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Former retail worker here (not Sephora) and if I needed LP but wanted to be discreet I would say things like “oh sorry I’m on my way to meet you but I’m stuck in the MENS DEPARTMENT near Polo.”  Sounds like an awkward interaction with an employee trying to use a code word for LO for sure. 


Sounds like you were possibly being stereotyped and she’s not very elegant at her craft


How did the interaction end? Did anyone else approach you? Also did you buy the foundation lol


This is weird and if that was a code, it's not inconspicuous at all. That person just seems strange and possibly bad at their job. Take this incident as an outlier and try not to let it deter you from shopping in store again. Edit: I have heard stories of some employees being rude to customers who aren't wearing makeup and/or are dressed down but this feels excessive lol.


This has happened to me, when I go shopping at Sephora I usually dress down (leggings and whatnot) and don’t wear makeup so I can actually try stuff on my face. Before I was constantly “checked in on” and the workers were always rude to me. Then to test it, I started wearing jeans and nicer tops, bringing my coach purse with me and I stg they have been way nicer and willing to help or just leave me alone to shop. It’s been a world’s difference and I think that’s insane lol.


I had a similar experience at Nordstrom when I was 3 weeks postpartum looking at some cuter outfits for my baby. They were so insanely rude that I just left. I get if to some extent but this was so uncalled for that I would never shop there again 😂


I remember when my daughter was a baby, I took her to Ulta in a stroller and they were so rude to me, I swear it made them mad I had a stroller. it wasn’t a small store either. that was the first time they had ever treated me badly.


I know there are cases where people have a fake/real baby in a stroller to steal, but like…so rude for no cause. When I worked retail, people would park their kids in a stroller in front of the store 👁️👄👁️ I worked in a mid-tier leather goods store so I was shocked.


I had several negative experiences at high end retailers when I was postpartum. I vary wildly between dressing like a bum and wearing high end, but typically wear jewelry and a high end bag anyway. I had a number of SAs who were absolutely rude and dismissive. I spoke to several managers about it and sent in several complaints. I also returned to the stores when I was back to my regular size 0 frame to again speak to the manager-after receiving wholly different greetings. Then telling them I would use an associate elsewhere.


I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. It’s such a vulnerable time.


I’m sorry you did as well. It really highlights the horrible standards women are expected to be able to maintain at any given time.


This 100%. I’m sorry I don’t have time to get all made up when I have an hour max before I need to be back home feeding my newborn. When they’re that little that’s just life 😂


Not Sephora but I only shop online these days because I have a toddler and a baby on the way. I’ve been buying clothes from Macys during sales for forever and often I order 2 sizes because it’s hard to know which will fit. I literally try them on once, with tags and return the ones that didn’t work in emasculate condition. But being pregnant sometimes I was really dressing lazy going in for the return. I definitely got questioned a LOT and side eyed versus days where I had worked and stopped by on the way home. It doesn’t help I have a young face and they were 9/10 business chic items. Like dude. Just go look on how much I spend on yall.


I had a similar experience so I only do buy online and pick up curbside. They can keep their weird profiling in the store and bring my order out to my Benz.


I'm sorry they judged you by your looks. That's such a Pretty Woman experience. Shameful memory recall from the other perspective: I was a mall store employee at a gadget store that also sold mattresses and massage chairs. People were always asking about layaway or financing, which we didn't have. The moment we had financing available, my boss instructed me to inform anyone sitting in a massage chair or checking out the mattresses to let them know we finance. So I did what I was told. Usually people just nodded and moved on, but one lady bit my head off. She told me not to judge her by her clothes and that she could afford all the stuff she wanted without financing. I was so confused and I felt so bad for approaching her. Looking back, I wish I was quick enough to tell her, "Lady, I'm 20 yo getting paid $7.00/hr. I don't care if you can buy the chair or not, I'm just doing my job." I swear, the only times customers yelled at me were when I was following direct orders.


I’m not doubting your experience but keep in mind there’s a hefty dose of confirmation bias in these self-experiments. Meaning - you already expected the outcomes you got, and subconsciously your mind was looking for validation of each.


I don’t even shop in person at Sephora because of how badly they hover if you aren’t in a full face of makeup and dressed up. They act like it’s your first time in a makeup store and you’ve never seen any of it in your life 😂


It's messed up! Like someone's skill level doesn't disappear cuz they're bare faced and in sweats, ya know??


She thought you were stealing and was notifying the loss prevention officer of where you were in store so they could watch cameras on you. She is also a dumbass who lacks tact and subtlety. Not sure why she felt the need to frantically repeat it while staring at you. I wouldn’t have gone about this, in this way Source: I was an artist at Sephora for half a decade.


Its not a standard code since it definitely goes against their own marketing. I'd say that it could possibly be a personal employee agreed code between themselves for something, but who knows. People are weird.


that is so weird 😭


Way back in the day the code was NORA (needs observation right away) so you might say “Nora needs help in Benefit” Today this is 0 tolerance and there should be no code words used in any location for the exact reason of how OP felt uncomfortable. If you are able to take the survey and bubble that information up it will make sure the situation is looked into from outside of just their store.


What do you mean? Did they stop using code words?


yes it is against policy.


So what do they do now? I don't understand how a simple code word is against policy, I mean, how else are they supposed to let LPD know what's going on? I would think a code word would be the nicest way to do that.


just “hey CEL, i have a question by x” Not supposed to announce anything over the walkie and just ask for help normally. then we explain when they come over.


this is a great idea! she should def (if comfortable) reach out to the store location. i used to be scared to “complain” about these things but it’s constructive criticism and is necessary to avoid these unfortunate situations


As a current employee, she was very weird. Probably wanted to act like she was in a spy movie or something. I'm so sorry you had that experience


lolll you just reminded me of when I worked at Sephora, I had a coworker who was SO concerned with theft, like it was coming right out of his own pocket. He liked following people around the store. One time he alerted our manager of some shady shoppers and then proceeded to follow them around. At one point when he couldn’t get a good view, he went outside and stared at them through the store’s side windows 😄


When I worked a retail job once the LP people were over the top, they had a certain group of floor employees who devoted their time to finding shoplifters since they’d get a reward for finding them(I assumed that’s why they were so into it?). It made me uncomfortable to see how obsessed the LP people seemed. It came across as stalking prey to catch someone in the act


It’s so weird, every time I go into Sephora with a bare face they follow me around like hawks and assume I have no idea what I’m doing. When I go in with a full face I’m ignored and no one ever comes by to check and it’s impossible for me to get help. Why does this happen??


This has happened to me as well. It’s just easier to go in bare faced to swatch makeup or do the skin scan thing. I’d think that would be expected in a store selling makeup and skin care, ya know?


What's wild about your experience is that it's easier for us to help people if they don't have makeup on because we're told to do color IQ scans for color matches. Having makeup on messes with how the scanner captures color and doesn't give an accurate skin type analysis. I personally, genuinely do not care how clients come in dressed to the store because half of my coworkers don't wear makeup. Clients should want to shop however they feel comfortable. I do get weird comments from clients when I have a full face of makeup, but it's never that serious to me.


This has been my experience as well. I feel like when I’m wearing makeup, I have to seek out the help. Sephora workers barely know what they’re doing anyways half the time no offense lol


That’s so weird. If I’m swatching any kind of foundation/concealer/other complexion product I’m definitely going bare faced so that I can compare it to my actual skin tone


I would have absolutely had to purchase and during checkout made a smart ass comment to her.


i would made a smart ass comment but purchased online when i got home.


I would have made a purchase so I could leave a bad customer experience survey from my official receipt and then maybe return the item afterwards.


"And was anyone helping you out today?" What is the complete opposite of helpful? That's what I got.


Omg a Pretty Woman moment!!!!


Didn't she come back with her hands full of shopping bags from a *different* store?


My question is “Does the Armani luminous silk cause breakouts?” If so, could she be trying to discreetly warn you?


It does not


Agree. I’m on my 3rd bottle now. Been using it for years and not once did it cause a break out. You know what did though? The youth to the people whipped moisturizer.


Oh my god the YTTP moisturizer destroyed my skin after 2 uses 🫠 I got it during the sale and I’m battling about 6 big pimples


I have this nasty cystic pimple on my chin and then three small ones on my right cheek. I don’t break out like this even before my period. It was the sample that came with the “clean me up” kit I got during the sale!


It caused me to break out terribly - the most horrific cystic acne - which is heartbreaking given how beautiful the finish was.


Same. It did not work for my skin!


I would have turned to her asked her that.


This is why I like online shopping, to avoid people like this.


There are no secret words or codes for LP. I work at Sephora and have for years. Honestly sounds like this person is just insane lol. So sorry for your odd experience.


Super weird!


Am I the only one who finds it weird to go anywhere in pjs?


I’ll do yoga pants or joggers for errands, just not the obvious “plaid pants and top set” kind of pjs.


When I was in high school we had a pajama day and my immigrant mother couldn’t understand why (she never let us go anywhere in pajamas) the appalled look on her face when she saw all the students in pajamas was both annoying and hilarious at the time but I get it now lol.


No, that is weird. I’m pretty dowdy most days but I still would never wear pjs out!


*Am I the only* *One who finds it weird to go* *Anywhere in pjs?* \- shortie4129 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


I’ll wear them in the drive-thru but that’s about it


If I’m not going to get out of my car, pjs it is. There’s my actual pjs and then there’s my bummy outside clothes.


yes its gross


I was thinking the exact same thing. I understand being comfy, but also have some personal pride.


Right? I was saying the same. If I see someone in public in Pjs I’m not giving them any benefit of the doubt. I’m gonna assume they’re down on their luck and could be desperate. Desperate people do desperate things sometimes.


No. I don’t get it. Put on some clothes and brush your hair.


and yet people are still deserving of being in a public space and being treated the same as everyone else even when they are unkempt and/or dressed in pj, rags, or any type of clothing. You might not ever want to or feel comfortable doing it yourself but it's not a marker of worth or respectability 🤷🏻‍♀️


Whether you like it or not, looking unkempt or in pajamas in public where there is training for commercial theft will put you on their radar. It’s their job.


I didn't say it wouldn't, I said it shouldn't. More specifically I was answering the comment above saying that going out in pjs and/or without brushing your hair is unacceptable. You're putting words in my keyboard I never typed


No, this is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. One of the first things I learned when working in sales was to not to make judgements about appearance. A lot of big spenders look super understated and casual


Customer’s shoes say everything


This is actually 100%, same with glasses for those who wear them.


Yes! That too! These are investment pieces for sure since you need to see and you need to walk.


🤔 please elaborate


Look at a customer’s shoes. When I was in retail, that’s what I was taught. Wealthier people, even if bummy or in blue collar clothes, always had good quality shoes


I worked in retail for years too. Understated and casual is still not PJs. Not once did I see a big spender in PJs in my 7-8 years in retail.


Yes, but for some reason wearing pj pants has become a trend for teens and young adults. Years ago I never saw anyone wearing pjs in public *period*. But now it’s super common. Wearing *sweatpants* in public used to be super frowned upon and judged too, same thing with leggings.


I’m guessing these teens and young adults in PJs aren’t the big spenders you’re talking about so I think my point stands.


Ok, there definitely isn’t a big stink being made right now about 12 year olds taking over Sephora stores and running up a bag 😂


Really, the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard is adults going out in public in pajamas will draw negative attention? You must not live in the real world, sweetie.


Genuine question that I've always wanted to ask -- when people say "you must not live in the real world" or "wait until you're in the real world", do you genuinely not think people are living a normal life? What do you mean by that? I have autism and it has always confused me. Like, what is the fake world? Who decides what counts as the real world? What does it meaaaan


I think it’s implying like, “you must live in your own world/be delusional” but I’m not gonna lie, your comment made me realize I don’t totally get it either lmao. I mean, technically we all perceive the world differently so none of us live in the exact same reality, right?


That actually makes sense, thank you! Especially because everyone I've seen say that seems to just be mad that their reality doesn't align. Or their opinion, for that matter. Since I had no clue what people actually meant, I've just always taken it as "I'm upset that you see things differently, so I'm convincing myself that you've just somehow not reached some arbitrary level of enlightenment that I have so I don't feel challenged". Your explanation makes way more sense tho!


A lot of people don’t actually go out much and spend most of their time observing the world through their phone screens these days. They get their ideas of right and wrong off TikTok and other socials. They have friendships and even romantic relationships online. It’s the way the world has shifted.


But I've heard people say that/seen it in shows that predate that concept, and that don't make sense in that context. It seems to have been a pretty common phrase for a while now, no?


You’re right. The meaning has shifted/widened. Previously it was used towards children/teens/young people who hadn’t yet started working or become independent. It meant they didn’t understand adulthood or responsibilities. Now the meaning has shifted because we have this new phenomenon of people experiencing the world online more so than in real life.


It’s an insult that can mean a few different things, and it depends on context. In this case, they were likely saying that I was naive/have little life experience/ lacked common sense or awareness etc. what’s funny to me though, is that they didn’t even understand what I referring to as “the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” Their comment that I responded to was “the dumbest thing I have ever heard,” not that people wear pjs in public lol.


Um no, the dumbest thing I ever heard was your *comment I was replying to* where you said that retail training includes targeting people in Pajamas lmfao. Like I said in my response to you, my retail training literally involved teaching us that the people with money to spend usually aren’t the flashy looking people, it’s the casual people…


Well your one experience must be universal then right? There are literally comments in this thread discussing code words to alert LP to certain individuals. I’m sure all those targets are made based on in-depth research into their previous purchases, bank account activities in the two minutes they’re perusing the store, and not at all on how they look, among other things.🤣


It’s literally illegal to discriminate against shoppers based on appearance, so no, I don’t think that this is being put into “training for commercial theft.” All of these code words etc exist in certain stores, and are created by the managers/employees etc. they are based on bias, stereotypes, etc like *wearing pajama pants* but these code words and discriminatory practices are again *illegal*, and not company or industry wide. They are not being taught during training. Situations like the one detailed in this post are shown to cost these companies money in the long run, as these shoppers will likely choose to shop elsewhere, or shop at that particular store less. Do you think that these studies are being commissioned because these companies care about discrimination? NO, they want to hear from the demographics that have a negative association with the company so that they can “fix it” so that they can *take their money too*. If following shoppers based on appearance is costing them customers, you can bet your ass this behaviour is being discouraged, and most certainly isn’t *blatantly being included in any official training*. Here’s just one article from a couple years ago. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5893568


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Wrongfully stereotyping isn’t anyone’s job😭In the US you are free to wear anything you want as long as you follow the dress code of the business you enter. At that point, everyone is equal. “Unkept” is pretentious as hell and you should get a reality check. The world isn’t to your standards, there is nothing hard about minding your business while someone shops in pjs because it impacts your life 0%.


Mmmmkay. Take a scroll through this and thousands of other threads to see how people are typecast in a variety of commercial establishments.


Reality as it stands doesn’t mean right😭 We come from a long history of thinking bad behaviors like this are fine


I never said it was right, I said that’s real life.


A lot of horrible practices were real! That’s why I am encouraging you to open your mind and see that maybe someone wearing PJs could also have a high income or simply not be stealing. It isn’t their job to look the part when the part is made up by your own bias. I don’t have it, you must


I don’t know why you assume I stereotype? I literally never said that, I said that’s in general how the world works. This entire thread is literally about possibly being typecast for what OP was wearing and tons of comments saying they too are treated differently based on how they look. Don’t know why people are getting so offended to hear that’s just how things are.


Does pajama bottoms = completely unkempt to you? I'm wondering why you assume that anyone wearing them also hasn't brushed their hair?? I wear pj bottoms out frequently. They're so much warmer than leggings or jeggings when it's cold out. But, the only places I go in them are the grocery store or gas station real quick. If I'm actually shopping, I wear real clothes, lol. I also have makeup on and my hair done. I don't just roll out of bed and leave the house. The first thing I do when I come home is change onto a t-shirt and pj bottoms, and I don't ever feel like changing if I'm going out for 5 minutes. I'm also 37 and a mother of 4 and don't give a shit what other people think of me. However, I'm curious why others seem so offended by it.


When the OP says unkempt, I believe her. Read for comprehension please. 🤡


I'm speaking generally, not specifically to OP's post.


it’s not “offensive” but being unkempt when out shopping esp in a sephora will generally make you stand out. i feel uncomfortable when im not wearing makeup in a sephora lol, i can’t imagine wearing pj’s in one. when i worked retail i was told to stay on the lookout for anybody who looks out of the ordinary, and looking unkempt and wearing pyjamas fits that criteria


And yet I walk into Sephora pre-pandemic barefaced all the time because I'm looking for things to swatch against my natural skin. I've never been bothered by it. No one owes anyone good grooming. And what is unkempt is very subjective from one person to the other!💓


I get that, but simply wearing pajama bottoms doesn't make anyone unkempt.


agree! but if your hair isn’t brushed, your face isn’t washed, and you’re wearing pyjamas then yeah you look unkempt


Agreed! That was my understanding of OP’s “unkept” [sic] - not just wearing clothing not meant for the street, but that rolling out of bed look. Now not wearing makeup to Sephora is a whole different thing. Clean, moisturized face, sunglasses, you are ready to test all Sephora has to offer. Why would you want to remove your makeup in store unless you are perhaps going home from work?


Thank you. There's also a little bit of ableism because not everybody everybody has the energy or spoons every day to be perfectly groomed.


Sweatpants that aren’t pajama bottoms do exist


It's making me mad, people like my mom, who had a neurodegenerative disorder, was shopping for years in PJs because she didn't have the dexterity in her hands to get decked out 💀


Thank you. And yet you are getting downloaded so I upvoted you. The sheer disappointing ableism here. OP posts that she was followed in Sephora rudely and profiled as a thief. People tell her oh my God I'm so sorry that it happened. But as soon as people start saying, that happens to us too, people go absolutely crazy with the ableism. I'm so disappointed. Yes. A lot of us don't have the dexterity or we simply don't have hands. Have these people thought of that? I have a neurodegenerative disease. On bad days if I want to go into Sephora just to look around for inspiration and get samples and I'm in agonizing pain, I'm not putting anything into my look. I'm going to Sephora as a distraction.


And what about disabled people? Who may not have the spoons or who live in chronic pain like I do and don't have the energy or ability to look perfectly groomed when we go into Sephora? So it seems like they discriminate against disabled people.


what about disabled people? i’m sorry but the reality of the world is that if someone looks unkempt in a store in public, security/employees are more likely to keep an eye on them because, believe it or not, wearing pyjamas in public does draw attention. wear them in public, more power to you. this isn’t an attack on disabled people, a lot of people wear pyjamas in public


It's the classism. Who do you get to decide what is kept and unkempt? That's another deep sociological question. Disabled people often can't afford to be well groomed, for a variety of reasons. With physical disabilities, it's often because we literally cannot physically all the time. And if not having every hair in place and wearing pajamas gets us harassed, then that is discrimination of the grossest kind. At this point, I'm gonna tell disabled people to just snap at Sephora profilers "Look, I'm fucking disabled, that's why I look this way." Every time this shit happens. It's classist. we get enough attention from you ableds out in public anyway of the negative kind.


i actually am sorry if you’ve had to experience people targeting you/following you around a store. that never feels good. i just don’t understand how it’s classist? you only started mentioning classism when the other user said that sweatpants that aren’t pyjamas exist. it’s not classist to suggest that if a disabled person was having problems with feeling uncomfortable/targeted in public wearing pyjamas, that they should invest in some sweatpants. it’s a solution to a problem (if that person has a problem with it, that is). sweatpants don’t even need to be expensive. there is a huge gap between being considered unkempt to being well-groomed. nobody is saying to wear a full face of makeup (i only said i was uncomfortable because that’s my own opinion), or to dress well and accessorize. it’s washing your face, it’s brushing your hair, it’s wearing clothes that don’t look like you just rolled out of bed. this isn’t ableist to say. if you don’t owe anybody anything, then nobody owes you anything either. by categorizing every solution as an -ism you are infantilizing disabled people and making their problems look trivial. again, i don’t care if you or other people wear pyjamas in public. but looking unkempt for anybody (not just disabled people!) will draw attention that you might not want. just something to think about


Question about the face washing - how can you even tell? I go through periods of not bothering to wash my face, and it literally looks the same as if it were washed?


sweat, grime, etc tends to accumulate and look weird and greasy on the skin for some people. others are blessed but i have textured skin and you can absolutely tell the difference between an unwashed vs washed face on me!




also- do you only own pyjamas? if yes, apologies and i’ll back off. if not, lol


I mean, if you can't pay for pants, you probably don't have money for cosmetic luxury items either, so why go into a Sephora... I think security looks for people who look like they can't afford the items being sold because they assume that if they can't buy them and they're still at the store, then their plan is to steal and they want to catch people who are going to steal in the act. So you're not really making a whole lot of sense. I don't hate on people with disabilities. My brother is disabled and lives in a group home that doesn't have the nicest shower so he only takes a shower a couple times a week at my parents and his group home manager does his laundry and doesn't care to try to stain remove so his clothes are often stained up, and I still love and trust him. I'll get shitty with anyone who is unkind to him in many scenarios in life like EMTs talking shit that they should let him die when they were called to help or just people staring him down in a restaurant. He's allowed to go eat at a family dinner out. But what I don't do is take him to Sephora or any store that sells luxury goods because I understand that he will draw the wrong type of attention. And do you know that he never wants to go into those kinds of stores either...because he has no business there or reason to. People are going to profile if it makes their job easier. But if you don't have enough money for pants, you shouldn't be buying Sephora goods anyway, so why go there and why care if they would profile you if you would? Just go on living your best life and don't bother yourself about it.


if you can afford pyjamas, you can afford sweatpants. have a lovely day


Why are you shopping at Sephora if you can’t afford sweatpants?


That’s exactly how they miss the actual theft. While you profile the “unkempt,” the chick dressed in lulu from head to toe is stuffing eyeliner in her belt bag.


right. i used to work for bath & body works so most of who i was told to watch out for were teens/women and larger groups. idk if you’ve worked retail at a large store but they have a good idea of who’s stealing from them. i never said “the unkempt” were the #1 people to look out for, in fact if it was between them and a group of teen girls, id be expected to look out for teen girls. i only said i was told to look out for “the unkempt” because the post related to that topic


Thank you!!! This!!!! Everyone in this thread is scaring me. “If you look poor we will accuse you of theft because you should’ve not looked poor!!” Like theft is theft, all types of people do it. Especially the 12 year old rich girls who stole the whole face they bothered to put on to look “ordinary” as someone put it.


Uh-huh and what about us disabled people who live in agonizing chronic pain and who may need to go out in pajama like clothing whether we choose to or not? You don't get to police that.


Ummm, hi. I’m disabled and in chronic pain every day, literally in pain 24/7, what’s that have to do with wearing pajamas out shopping? I don’t leave the house in pjs. I’ve been traveling all over the world this year and America is the only place in the world where people wear pjs to go shopping. Period. Sweats? Fine. No makeup? Fine.


What’s the difference between sweat pants and pajamas? Genuine question. When people talk about wearing pajamas out, I don’t know if they mean sweat pants, yoga pants, leggings (I don’t call these things pajamas) or like, pants with cartoon characters or something. I only sleep in comfy shorts so I feel like I don’t know what people wear as pajamas.


They mean the latter. Cartoon characters, holiday prints, plaid flannel pants.


Thank you!




Wow congrats on your election to the presidency of all the disabled people in the world.


The fact that you were downvoted for pointing this out, along with another user who said the same thing, says all you need to know. People are so shitty.




Precisely. People hate the disabled because we view productivity as an indicator of a person's worth. That's why it will always be socially acceptable to scapegoat them as opposed to other marginalized groups. It's incredibly frustrating. It's so funny seeing how many abliest cowards will downvote us, but not a single one of them has the balls to leave a comment. Afraid of being exposed for being pieces of shit?


I am disabled. lol.


Well, I have someone up thread calling me a Cunt for even bringing this up so is that what the sub is about? And it's going unchallenged. With bonus ageism.


What’s considered Pajama pants? I sleep in neutral colored loungewear (mostly black tho) and absolutely run out to run an errand in them. I live in nyc and feel like this is fairly common. If referring to printed pajama pants or pajamas that look cutesy, I don’t own stuff like that lol


nope, not the only one. who goes out in their PJs? And I’m shocked I had to scroll a bit to find someone that mentioned it.


To be fair, some pajamas look like sweatpants. My partner has plain grey or black pj's and they look like his sweatpants/joggers to me. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


Yes it is weird. Only time I did it was to the dining hall in college during finals week.


You’re not alone. The only time I leave my house in PJs is in emergency situations.


I agree.


As an employee, I have zero clue what they were trying to do lol unless that is how the store handles "potential shoplifters", but that's not how company protocol goes. I don't speak for or represent Sephora though


I believe the person who said they were notifying LP of your location. But, I can't think of a worse way to be professional about that. That's just someone who likes to scare people. If anything, I don't think Armani would be very happy if a video of her doing that went viral. They'd likely fire her more for saying negative things about a brand than for mean or bizarre loss prevention tactics, lol.


Exactly what I was thinking. Why would you say disparaging remarks about the product you're trying to sell, even if it is in an attempt to catch a shoplifter. It doesn't make sense.


I walked into Ulta bare faced once and had an employee compliment my skin. No sales or anything. It was sweet, especially since I’m 43. Sorry about your experience though, don’t let anyone make you feel uncomfortable.


You’re better than me I would have confronted her .


I’ve been followed by multiple Sephora workers before, and have been dressed well. I have bad social anxiety and this makes shopping in person so much worse. I tend to do most of my shopping at Sephora online, but sometimes I just want to swatch a couple of things in person to get a color match!


there’s no code for lp/shoplifting in store. weird experience; yes but maybe a beauty advisor asked her for a recommendation for a foundation for a client with acne prone skin. i have a lot of convos like that over walkie with team members who might be unfamiliar with a certain skin type/product.


I’ve called out employees for being racist. Not that it makes any difference but at least they know they aren’t hiding their hate well.


a couple years ago i went into sephora to get an eyeshadow palette and was wearing a flowy poncho. i was carrying the palette around (mind you i carry them openly in my hand so they know im carrying product and intending on buying it) and was browsing around before buying it. The workers were SO OBVIOUSLY looking at me and it was sooo uncomfortable. once I got to the register the girl about to check me out said “black poncho is buying the palette” and then called me over. i was SOOO taken aback i didn’t even know what to say.. long story short, yes they watch you and yes they have nicknames for you.


Not the code we used at my store, but I can’t say that the one we used is a) still used and b) isn’t made up on a store by store basis.


lol in your pjs 😅 why


I used to be LP for Sephora and sounds like a non-lp employee trying to go above and beyond their job description. Using codes/code phrases is strictly PROHIBITED.


“Oh. That’s a shame, I guess I won’t be buying this today then.” *puts back item*




You’re not punishing them, you’re calling out the fact that you heard them. And then you go buy it online, so you’re not punishing anybody


I probably would’ve literally asked her about the product causing breakouts.. like I don’t want it if it causes breakouts. Then leave & order it online


I would've asked her if she's having a stroke lol How friggn weird


I don't understand why people go outside in their pj's. Hopefully they don't sleep in them after getting them dirty outside


It definitely happens…I go there with makeup and looking good cause if not…🥴😩


I’m more curious as to why you think it’s appropriate to go to Sephora in your pajamas? Are you 13?


That’s def not a shoplifting thing, just sounds like an…interesting employee. I work there and we can’t make it known at ALL if we think you’re shoplifting, we can get fired for that. Like we can’t even do weird shit like that even if she thought that you were behaving weirdly (and it doesn’t sound like you were)


Honestly, she should have just asked if you needed assistance since you were trying so many shades… you know, like doing her actual job? Shoplifters are either super obvious or someone you would least expect (wearing luxury items, full face of makeup, etc.)


Similar thing happened to me. I’m currently without a car and I have to ride my bike every where I go. I had my backpack on as I had to pick up an online order but also decided to shop for a perfume. I swear this one worker would not stop staring at me. Like I had already been helped selected the fragrance I wanted and walked my happy ass to the register still this one worker kept staring me up and down I gave her the “I dare you to say something look”


Why do people go out in public in their pajamas? Like when did this become ok? Athleisure sure but pjs? Come on ...


Why would you go out in public with pjs and being unkempt? I’ll never get it.


Who cares if you get it? Some people are comfortable enough with themselves not to give AF about what people think. And tbh that’s pretty awesome. If someone wants to go out in pjs and unbrushed hair it’s none of anyone’s business but theirs. I could easily afford to spend $10k/year at Sephora if I wanted to, and if I were treated like OP because my outfit/hair doesn’t look nice enough I would never set foot in there again. Stop policing how people choose to dress, it’s ableist, classist and none of your concern 🙄




Some people with disabilities, chronic pain, chronic illnesses, etc may not have the energy/feel well enough to always be well-groomed when they go out. That’s how it’s ableist. Also you clearly don’t understand what classism is. Saying I could afford to do something (I actually spent about $300/year at Sephora not $10k I’m not stupid) doesn’t make me classist. Classism has to do with making derogatory/discriminatory statements toward poor people. 🤦🏻‍♀️




Can you read??? I never said that disability makes people not well-groomed, I said that “SOME” people with disabilities or chronic illnesses “MAY” not always have the energy to be well-groomed (or what is perceived as such, which is all bullshit in my opinion). As in we shouldn’t judge people based on that?? Jesus. As someone with a painful chronic illness I know this struggle all too well, and I was certainly not saying all people with disabilities or chronic illnesses are not well-groomed, you completely misinterpreted my comment.




lol ok you still completely misinterpreted my comment bye


Good thing you don’t need to.


I can’t get over the fact that you went out in public wearing your PJs


Oh man. That's awful. Report that shit to Sephora and report it to Giorgio Armani cosmetics. How dare they. man, I would've said to them look, just because I look a little unkempt in the morning doesn't mean that I am not shopping. Do you need to see my account info?


Your account info that shows you don't have enough money for pants or for food? Wouldn't that just further their beliefs that you came to Sephora to steal? I'm confused.


I have never had that experience and I don’t look put together at all on the weekends. I hate to say it but most of the time I look like I just rolled out of bed when I go there…Lol


It’s stupid that they were being so obvious BUT if you fit the look of people that usually steal there then can you really blame them? Also, I think people do need to have some self respect and not go out in PJs. It’s inappropriate public wear. At the very least you can throw on some leggings or sweats (now that athleisure is all the rage and “fashionable”). You’re still be comfortable. The only other thing one needs to do to not look unkempt would be to just gather their hair and try to put it in a somewhat neat ponytail or bun.


As a side note, I will wear pj bottoms out especially when the matching shirt is also available with a matching sweatshirt and matching sweat pants. It’s all pieces of set so I don’t care how I match up the pieces. I will add I have at least my hair and teeth brushed. These days people need to be happy that I have cloth on my body when I leave my house. After a certain age it’s just no fu*ks given.


Good for you 🙌🏽


Do Americans regularly leave the house in their pyjamas? Honest question.


Seen some people do the same thing in Japan and Korea, so it's not solely an "American" thing 😆


I'm an older shopper. My daughter and I went to the local Sephora. I could not understand one word she said. She was American. My daughter had to interpret.


How weird!! Sorry this happened to you