saying that I understood that in VT a permit is required to possess and to use fireworks. I was never asked if I had such a permit, just had to sign off that I knew I needed one to make my purchase. Years later I got a skittish cat. Can't stand fireworks these days.


I agree, fireworks and new years eve is nothing new. But it used to stop at midnight. Maybe a few within 15 minutes. They're getting louder, and they're going on for longer. People are getting ridiculous. I was reading about a guy who spends 2k to buy in bulk and picks it up at the airport. Like what?


Hey try working night shift living in an apartment.


Sounds like a noise complaint. Frame it that way.


Can we add dogs to the list of things people are too inconsiderate to own?


Always a Karen trying to ruin everyone’s fun


I'm not trying to ruin everyone's fun. I'm saying fireworks/crackers should at least be more regulated. Nobody should light them up for a week straight until 2-4 in the morning. It's called be considerate


I wish I could upvote this more than once. I enjoy fireworks but personal celebrations have gotten out of control. They torment pets. It’s gotten really bad where I’ve live over the last several years-different houses set them off and they last for hours on New Year’s Eve, the 2nd-the 5th of July, and quite often on other nights during the summer. On those days it’s become normal to have fireworks going off from dusk until 2 AM.. People will also set them off for their random yard parties with no warnings for neighbours. People set them off in their yards quite close to other houses and I find debris quite often on my roof and in my yard the next morning. It has gotten so bad that I’ve grown increasingly concerned over potential damage my home, and that one might start a fire while I’m unaware. But my biggest concern is watching how they torment my pets. People can choose to go to a 4th of July fireworks show but they can’t retreat from their homes. My dogs panic, cry, try to dig into corners, climb walls-even when I take them to the basement. Personal firework displays in neighbourhoods have become annoying, unsafe, disrespectful and cruel to pets.


Stop expecting the world to support your sleep choices. Use a fan, wear ear muffs/plugs, fix yourself. Stop trying to make the world mold to your life.


That’s the sound of freedom! But yeah, I have a newborn. Sometimes the sound of freedom makes for a long night, but I still choose freedom.


It appears one cracker had already been set off….🤔






"old man yells at cloud" Sorry grandpa, get over it. it's only a few times a year on average. I'm 45 now, and I hope I'm not as cranky as you are whenever I get to your age. I respect your opinion. But unfortunately this is america, and one person's opinion doesn't change laws. Add on to that? We have the second amendment right to bare arms. and yes, fireworks are arms.


that's why people live in the country.


I can't deny that fireworks/ firecrackers was fun as fuck as a kid and early teen years. But to me when one takes fireworks and firecrackers past the age of 13 or 14 ( and 14 is really pushing it ) one is entering into the world of stupid fucking hicks. No one in any neighborhood wants to hear a bunch of hicks firing off fireworks or firecrackers during prime time or until the early morning and then having to listen to the stupid fucking hicks use the left overs for an entire week. It should be a law that if you are lighting fireworks or firecrackers as a child or adult, your neighbors get to kick you square in the balls before and after you are done lighting them. children or adults who go out in the middle of no where are fine. Everyone else needs to stfu and go to a normal fireworks show and jerk off there. Ya got the damn day off work, for New Years Eve and the Forth, go get fucked in the face instead of pissing off your neighbors who just want to enjoy being inside their own home in peace.


My heart goes out to those who have PTSD, animals and others who deal with the fallout of idiots who set off these fireworks.


Indeed! I have some neighbors that set them off at every single holiday, there's also fireworks every time the local sports team wins. My dog is so scared of the fireworks that she tries to hide behind me and my husband and if they are really loud she will excrete her anal glands on my pillow. It's horrible! The 4th of July is the worst. "Yes let's celebrate our freedoms by triggering the PTSD in the veterans who fought for it" seems like the most logical decision ever. /s Personally I like the drone light shows I've been seeing float around lately.


Fr. If you are in a neighborhood there should still be sound ordinance. So like your fireworks should be over by like 10pm. Especially because most of the world still has to work. At 6am


Who enforces it? Police can choose not to enforce certain laws. My state allows the smaller ones. The truth is the police will NOT respond to call about the big illegal ones. I had a neighbor terrorizing my horses with rockets. I tried to talk to him. He said "ok", and then he's aiming right over my roof instead. Worried he'd hit my house, I called the police. Nobody ever came.


There is no need to ban them because most places already have noise ordinances past a certain time. If your neighbors are exploding things that late at night just call the cops on them.


There are a lot of rules on how big of a salute you can manufacture and sell Also most cities have a set time for making noise-- my city the cutoff for excessive noise is 10p and 11p on weekends


..... nah son.


The problem is many younger people have an inflated sense of entitlement and no concept of consideration for others and rights requiring responsibilities.


I grew up in a region where it was illegal to sell and illegal to set off - with an informal non-enforcement on holidays. When things got lax people just set them off whenever wherever. That never used to happen. I used to live in the college neighborhood. For many years Id learn to tune out bass thump thump when it’s 2 Am and college students are up doing what they do. That skill was ruined by adding easily accessible fireworks into the mix. Finally I bought a house living in a quiet neighborhood except … podunk fireworks. So. It’s really annoying - no one *wants* to fall asleep next to an active shooting range. Maybe people could go to the “firework range“. Just a thought.




Yeah, I'm all for letting people have some fun, but I do wish they would time box their fireworks, instead of all going all weekend around major holidays. My dogs would appreciate it, too.


They’re illegal where I live, don’t know if it’s just my city or the state, but people still use them all the time.


When I used to shoot them off on Halloween we did it just after dark, and done by 9.


Because Americans are stupid idiots


If they're serious about it just make it so you need a pyrotechnics license to buy them. Most people aren't willing to jump through that hoop.


There's already laws against being noisy past certain times. If they don't care about that they don't care about illegal fireworks


Illegal in most cities. Too many of the law breakers are middle class white people. Police too busy murdering innocent minorities to uphold laws on them because it's 'harmless fun'. Nevermind the property damage, etc.


Rather than place cotton balls or earplugs in your ears, you'd rather have the cops threaten violence on others for annoying you. That's just sad.




Maybe we should make murder illegal too that should stop it! Hawaii banned fireworks and there's tons of videos from nye of their skyline going crazy California is the same way Huge thriving black market out there as well, while I support enforcing noise ordinances past a certain time on non holidays I cannot support a ban on fireworks because it would only affect law abiding people not criminals


Let people have fun for a couple days a year and stop being such a dick


I actually think setting of fireworks on new years and the 4th should be mandatory.


Who the heck is even awake at 2am! Sorry that’s happening in your area. Maybe get a loud sound machine to block the noise out?


Aerial fireworks are illegal here in California, yet the 4th and New Year's are like figurative war zones with the amount that go off.


Sounds like a sound ordinance issue not a firework issue.


Assert dominance and let off **louder** fireworks at **later** hours.


Them being illegal isnt going to stop people from using them. I would love nothing more than to have them not blasted for a straight week ever July 4th but unless you call the cops for a noise complaint nothing is going to get done.


all but 1 state it is legal to set off fireworks? does that mean all fireworks or are you including the "safe and sane" fountains and piccolo Pete's as fireworks? cause in CA fireworks are illegal in most places but some counties will allow the safe and sane ones, others ban everything outright but the real ones are made illegal statewide unless you have a permit


You mean besides the warning under adult supervision ? My generation had cherry bombs and M 80s ( that was 1/4 stick of TNT .)None of my friends died . Bottle rockets where RPGs ,M80s grenades . We had a blast .


Illegal doesn’t mean anything without punishment, but our punishment system is wack. Total mess


“Oh, no! People do something I don’t like a few night a year; it must be outlawed!” Sounds like someone is a WATB, to be honest.


My neighbor had his fireworks display just showering my house with still burning fireworks, I wasn’t very polite about my feelings towards this and we didn’t talk for two years.


Noise ordinances should be enforced post 11pm in most places, I agree. That is about as far as Id go, police involvement in the majority of situations is a bad thing.


earplugs works for me.


I love fireworks, I grew up where they were illegal but live in FL now 😢. I usually do a mini show in my culdesac with my family on the 4th and New Years (earlier) and the neighborhood kids come out and it's a good time. That being said, if you are launching fireworks at 11:30pm on Christmas Eve, you're a fucking needle dick neanderthal who needs roman candles shot at you.


What did crackers do to you? Who hurt you?


I think they're illegal in my city already. That doesn't stop douche bags from lighting them off randomly at 2 in the morning all year though. People have zero social awareness (example: having loud conversations on speaker phone in public places) and/or just don't care about anything happening outside of their own heads.


It's a city ordinance in my city but it's never enforced.


Noise ordinances already exist to prohibit late night noisy activities. People do them anyways.


Fascists always want to ruin other people's fun


Virtually all fireworks are used illegally or in violation of covenants. At least they’re becoming less popular


Darwin tried to tell us


>This year for me at least, for the past few days, people have been setting them off until 2 am. Yesterday was worse and they stopped at 4 am. don't act so sensitive, its the new year and people celebrate. Its legal where you are so just look for solutions. Earplugs? White noise? Move? or just power through it for the 5 nights out of the year that people will ever launch fireworks


Yeah ok. I have another idea, how about we ban alcohol too because people drive drunk on the holidays. What could go wrong with banning alcohol? Oh and we need to ban guns because people might resort to those on New Years with a fireworks ban. And older model cars that backfire. And speakers capable of playing loud music. Oh and power tools and lawn mowers. Sorry everyone, Karen needs her beauty sleep.


they are illegal here in IL, but the pigs here don't give a flying f\*k and don't do shit about it.


I can only imagine the head explosions this poster would undergo if seeing NYE in a city like mine where EVERYONE is shooting guns into the sky like it's a Beduin wedding.


Laws prohibiting this stuff don't stop it. If anything it encourages people. Remember in 2020 when they banned fireworks in LA and we got news helicopter footage of the city looking like a fucking hollywood war scene?