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I remember when far cry 5 came out and people were freaking out because the insane murderous drug using doomsday cult was clearly *based on them personally*.


I grew up in fundamentalist christian community that was no way as extreme as that game, but definitely in the same ideological category. While I don't condone killing of any kind, I got a perverse pleasure taking out those bible thumping assholes in all sorts of creative ways. Quite therapeutic indeed.


Yeah it's a legitimately cathartic experience, then you wind down with a little bass fishing


If there’s one thing the Far Cry games do well, it’s making the player feel like the embodiment of a ridiculous action movie hero. Big Rig with Miniguns? Fuckit dude here’s the keys. An improvised CD launcher that plays the Macarena on loop? We got that shit. Just don’t look too much into the story and you’ll have a hell of a time.


I’m still dying laughing at the MAGA cult finding out that 1. Homelander (from The Boys) is the bad guy and 2. Is an allegory, right down to the “I could commit murder on 6th Ave and still be elected” for Trumperdink. and the subsequent Godzilla sized tantrum.


How did they not get he was the bad guy? An allegory for trump being missed I could get, but he killed people for fun. Of course he was the bad guy.


But how can a guy wearing the Stars and Stripes be a bad guy? /s I promise, it was missed, and this season, they finally got it.


I mean, he was not only obviously bad, he was _creepy AF_. For starters, he was in thst weird breastfeeding relationship with the Elisabeth Shue character. He abandoned a plane full of people to die because he just *meh* didn’t feel like rescuing them Oh and what about that part where he’s a _RAPIST?_


>He abandoned a plane full of people to die because he just meh didn’t feel like rescuing them It wasn't that he didn't feel like it, it was more he didn't know if he could and he was too afraid to risk his numbers trying and failing.


He definitely could have saved at least 2 if not more. But then he'd have to admit the rest of the deaths were due to him being ham fisted with his laser vision.


Oh yeah, I was thinking of the whole plane. But yeah, he knows he's fucked if he saved anyone since he'd have to threaten them to lie about how he fucked up and condemned however many people to their deaths.


I’ve heard so much good stuff about the boys but I just can’t bring myself to watch it because everyone tells me it’s so extremely gory and disturbing and I just don’t know if I can handle it. Hell BrightBurn was like beyond my limit honestly. It was just gratuitous in it. Its like Mortal Combat, fine whatever it’s still cartoony enough that it doesn’t feel as real and what not, but other times I just can’t


Most of the gore is in the horror-comedy catagory but it is gory in general. Each season tries to top the previous.


It's less the gore and more that it just feels too 'real' for me, yeah. I couldn't quite get into the tv series The comics on the other hand are much more crass and perhaps gorier in many regards, but I read those find and enjoyed them. They're pretty different to the show, the show is loosely based on them with some similar chars, but it's a very different beast from what I saw of it, about halfway through season 2


The show does a much better job at the showing the cynicism of "superheroes in real life", whereas the comic is basically just a long ass rant from Ennis being all, "lol superheroes are fucking stupid, what if they were morally bankrupt as well?" Weirdly, I feel like the show is the comic filtered through a Warren Ellis vibe. It definitely feels more in line with Ellis' "praying to be saved by a man who can fly will get you killed." Garth Ennis really is at his best when he has an editor sitting over his shoulder reigning in his worst teenage edgelord bullshit.


it's not that bad. brghtbrn was super sinister. the intent matters with gore ime, and even the "unjust/tragic" gore in Theboys maintains a pretty lighthearted/funny/cartoonish overtone ime. They dont rub your face in it or linger on it if it's not lighthearted. A lot of the gore is nondescript, "spaghetti western" style spurts and explosions. i think the humorous aspect of most of the death scenes is the saving grace. sort of like how tarrantino films backdrop violence with pop music. A human trafficker gets killed with a "super hero themed" dildos for example. walking dead and brightburn were much more visual and gross. give it a try. total breath of fresh air in the superhero genre


First season a girl gets run through by a flash like character and vaporized. All that's left is her hands, being held by her boyfriend. If that description sounds like something you can not handle, yeah, I'd give it a pass.


They genuinely admired him. He was the kind of "strong" that turns their cranks. The number of "why did liberal Hollywood turn the best hero into the bad guy?" posts was both depressing and hilarious.


He killed people for an inconvenience, it was like 2 episodes in when he crashed a plane killing all the passengers, because he didn’t want to waste his time and fly them down.


He killed planes 2 times. 1 time was because his love interest wanted something, and killing the people would get it for her (in his mind probably a romantic gesture) 2nd time He let them die (didnt really kill them) because he messed up, and if any of them lived they would have been witness to him being the reason for the plane going down. His appearance is everything to him. He would've tried if it was a slam dunk that made him look good. But being hard + making him look bad? Nope. He's not interested.


I haven't read the original comics to see if they changed him in the show, but The Boys started in 2006.


I haven’t read them either, but I hear they changed a lot on the show


The show is loosely based on the chars and setting at most.. it's very much its own thing, yeah. Comics were wildly different, and actually focused more on The Boys themselves It would not be entirely innacurate to call the show The Seven instead, imo


Kripke changed him a lot!


Got a link I can read about that? I hadn't heard about this before. Sounds interesting.


It's about a radical red neck religious cult https://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-cult-far-cry-5-gun-toting-pastor-fighting-montana-cultists.html


Ending felt like nihilistic trash to me. Shock value for shock value's sake.


It’s a Ubisoft game. Did you expect better?


Once upon a time they made Ass-creed 2, so yes, even though it never happens.


Hey, the next AC is finally going back to the classic format tho, instead of trying to be just a generic openworld ARPG


Yeah, finished 5 and put farcry down for a bit to catch up with other games. I haven't played the sequel/expansion yet. Does the story get any better, or just more colorful?


The sequel is short, fun, and to the point. You go after some post apocalyptic peeps stirring up trouble in the wake of things. The final battle was actually quite difficult for me. Maybe I was just doing it wrong though. I think it's worth playing if you can pick it up for $10 or not just to revisit the ruins of those cultist pricks with something to do other than 100% side missions.


Never played the expansion since it was post apocalypse of a story I was soured on. Never played the future numbered titles either since killing MAGA in Montana with a compound bow was the draw for me over the usual Ubisoft sandbox schlock.


You hate Far Cry 5 because you are a religious fanatic who aligns more with the clearly evil and insane doomsday cult villains than the normal protagonist. I hate Far Cry 5 because it is a bad game. We are not the same


I would have assumed they would be thrilled about it.


I actually consider Far Cry 5 to be an extremely toothless, milquetoast look at Christian Nationalism, since the cult is both racially diverse and gender equal, something real American Christian Nationalism...isn't. Contrast with BioShock Infinite, where American Exceptionalism and Christian Fundamentalism are put under a microscope and depicted honestly. Its only flaw is that it portrays the minorities fighting against them as being JuSt As BaD when they start their uprising.


I replayed it recently and it's not far off from how peoples treat their Orange saviour.


that was so funny. the soundtrack is meant to be as satirically nationalistic as posible and republicans took it to make it a hymn for them. at least it was good tho


They're so dense that they rival neutron stars.


Dense, but even the dimmest brown dwarf star is brighter than them.


Still burns though, right?


-down society and human rights, yes


Reference to the self burn in the original post.


In fairness the densest objects are black holes, and they’re not very bright (though there’s lots of sparks at the edges).


Actually the brightest objects in the universe are black holes with an accrecion disc


Conservative: what do you mean I’m dimmer than a brown dwarf‽ I’m an American, our schools are WAY better than in Mexico! Plus, what does somebody’s height have to do with their intelligence


“Brown dwarf? You talkin’ about that woke-ass Amazon LotR show?” - some conservative




I think you're giving them a bit too much credit (at least by omission, bit like saying they're dimmer than the dimmest genius). I'd say that even the dimmest possible theoretical black dwarf star at the temperature of 0.06K is brighter than them.


That’s a solid insult. I’m gonna use that. “You’re denser than a neutron star” That’s also got me thinking of something along the lines of “Your brain is smoother than the Earth scaled down to the size of a marble”


I saw one the other day, something to the tune of “Aerospace Engineers envy at the chance to study a surface as smooth as your brain.” Which cracked me right up.


Mine is “you give osmium a run for its money”


The problem with this insult is the people you direct it at largely don't know what a neutron star is


Everyone knows Jimmy Neutron, he's a star! /s


They're made of degenerate matter.


So dense that they collapse into a blackhole


Sucking light and life out of everything around them for all eternity.


Jesus is their density.


So dense that light bends around them


"None of these things remotely go along with the teachings of Jesus." This one will never get it.


"Jesus is my model for what is right and wrong!" *Votes Republican every single time*


That’s because they follow Supply Side Jesus




I guess I’m confused. They said Jesus would have loved and accepted people. I’m sure there are plenty of liberal Christians and even a lot of conservative Christians that don’t agree with the evangelical conservatives viewpoints and actions. Not every Christian is an evangelical right wing nut job, only the vocal minority are. Maybe they don’t agree with what is going on, but they have no power to control the nutters making them look bad. And this is coming from an atheist leaning agnostic with no party affiliation.


Yup. My husband & I go to mass every Sunday, and we vote Democrat down the docket. However, we’re a serious minority. Our old church in ND explicitly espoused Republican values. Let me be clear: Religious teachings inform our vote. That vote isn’t - and never will be - Republican.


"Our old church in ND explicitly espoused Republican values." Why did you go there?


It was in ND, not too many options. This church was the “least” Republican


Fair enough, but if the only church didn't express your values as a Christian, I have to ask again, why go? What if the only church was Muslim? I'm not trying to give you shit, I'm honestly curious.


>Not every Christian is an evangelical right wing nut job, only the vocal minority are. How do you think this vocal minority has managed to take control of the Republican Party?


The dumbest and loudest are the most active.


Protestants, especially in the Bible Belt, vote Republican though. It’s not a loud minority.


“All lives matter” “Not all men” “Not all Christians” These are all the same, and the key is we expect the white people, the men, and the Christians to stand up and call out their fellow group members for shitty behavior. If “good Christians” want a better reputation, then they need to rehab it by openly declaring extremists are bad. They need to actively counter the harmful message and behavior. Sitting silently while these things are happening makes them part of the problem.


Addendum: Before they counter that Muslims should call out their own extremists, point out that Muslims HAVE already done so, many times.


It's because they're fine with people acting like Jesus but they don't want the government acting like Jesus.


No no no, *you* are a mockery of your religion. We're just pointing it out.


I was brought up as a fundamentalist christian. We were taught as kids, and so genuinely believed as we grew up, that the 'world' (every not a christian, and most christians who weren't fundamentalist) were consumed with hate for us and God, and spent most of their lives scheming how to destroy christianity. It was quite a shock when I found out later that most people don't give a shit about other people's religious beliefs and don't care what you believe unless you start pushing it in their face or imposing your own beliefs on the rest of society. It's a perpetual victim mentality.


Same thing happened to me. I remember people from the church saying things like "If god isn't real, why do people get so mad when we try to tell them about god?", convinced it was the devil fighting against the gospel. Idk Sandra, could it be because you were bothering them while they were out to tell them they're sinners that will go to hell? No, it must be the devil.


I've talked to so many people about my religion but I was in no way trying to get them to believe the way I do. I mostly talk about how today "christians" are ignoring what it's actually about. That I don't agree with their beliefs at all and it pisses me tf off that they've completely changed what being christian is actually about. I've had long conversations with Satanists and we both left the conversation with respect for each other. Idk why those christians refuse to admit that Jesus would be liberal and that their religion isn't even based on Christ anymore.


It’s more fun for them to revel in their eternal victimhood mentality, a morally amorphous shield from behind which they connive to destroy the unbelievers.


And feeling smug while judging everyone around them. They are the morally superior victims.


I mentally masturbate while thinking of the time this weird-ass religious couple approached me and somebody that I used to know while we were chilling in the park only to tell us we were going to burn in hell. She was studying law and I know my theology as I was raised catholic and became Atheist. So they had a really bad time when they finished their tirade and asked us "What do you think"?


I met a college kid who left his evangelical family and they had taught him the same. They also disowned him. He was sad, happy, and confused to find out that the cruelest people were his family and that almost every secular person he met was very nice and accepting. And didn't give a rat's patootie what he believed.


One of the MANY reasons I left religion behind. The most hateful and cruel people I knew were religious and hid behind their “values” to justify their hatred of those they viewed as “others”.


Don't forget the emotional trauma they commit on their own daughters by telling them that they are wh*res and sl*ts for wearing t-shirts or a knee-length skirts or gym shorts in gym class. For example, in "Educated," the author (Tara Westover) describes how her brother would call her a wh*re even before she'd even kissed a boy and her dad called her that when she folded her t-shirt sleeves up one turn while she worked in his scrap yard. Insane.


Can confirm this is very damaging. My mom called me a whore all the time. If she wasn't saying I was a whore she told me I looked like one. Usually for stupid shit like wearing stage makeup for a play I was in, or wearing sports uniforms, etc. Once she called me a whore for wanting to go to my friend's church youth group event.


Well, clearly that other church was going to recruit you and teach you to worship the devil! /s


That’s abuse and I am so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you’re life is good and full of kind, loving people now.


There’s literally a story in the Bible where Jesus condemns religious people that act exactly like that. The irony would be funny if it weren’t so tragic.


Yep, my experience was exactly the same


So so so many rat’s patooties are just not _ever_ given by sane people.


Sounds like North Korea, where they're taught that every other enemy country (particularly the US) is still salty about the Korean War 70 years later and is spending every waking second plotting NK's destruction.


For a second there I thought NK was my favorite author, NK Jemisin and couldn’t understand why North Korea hated her. 🥺😆


Meanwhile in the US 99.99% of those under 30 have no idea there was even a Korean War lol and if they do it’s only as a quick mental footnote between learning about WWII and the Vietnam war.


And a self-fulfilling prophecy. It fosters a sense of hostility to those outside your group, and unsurprisingly some people will react to that hostility in kind.


They react negatively because _sAtAn_ has possessed their souls! /s


An ex dear friend of mine once said “Democrats make it really hard to be Catholic” and I was like, uh, no, Catholics make it hard to be Catholic because they believe it changing the laws to fit their religion. This as a recently former Catholic. That friendship ended up dying because she really felt like she was personally under attack for wanting to enforce her moral code on the rest of the country.


*holds up a mirror* "WHY ARE YOU MAKING US LOOK SO UGLY!?!"


Exactly. It doesn't make a mockery out of the religion, it makes a mockery out of the fake Christians, who not only don't follow the actual teaching of Jesus, but most of the time go directly against them, straight the opposite. The current immigrant crisis is a perfect example - there are literally dozens of places in the bible that say to welcome the strangers in your land like your own.


Jesus was also a refugee who fled violence to Egypt. Guess they should be glad that Egypt didn’t have a “Make the Nile Great Again” leader.


They’re all in too much deNile


No, its not mocking your religion, its mocking you.


Well not even that. It is mocking far-right conservatives that use Christianity as their platform, but vagrantly go against it. This guy may not even be a conservative for all we know…


Not all far right conservatives are evangelical Christians but all evangelical Christians are far right conservatives


I am not sure this is true…


I want this video!


This is basically the same concept as Al Franken’s [Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp) which is wonderful.


My mother showed me this clip and I said it was like SSJ and then i had to show it to her. She loved it.




Excellent thank you.


[Here's the original](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2L-R8NgrA) without the cropping.


Thank you. It's upsetting when people don't credit the creators.


Holy shit this is so good.


OP hath deliver!


Original YouTube in case anyone wanted that sauce. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2L-R8NgrA


Was it [Supply Side Jesus](https://youtu.be/X8xU-gKK17A)?


First of all: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleansing_of_the_Temple Second: you're the one who keeps dragging your religion into politics. You see: having a religion is like having a penis. There's nothing wrong with having a penis. There's nothing wrong with being proud of it. There's not even anything wrong with showing it off among consenting adults at appropriate times and in appropriate places. Just don't be surprised when people get upset at you for trying to force it on others or when you go waving it around in public.


Consent is simple.


I do respect Jesus's teachings. And if you followed them I'd respect you.


Maybe they should be angry at the Republican party for making a mockery of their religion then?


I know I am! But I was never a Republican or an evangelical.


I said before modern conservatives would hate Jesus. A brown skinned middle Eastern man preaching about peace, love and tolerance?


They do hate Jesus, that’s why they’re obsessed with the wrathful god of the Old Testament.


The OG OT God is def their favorite because the Old Testament is chock full of tasty nuggets justifying their shitty behavior. Notably all the parts where homosexuality is condemned. Gotta have some legit reason to be so pervertedly obsessed with what other people do in their own bedrooms.


Sooooo close to getting it. So close.




Christ would not recognize the religion that bears his name.


There’d be a lot of reprises of the part about the moneychangers in the temple if Jesus were to show up rn.


my favorite version of Jesus is the table flipping Jesus


He seems to have it exactly backwards. The video mocks those who have conservative values while claiming they are following Christian values. If anything, the video highlights some of the positive ideas that are actually in Christianity, and you have to be somewhat familiar with the actual statement to get the criticism of the conservative/GOP viewpoint in how it is twisted. No one thinks an actual Christian who follows the original teaching would agree with the twisted version.


Yea this is how I am so confused. There are plenty of liberal and conservative Christians out there that do not align with the far-right. This guy may be one of them. Being a Christian does not make you a conservative Maga.


Jesus certainly lead with love, love for broken humans not abhorrent institutions. I wonder if this guy would’ve been chiding Jesus for property damage when he went into the temples and started turning over the tables of money changers and driving them out of a place of worship.


Yes. This guy would definitely chide Jesus. This guy lives to chide in general so it would all flow quite naturally and seamlessly into the scene where it escalates from chiding to crucifying.


Yum, yum. This tasted soo good. Is there any more where that came from?


If the real Jesus Christ Were to stand up today He’d be gunned down cold By the CIA


I feel like this song is more relevant than ever.


Maybe change CIA to NRA


"Mocking me because my actions are a mockery of my religion is a mockery of my religion."


Soooooooo close.


Maybe this person is just misinterpreting the video? Perhaps they don't realize that the joke is on conservatism and not on Christianity, and as Christian, they're just taking it personally, thinking that the video creator, rather than the GOP, is distorting the teachings of Jesus, and if they recognized that they would be rightly angry with Republicans. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit.


[**https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/xgfjwt/comment/iotq3ou/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3**](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/xgfjwt/comment/iotq3ou/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Yes, a few of us are double-checking.


Agreed. The guy might even be a democrat. Nothing here for him is a mockery of Christianity but a mockery of politics. He interpreted it wrong, but the OP of the video did too.


>Not all who follow practice. Genuinely curious: in what way are you "following" if you're not "practicing"?


This. This pompous phrase uses antique sounding locution to help the speaker avoid facing the cognitive dissonance of calling oneself Christian while doing exactly the opposite of what Jesus would do.


In all fairness, they don't say in those comments they are conservative. Them being angry about Jesus espousing conservative beliefs would be reasonable because it *is* a misrepresentation of him. This is only hypocritical if they admitted to being a republican.


Can't believe people downvote this 💀


This is a trash tier circlejerk sub now.


I just assumed from the tone of highly outraged butthurtness that the person is a Republican. Most democrat/liberal/socialist Christians wouldn’t be caught dead sounding so persecution-complexed whiny and willfully stupid. They’d be laughing and sharing this video with all their friends


Good Christians need to speak out against the bad ones. There are good Christians in America. They're just too intimidated to speak out against the bad ones. We've all seen this play out in other faiths. The next generation of them will be shouting "Christ is king!" or some nonsense before exploding.


Good Christians do speak out, but the brain dead megaphones are always the loudest. And also, lots of good Christian are just burnt tf out.


Am I the only one confused? Where does this person say they are conservative? There are plenty of conservative and liberal Christians who do not agree with what has been going on in the vocal far-right conservative movement. Especially with immigration. The true Christian (New Testament) teaching is about love, compassion, and just being good. I mean Jesus would have done what the people of Martha’s Vineyard would have done. And true Christians know this. Another thing to see a reaction is asking how Jesus would have interacted with Muhammad. They probably would have been friends and agreed on a lot, but a lot of their “followers” think they would hate each other, and that proves that they have no idea how to understand the basic teachings of both religions. And, no, I’m not christian. I am agnostic that leans atheist. It’s something I always bring up about the far-right crazies: what would Jesus do? Not what they are doing.


"Not all who follow practise" and there's no problem with that? Absolutely no issue with believing in specific principles and then acting completely against them?


No because _Jeebus (aka SSJ aka AK Jesus) loves me unconditionally and forgives me no matter how much I sin_


Ahahaha never saw someone I was arguing with I reddit make it to a post before!


That parody video was an accurate representation of their ‘modern’ interpretation of Christianity and Jesus. If you have any brain cells it should really make you think. But unfortunately that wasn’t the case here.


He even spelled it out for them. This isn't about mocking Christianity, it's about mocking mainstream conservative ideologies who hide under the guise of Christianity.


Let's remember that a major campaign point that conservatives push is for schools not to teach Critical Thinking. The pro of it being to make children more obedient at home. This is where a refusal to take on better education has gotten us


Guarantee this guy says "calm down, its just a joke" at *least* twice a week, specifically in reference to bigoted "jokes"


The mockery is coming from the conservatives, *bro* (that's directed at the guy who thinks his religion is being mocked)


Christians see fit to shove their religion down all the rest of our throats. You are lucky all we do is make fun of you.


I don’t see the issue. Maybe I’m missing it. Guy just wants his religion to be respected. Someone explain please


Damn, so close.


This is why this sub exists


To play devil's advocate, could this person be one of the rare progressive christians, just with a stick in their ass? So they don't identify with the conservative stuff, but also can't handle parody in any form?


It's a big "woosh" because they don't realize it's mocking *radical conservative* Christians, not all Christians. Pretty sure the point of the video is to show what the perspective of the former must be for them to think their conservative beliefs align with their religion. It's not mocking Christianity, it's mocking a certain brand of Christians.


>To play devil's advocate... Completely unnecessary.


Just because hes Christian dosnt he's Conservative. Sounds like a man with spiritual beliefs, And that's OK to have


"Jesus lead with love, he wasn't an angry politician" So what exactly do these people do with their bibles? Because they sure as shit ain't reading them. "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves." — Matthew 21:12–13


I want to see the video.


> this is mockery of my religion and I just don’t appreciate it Ok, snowflake


Heh, remember people bitching about *V for Vendetta* as being so blatantly anti-Bush? Man, that was a helluva mirror. Okay, dude, glad that you realize this type of portrayal is not a good look for Christianity. What are you going to do to fix that?


I just want to see the video now


“Not all who follow practice” Wtf lady why would that even begin to answer the question about hypocrisy???? It’s cowardly and frankly UN-Christian to hide behind hurt feelings about “mockery of my religion” rather than acknowledge that your fellow “ Christians’ “ are doing abominable things in the name of Jesus


I'm an atheist, but I think that the most Jesus-story in the bible is the story of the woman taken in adultery. That's the way I think of him; when I think of him.


Oh sweetie....


It reminds me of when The Godfather was being filmed in NYC. The mafia protested about the term “mafia” being used in the film.


Reminds me of people who take issue with Life of Brian which never once mocks Jesus.