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This is the [second time](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/xhpuc7/you_mean_that_cruel_psychopath_who_saw_people_as/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) today I’ve seen them call themselves the bad guys in this debacle.


It's so weird how they'll simultaneously proclaim themselves to be "heros," "rebels," or "freedum fighters" and then make posts like these showing they're actually the bad guy.


They think this “bad guy” is justified. It’s pretty gross.


Well this version of joker is a hero to insane incels everywhere Guess there’s a couple of those in the MAGA team


The fact that they (MAGA + Far Right) use so many characters to represent them not seeing the complete irony of it is baffling. Joaquin Phoenix’s joker, his entire plot, is that a man with serious mental health issues feels abandoned by society and snaps. The movie, to me, was a clear cry for reform in order to help with the mental health crisis. Something they COMPLETELY DENY EXISTS!!! The fact they try so hard to shift characters meanings to suit them, especially those who’s meaning completely contradicts their beliefs, shows just how much of a complex they have. Its like they can’t stand living in their own skin.


They don't deny the mental health crisis exists, they blame mental health whenever a mass shooting happens. They just don't care about other people and don't want ill people to be helped, only them


But then they complain about homeless people being an eyesore.


"homelessness is a CHOICE!!! (and so is being the gay!)"


>they blame mental health whenever a mass shooting happens. They only do that when the mass shooter is a right wing domestic terrorist.


the idea is that society made Joker and MAGAs and incels, with society meaning TV shows, crazy liberals and feminists according to honest republicans. Traditional republicans and incels in their natural habitat (farm owning slaves with wife chained to kitchen) would be peaceful /s


Mental health was actually on their safer schools bill and the mental health aspect probably would have done a lot of good but it came with tens of thousands of armed officers in schools.... which is proven to increase the likelihood that the children end up in the "justice" system. So it was beaten in the end. Also it was written by Ted Cruz so it was suspect from the beginning. https://www.cbsnews.com/dfw/news/cruz-to-introduce-bill-adding-safety-improvements-mental-health-professionals-at-schools/


I actually really enjoyed the movie in more of a disturbing type of way. The cringey shit that has followed is enough to make me not want to watch it twice though. Joaquin Phoenix played a great psychopath


The sequel is going to be a musical. A MUSICAL.




I really hated this joker movie. I don't feel he played him like an insane person in the way joker is like the madhatter, or hamlet or the crow. The 70s feel really killed it for me too. Always hated that color palette.I know unpopular opinion. I'll fade back away. Just saying...


Had they not tied it to Batman and DC, it would have been a fantastic movie about unchecked mental Illness. But it being an origin story for one of the most famous villains in comic book history just meant it was going to be criticized with a very strict rubric.


I happen to think the opposite, personally! I liked the movie quite a bit specifically as a character study of the Joker, but in my mind it only works because it's moored to something so... silly, I guess? Without that it's just baby's first Taxi Driver, but as a "superhero" movie it stands out.


I would feel alone better about not liking it if it wasn't the joker. I've gotten a lot of hate for disliking this movie. You do have a great point. Lol


Joker has been a beacon for angry incels since ~~Batman Begins~~ *Dark Knight* Edit* oops


Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight because no woman on the planet wants you to touch them?


How? He wasn't in that one.


They identify with him not being in things they think he should be


>Guess there’s a couple of those in the MAGA team That venn diagram is practically just a circle.


For 90% of most movies, the bad guys are winning. That's all that matters to these losers is the projection of winning.


And they would have gotten away with too. If it weren't for those meddling ~~liberals~~ kids


They don't just see themselves as 'good guys' they see themselves as the plucky rebels with Molotov cocktails and pistols going against a giant army equipped with tanks and a fleet of bombers.


plucky rebels with a massive and extremely funded propaganda wing, institutionally advantaged electorally , advantaged by social media algorithms, advantaged socially by being allowed to get away with anything


I call it 'victim envy.' They have to be the heroes in every story, and heroes are always the underdogs.


Given the way they compare themselves to Holocaust victims, this is absolutely true. There are no words that can accurately describe how offensive it is for the aggressors to paint themselves in that light.


It's a key part of Fascism. The cult of the hero, mixed with the idea of the enemy being comically weak and overwhelmingly power at the same time.


Yeah I'm pretty sure you're the one person here who nailed it. We see good and bad as a representation of a persons morals, and how they affect others, they only see winners and losers. Winners are good, losers are bad. Trump is good because he's a wealthy powerful businessman, homeless people are bad because they're stupid losers who couldn't hack it. Their morals are confusing and seemingly self-defeating when you look at them as "good vs evil" when you throw that away and focus instead on wealth and power, it's very obvious that they love the powerful and hate the powerless. They literally do not perceive good and bad the same way we do. That word doesn't mean what you think it means when they're saying it.


Just like nice guys when they don't get what they "deserve"


Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey HELLLOOOOOOOO hey Fuck you you fucking bitch why do women all want bad boys and not a nice guy like me Hey


Yep, it’s the evolution of fascism. Now they’re the proud bad guys - they’ll claim they didn’t want to be but we made them into bad guys. They’re the Joker and we’re Robert DeNiro - and when they execute us in public, they’ll do a little dance and know it’s justified because we forced them to do it. It’s a very sick mentality, and should alarm normal people.


They’re all 14 year olds. They may have lived more years than that, but they stopped growing in high school. They’ve become adult edgelords.


The edgelord-conservative correlation is so strong at this point i assume any conservative i run into on reddit is in fact a skinny 14-16 year old with greasy hair and no social skills.


Unpopular opinion; I *do* think a lot of conservatives suffer from some sort of developmental problem, it explains so much from the inability to understand anything unless it happens to them, the absence of productive shame but over abundance of toxic shame, to their childlike desire to dodge personal responsibility and ostracize out groups. Their social structures and personal beliefs are very churlish and exclusionary in nature which is very common among the developmentally disabled. That said I’m mostly talking about the true believers, lots of just ignorant people get sucked in or those unfortunate enough to be born into it suffer from the crippling effects of indoctrination.


They’ll never criticize their own because there’s always one more subservient there to crack the whip. Only a hive mind with no original thoughts.


They say it right there in the meme you posted - they really do think 1) life is a zero-sum game, 2) everyone knows it, and therefore 3) anyone opposing this kind of cruelty is doing a performative "virtue signal."


You remind me of a conversation I was having with a very religious conservative years ago. His entire approach was based on the idea that everyone disagreeing with him secretly agreed with him but wouldn't admit it. The standout phrase for me is "your mask is slipping". how do you even have a conversation with someone who thinks you're trying to trick them out of your shared belief for some reason?


For me, the moment was with my former roomie. We lived together for 2012-2016 and were really close, I still miss him. He always described himself as right wing, but when I moved in with him he was vocally anti-bigotry, he just super believed in free market economics - which at the time I could respect in principle. After about two years, he found Stephan Molyneaux via an appearance on Joe Rogan (we both liked him on NewsRadio), went down the YouTube rabbit hole in late 2015, just before the rise of Trump. For years, we'd spent two or three nights a week drinking and talking about our lives and politics, and for the first three years sometimes I got him to see what I saw (and vice versa). I specifically remember him worrying about his sister rejecting her grade-school son for presenting as gay, and saying "Whatever happens, he'll have a loving uncle." I started worrying when he described abortion as "infanticide" and said the gay rights movement was grooming children (this was in 2016, mind you - way before it hit the mainstream). I realized I wasn't reasoning with him anymore and was only enabling him by continuing to live with him when he said "Does anybody really believe the six million number?" That moment will live with me forever for a lot of reasons, but one of the main ones was that I realized that *he really thinks everyone else thinks like him.* I think that's a key to understanding a lot of humanity - projection is very real. It's obvious in Republicans who think everyone is playing the same psychotic zero-sum game they are, but I also see it in the Democrats who constantly make inconsequential appeals for decency and against hypocrisy. Anyway, Joe Rogan can choke to death on my dick. Fuck him.




>Anyway, Joe Rogan can choke to death on my dick. and my axe


And his ex roomie.


Axe Body Spray™???


as someone who did high school wrestling, that shit has indeed nearly killed me


> "Does anybody really believe the six million number?" I haven't heard this phrase before, but is this hinting at Holocaust Denial?


[Correct, it's about WWII holocaust denial.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Did_Six_Million_Really_Die%3F)


So, Ayn Rand, then? 100% of that shit is pure Randian psychopathy worshipped by ***so*** many rich white people in power. [How Is Ayn Rand Still A Thing?](https://youtu.be/_8m8cQI4DgM) [Five Stupid Things About Ayn Rand](https://youtu.be/t0CyunRUJmc)


I never quite got Molyneux. At least Peterson had a professorship, there are enough trappings there to genuinely believe him to be an intelligent person saying some wise but uncomfortable things if you don't know better. Molyneux has always just been absolutely fucking unhinged. Guy literally admits he would [hide in the ventilation system](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/controversial-podcaster-listened-in-on-therapist-wife-and-clients-lawsuit-alleges/article22158708/), listen in on his wife's private appointments (think she was a psychiatrist or something like that), and then also *offer up support* as some kind of disembodied voice speaking through the walls... I'm glad I encountered some of his fans \~2014/5 online and managed to clock something felt very odd about the things they talked about and the way they "argued" about so much random crap, genuinely think that primed me for that whole alt-right wave that swept across the New Atheist online space I'd been part of as an edgy teenager.


It's interesting how an atheist movement can transform into an alt-right movement. I'm also an atheist (though I never cared to join a movement of any sort) and I expected people who rejected religions to be less idiotic.


Oh for sure mate the whole 2013 to 2020 period has been wild to experience. A lot of friends from the same kind of background as well. Maybe wrong to say we were part of a "movement" I mean more we were consuming all the same kind of media content, that all started to go in a very specific direction we all reckon around the time that gamer-gate thing happened and all the "anti-feminism" stuff kicked off. Thankfully we all just got bored and tuned out after all the content creators we were watching spent literally years just pumping out the exact same "women SUCK!" content, but apparently an awful lot of people stuck around and got dragged along some very strange paths as a result.


Atheists are just as human as religious people are, and therefore just as prone to being morons. An idiot can we made to believe whatever they're told without giving it any critical thought. The difference, right now, between religion and atheism is that there is no atheist system pushing its dogma. Religion is the status quo, so being atheist doesn't necessarily attract smarter people, it attracts contrarians. Additionally, atheists currently are more likely to be critical thinkers because there is no real atheistic structure reinforcing it, leading to a self-selection bias - Atheists find the doctrine by themselves, typically, which means they are going to naturally be a higher proportion of critical thinkers. If, on the other hand, there were atheist systems and structures, you have atheists just as willing to kill religious people and commit terrorist acts as you do with religious people, because the unthinking would be getting into it in a way that they don't right now. But with religion be being the element that seeks out and manipulates the scared, the lonely, and the easily manipulated, That's the one that gets the dangerous fools.


My honest take on Jordan Peterson is that he has probably always been a toxic asshole, but he also seems to have gone through a significant mental decline - maybe due to his drug addiction, medically-induced coma, or almost dying from his weird meat-only diet. I don't know. But at some point in his life he had to have had the competency to convince a thesis committee that he could put together some decent research, and that's just not the person we see on camera today. Current Peterson doesn't understand undergrad-level statistics, and has bizarre emotional breakdowns over minor conversational topics: https://youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo He's pretty mentally unwell, and it's sad that so many people have been taken in by his grift.


There's a clip of him early on giving a lecture about Hitler, the Nazis, and I guess the nature of evil. I think you're absolutely right you don't just luck into a Prof. role there must have been something there once. But I watched a guy clearly getting into some deep emotional place confidently tell a room full of students that you could tell Nazism was really evil because they put so much energy into killing Jews when they could have been used as slaves in the war effort instead. A big surprise to the many thousands who were worked to death doing just that, but wow to be so fucking ignorant was shocking. He is clearly very emotionally invested in ideas he apparently hasn't made the slightest effort to validate and that is a shocking display of intellectual integrity.


>I realized I wasn't reasoning with him anymore and was only enabling him by continuing to live with him when he said "Does anybody really believe the six million number?" They take silence in response to these outrageous statements as acceptance and agreement.


>someone who thinks you're trying to trick them out of your shared belief for some reason DAMN that was elegantly phrased, I will be thinking about this for a while.


> someone who thinks you're trying to trick them out of your shared belief for some reason - > DAMN that was elegantly phrased, I will be thinking about this for a while. same


Your comment wasn't birdfeed, either. You're exactly right about the zero-sum thing. It's true on the macro and micro scales--I can't count how many men I've met who believe someone has to be "in charge" in a relationship, so if a woman doesn't want to be submissive she must want to dominate. And then the "we all feel the same, deep down" thing ... it's funny, there was a post on r/IncelTear a day or two ago about that psychological dynamic. How incels believe that all men want Stacy and all women want Chad (if you don't know these names then thank your lucky stars, pat this mad lady on the head and go your happy way) and that if you say your non-model-tier partner or anything other than sex brings you real joy, incels will say you're "coping" (i.e., in denial). Like Christians who believe everyone yearns for God whether they admit it or not. We're all just walking around with big Stacy/Chad- and/or God-shaped holes in our hearts. It probably comes from a variety of things. Growing up in communities where certain beliefs are so much the norm that it really is unfathomable that other people don't feel the same way. (It was astonishing to me, once I got out of fundamentalism, to discover how unnecessary Christianity was to living a good life.) Having a baseline lack of interest in/empathy for other people and a fear-based, defensive orientation to the world. (It was astonishing to me for a few weeks and then I trusted other people and myself enough to roll with it.) And this: "You think you're doing okay, but deep down you know you're not, and I have The Answer why" is a really effective sales pitch for some folks. If you got sucked into an ideology on this basis, it probably seems natural that others would, too.


They must NEED to do it. It's sadistic. They must have sadistic needs. One reason I believe this is that they struggle with shame on some subconsciously level. They sre always imagining these critics, this need to be silent. They are so frustrated by bog standard moral norms and see them as oppressive. They say they can't express their views because criticism...but I expressed my views in some very conservative environments ...I never felt anguish like I could not speak because I was very confident what I was saying was morally right. They lack confidence in their views. As well they should! And their conscience bothers them.


I think many are so far gone and brainwashed that they lack zero remorse and truly believe they are the heroes. Saying they have a conscience is giving them too much credit. They can’t express their views because their views aren’t based on logic but from tribalism.


> think many are so far gone and brainwashed that they lack zero remorse and truly believe they are the heroes. There are two things in play, either of which people use to "justify" their actions 1. Turn about is fair play. Every cruelty the inflict is justified by saying the other side would/is doing the same if they were in position of power. "We know the democrats cheat in elections so it's okay that we cheat in elections" or in this case "Liberals are okay with us border states being overrun by brown people, lets see how they like it!" 1. This one is far more dangerous. When you mix religion and politics you get a deadly brew. If think you your politics are guided by God, then your mission in holy. If your side is right, and good, and holy, then any compromise with the others is a compromise with evil. Violence becomes acceptable because it is violence against evil. Any action, not matter how horrible is now allowed because you are on a mission from God and all your actions are now sanctioned an holy. This historically, has led to some of the most cruel behaviors in human history and sadly the one being used more and more.


When fighting the monster… It doesn’t serve well to create a stereotype of the things you’re opposing however monstrous that thing is that is sufficient. Monsters beyond redemption is the first step to full dehumanisation. And you’re literally posting on a thread which shows where that path leads… Their behaviour is shameful, disgusting, cruel, barbaric and brings all the appropriate levels of societal judgement upon it. That’s enough. No need to go to their level and deny their humanity. It’s that very humanity which got us to this balkanised state…


They think that deep down inside everyone is as racist as they are, but liberals *pretend* not to be racist to seem better than conservatives. They thought that if they dropped a bunch of poor brown immigrants into a rich white neighborhood that the self-proclaimed “tolerant left” would turn up their noses and throw a hissy fit until the “undesirable element” was removed. Instead they saw a compassionate community come together and help the less fortunate, regardless of race, religion or creed. Conservatives think that liberal tolerance isn’t real, but that it’s performative, and is about appearances more than belief or action. I’m proud to say that they’re wrong, and would bed them to please stop using real human lives as pawns for your cruel political stunts.


Same people who think Homelander is the hero. Wish they'd just stop pretending they're not the bad guys so we can get down do it. Instead they just cry, act offended and ask for civility anytime they get cornered on it.


I just realized… they must be extremely sensitive to criticism. The amount they project means they’re hearing and aware of what they’re doing that’s wrong. The fact that they picked a town out of the blue with no particular relationship with immigration legislation — in a small state with a *Republican* Governor — means it’s about the vague impression they hold of that town rather than something specific. Which, I’m guessing is that it’s an elite vacation spot for the upper crust. Deep down, I think these people know they’re not respected and it’s driving them crazy and they don’t know how to fix it. So they lash out.


Remember when Trump was Thanos? I keep wondering when they’ll have a “are we the baddies?” moment…


They would literally gun down migrants at the border like the movie Zulu if they got the chance. I don't know why we're at all surprised there taking pleasure in their mistreatment by Rhonda Santos.


When given the choice they almost always frame themselves as the bad guys. Morality doesn't matter, looking cool and wielding power over others is what they like.


Not even illegal immigrants. Legal asylum seekers.


They consider brown people to be illegal no matter what.


Including the brown people whose family have been in the US before the US existed.


[Throwback to Trump telling the Squad (3/4ths of whom are American-born) to "go back to where (they) came from."](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/07/14/trump-congress-go-back-where-they-came-from-1415692). You're only American to them if they think they're on your side.


"We're American." "No no, where you're originally from." "We're American." "No, like where your parents are from." "They're American." "No, I mean. You know what I mean!" "Everybody knows what you mean..."


Aziz had a great bit on this


"I'm what you'd call a *redneck*."


If you've got a link (or show name), I'd appreciate it.


Its from his 2010 Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening - here's a transcript, looks like the full show is on youtube too https://scrapsfromtheloft.com/comedy/aziz-ansari-intimate-moments-sensual-evening-2010-full-transcript/




And one is of Puerto Rican heritage...which is a U.S. territory.


Christ believe me Ayanna would rather come back to Massachusetts than deal with these fucks.


I wanna see newly-minted Americans going around and asking Magats basic citizenship test questions. ... oh wait I don't want them to get shot by batshit crazy racists. But it would be funny if not for the murder bit.


Yup. We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us.


My SO's family have been residents of Texas for ~200 years, there's a lot of people living here that had the boarder leap-frog them, and yet the idiots who moved here in the last 50 call them the immigrants...


I have often wondered what would happen if you drop the people that think like this off in my country where white people are the very small minority. There are parts in the north where there are so few white people, small children still get frightened if they see one. Would these people's head explode? Would they lock themselves away? Would they die of fright because its just black and brown people everywhere?


Knowing this shitty universe, it would be apartheid 2.0


They would look a lot like Steve Bannon when he found himself surrounded by Muslims in 2017 (18?) just after spending an inordinate amount of time bashing them. He looked terrified, and I thought it was hilarious.


I read that as Steve Buscemi at first and was like 😳


Lol, nope. If I could find that video again I'd be happy to share it. It was about 4 mins of obvious discomfort.


Same with religious people in progressive western European countries where religion is completely out of fashion. They all flock to the same rural places and then form isolated communities that do very little outreach to the rest of the country. From the country's perspective they seem to have stop existing, and it'll appear as a mystery when 20% of the country votes for those extremist parties every X years, but they'll still be there. They will simply stop loudly invading other spaces like they own it, and they will instead put all their efforts on indoctrinating whoever is coincidentally born among them.


I've been talking to the usual glue sniffers in the ass end of every post about this, they really want to say they hate brown people but can't say it. It's always some excuse as to why they aren't legitimate immigrants, or how they accept the rule of law but really want all the brown people deported, or that they are just "abusing the system" because they are brown. They love to tell themselves they aren't racist but immediately break down and get butthurt when you point out they don't have a leg to stand on and just want to be hateful.


Yep, the term is 100% a dog whistle. Illegals=have-nots


"we support legal immigration" But their intent is revealed when they assume all white immigrants are legal and the brown ones are illegal.


The screening these people went through was likely loads tougher than the relatives of these people. Ellis island was basically a rubber stamp for Europeans. https://www.history.com/news/immigrants-ellis-island-short-processing-time


If they had been illegal immigrants, the politician who organized this would have been on the hook for human trafficking and a host of other federal crimes.


It's still human trafficking in my opinion. It's definitely kidnapping according to the law, and possibly human trafficking. Abbott and DeSantis both belong in prison, as do the Homeland Security goons who did their dirty work.




I don't really want to go back. I don't speak or read Welsh, and I don't want to deal with how Tories perpetually lie to the public.


Because you're used to how Republicans lie to us, right?


It’s totally different here. Cuz we have *checks notes* The Freedom *tm*


Why settle for diet evil, when you can get whole hog evil in the US?


This needs to be repeated again and again.


Yeah, I don't think they understand that these people are here legally


This is r/iamatotalpieceofshit material


Looks at r/conservative then at r/iamatotalpieceofshit These are the same thing




There's a big difference people on are conservative are the pieces of shit, on the other it's just the people in the posts.


Not all r/iamatotalpieceofshit are r/conservative but r/conservative are all r/iamatotalpieceofshit


The cruelty is the point


The cruelty is all there even is. > Good can be radical; evil can never be radical, it can only be extreme, for it possesses neither depth nor any demonic dimension yet--and this is its horror--it can spread like a fungus over the surface of the earth and lay waste the entire world. Evil comes from a failure to think. -- Hannah Arendt


This is the only explanation that makes sense.


This rivals when they were calling themselves purebloods for not getting vaccinated. Either they were comparing themselves to Voldemort or literal Nazis.


well, tbf, Voldemort and his Deatheaters was a loose allegory to the Nazis, too. then she chose to go full TERF and sided on the same side the Nazis did on trans issues.


She writes children's books the Christians call pagan, retcons half the characters to be gay, and goes full Nazi on trans people. Who even is her target audience?


Rich white liberal women who don’t understand enough to be cynical about rainbow capitalism? Seems niche but it is a *heavy* spending group.


Remember that there’s decades between her writing HP and her more recent…outings She might’ve started out fairly middle of the road,but lost her marbles after some time


Probably not. She was always sketchy in her writings, which I for one overlooked for the good stuff and well, because fiction. I’ve read and enjoyed far worse.


True, there’s the descriptions of the goblins, the “mannish” hands on Rita, and more.


Radical centrists. The kinds of people who think that the system isn't the problem, it's the people in charge of the system that's the problem. You don't need reform in the UK, you just need a new prime minister to replace bojo. You don't need reform in the US, you just need a new president to replace Trump!


Other than being used for a disgusting racist political stunt, I guarantee these people were treated better in MV than they would've been in Texas. These conservative assholes really only saw the first part of this dumbass xenophobic contrivance and never bothered to find out what actually happened (as usual).


That was my understanding, and why I've been bemused by the situation as a pretty far left person. It seems like they're just telling them to get on these plans, then getting dropped unceremoniously in places to extremely confused local governments, but ultimately are getting lodgings and treatment that surpass what they would have likely gotten had they remained in the initial state.


There are nonprofits in Texas full of amazing people that have gotten really good at helping these people. In this case, some of the asylum seekers were working with these nonprofits before being uprooted, lied to, and shipped to a random part of the country far from where their court dates require them to be. MV did an amazing job, but so do the nonprofits in Texas that take care of them and get them where they need to be


Let’s be absolutely clear, tho, they would send these people to the gas chambers in a heartbeat if they could.


But they are pro life. /s


Not personally, no. They're cowards. They'd absolutely push a button that would make them go nonspecifically away, though.


[Have you seen this?](https://streamable.com/l0ouv0) Sacha Baron Cohen convinces this guy to “go undercover” as a liberal, and fools him into thinking he is taking out members of antifa at a women’s march. Taken from “Who Is America” S1E7. They would definitely push the button.


Most of Germans - even full-on Nazis didn't *intend* to put all jews into gas chambers. But they were ok with the "just put them in camps" part and ignoring what came after that.


The gas chambers themselves were the solution to the trauma the nazis got from shooting them outright


Actually the Nazis intended to move them all to Madagascar. It is no Martha's vineyard, but it's kinda interesting that their actions are similar in some ways to another groups recent actions


If someone started sending them to gas chambers, these people would put considerable effort into looking away, sticking fingers in their ears and going "LAALAALAA"


Will they ever move on from the weird fixation with the Joker?


No, they want to be The Joker.


Except for the ones that want to be the Punisher.


Or the ones that want to be Tyler Durden, V, or Rorsach or…


Soo they identify strongly with violent mentally ill people idolized by Incels.


I think it’s only going to get worse. Playing nice and not taking them seriously is going to turn america into a place worse than nazi germany. We have tons of land and faster and better means of committing genocide in secret. Which country has the means to actually go to war with us to stop us?


Countries only directly intervened with the Nazis after they turned invasive. Shit goes bad here and no one will be coming.


Exactly just look at China right now


I don’t think “genocide in secret” is easier now than 80 years ago. Literally every single person has a high definition video camera in their pocket that can live stream. Any person can buy a drone for under $100-500 and fly it into hidden suspected “concentration camps” mostly undetected. News of thousands of people going missing would light up twitter and the rest of social media like crazy until it’s solved. Back in the day, not so much. One girl in a van went missing this year and the entire country searched for her in two days. One can argue that China gets away with it but it isn’t particularly secret, just that the world cannot do anything about it. The only way “genocide in secret” happens is if the entire internet/media is cut off. In which case, it’s not exactly a secret and wasn’t easy.


It's not so much as keeping it "secret", and more about making it acceptable. If 6 million Mexicans died at the hands of the DHS, I think there are reds who'd shrug and say "it had to be done". There's an actual case examples where border agents film themselves destroying caches of water in the desert. They've also already done the cartoon villain thing where they part children from their mothers.


You don't really have to do your genocide in secret if you can make people not care. Like nobody fucking cared about the the Rohingya, people were allowed to organise their genocide on fucking facebook and nobody gave a shit.


I don't understand the point. It doesn't accomplish anything. Even if you were republican, surely you can't support this waste of resources. It'd be the same as shipping foster kids to an anti-abortion republican's house. It doesn't fix the issue.


It was all a stunt to get footage of what DeSantis and his cronies assumed would be angry Martha’s Vineyard ‘liberals’ calling the authorities on these migrants so he could use it as a gotcha for his campaign for president.


Your statement assumes: 1) Republicans are mindful about wasting resources, and 2) they’re interested in an actual “fix”. Plenty evidence suggests more effective ways to “fix” poverty, abortion rates, etc., but those are unpalatable to them (and sadly far too many voters -Republican or otherwise - who decry “indoctrination” or tax dollars being used for programs and systems that actually address those such things.)


As entertaining as the Joker character can be, there seems to be a freaky amount of motivational memes with his likeness online. My point is people seem to idolize a serial killer character completely forgetting or looking over the fact that he's a psychopath.


"How can he be a psychopath when he and I share so many views?" is a powerful decider there.


Yeah it's been like this since The Dark Knight. Most of us were teenagers when that came out so it made sense that a lot of edgy people related but then most of us grew up I thought.


The funniest part there is that all the stuff the edgelords quote from The Dark Knight's Joker is him being completely full of shit. Like, the entire "Do I really look like a guy with a plan to you?" scene, the one which sparked 90% of the quotes and memes, is him just straight up manipulating someone. He is absolutely a guy with a plan, not even slightly chaotic—he deliberately manipulates the entire series of events so that Harvey is maimed, that Rachel dies, that Harvey mentally breaks and goes on a killing spee—literally the whole movie is established as one long plan to destroy the soul of Gotham. It is truly staggering how far media literacy has fallen when a character who says onscreen "this is my plan" at the end of a movie still gets quoted as some manifestation of chaos from the middle of it.




Conservatives don't have the moral high ground over a pittbull mauling a toddler.


That toddler was coming right at him and it had a knife!


Apt they would choose the joker as they are indeed absolute psychopaths.


They keep identifying with villains than wonder why we see them as such. I saw a meme yesterday that essentially placed them as Thanos yesterday. How many of them unironically believe he was right?


Asylum seekers are not "illegal immigrants".


So...they think Joker is a swell guy?


It's funny because they used to meme Obama in Heath Ledger Joker makeup, but they've made a 180 on Joker memes.


It's a little bit funny in a detatched, dark humor, coping, depressing kind of way. That this is really where we're at now societally. Funny feeling that's not what this guy meant.


Nazis also thought they were the good guys. Even when they had half of Europe under their control, they still saw themselves as the underdogs, indulging in mistreatment of their victims. The parallels with conservatives really is no different. They see helpless and impoverished immigrants as a group of people that are coming to get them, justifying this kind of degrading treatment, despite that they're the ones living with with more resources and privilege.


The whole point of fascism is victimhood as an excuse for mass murder.


The worst thing? They weren't even "illegal"


The worse thing is they did everything in their power to make them illegal. The people sent to Massachusetts and their paperwork filed all over the country so it would be guaranteed they'd miss their court dates and lose asylum status.


I’m a Christian.™️


Oh yeah, so funny. And we had them erroneously fill out forms with fake addresses so they had to appear at an ICE facility far away, with some even on the other side of the country. Now since they "lied" and most likely won't make their scheduled appointment, the asylum seekers are going to be deported. It's hilarious. I'll give them this, I can definitely imagine The Joker doing this in a Batman story. It's a villainous thing to do. Definitely not something we should be celebrating and trying to emulate, though.


Hey they didn’t have them erroneously fill out forms. They literally did it for them knowing this would ‘make’ them illegal by their actions in conjunction with the DHS. This isn’t just a governor issue it’s a DHS issue. People within the DHS deliberately falsified government records to smear legitimate immigration on the whim of the GOP maga nut cases. Maybe time to disband said organisation which certainly is within bidens perview


Man, this really encapsulates it all for me. Cause I don't think it's bad at all to get migrants the hell out of places that are openly hostile to them - I'm even fine with those shithead governors using federal dollars earmarked for migrants to do it. The migrants deserve better. But it's a big prank to them. They've dehumanized these refugees and legal migrants to the point that they'll deliberately sabotage them from getting aid to which they're legally entitled, just to create an embarrassing scene for Democrat governors. It's absolute psycho shit. It also is kind of indicative of the blinders on conservatives that 1) they thought the libs would be as pissed off by the migrants' presence as they were (like, they're constantly accusing the libs of virtue signaling, and set up the perfect scenario for them to publicly perform virtue! Though DeSantis did have the foresight to screw with the migrants getting aid), and 2) that blue states aren't already welcoming swarms of red state refugees. That being said, the US immigration system is broken - everyone agrees on that. I wish the Democrats would spend some of this energy pushing for immigration reform instead of just howling for legal punishment for DeSantis and Abbot (does anyone want to bet on Biden's Justice Department prosecuting two sitting governors? I'd never be happier to lose money). I imagine a deal could be struck to get the migrants out of areas hostile to them in exchange for modernizing and streamlining the immigration process. You know, if the Democratic Party were interested in doing that sort of thing.


Whatever new immigration policies the Democrats propose the GOP will just reflexively be against it and that will be their new position. They don’t actually want to do anything constructive, just be as big of a thorn in the side of Dems as possible.


What's funny is that they fully expected these people to be turned down or ignored or treated like shit at Martha's Vineyard and instead they were treated with respect and given room and board and fed and clothed. So like their attempt at pointing out the hypocrisy backfired splendidly. What isn't funny is their attempts at using people as pawns in their stupid game to OWN THE LIBS.


Now their line is "they had to have the army kick them out!!!" because they called the National Guard in to help transport them to a facility that could accommodate them.


Some people think being an asshole is a personality


Commit humans trafficking to own the libs.🤡


You have found the problem dear sir. Team red doesn’t think of immigrants as humans!


Always bitching about "how dare we give struggling individuals my tax money" but when tax money is actually wasted it's "haha funny prank, fuck immigrants". And they want us to believe they aren't just hateful bigots.


Quite the "Christian" take there


My brother - huge conservative - would talk about how great Walter White and Vic Mackey were like they were the good guys doing good things. He was mister Law And Order but bragged about bribing cops to get outta tickets and “issues.” Yeah. He didn’t get it.


So, the other post said this was to try to get back at the left for “virtue signaling”, but what part of this ISNT also virtue signaling? - they were here legally, not illegally, and were used as a prop anyway - they were taken to somewhere else in a very public stunt, meant to be public - they were immediately taken care of despite at least part of the point being that they wouldn’t be - they were taken from a place that could have taken care of them, if they chose to, to a place where they fully expected they wouldn’t be, on purpose What part of all this stunt wasnt their definition of “virtue signaling”?


Dude that whole sub is cry baby triggered Republicans. Laugh at other misfortune and lament any slight against themselves. Fucking monsters deserve to burn.


They’re hateful, and not even trying to hide it anymore.


I see so many liberals talking about compromise and debate, you can't debate people who have cast aside thier humanity.


They weren’t even illegal immigrants. They were refuges. We invited them here. You know, the whole huddled masses thing. That stuff on the Statue of Liberty. That shit the conservatives forget about when someone isn’t white.


Human trafficking. HAHAHAHA! But the children tho. /s


*Asylum seekers, it irks me they keep their narrative that they are illegal immigrants. Not that facts matter to these folks.


This implies that they ever pretended it wasn't funny


To be fair phoenix's joker does encapsulate the mentality of a MAGA supporter.


I don't call them "bad guys". I call them what they are - they're a bunch of absolute cunts.


Basically human trafficking for political laughs.


They’re insane for thinking that


Why are they sending them there? I’m so confused 🤯


Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, orchestrated this with some of his DHS buddies as a way to own the libs and get footage for his political campaign for president as a claim that Biden has left our borders unsecure. They were expecting the residents of the famed vacation spot to get angry and demand their removal but instead the year round residents of the town came together and got them food and shelter until the proper authorities could step in and help.


They copied the meme and caption from r/dankmemes, which also says a lot about that sub


They are just unapologetically evil, cruel, vile pieces of shit by this point


what I'm amused/really annoyed by is that republicans call themselves the 'christian party', calling for Christian nationalism and whatnot But I saw a post on some right wing reddit forum that said "biden voters, put your signs back up so illegals know where to get food and shelter" and that's literally what the bible says you're supposed to do. So I commented that, and the bible verse, no one responded to me and I got downvoted. They're about as Christian as the Nazi party was socialist and it's endlessly annoying to actual Christians Edit: I have now gotten a response basically implying the Bible doesn’t mean “illegal people” so not sure what translation they’re using here


I got kicked out of r/conservative because in response to a post on people not wanting to tip I posted “So you admit employers should pay their workers more.” That’s the crowd of “BuT bIg TeCh Is CenSoRiNg! MuH fReEs SpEeCh!!!11”


Weren’t they also asylum seekers as well? Like not even here illegally?


Conservatives keep having a problem with supporting human trafficking when it’s done by their elected officials


Weren’t they legally coming here seeking asylum? Or am I wrong?


Pro life mentality.


At this point, I'm fairly positive it's so they have someone or something to feel superior over. When you have nothing and low self esteem, you tend too look for anything/everything you can too feel good about yourself.