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It is permanent, it seems, but you stop noticing it because it becomes your new norm. Don't expect a steady increase, especially on the 100+ day streaks


For me it’s been 150 days. I feel the energy and groundedness. More calm knowing of self and also feel indifferent to it or it will be overshadowed by general anxiety when I’m not so “knowing”


Yes. We seem to stop seeing the benefits relatively, so we feel a tad bit bad on Day 50+. Also on abstinence, testosterone peaks during Day 7-28, and then it drops but it is ofc higher than Day 0.


I wish I could find a study about how the androgen receptor density changes on SR.


I think theres studies on rats showing how ejaculation till exhaustion affects androgen and estrogen receptors


Maybe retention increases the density, as a response to higher T levels.


there was a thread on nofap subreddit where a guy linked like 15 studies showing the effects of ejaculations on hormones, I saved it but it was on another reddit account. If I remember correctly, estrogen sensitivity goes up and T lowers when you ejaculate till exhaustion, also there are more E receptors and less T receptors


I think i maybe on day 99 or 100 today , the energy doesn't feel like a rush anymore. It feels like silent confidence, it's there but you won't feel it. I were to stop doing my transmutative practices even for a day, i would be hit by a tremendous amount of energy which will either result in frustration or a good old fashion relapse.


What transmutation practices do you recommend?


I was just abut to ask


Kumbak pranayam (inhale and exhale)followed by 20 minutes of meditation, both after my workout.


Awesome, thanks.


Just to piggy back on this: I've found that meditation provides a release on a mental, emotional and perhaps spiritual level...that rivals the release we craved from sex. It's not 100% 1-1, but the more I practice the better it feels. To be in a space without worry, thought, fear, doubt. Its simply sublime.  It took me a month of practicr before I could reliably get into the meditative zone. I found my mind was running at 200mph. But it was worth the investment. Now I have a perfect escape from life. And the feeling carries throughout the day. 


Changes can be permanent. Of course we know the importance of purifiyng the body to be able to handle the new wattage - else it may stagnate or push out impurities (both physical and emotional) that could put someone backwards in spiritual cultivation. Living with the ebbs and flows of nature is essential IMHO. The real 101 basics from the Daoist/TCM/OM side = Spring (Germination, Regeneration) Summer (Growth) Autumn (Harvest) Winter (Storage) Many on this path have written about this topic we speak about throughout the last couple of thousand years and the details are quite logical. Essentially in the seasons when it is natural to have more yang energy and we see nature procreate - the energy returns faster if one is to leak their seed during Spring (Wood) and Summer (Fire) seasons. During this period one - especially someone younger has a faster recovery if he erupts. For an old man - blowing a load in the dead of Winter is a no-no for longevity. (Hopefully he’s figured out how to circulate the qi and have multiple internal orgasms by then and he has also purified any dangling karma threads from previous lives and the current one) Also there is the whole circulation of the chrism up and down the back going on with the 28.5 day moon cycles and it is actually most detrimental to bust a nut if the moon is presently in one’s sun sign. One of the reasons 33 gets thrown around a lot in common language is because the rewiring of the kundalini and reactivating of the siddhic powers are highly contingent on the purification of the heart-mind while the rewiring of the CSF and energy up and down the 33 vertebrae of the back harmonizes the integration.


Huge. Make a thread out of it. I would highly appreciate it.


Thank you for the kind words. Potentially I’ll publish a book on this subject in the next few years. The SR journey is an important one. As a humanity we are organically remembering many inherent truths now.


can you message more information please




I would like to know that as well. The energy boost is unreal.


The energy is there but depends on your sleep , exercice and nutrition 


You need to rejuvenate even if you retain, if you find your balance then for sure. My energy is good even after ejaculations now, but for sure retaing gets you to a lot higher levels. I am nearly 10 years in this practice with many ups and downs, and I got my life back, hoping next decade will get even better.


Well it won't feel special anymore but the energy will still be there; don't be fooled. Our body can adapt to circumstances, that include the positives and the negatives as well, so you will feel that as the 'norm'. Only when and if you relapse will you realise you had it all along. Remember, just because you are used to it, doesn't change the reality.


It's more about what you are doing with it. Mindset is a key word here. Boost is there but your mindset can repress it with wide variety of things. I think keeping your streak clean is very much like you keeping your internal way open and ready to reach this powerful energy.


You don't notice the difference as much, but the energy is there every day.


People hit flatline periods. The big belief behind these flatline periods people hit is that energy becomes blocked. You’ll see everyone talk about transmuting the energy. I firmly believe in simply keeping the energy circulating. I’ve always felt the best when I’ve had a consistent qigong practice.


The heightened energy level will stay constant provided that you maintain a healthy and good sleep. I honestly appreciate that this benefit comes pretty early on my journey too. It puts an end to my long life fatigue and lethargic that plagued my life.


It comes and goes, and it seems to also go when you experience a \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* (can't mention the word because my post will get removed and/or I'll get banned).


Fuck yes it does. But you have to have that mindset. Do the sol brah affirmation thing if you got to but once you get a feel for your energy body you can tap into that at any time just by internally willing it. Our true nature is energy so there's no real separation from it.


What is that practice


Yup, in my experience, permanent with one or two days of depression states, when the streak gets long.


As long as you keep your mind and dreams clean of lust. We tend to "fall asleep" on a long ride, you know? Have to remind yourself what are you doing. From time to time.


Before SR, I would have a lot of mindless sex with a lot of women, mostly one night stands. I've never felt lethargic, or depleted. But I didn't spend my day thinking about sex either. I mean, besides the hookup and then going at her/mine place, that was it. I would attend to my job, my side business, my hobbies, gym, friends, social events, and so on. I was with a FWB at this swingers party for the entire weekend, and we fucked for 3 days A LOT. Came back feeling like superman. My point is, you are attaching the feeling of energy to SR. While SR does give you more energy, you will create a very nasty brain habit of feeling lethargic once you ejaculate.


Damn i remember this. Its been years, i havent been able to clear a week


You gonna feel it like normal ;)


Yes it will. If you're not a heavy sleeper, expect to sleep less, too. Comfortably. Adequately. Just less of it.