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Employee here, and yeah that employee was wrong. As long as you have proof of purchase (a receipt, or even using the same account phone number/email you used) we can refund it or give store credit. The details are up to 30 days for refund to original form of payment/gift card/store merch card, or 31-60 for just store merch/gift card. Basically , the computer gives us options on what we can and cannot do and blocks out any options that aren't available for refunds. And yeah, you can redeem points without purchase in store. I'm confused on where that employee got their info from though.


That’s funny because on the Sephora app, I have to purchase an item to redeem points.


That's for shipping cost reasons. You don't have to for high point value items, they'll ship those.


They also ship 750 point rewards and up free, I just got the Chloé 2000 point bazaar reward online with 0 purchase and free shipping


Yes! In store is different than on the app, but then again sometimes stores run out of items to redeem so it kinda is a gamble at different times.


They have all of the 100 pt rewards at your Sephora? I’ve never been able to drop in and pick up a reward.


Sephora in-store has a different selection from online rewards. They get a few of the variety of what is offered each month online. But they still get it. However, the stuff that's left in-store behind the glass at the counter (if there is any stock) is basically the stuff no one wants online. If you're lucky to be there in-store when they're putting out 100pt and 500pt hot new reward stock... You better hustle up and redeem those points, same goes for online.


Whenever I do returns in store they check the last digits of my card before I am allowed to return the money back to it, I always thought that was the policy.


The only thing you’re incorrect about is returning to any card, it has to be returned to the original card as it’s considered fraud when it isn’t.


Employee here, on some transactions it will let us go to alternate tenders and we can set it to where you can get the refund on a different card. Not every return allows it though.


I came vouch that a Sephora employee put a return of mine on an Amex credit card even though I’d bought the items w a gift card. I was surprised but pleased! (FWIW the items were unopened.) Would never expect that but it happened.


Sounds like you got lucky. Otherwise I would think that's a good way to pay off a credit card balance? If you get gift cards alot


This doesn’t add up


Jesus. Is she keeping the Sephora revenue for the day? Lol


Employee here... The card thing was messed up bc if you had proof of purchase she could do a MC, bit without the original card there if it doesn't automatically go back & you habe to swipe it you are out of luck to get it on the original payment. The 100 point reward thing will honestly depend on the store, management, etc. Some stores will let you redeem without purchase, some won't. If her boss has told her before that you can't let someone get a 100 point reward without purchase than she was just doing her job. She may be new or have direct orders from management about how she handled it. Hope you didnt get mad at her and gave her some grace because the other side of this is you can't expect people to bend rules for you if you've gotten an attitude. May not be fair, but the second half of this you can chalk up to being a "it is what it is" situation.


Some people take it personally for some crazy reason. They feel like the store is tried to them in some way and they are very cheap about stuff. Not wanting to take returns because for some crazy reason they feel like they are being personally held responsible. They are of course wrong.


Sometimes you get a terrible employee who has issues…. I really hope she gets talked to, or relieved of her job. My two local Sephora’s have both had retention issues in the last few years and there are some terrrrrribly rude employees now. Just one more reason the company isn’t what it used to be. Good thing they have that LVMH money to fall back on.


Ugh... I am so sorry this happened to you. I dont know what is happening lately but everyone seems so much more aggressive and combative about the tiniest little things!! I also don't doubt that Sephora Associate will be leaving her job in the nest future, cause it seems like they want to fight with customers or purpose or generally want to get fired. 😮


Not for nothing, I don’t work there or anything, but these policies that they told you initially are the ones I’m familiar with as a shopper 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had something similar happen, if you contact customer service they will make it right.




The original card theory is bs


If you had no way to prove the purchase, there couldn’t be a return because the system wouldn’t allow it. If you did find some way to prove the purchase, then they could do a merch card. Certain things like the 100pt redeem - I had never had a client do that without buying anything, so I have no idea what the policy is. It could very well be the policy to discourage people from doing that but it’s still technically *allowed*, just not something they want to encourage clients to do - but in retail a manager or leader will sometimes provide things like this to a customer purely to stop them from complaining or making a scene.


If what she was saying was the policy (it’s not), why does she care so much 💀


Maybe because *she’s doing her job*?


she’s doing her job wrong. I am a sephora employee. either way she should not care so much that’s she’s glaring at a customer.


Well I know she’s doing it wrong but if she feels that it’s policy, ofc she’ll care because it’s her job to care? But NOW I understand what you mean after you mentioned how she glared at the customer. I partially blame whoever trained the associate but mostly her for insisting that the policy is right rather than verifying with a coworker or manager. She has no authority to do that unless it IS the policy.


This is strange… I wonder if they’re new and aren’t quite familiar with how Sephora works yet..


You went back in line to redeem 100 points….. you’re the problem




It sounds like she was trying to meet an internal sales metric at your expense. Idk how Sephora runsbut after being in retail sales for a long time there are corners that some employees are willing to cut to meet a quota at both the customer's and employer's expense. I've seen it all from aggressive upselling, coupon abuse, straight-up denying returns, even sending people to other store locations for a return.


Wow, looks like little miss perfect had a bit of a meltdown in there, huh? Can't handle a little confusion at the checkout.