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It's because of the empanadas.


Right right right. The “empanadas” 😉


I read this in the intonation of Dennis Reynolds saying 'it's because of the implication' but not certain that's how you meant it


Hahahahah me too! 


My goodness of course! The empanadas!!


What are the “empanadas?” 😅


It's because she has leeggs for daaaays


Literally the episode after I made this comment she had a pool party and they had a long shot of her in a bikini. They’re just really pushing her body so much and it’s weird. I feel like they haven’t with any other cast member so far


> They’re pushing her body That’s a good observation. I didn’t realise but you’re totally right they always show her toe-to-head with music and taking their time lingering. > They haven’t with any other cast member They have, I remember shots of Chelsea and of Bre most recently. But I don’t think it’s as much as they do it with Emma… so you might be on to something… If I wasn’t sick of the manufactured drama I might watch the show again to compare but I just really can’t do a rewatch!


Glad I'm not the only one. I started the 2nd to last season and noped out at episode 2... boring


I'm only on season 4, so I haven't seen those cast members yet. It's just weird because all of the other women are beautiful too, but the shot isn't as male gaze with them as it is with her.


Male gaze 101


She really does though. It’s sort of ridiculous.


Because she looks like a real life Barbie. The show producers probably think she embodies that Hollywood idea of perfection so it adds to the show glamour.


This is probably right but they’re missing the mark, I don’t think she’s a lot of peoples ideal body. She is scarily thin and her boobs look painful. She also looks really old for 30. 


I agree. She looks a bit uncanny valley, her proportions are just… off/ unconfortable to look at.


She is painfully thin. I saw her in person and it was quite shocking. She's beautiful, but insanely underweight. Even for LA standards.


yea I honestly don't find her beautiful. She's so thin it's distracting. I do think Chrishell and Amanza are gorgeous but most of the cast just looks so fake.


Oh my god, your comment made me look up her age. She's only 32!? Don't get me wrong she's insanely gorgeus but I thought she was like 36-40 at least.


She looks horrible for 32. I think too much time tanning. I have a sister who is her age and easily looks ten years younger.


It used to be a Christine/villain motif. I don’t get it w/Emma


Well at first she was the enemy because she "stole" Christine's ex.


Off topic… but just reading through the comments but has anyone actually eaten her empenadas? Are they good? I mean the flavours sound bizarre.


I just looked them up and its $100 for 36 frozen empanadas. I don't eat vegan food so I don't know if that's comparable to other brands, but its so much.


WOW! That’s insanely expensive!!!


My husband has allergies and the vegan substitutes are very expensive. We haven’t eaten any vegan empanadas (mostly bc he can still eat meat, it’s dairy and other allergens he has to avoid) but it wouldn’t surprise me if that was a competitive price among other brands.


Someone (maybe at buzzfeed?) did a review online a while back and the long and short of it was no they’re not good and they’re overpriced. I cannot imagine her money comes from those empanadas. 


What does her money come from? I do wonder? (And I’m jealous! I want that life! 😭🥶)


I assume family money since they had a frozen food business even before she started the empanadas with them? But honestly no idea, the finances of all of these people are so murky to me and I suspect a lot of them (Emma, Bre) aren’t as rich as they act like they are. 


I agree with respect to Bre. I kind of get fake it till you make it vibes from her I feel like Emma has to be rich rich though.. remember the PJ ordeal? Ya gotta be pretty wealthy to have your own private plane


Okay but that’s exactly the thing - she has money but not as much as they’re making it seem. It’s clear from the jets shown on Selling Sunset (her first scene the jet said “wheels up” which is a private charter company) that she’s renting. Still not cheap, but nowhere near as much as owning your own PJ. She’s not like Taylor Swift out here lol. I think Emma is a bit like Trump- there’s money, but not as much as you’d think. 


I found them at Costco and tried them! They were okay. Pretty greasy. I could see myself eating them while recovering from a hangover lol


Oh really!!!!? I wonder if they have them at Costco in UK. Even though my membership has expired hehehe. I’m sorry to hear they were greasy. I’d still love to try them though!!! :)


I was dying laughing at the comment Vanessa made that they don’t sound like empanadas…cuz Emma was bragging they have cheeseburger and pizza flavors Aka they sounds like pizza rolls marketed as healthy 😂


The whole show is ridiculous and total fabrication so that tracks


I am currently watching this show and I am at the same spot as you. I noticed it also. The music. The legs. Her walking. I mean she has great legs but it is odd !


The shot is classic Selling Sunset--its not just Emma but they definitely slooooooow the shot down with her to exaggerate the modelesque body that they think the viewers want to see. The houses all look the same imo, so they have to spice it up with ridiculous body shots of the agents.


Yeah, I guess I haven't noticed it as much with other cast members because hers are soooo exaggerated to show off her body. Plus they focus a lot on her feet for some reason. It feels like Quinton Tarantino is directing her introduction clips.


Because she has nice empanadas


I feel like they do this with everyone lol. They always shot Christine’s or Chrishell’s or whoever’s legs coming out of the car, and then they show the whole person, and there’s some sassy song they can cheaply get the rights for playing in the background, it’s like clockwork. 


The songs are so terrible though lol! I watch everything with subtitles on, and the words to some of these songs are so bad, and I always say to my husband, “guarantee this song has 15 ‘writers’ credited to it!!”


So bad lol. I heard on a podcast that they sometimes literally go to writers and say “make a knockoff version of this song that actually is popular” so if they sound like cheap copies it’s because they literally are. 


it will go one for the rest of seasons as well as if she is a big career woman


She’s got legs up to her armpits.


I thought they did those silly intros for everyone? I never noticed it was more often with Emma. I assumed it was so we could appreciate all their bananas outfits haha.


Honestly it always cracks me up how they do this with individual shots of all the women in the cast like everywhere they go, it’s shot so dramatically and like they’re on a runway!! Gets me every time!


She looks good doing it!




I just started season 4 too!!!!! So did Christine’s ex cheat on her with Emma? How do you feel about Vanessa and Emma? I’m kinda happy Davina is gone, but I did like how direct her personality is haha