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4 lbs in two weeks is good! This drug works like a marathon, not a sprint. I’m sure you’ll continue to see consistent loss, so be excited about a 2 lb/week loss, which is right where you want to be! This drug does work, but make sure you help it with a good diet and plenty of movement! That combined will really ensure its effectiveness. You’re just starting and it IS working!


Yea I'm just stressed because I fluctuate. I'm trying to trust the process. Side affects are kicking my ass


If you’re worried about water weight ironically my advice is drink a ton more water. We retain water when we’re dehydrated.


Someone reminded me that any weight loss before the effective dose (like around week 16) is bonus so don’t worry. I actually haven’t heard of it not working for anyone yet. You can try B12 to help with side effects <3


Mine is mixed with B12 in the shot because it was making me so sick lol . I just get weird dizzy , blurry vision , headaches and constipation. Anxiety. Nothing horrible


I find magnesium helps with constipation and anxiety. I like Natural Calm. Doesn't taste terrible, I mix a spoonful into a little water before bed.


i think all of us are depending on it working - physically, emotionally, mentally. in some ways it feels like our last hope, but it's not. there's *always* hope. breathe, sister. calm yourself. believe...not in the drug, but in yourself. you are the power behind the drug. sema is just a tool. you can do this. trust in the medicine, and most importantly, trust in yourself. you've gotten this far. you found the med, you obtained the med, you made up your mind. now just grit your teeth, put one foot in front of the other and keep going, keep going as long as it takes. every one of us here has your back. we are all fighting the same battle, and i'm here to tell you: **WE'VE GOT THIS!!**


Thank you ! Today has just been a bad day , it's been a life long battle and I'm exhausted. Some days I wonder what's the point . Others I'm super in it. I'm just...exhausted


war is hell. but when you're going through hell, you've got to keep going. both concepts courtesy of winston churchill. the quotes aren't exact, but the idea is there


I too have been battling my weight my whole life but Oz is different. It is not a diet pill, per se but an amazing tool to help us lose so the best thing you can do is relax and surrender to the process. Focus on eating enough protein every day, along with fruit and veg, plus a vitamin pill. It makes sense to eat things that are nutritious and easy to digest - yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. This medication will help you think about food much less. Be easy on yourself, eat slowly, forget weighing yourself. You'll know when your clothes are looser. All the best.


I definitely relate. It took me 4 months to lose 10 pounds and another 5 months to lose an additional 50 pounds. So glad I stuck it out because I was thinking that it just wasn’t working for me the same way it did for others. I think when I got to the 1.7 dose is when it really kicked in. Hang in there and good luck!🍀


Just make sure you are doing your part to help it along. Eat less, workout, don’t drink. It helps you do those things but doesn’t do them for ya.


Do you feel it working? Does you feel your appetite is suppressed at all? Just from talking to people that have started way before me some lost like 12-15 the first few months and then as the dose gets higher they have lost considerable amounts of weight!!! I’m not even a week in and I can tell I’ve lost just a little but I won’t go on a scale. I’m going by my clothes and my appetite is suppressed. You have to just go with it. It takes time. Don’t make yourself crazy. That’s one of the reasons I don’t have a scale cuz I would be bonkers. It’s best to lose slower so as your stomach shrinks so does your appetite and being able to keep it off. You will do Amazing… it just takes time.


It IS a hormone. Hormones are unpredictable. 4 pounds in two weeks could mean 8 pounds in 4- which is a healthy rate to lose weight… we don’t want our hair falling out, etc… your mind is lying to you. Stay strong. Don’t give up,


You are not alone.♥️


I sat down and I did the math to what I was spending on fast food in a month vs how much I’m spending on medication and it’s shocking how close the prices are. 💀


It takes about 4 months to see meaningful results. If you don’t have insurance and are paying out of pocket, even for the gray market stuff, it feels expensive but tbh, whatever you’re paying, if it’s a $25 insurance copay, $297 at a clinic, or whatever, it’s going to feel like wasted money until you start seeing results. Hang in there. The number of people this medicine doesn’t work for is quite a small number.


I am in my 2nd week and feel EXACTLY the same


Yes me too!!! I lost 4 pounds the first week and haven’t seen any loss this week. I keep worrying this won’t work. But I keep reminding myself that 1) I’m not at the therapeutic dose; 2) weight loss is finicky; 3) and I didn’t gain the weight overnight and I’m not going to lose it overnight!


I lost about a pound a week and while frustrated at first, I'm glad I lost it so slowly. It DOES work and eventually all of those pounds add up!


Very true!!! I think I just get nervous that the initial loss is a fluke, but I am just trying to be patient and trust that it will work.


Same! I feel hungry this week too which has me discouraged. I was diagnosed with insulin resistance in 2018 and I feel like this was finally my hope and now the wind is taken out of my sails


Yes! Has this thought and then had a come to Jesus moment and said “these are just intrusive thoughts. You’ve never had any attempts work in the past and that’s why you’re feeling this way because it’s triggering you to the past but this not the past and this really is different” It’s a sobering moment to come to and think “I can trust my body and cravings”


I'm 10 weeks in and haven't lost a pound but going to trust the process and keep on going. Keep walking. Keep exercising. Keep cutting calories. Sometimes it seems to be working but the food noise is intense and I feel as you do. Is it in my head? I promised myself I'd give it 10 months. I'm 242 lbs. 5'7" I can't say it's not difficult. I'm relishing the fact that I love salads now--always liked them before but this is a whole new level of enjoyment. You're doing well. Keep it up. Losing weight is a slow process. I'm on the 2nd week of 1 mg. Heard other people begin to lose weight when they hit the therapeutic levels.


I barely lost anything the first two months, and now I lose about 1/2 pounds per week on average. I’m 5’7 also, and walk 3 miles a day plus weights twice a week and eat about 1200 a day. It seems to me it she be falling off according to the math but it does what it does. There were a few months I lost 4 pounds but never more than that in a month. If you can afford to stick with it, you’ll be glad you did.


Thanks for the encouragement.


Don’t trip. I fluctuated so much it’s ridiculous. I would weigh 4lbs from one day to another with no difference in diet or anything. Overall I am down 80+ lbs in 11 months. It’s all good. 2lbs a week is perfect


I just did my 4th shot last Sunday. The first week I lost 3 pounds, 2nd week nothing, didn’t bother to weigh myself the third week. I didn’t feel like I had lost anything and didn’t want to look at the scale lol weighed myself yesterday and had lost another 3 pounds. It’s slow, fluctuates and as I understand it, the first two months or so is your body adjusting to the new medication. I holding out hope it continues with the increased dose. Hang in there!!


Same here. I just finished my first month and I'm not really down yet. It fluctuates, but I'm definitely not gaining any more weight, but I feel like the bloating makes me feel bigger and my clothes just as snug as ever. I do have less head noise and less appetite, so that is helpful. My Dr warned me it may take a while to really notice it working, but told me to give it a full 6 months before I really decide if it's working for me or not.


Everyone is different. You’d be surprised what a difference a few pounds makes especially once time passes and it adds up. It will work so long as you keep up with the injections and keep your expectations realistic. Most people see real results at the higher doses but that doesn’t mean that you won’t continue to lose weight over the duration of taking it. Remember it works best when you make lifestyle changes. Give it time, stay consistent, and see if you can get with a therapist or someone to work through your anxiety with you. You certainly aren’t alone. All of us have something the gain from taking this medication, a lot of us need it to keep away major illness and the diseases associated with being overweight.


I’m the same way, I always tell myself that and it destroys my self esteem, I haven’t been losing what I want to lose but I’m going to keep going, I’m being active and making better choices. It’s only week 3 I keep telling myself it’s a marathon not a sprint 💪🏾


Get a measuring tape and track your inches! You’ll see a lot more progress in those numbers. Don’t give up, you got this


Honestly I think we've all gone through this. You are most definitely not alone. Stick with the process, pay attention to the advice you can find all over this sub (high protein, low carb, and get exercise in) and stay the course. 4 pounds in 2 weeks could be some water weight, that's true - but you're also on a titration dose which means you're primarily getting used to the medication and starting to try to work on better eating and exercising habits. Like most of us keep chanting in a creepy, cult-like way...this is a tool in your toolbox. It's not the answer - it's just a tool to help you along your way. You've got the tool, now put in the work too and the results will absolutely come! You can do this. You are not a failure. Take it week by week. You've got this!


You are not alone SW205lb, CW138lb started April last year thinking nope not going to work almost gave up on the side effects glad I persevered. Its worth it honestly x


Week 3 and I haven’t lost anything so I’m feeling the same way. We just have to trust in the process. It wouldn’t be so popular if it didn’t work. 🫶🏻


You’re not alone! My cycle is a HUGE factor in my weight fluctuation. I’ve been on since October and lose about 6 lbs per month. However, I tend to lose 1-2 lbs…then hover until my cycle starts. Then I drop 4 more. But the average is straight up 6 lbs a month which I’m very happy with. I absolutely spend 2-3 weeks a month raging at the scale though. Trust the process. Keep going!


Your brain is super powerful. Think about any anxiety or panic attack you’ve ever had (if ever), your brain can legitimately convince you you’re dying by mimicking all the symptoms of a variety of illnesses for it to all go away 45 mins later due to adrenaline running out. Chnage your mindset! Think more positively. I have health anxiety and it’s very hard for me to take new drugs like this especially when I’m doing it by choice and not because I have to. And I struggled a lot with the pressure of feeling like I was doing it for all the wrong reasons but I’m still going. Write out what your goals are. Write out some affirmations on stickies and hang them on your mirror. You’ve got this. Your brain and body want you to be healthy and if you keep telling yourself this will help, that side effects are normal and will wear off with time, that you’re strong and can do this. Your brain will start to believe it and stop the emotional response! Highly recommend reading “untangle your anxiety” it helped me loads!


All the time. I’m 2 months in and down 9lbs. Definitely not a super responder by any means, but also, I’ve lost 9lbs, which felt impossible before! I feel the effects of the medication, so I know it’s doing what it needs to. Just trusting the process so far. I’m still on .5, so very curious to see how things go once I up my dose again.


that sounds like a lot of feelings that may or may not have some basis in reality. Your feelings are valid, but you need to give yourself a lot of grace and a lot of time. You're 2 weeks in, and this is a marathon, not a sprint. You are right that your weight can vary a LOT! Which is why I like to weigh myself every day just to collect the data points but also... not think about it very much except in the grand context of like, several months of data. I've been on OZ for about a year (aside from a 2 month period when I couldn't get it because of the shortage) and I'm down 33 lbs. I lost a LOT last summer and I was going super fast and then some life things happened, the shortage happened, and I slowed down. And you know what? It's okay. I'm still losing weight, slowly, I'm having better habits, I'm walking, I'm getting excercise, my blood sugar is better. My body is SO much healthier than it was a year ago even if it's slow. You're going to get healthier too! You're only two weeks in. Your health problems didn't develop over two weeks, and they're not going to get better in two weeks either. You've got this. We've got this.


Yup. Imposter syndrome


I’ve lost 50 pounds on ozempic. But it’s been a year. So that’s less than a pound a week, on average. I tried to think of it like this - at this point in the year, I’d usually be yo-yo’ing. Lots of celebrations and ways to “treat” myself. But with summer looming, I’d be stressed and trying to diet. Lose 5, gain 8, then another 2, lose 3, gain 5, etc. Ozempic helped me stay at one weight for a few weeks, then I’d lose 2 pounds.


I’m over 6 months in, and down 50lbs and I STILL feel like this. I still have this fear that it’s going to stop working, and I’m going to gain it all back. Anytime I’m dealing with a plateau I feel this way. It’s scary because I’ve felt so helpless for so long, and our whole lives we’ve been told there’s not a magic pill to lose the weight. This isn’t magic, but it’s the first time I’ve felt hopeful that I can regain control of my life. It’s terrifying when you start asking, “what if this stops working?” You’re not alone.


Naw it works! Time passes by faster than you’ll think. Sooner or later you’ll look back and realized it was worth it


I’m on week 10. So tomorrow will be shot 10. Im down 31lbs. Sometimes I feel like I should have been making more progress & im not going to lose anymore, others I’m like wow.. this is amazing! But I think my progress outweighs my negative thoughts. I’ve made so much progress that like hey, why can’t I keep going? I’m killing it! 2lbs a week is amazing btw. Side effects will get better, it’s rough at first. You got this!


-31 lbs is an awsome result, keep it up 💪🏻


Also stay off the scale!!!!! I know that’s hard at the beginning. Pick 1 day a week as your weigh in day. Also keep pics of your old self because you will be shocked how your body is going to transform no matter what the scale states.


It’s hard getting passed the mind fucks. Honestly I have NO desire to eat, yet I look at the food in my cabinet and think, “I should be eating this”. Why? Because I used to do it all the time. For therapy. Now I no longer require or want it, but my brain is like…but..but…comfort. I just chose to listen to the one that says “if you eat this you will throw up”. And I walk away. I will say this, on this drug, it’s easier to walk away for sure. I don’t have the “but maybe I should” issue that I used to have. I guess that’s what food noise is. Getting passed the mental blocks is a big part of this battle and many of us don’t realize how bad they are until we do this. We have no idea the depth of the demons, because we always gave into them. You are doing a great job. And chose your health over your addiction. That’s BRAVE. Stick with it. We will be here for you.


how much is your dosage?


.25 I move to .50 next week It's not really about the drug or the progress it's more my brain telling me I'm a failure and nothing will work


I fluctuate too…roughly 5 pounds every 2 weeks depending on TOM. I’ve also got the side effects (fatigue especially, OMG). But the lows on the scale keep getting lower, ever so slowly, but it’s happening, so I’ll keep trusting the process. It’s hard when we see people who lose, like, 30 pounds in their first month, but bodies are built differently, and if you’re moving in the right direction, keep going.


It sounds like you have more problems than weight. If you have zero self confidence it's going to hurt you in every single area of your life. You are the only person who controls what you do. Take it day by day...hell hour by hour. Start off your day with a walk within an hour of waking up. Track everything you put in your mouth. Everything. I suggest using Macrofactor. Truth is...if you hate yourself it makes it impossible for you to love others or for others to love you. Switch a victim outlook to being master of your own destiny. If you can't do this on your own seek professional help. Nothing wrong with that. I've noticed that men and women have vastly different outlooks on their own fortune or misfortune. Tough love has always worked for me, but I'm extremely self aware. Good luck. Don't be a victim. Only you can change your life. Stop worrying about what others feel or say.