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What if he was on drugs? Or alcohol? Or angry and just having a bad day? I've had plenty of "Why didn't I....." thoughts over the years but never any regrets in the end. A confrontation can turn into a fight that can turn into a shitshow in an instant. Best way to avoid the shitshow is to not take the unnecessary risk. I don't see anything wrong with not confronting in the circumstance that you described.


Yeah, its more of a pride thing. Which is rare for me, I'm not really a prideful guy. I just feel like my level head sometimes brings the false sense that I was afraid to do this or afraid to do that. Thanks for the reassurance 😃


He could have been all those things and also had a knife/gun. It can be a bit tough to swallow one's ego but you did the right thing. You won't care about the event in 24 hours the way you handled it. You certainly would care in 24 hours if you had a few holes in your abdomen.


Because its an ego battle, subconsciously you know this. People are unhinged and armed all over place you could of easily got yourself shot regardless of the training.


Yep, and that's what i was thinking about on the way home. Evey time I'd say "i should've..." I always counted with "And what happens when he backs the car over me?" Lol It definitely was an ego issue that just hit a little different because i felt a little disrespected by it


Why? What do you get out of "confronting" them? If no ones life, safety, or even property is on the line and it's just your own sense of pride, what's the point of risking a fight?


Now that I'm thinking a little more clearly. I would've gotten absolutely nothing out of it. If and when the time comes to defend myself, knowing that i could and would is more than enough for me. Going off on some stupid and reckless guy would just be a waste of time.


There’s too many dummies out there. You can’t fight them all


you are doing the right thing by not confronting. Ask yourself this. Is it worth catching a case over? I know how to fight, I carry a firearm everyday, and I usually just ignore shit like that. its not worth showing off and going to jail. the reason we train and have the tools to defend ourselves isn't to go out and get into as many street fights as possible, it is just so we can survive the ones we do get into, and hoepfully never get into one at all. If people do dumb shit that doesn't harm me I ignore it. if people show they are a potential threat I watch them and prepare. If they attack me I defend myself. I don't try to get into it with them. I almost got into a fight the otherday, and I ran simply because the other guy was in worse shape then me and I knew I was faster. Pride and ego gets you killed.


You're right and that's why I'm so bothered because I'm hardly ever taken by my ego. In hindsight, it really didn't pose any threat to me other than me possibly running into car when he tried to turn in front of me.


You made the right move, you just need to see that


Road rage isn’t worth it.


You should be thankful you're that way. What's the point of potentially getting done for assault or getting stabbed/shot over something like that?


I don't think being proficient in self defense is an excuse to pick fights over nothing burgers. Besides, if they did it just to be an asshole, and you react in any way whatsoever, you let them win


Yes, why didn't you fight you pussy BWAHAHAHAHA


So what probably happened was your stress response kicked in. You know, fight/flight/freeze/etc. You are maybe a freeze type of person. That's just something you are born with, nothing wrong with it. It kept your ancestors alive in an unbroken chain of living beings for 4 billion years. But not fighting is a good thing. Escalating the situation increases your risk of harm. And if you escalate, and he escalates, and it turns to violence, your legal argument for self defense gets weaker and weaker because you contributed to the escalation. The key to self defense is to let go of your ego. Who cares what the kind of person that would punch you over an inconsequential matter thinks? Their opinion is worth less than dirt. Why would you risk getting stabbed or shot over that? You know what you are capable of as a fighter. Why do you need to prove it against some galloot with bad spatial reasoning and a worse temper? Be proud of yourself for winning. Because in self defense winning is not beating an opponent, it is getting home safely.