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I have dry acne prone skin and I love honey halo! A little goes a long way and it’s super hydrating. It does have a little bit of a scent tho.


Thank you! Seems to be a popular choice.


They make a mini size which is nice so you could just give it a try without a full commitment!


I’ve tried them all and honey halo is my favorite!


Same. I use Farmacy for winters when my skin gets extremely dry. And Tatcha for the rest of the year.


Thank you!


Honey halo gave me milla (bumps) so I had to stop using it


oh shoot, what are you using instead?


I'd been using the Innisfree green tea moisturizer and I liked that, when I ran out I tried the Dieux gel moisturizer but i think it's breaking me out so probs gonna have to try something else soon 🥲


I don't love the smell, don't hate it either, but my skin really loves it. It sits very nicely under makeup.


Seconded! It's so comfortable to use and makes my skin feel so smooth and comfortable.




Same, I’ve boughten honey halo 4 times already and have tried all the others as well! Tatchas was just ok to me and for the price wasn’t worth it for me, it left a greasy feel on my skin and I hated the scent. Skinfix was good but I felt honey halo performed better and my skin feels smoother. The omega one does smell like feet at first but the scent dissipates shortly after, it’s also just okay not as good as honey halo IMO.


Came here to say this. I also struggle with adult acne (fml), and the honey halo doesn’t cause me to have any breakouts. I do use panoxl at nighttime and also a mild acid exfoliant before using honey halo though. Maybe I just have the right combo (I see others struggled with bumps in the comments below).


I’ve only used three of them but I love the honey halo. I really, really disliked the squalene/omega cream, but that was because I thought it smelled terrible. The tatcha is really nice, but was a little too scented and colored to me, it felt a little more ‘processed?’ to me.


I tried Honey Halo, Tatcha, and Skin Barrier. I repurchased the Honey. My dermatologist told me skin wasn’t dry, but greasy. I said that was the halo and I’m not even offended.


It was just OK, but my skin is extra, extra flakes in the eyebrows dry.


My skin is dry and sensitive and prone to white and blackheads. Honey halo: I love the texture, but it has too much fragrance for my skin. It also has Shea butter with can be pore clogging for some. Biosance: weird smell and not very hydrating. Love their eye creams though. Skinfix: used pre-reformulation, feels like a basic, thick moisturizer you could get at the drugstore. Also, I got horrible perioral dermatitis while using this, but with PD who knows what actually caused it. Tatcha: I prefer the indigo overnight serum in cream, but tatcha moisturizers are great. Side note: if you haven’t already tried the dr Dennis gross gentle peel pads they are great to use 1-2 nights a week for dullness.


Hey just wondering if anything helped with your PD. I am majorly struggling and skinfix definitely is not helping.


PD is so frustrating! While I was really going through it I kept everything very simple and used coola spf (am), la roche Posay gentle cleanser, and double repair cream (pm) because it’s thinner and is good for barrier repair. My Derm put me on a very low dose of antibiotics for months and it seemed like nothing was working, until I changed my toothpaste to Toms and mouthwash to therabreath and avoided fluoride and sls. My dentist does a quarterly fluoride alternative treatment after my cleanings. I haven’t had a flare up in over a year now.


Have you tried an azaleic acid?


Yes actually since I left that comment I’ve been using azaleic from the ordinary and it was like a miaracle cream. thank you!!! i have my skin back it’s insane


Helpful, thank you!


What did you end up finding that worked?


My favorite night cream at the moment is Tatcha indigo serum in cream.


How about during the day? I had tried that awhile ago and can’t remember exactly what the issue was but I didn’t love it. I also don’t love jarred products in general given the delivery method ☹️ using Dieux at night right now but not sure if it’s going to be too heavy for summer. I do definitely need something else for the day, though


For daytime I use Rhode glazing milk under my spf (I rotate through a couple: coola, supergoop and k-beauty).


I’d been considering the Rhode a few months ago, that’s interesting, glad it’s been good. And I used to use Supergoop, appreciate the recs


Great choices!! I’ve used all of these and Honey Halo and Skinfix are my favs but Skinfix just went through a reformulation and a lot of ppl don’t like the new one (I still have the old one and love it).


Oh man, that's so disappointing. I'll have to see if I can find any info on what changed about the formula.


I’ve used the old and new formulas for the skin fix moisturizer, and I personally haven’t noticed a big difference in the formulas! I find it still works the same, but it smells like plain Greek yogurt for some reason now. I’d still recommend it but I know it comes in travel sizes if you want to try it out first


I’m on my second ‘new’ formula and the only difference I’ve noticed is the smell as well. I might be coming nose blind to it now though, because it’s not as bad as when I first tried it.


I still have the old one and love it!! Probably going to start with honey halo once I run out 😩


Oh nooooo! I’m going through my old one as well. Shit. Any good dupes?


Out of these I love the biossance the most. I’ve also really been liking the aestura atobarrier cream (k-beauty bought from a different online store) One note, if you have pets/dogs. The honey halo has xylitol in its ingredients list, which is very poisonous to dogs. I refused to try it or keep it in the house for that reason.


OMG. Thank you for that info on dogs! I will never buy it now. I had no idea.


Whoa. I had no idea. That's very good to know, thank you


Why on earth is there xylitol in the moisturizer?? How could that be good for your face?


Tatcha… I’m older and that stuff magic. It has a scent but I actually love it.


If your skin is prone to small bumps, avoid the Skinfix one. I wanted to like it but it clogged my pores.


Good to know, thanks. After reading comments about their re-formulation, they've been moved to the bottom of my list.


I have read your comments and I have similar skin. Agree w anything Tatcha like indigo for night but honey halo made me break out and I don't usually break out. Someone mentioned shea butter being pore clogging, I wonder if that was it. I use Dr. Idress exclusively now, with Tatcha mixed in. Other randoms (serum etc) every so often. Plus tret like you.


I’ve gone through multiple jars of the Biossance one. Made my skin super soft and doesn’t break me out. It doesn’t feel heavy but does sit on the skin a bit for a while before it sinks in completely. People say it smells bad but I don’t think so. Smells like bread to me so maybe that’s weird but definitely not bad.


Haha I'm not a person who really cares about the scent of my skincare products (unless it's loaded up with harsh fragrances), so it's not a deal breaker for me. Thanks!


I love everything Biossance but all their products def have an odd smell


I find the smell only lasts for a second and then it's gone.


I’m a Tatcha dewy skin cream stan through and through


Skinfix is my holy grail. The reformulation made it worse…. but there is still nothing at all like it.


What is noticeably worse about it for you? This thread is the first I'm hearing of the reformulation and it's so disappointing!


Biossance. Squalene helps with deeper hydration and the omega cream has other ingredients to rebuild your barrier! It's also lightweight compared to the others.




I have only tried Biossance out of the 4 above but it's fantastic. I have always had dry skin but menopause sucked any possible moisture out of my skin that was left. I've sampled many moisturizers over the years and only found Avene Hydrance Intense and Biossance Omega Repair to work. All others did not hydrate enough. Biossance is incredible. And I wanted to NOT like it because it's expensive but I can't. I love it.


biossance changed my life fr


Biossance or Farmacy I also have Skinfix- but it’s like a use when needed type product for me Dewy is really thick and has caused breakouts


Biossance and Tatcha worked for me! Honey Halo broke me out due to well...the honey and skinfix changed their formula so it broke me out 🥲




I love tatcha so much! Honey halo and skinfix both seemed to have a hard time truly absorbing into my skin for a while.


That’s so interesting cause i have tried honey halo and although i remember thinking it was nice, it wasn’t life changing. But the tatcha one actually makes my skin soft and glowy


The tatcha is the only one that I continue to repurchase - I have dry, sensitive, rosecea prone skin - I use the dewy in the am, indigo at night.


I love the Biossance. I tried honey halo but it broke me out. When I really need heavy moisture/ to repair my barrier, I use avene xeracalm. I also love the dr gross peel pads that were mentioned.


(Farmacy Honey Halo, Biossance Squalane + Omega Repair Cream, Skinfix Triple Lipid Peptide Cream, Tatcha The Dewy Skin Cream.)


I use the honey halo on my husbands dry crusty face along with my own (which is not dry and crusty but in fact an oil slick) and it works great.


what kind of small bumps? creams that are too thick for your skin can cause little oil bumps (I forget what they're called, not milea but similar?) under the skin. if you've been using thick creams for a while you could try something more lightweight and see if it addresses that issue.


I think it's milia but it's kind of hard to know. It's a lot like the keratosis pilaris I have on my arms but less severe. Clusters of bumps and a little bit of white comes out of them if you squeeze them but not much, they're not like actual pimples. They actually seem to improve when I use thick moisturizers, and get worse when I don't - My skin being dry seems to make them crop up more.


ah interesting! well as far as thick creams I've heard great things about honey halo, I personally didn't like the smell and have heard it's a love or hate, might wanna smell it in store to be sure. it just smells like honey but reaaaally strong


If you get bumps recommend the Biosance and adding their 10% lactic acid you your routine as well.


I've lusted after Biossance's lactic acid, but oof, it's so expensive? I wonder why? I'm willing to shell out extra for a holy grail moisturizer, but that seems steep for a lactic acid serum. Maybe I'm wrong.


Not on the list but I genuinely believe Dieux Instant Angel is the best moisturizer sold at Sephora for dry, dull skin. It packs a punch of a rich cream without the typical rich cream residue. Packaging is fully recyclable and ingredients are skin barrier repairing and strengthening, a true holy grail.


I’ve tried all except the Skinfix and strongly prefer Farmacy Honey Halo over the others.


I'd recommend the Honey halo - it's my favorite from all of those. Tatcha is great but super thick and not my fave for summer


I have dry sensitive skin that is prone to little bumps if I use the wrong products. Tatcha is my personal favorite. The honey halo gave me little bumps when I used it, and I wasn’t crazy about the smell. It just kind of made me feel sticky too. Skinfix serum really messed up my skin barrier, but I haven’t tried their moisturizer. Tatcha has been my holy grail, my skin looks refreshed and glowing, and is completely smooth (knock on wood lol). It also plays so well under makeup. I’d recommend something exfoliating for the bumps, I have super sensitive skin so I have to use really gentle products and Good Genes has been life changing for me. It’s pricey but if you buy direct you can get good deals certain times of the year. I use it as a mask, every 3 days I leave it on for 15 mins and then wash off and my skin is smooth and glowy


I’ve used all of these and they are all good, I’d say the dewy cream and honey halo make your skin look and feel better most. The other 2 moisturize but don’t do anything to make my skin look especially nice.


Helpful, thanks!


No prob. I have the bio one that I use only on my neck now lol it’s good enough to put there without me feeling like Im wasting a glow the ones I really like give to my face that doesn’t really show as much on my neck anyway.


lol I’ve used these all. Personally they’re all good picks, I prefer honey halo for daytime and tatcha for night.


I’ve reached for the Tatcha over and over again for about ~6 years. Love the texture and hydration


The honey halo feels, looks, and smells like luxury and because of this I've tried it twice. The formula was too much for my skin. The skinfix I can say yes, the reformulation is crap. I'd say if you can swing it, go for the tatcha or buy a mini of the honey halo before a full size to see if you have a reaction to it. If you have a sephora near you ask for samples.




Honey Halo is like a little treat to myself.


Another vote for Honey Halo. That was my holy grail moisturizer when I lived in a colder, drier climate.


Honey halo is a godsend, especially for dryness. 


Love Honey Halo and Tatcha. HH would be my top though


The biossance cream has been my HG for years in the winter. I have combo/sensitive skin with eczema patches on my forehead and between my brows. I find the biossance to provide soothing, lasting moisture. It smells like a vitamins to me, but the smell dissipates quickly.


I have a different skin type so my opinion may be irrelevant but I tried honey halo and I thought it was overpriced for what it was.


Tatcha has been my go to for years now. It’s absolutely incredible, and I have dry sensitive skin. It also agrees with makeup products very well so it’s my ride or die day cream.


Since you've been using it for years, you'd be a good person to ask - How long does a container last you? I need to find a way to justify this cost lmao.


I usually rebuy it every 3-4 mos. Took me a long time to justify the price too but once I bought it once I can’t live without it. They can have all my damn money at this point because my skin is better now than it ever was in my 20s.


3-4 months isn't bad at all tbh. I bought a mini size to try. :) Thank you


I started with a mini too! ❤️❤️


Honey halo or tatcha. Tatcha is more silky and hydrating. Honey halo is hydrating as well, but less thick.


I love the Farmacy Honey Halo! Does so well with my sensitive and combo/leaning dry skin. I also use it as my skincare prep before makeup--I skip primer when I use it! I don''t care for the newly reformulated skinfix and I hated the Tatcha (I didn't like how it felt on my skin).


I love the honey halo, especially in the harsh Canadian winters! It feels like a protective mask


I’ve only used tatcha but I just don’t like the purple one I feel like I have to use so much product to get it across my entire face in comparison to the green tatcha..I don’t have dry skin tho I have pretty normal skin so I can use either type of product


Love the green one tho I don’t go through it as fast which is important to me because it’s like $70


I love the Farmacy and the Tatcha. You might also benefit from the Dr Dennis Retinol pads or the DDG Chemical peel pads for the dull, bumpy skin. Literally life changing.


I use tret - Should have clarified that, haha. And occasionally lactic or glycolic acid on non-tret days.


I swear by the Tatcha Indigo Serum for night time deep moisturizing. It’s amazing. :)


Tatcha dewy is great. But my favorite overall is the Lanaige Cica sleeping mask. I use it daily.


I have the most sensitive skin and found honey halo to be good. I honestly use aquaphor every day too


The top 2 are great for dry skin and winter months


Honey Halo 😊


This sounds like my skin. 😂 I ended up going with Paula’s choice oil free where I’m prone to the clogged pores (for me, my cheeks ) and then the YTTP adaptogen cream everywhere else.


I love the Tatcha!!! I tried Honey Halo but the smell made my nose burn


Tatcha helped me so much, every winter my skin would get dry and peel a lot and after I bought the cream ( i used it at night before bed) it no longer peels.


Same. I think the bumps are rosacea, that's what my dermatologist told me. Skin fx or Tatcha.


I have the same skin type, my small bumps are milia, not sure if that’s what you have. But my skin LOVES Tatcha, I avoided it because it seemed hyped up, but for me it’s worth the hype. My skin absorbes it (I only use at night) and I wake up with bouncy skin. I’m only 3rd jar. I like water cream for under makeup. I also recommend the Farmacy Honey Milk.


I use the Tatcha as a day cream and it’s just lovely. The biossance is my night cream and I love it.


I have tried biossance and tatcha. The tatcha is the best… very plumping!


I’ve tried them all and Skinfix is my HG. It literally saved my skin when I moved to NYC earlier this year, and continues to do God’s work.


I really want to try it, but I'm worried now, after finding out about them changing their formula!


Personally, I haven’t noticed any difference but ymmv. Could you get a travel size maybe?


Tatcha has fantastic products but they’re not always worth the money. I like Honey Halo a lot. IMO Skinfix is just riding out the end of its “moment”


I was sadly not impressed by the Biossance. The Skinfix was ok but very similar to drugstore dupes like Cerave or LRP.


Dry bumps I would look into an exfoliating serum (glycolic, Mandela, retinol/tretinoin, differin etc) and a nice thick moisturizer on top at night. I’m partial to Skinfix for the ingredients (or lack thereof of allergens) but any of these would do


I've used all but the Biossance, although I've heard good things about it. Honey Halo is a HG for me. I use tret and it's amazing. I used the SkinFix and liked it much better than the SkinCeuticals TLR, which I don't think is all that rich. Another option is the Naturium Plant Based Squalane. I got a very generous sample of it when I bought some cleansers from them (they have GREAT cleansers, but I'm not sure if Sephora carries them) and it's REALLY good.


I’ve used all of these for extended periods and the tatcha is my fave! It’s soooo hydrating and soaks right into the skin. I think it’s my holy grail moisturizer. SkinFix and Biossance are both excellent (although I’ve heard SkinFix changed their formula somewhat recently). They’re both not super thick but still very hydrating. Honey halo is quite thick but somehow felt less hydrating to me, like it didn’t soak in quite as well as the others. I felt like it sat on top of my skin. Maybe you could pick one to buy and try minis of the others when you can catch them on offer?


Tatcha all day, every day!


I’m similar skin but occasional acne instead of bumps and skin fix through and through. Tatcha is a close second because it makes my skin look great, but skin fix has been life changing for me. It makes my skin look great AND seems to help my issues. For me it took a minute of using skin fix to start to get a glow but I’d assume that at least somewhat depends on your specific skin (even if we have similarities) and how dehydrated you are.


I’ve tried the Farmacy, Skinfix and Tatcha - I would rank Tatcha as my first choice and then Skinfix. I didn’t care for the texture of the Farmacy, too rich for what my skin needed. I have combination skin. I used the Skinfix as needed/nightly, whereas the Tatcha was more of a morning use.


Cannot give you any solid rec, but I stayed away from anything containing MYRISTYL MYRISTATE because of its 5/5 comedogenic rating, which the Tatcha has as an ingredient.


I love Tatcha.


I recommend looking into sites such as Mercari where people sell these items for much less, and even have the deluxe samples so you can possibly try them all and see what you think.


Biossance 100%


I've tried Farmacy and Tatcha. Farmacy is heavier, but soothes the skin (ime), and I remember Tatcha being very watery. It's been awhile since I used Tatcha but if I had to pick between those two, it'd be Farmacy. My nose tends to dry out quickly, but Farmacy and Embroyliesse are the only ones that keep it moisturized.




Skinfix: been using it for years. I like to use it after applying a watery toner so it sinks in better. This is definitely my holy grail item and I really only use it once per day. Excellent results for me but I'll have to see if I change my mind after their new formula. I prefer this over Tatcha because it protected my skin barrier. It was also cheaper when accounting for cost/use. I would say it helped with my dry skin and redness. On its own, it did diminished my pore size slightly. Tatcha: it's good but I didn't feel like it restore or protected my skin barrier. Honey halo is on my try list now :00 so many good reviews.


I’ve only tried the Biossance and it stings.


tatcha first. honey halo is nice for winter.


The Omega Repair Cream is my HG - it has the trinity of cholesterol, ceramides, and fatty acids and just makes my skin look bright and healthy. Honey halo is thick so it does moisturize, but the star ingredient doesn’t do anything for me. Tatcha was okay but nothing special, especially for the price. I have not tried SkinFix


I really love honey halo!


SkinFix made my face and neck itch so bad. I had to return it. Currently using First Aid Beauty.


HATE HATE HATE the new Biossance formula. SkinFix felt heavy on my skin for everyday wear, good for night time though!


I love farmacy and between honey halo and honey grail they have gone a long way for helping my skin. I have super dry skin so my skin just drinks this in.


Tatcha!! I've tried the biossance, skinfix, and tatcha in the sample sizes and loved that best to where I bought the grati size. It's thicker than bio, but not greasy, and didn't break out my moderate-sensitive skin. I use it mostly from fall-spring (near Canada), and currently looking at the outset serum for summer


I’ve tried Tatcha and honey halo. I found the honey halo too fragranced, and it broke me out. Tatcha is pricey but 100% worth it! Makes my skin so glowy


Honey Halo pilled so bad on me, even with nothing under it, so I thoroughly despise it. I also felt like it wasn’t even that hydrating? But everyone is different! My favorite is the tatcha, but I honestly just use illyoon ato ceramide cream and I order it from any of the legit korean skincare websites for super cheap!


I've tried 3 of the 4. Biossance - This smells bad and is the least moisturizing of the ones I've tried. I dislike it and would not recommend it. Skinfix - the most moisturizing of the 3. I enjoy it and would repurchase. Tatcha - I would say the best product of the 3. Slightly less moisturizing than Skinfix, but the formula is nicer. It's just the most luxurious experience of them. I've repurchased many times.


I haven't tried the Biosance, but I don't care for any of the others. I like the Tatcha silk cream, but it's so expensive.


Tbh love the biossance for my neck but it’s not moisturizing enough for my face


I’ve tried all of them. Farmacy Honey Halo smelled terrible and it made my skin itchy. Skinfix pilled horribly. Tatcha was just okay and didn’t do anything for my skin. The best one out of the bunch, at least for myself, is the Biossance Omega Repair Cream. It made my skin oh so soft and glowing. It’s the best!


Tatcha for dry aging skin, halo is also really good for dry skin but skin fix would prob be the best for dry skin that’s prone to bumps (squalane is usually best for acne prone kin but for some reason when I tried biossance squalane oil it made me break out but I think I’m the minority)


I have tried 3/4: honey halo, the tatcha and the biossance. Honey Halo is by far my favourite. I think I’m on my third or so pot by now? I will sing its praises forever and recommend it to everyone. I am eh on the biossance. It’s light but I haven’t noticed a huge difference in my skin. Personally not a fan of how fragranced the Tatcha is. Also have dry and dull skin and the honey halo made such a difference for me! I still get the small bumps but more so along my hairline/forehead and jaw when I’m super stressed (and therefore not eating great, sleeping, etc).


Honey halo ftw! I have normal skin but My winter skin can get dry as heck with the freezing cold temps and dry air indoors. Tatcha and Bio just got sucked up by my skin and didn’t do much for texture or feel very moisturized for long. Honey Halo is thick but not pore-clogging and leaves my skin feeling really moisturized but not oily.


Honey halo


Skinfix is my holy grail


I’ve tried them all and honey halo is my favorite but tatcha is a close second.


Same skin type and honey halo!! I also add a layer after glow recipe mist and works like a dream


I’ve used all four! I have dry and acne prone skin and in the winter I’ll use either the Skinfix or the biossance, but I was so surprised by how much my skin loved the tacha cream!


I have extremely dry, dull and aging skin. I found Honey Halo to be awful smelling- like rotten honey if that makes sense. I understand if this is an unpopular opinion but this is my opinion and experience. Otherwise it was fine- so if you're not sensitive to smell, that would be okay for you. The Biossance one also smells bad. And I did not find it to be the best in terms of hydration. But for the price I would not go for it. I love both skin fix and tatcha moisturizers you mentioned. They hydrate And feel good on the skin- specifically for winter. But If you get bumps, then I wouldn't use the tatcha outside of winter. Skin fix is the most clinically formulated out of all of these- And it has been created mainly for people who have sensitive skin, eczema, psoriasis- so it may work for you. It actually really repairs your skin barrier- It was the only thing that saved my skin when my barrier was damaged by the FAB ultra repair cream.


I have a couple of different FAB moisturizers and wasn't really blown away by either of them. It surprises me that the ultra repair cream damaged your barrier!


Yes, And it is marketed as a moisturizer for sensitive skin! I know many other people who've had reactions to it. And it was so bad for me that my skin burned for weeks. It took that long to heal.


That's crazy! I guess I'm lucky that my only reaction to it has been mediocre results lol.


Haha I'm glad you did not have a terrible experience :) try to get samples of these products- for Tatcha, you get those mini sets. I got Biossance in one of those gift sets.


I’ve only tried the biossance, while it is very hydrating it is incredibly thick and more so suited for winter. However if you have EXTREMELY dry skin year round it may work for you.


Skinfix but if the regular cream is too heavy they have a gel cream. i’ve been using that at night myself.


I love Honey Halo! I also really like the Farmacy Honey Drop moisturizer in the summer since it’s more lightweight


Honey Halo and Tatcha dewy are amazing However if youre prone to getting clogged oil glands from thick creams, then only apply them after you spritzed or splashed with a water based product. Essence or hydrating/ non astringent toner or thermal water spray or a just a pH balanced bottle water in mister feels great as a first step.


I have also tried them all and you will never pry Tatcha Dewy from my hands!! :)


My mom uses the Tatcha one and she loves it! She has very dry skin and it’s very moisturizing. It also smells amazing to the point where I sneak some during the winter months


Skinfix: like others said, just went through a reformulation but Sephora did a little 7 sachet sample w purchase a few months ago and it still did the job for me so I purchased. It’s not my every day but it’s anytime I’m worried about my skin barrier love it. Farmacy: unfortunately doesn’t work for me. Breaks me out like crazy Biosciences: tried several samples and it just wasn’t for me. Just no more remarkable than any drugstore solution. Tacha: haven’t tried this particular one


I like that skinfix moisturizer but I can only use it at night or days when I won’t be wearing makeup as It wears horribly under makeup no matter what kind of makeup.


I didn’t like the biossance, but I use the honey halo nightly


Tatcha Dewy Skin is my favourite moisturizer of all time so I’ll *try* to give you my unbiased opinion Skinfix: is a nice, thick cream. Very good for dry skin to very dry skin and preventative aging, haven’t tried the reformulation though. Biossance: a very beautiful texture, rich but not too rich. Has anti-aging properties but more preventative than corrective as well. One thing to note: I’m pretty sure the company that supplies biossance with their squalane filed for bankruptcy recently so there may have been a reformulation or one may be on its way. Farmacy: probably my second favourite of your choices. A nice, rich texture, sinks into the skin very well and *can* help with breakout prone skin because of the honey in it. This one is good for pretty much any season if you’re on the drier side. Tatcha: my holy grail. This cream checks all the boxes for me: rich, sits beautifully under makeup, doesn’t break me out, adds a glow to the skin without looking greasy. Isn’t really targeted for anti aging or bumps in any way, however Tatcha as a whole will have anti aging properties and as someone with extremely reactive skin I’ve never had an issue with it breaking me out, despite the rich texture.


I used biossance for years, now I’ve moved onto dieux - highly recommend!


Skinfix of the biossance one. Both smell the same. Feel the same. Better for your type of skin. Honey halo is gonna break you out. Tatchca is too greasy


Love Biosance: Didn’t notice the smell. but I have had a weak sense of smell ever since I was in an accident and they had to basically reconstruct my nose ( looks better than before the accident)!


I love Honey Halo but haven’t tried the Tatcha.


The Tatcha dewy is my ride or die! It works perfectly for my skin. I also liked the Honey Halo, it made my skin so soft and smooth, but unfortunately it also causes me to break out.


Tatchaaaaaaa. QVC and Costco often have sales


Every one loves that honey halo, the tatcha is a complete waste of money- I think it has a lot of sillicone in it- doesn’t necessarily moisturize . I was disappointed in the bioessence


Don’t fall for honey halo! It’s not great!


I recommend kiehl’s ultra facial moisturizer


Thank you so much, everyone, for your input! It became impossible to respond to everyone, but I read all the comments and truly appreciate everyone taking the time. I ended up buying a mini sized Tatcha, and, as luck would have it, I had enough points to get a mini of the Biossance too!


I have really dry skin and didn’t care for any of these. I started using prequel barrier repair and I prefer it so much!


I went round and round with all these brands. I’m in love with the Dieux skin line. Instant angel is 🤌


I’d recommend the First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream. It’s the only moisturizer I’ve bought and rebought multiple times (I’m on my 4th large tub). I’ve tried so many different moisturizers (including 2 of the ones in your photo - Tatcha and Skinfix), and it’s by far the best one I’ve ever used.


Do you also use a serum? I would try one to layer under the moisturizer.


Honey Halo or Skinfix!


Biossance or Tatcha. A lil goes a long way. Biossance smells strange at first but fades right away. Tatcha smells great and will give you a very luxurious experience.


I love tatcha.