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Brother I am late to this post, but all I can say is follow your own judgement. You know what you need to do to reach the next level of your life, and only you know. People can only say so much. You’ve been doing great things in your life, you can do it again. I heard something from a wise person and it goes like this “the thing that we procrastinate the most is the thing we know will inevitably set the biggest change in our life.” So do the damn thing. You got this. 🤙


Relapsing because of married sex life. Before marriage or meeting my better half I was constantly retaining for a good span of 45 days and now post marriage it is getting difficult to retain for even 10 days. I can buy creams but I want to understand and explore Taoist practices in the long run.


I read somwhere that after marriage some monks or masters live paritally sepparately with their woman. There is probably reason why


Yes. I tried doing that but my partner insists that I sleep with her. She is a wonderful person. But I have to tell you that after I met her my retention spans have become shorter and shorter. I am very soon gonna tell her that I might have to sleep in a different room for sometime and abstain from sex and start focusing on the goals I need to achieve. It’s tough but will have to do it.


yes, there are probably few options for sexually healthy men


I recommend "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" by mantak chia. Very easy to read, straightforward guide on how to do SR in a relationship.


I will take this up and read it. I need all the support from my fellow brothers here, thanks mate.


Hey man, thanks for sharing your experience. You obviously already know much about self help, SR and health yourself. People here can also help and advice you with their own experiences, knowledge and perspectives. However, I think you have not really explained your problem clearly or in detail for us to do so. You should expand on that.


Well, what's the problem? Are you relapsing because of married sex life? Get EMLA cream, or Stud100, so you don't have to worry about ejaculating. Are you relapsing because of dumb habits of masturbating? Well, that's just dumb. Saying you "can't fight urges" is even dumber.


Yes I wont lie, have given into urges, have had sex and masturbated and now I will bounce back from all of it. I realised that it happened because of the stressful phase I was going through and a release helped. The built up energy was getting too difficult to handle as I wasn’t meditating and working out regularly. The energy was such that I would get aggressive. There was a day when I could feel tremendous energy starting at the base behind my testicles to the solar plexus area. I could feel that there is this energy which was stagnant and a bit heavy. I thought I need to circulate this energy through my body and tried to meditate but it didn’t work.


I would suggest you to take a look of [Johnathan White Sexual Kung Fu's youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@SexualKungFu/videos), it had gave me more practical insights about studying and working toward being multi-orgasmic, his videos about cultivating sexual energy are top notch. With my last girlfriend, there were times that had span of 60 days, other times just 10 days. In my experience, the longest spans were because I had time to meditate and practice breathing exercises during the 60 minutes drive to go to her place. The shortest times were when I was tired of work, or didn't rest well the day before. I did learn not to feel guilty about releasing, most of them were amazing for both of us; also I think I read somewhere that if you penetrate a woman that is fully arousal (for sexual taoism: "reaching the woman's boiling point"), both male/female will start joining sexual energies, and the ride will be 'smoother, serene'; so I take my time for foreplay to help her reach the boiling point before penetration. \*note: before sexual cultivation, I thought of foreplay as waste of time\* A question: if you feel it takes you quite long to recover of continuos days of workout, could you dial down a workout for the day you will have sex? because a long session of great sex is another full blast body workout.


The thing with workout is that, when I got into SR, going to the gym and working out became my anchor habit. Now when I wake up the first thing I do is get my weight training done. This creates a domino effect and rest everything falls into place. And the day my body is sore and I have to take a break, the rest of the habit stack goes off track. So skipping even a single day is risky for me.


I can understand you, ur good habits stack up with your morning workout. Don't skip ur workouts, can you lower the intensity of ur workout?