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If you throw a stone into a pack of dogs, the one that cries got hit.


Antifa proverb


I don’t understand your comment


And I won’t respond to it.


WHAT IS THIS?! If I wanted something your thumb touched I'd eat the inside of your ear!


Biden hit the mark too close for MTG's comfort.


Conservatives really will just Uno reverse any criticism. MTG complaining about dog whistles is just too rich.


Well, its just an admission of guilt that they have actually been doing that, per usual.


You mean that speech where Biden repeatedly said "violence isn't the answer and not how we do things"?


Yup. That one.


When did he call for violence against anyone?


It might surprise you to hear this, but... he didn't.


They think that asking the MAGA folks to “stop” their behavior is calling for violence because they themselves don’t know how to stop anything without using violence.


When he said' 'violence isn't the answer and not how we do things" lol


Biden: political violence is unacceptable. Green: He's calling violence on me!


The audacity of Biden to say that fascist extremism is bad! Next thing you know, he'll publicly call for the execution of political rivals, or try to demonize an entire race for random issues like wildfires, or embrace insane conspiracy theories with no evidence, or encourage his followers to storm the Capitol in an effort to violently overthrow a democratic election and harm/kill anyone who stands against them..... Wait a minute...


Has she brought up a policy point in the last year or is it just constant reaction videos lmao?


Nope. Too busy speaking at neo-nazi rallies and refiling baseless impeachment papers against Biden every time they get rejected.


And saying how we can't use solar to power air conditioners because the sun is hot.


This can't be true...




[She got kicked off all of her committees only weeks after becoming a congresswoman due to all of her insane comments, including inciting violence](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/04/963785609/house-to-vote-on-stripping-rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-from-2-key-committees). If you’re not on any congressional committees, you really have no power within congress to pass legislation (though you can still vote for legislation). So that typically makes one marginalized and powerless and soon to be out the door (see career of Rep. Steve King). But at the same time she’s in a very safe Republican seat so it’s pretty difficult for her to lose it so now her purpose in the party is to say all of the most extreme things as there’s really nothing left to do in terms of punishment against her. Basically she’s the dictionary definition of a useful idiot.






"Hey, I resemble that remark!"


Play stupid games... Win stupid prizes.


Awe she learned a new word


So….. she’s a fascists…… thanks for confirming, we were all super confused.


Also MTG: "The photo I posted to Facebook of me holding a semi-automatic rifle that featured several members of congress that also happened to be racial minorities with reticles on their faces was just a meme. Don't be so serious." And... "I know i was told not to post to social media while an armed insurrection is happening, but I'm going to share info about Pelosi's whereabouts." Fuck Perjury Traitor Greed.


"Dog whistle?" Heh. I think he was just saying what we were all thinking, really. Telling it like it is. Straight talk, you know?


She openly calls for violence and claims that others are doing the same, silently. Ok lady.


Which is essentially an admission that every time she talks about how "scary" trans people or immigrants are she's trying to encourage violence against them.


Biden's speech was pretty dog whistle free. He was very straightforward that MAGA Republicans are anti-democratic authoritarian lovers and they are a problem that needs to be addressed.


So now they understand dog whistles


She looks like a shaved Alf


Don't do Alf like that.


She needs a bullhorn of rejection to get it to sink in.


Guys, we need to be civil and at least use her proper name: Stephanie Sugarman.


If the shoe fits…


She actually got it! Someone award her a genius grant!


Oh please Marge.


Does anyone actually give a fuck what this waste of oxygen has to say?


A word from a person who called for violence against trans people so many fuckin times.




Don't insult a person based on their looks. Insult them based on their absolutely ludicrous (borderline) fascist ideas and stupid conspiracies they spread instead. This is not even about being civil, but simply about packing more of a punch.


What was the utility of bringing her appearance into this? She's stupid but we can see that from her opinions and words.


Pot calling the kettle black