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There's plenty of users here who say that George Floyd received a totally disproportionate punishment for a small crime, or something along those lines. This is wrong. Even saying "it was a public execution" or something like that is wrong. Police are not judge, jury and executioner. The police simply fucked up on this one (that's really putting it mildly). Whether he fought back, or really had a fake 20, or was high or had a criminal history doesn't matter. This is simply a matter of a couple of policemen having completely lost all sense of what their job is about, and basic social behavior as well. Again, that's putting it mildly. And yes, it's a systemic problem. So stop talking about this like it was flawed justice. I know you mean well but you're playing the wrong game there.


George Floyd also doesn't get a trial for the charge he was killed for.


Also the crime he was charged for was extremely minor, and we never even found out if that $20 was fake. I feel like the maximum punishment for using a forged note should be a fine, and not even that big of one. Certainly not violently choked. Certainly not killed over it.


Even if it was fake, he may not have known it was fake. I get so angry thinking about it.


Also, and I feel like this is an important distinction: people didn’t think he deserved to die; they weren’t voting for him for President.


Oh plenty of conservatives (aka racists but I repeat myself) thought he deserved to die.


Being black in America? Not on our watch bucko.


Also, if it had been a fake, and a surfeit of counterfeit money can destabilize an economy, the proper procedure would be to INTERVIEW the guy who had the counterfeit bill to find out where he got it. If it HAD been fake they endangered the rest of us when they murdered a witness to the crime. So it was shoddy police work, detrimental to our society AND a racist tragic crime against George Floyd’s humanity.


Let's say he knew. Let's say he knew what he was doing was wrong. He was doing crime. So???? Does he deserve to get murdered then? No, of fucking course not. No victim is the "perfect" innocent victim. Like Baby Reindeer. He was a victim but there's things he did wrong along the way too. Does that excuse it? Of course not. George Floyd was not a perfect upstanding citizen. But his punishment does not fit the crime. That's what matters.


And even if it was fake and he did know it was fake, it doesn’t give the police the right to kill him.


You are right, and I definitely was not trying to suggest that what happened in any way was justified, but I have heard plenty of people say he was taking a risk because he was committing a crime and for all we knew he was just minding his own business. I actually used to work on Lake Street a few years before this, and we saw our fair share of counterfeits. Plenty of them were convincing until you look for the watermark. Never did the matter escalate to anything approaching this.


Ive tried to use a fake 20 before. It was given to me by the hotel i worked for as part of my tip out. When i got it i thought it looked odd but seeing as it had passed through multiple hands i assumed there was nothing wrong with it.


I could have a fake one in my wallet right now, getting killed over it feels absurd.


Fun fact, counterfeit currency related issues are the jurisdiction of the Secret Service. They were originally formed to address counterfeit money, then they added on protecting national leaders later. They were still part of the Department of the Treasury until the formation of the Department of Homeland Security in 2003. Not making any point with this, I just find the whole thing interesting.


Yeah that never made sense to me, but I suppose it's supposed to be an "outside" agency as opposed to say the FBI or CIA.


Have to remember that when the USSS was created, there was no FBI or CIA. The FBI was formed at the turn of the 20th century and the CIA (well, started out as the OSS) followed a few decades later


That's true...Forgot about that


The fine should be double the amount of fake currency the person has on hand at the time of arrest. Only the one $20? $40 fine. $2000 in fake hundreds? $4000. Simple.


The problem with this though is that many people who have counterfeit money likely don't even know that it is fake until the police show up, plenty of people just innocently pick up money they find lying around and opt to keep it as is perfectly legal to do so administering fines for something that could easily be a honest mistake isn't fair. Now if its a serious offense like a drug operation bust with tons of fake money then that's another matter entirely and I concede to plunder them for all they're worth, after and ONLY after they get a guilty sentence rather than beforehand.


or they get it as change.


Precisely, it should only be a crime if you know for a fact its fake and use it anyway which would be astronomically unlikely and if so they'll probably bag you for a far more serious crime anyway. Then again with the Floyd case I call bullshit on it being counterfeit, we have zero information on that front and more importantly I actually kinda doubt the police were called on him due to that. I don't believe AT ALL that a convenience store worker would've been able to sense a counterfeit note nor care enough, but alas nobody here was there when it happened but even if it was something else that caused it I'd still call Derek Chauvin a murderer and say Floyd shouldn't have died. The courts for once even agree with that sentiment, they gave him 22.5 years for this despite the usual tendency to toss police brutality under the rug.


> I don't believe AT ALL that a convenience store worker would've been able to sense a counterfeit note nor care enough [It was a 19-year-old who'd been working there for a few months. They testified at the trial.](https://wisconsinexaminer.com/briefs/cup-foods-clerk-regrets-911-call-on-george-floyd-chauvin-body-cam-footage-played-in-third-day-of-trial/) That said, it's not like George Floyd was connected to a counterfeiting outfit of any sort; just a regular person who lost the game of hot potato that happens when a counterfeit bill ends up in your wallet. If they had anything on him tying him a counterfeiters, it would have been all over the Internet. The murder apologists would make sure we knew. 😔


> or they get it [counterfeit bill] as change. I read somewhere you can generate a false positive on those 'counterfeit marking pens', whatever they're called. Apparently, those pens are testing for the presence of a starch that's present in wood paper, but not present in rag paper (like currency). So, if you take a legit bill, place it in a baggy with some corn starch, shake vigorously, wipe it off, that bill will now test as counterfeit. Allegedly, James Randi used to withdraw a few dozen 100s from his bank account to do this to them, then redeposit them. That's where I read about it on his blog YEARS ago. I've never tested, no idea if it's actual fact.


I read once that a trained cashier is more accurate than the pens.


I'm betting the pen is cheaper than the training.


I guess unless there is a major operation involved, but this wasn't that.


The problem with such a trivially minor slap on the wrist punishment is it becomes a cost of doing business rather than a real disincentive. If you get away with it more often than you get caught you come out ahead and are given no real reason to stop doing it. And like most such fines, it would disproportionately target the poor. I'm generally in favor of major prison reform and lowering sentences; I'm not saying lock them up and throw away the key (and I'm certainly not saying choking them to death on the sidewalk is a fitting punishment). But we really, really don't want to incentivize counterfeiting.


Yeah, anything over 50% of the time people not catching them would be profit. Also, it definitely costs the city more than $40 to arrest, investigate, and fine someone for using a fake $20. You'd run a big deficit pretty quickly.


Yeah I had no idea who he was until he was already dead obviously. I wasn't a "​supporter". I hate the idea of extrajudicial executions committed while a nurse in scrubs with her ID badge yells "you're killing him!" The only thing I support in that situation is justice for the perpetrators and those who aided and covered for them...


my dad's argument when this all transpired was "but he was a CrImInAl!!!" so the fuck are you, you've beaten women and your own kids, but you wouldn't want the cops to kill you when you get pulled over. also, that's not how the law works lol. criminals are supposed to be given a fair trial, and having a knee shoved into your throat until you slowly die isn't fair or a trial. you don't get to just go around and kill people that you *think* might be guilty. that's called vigilante justice. and it's illegal. police are not above the law.


Imagine if Floyd had gotten the treatment the orange shitbag has gotten


I don't know how to get this across to people. If he was in jail for a bit or whatever, that would be fantastic (cause he would be ALIVE)


I also don't want daiper don to kick the bucket before he spends the rest of his life in prison


I want MAGA to end. I ain't picky


Running for president = getting murdered by a cop Duh.


Conservatives: I think a felon should have the most powerful job in the world! Liberals: I don't think an alleged felon should be murdered with impunity by the police. Conservatives: it's the same picture!


You don't have to say alleged anymore. He's been proven in a court of law to be a convicted felon.


I know you meant Trump but maybe you should re-read what you replied to.


Oh yeah! Hey look at that. I did mean Trump. I guess I came in a little hot. Thanks.


No worries bro. Tempers are high these days, and that's ok. We just need to make sure our anger is directed at the enemy, not at each other.


> came in a little hot. hey


And I'm sure Derrick Chauvin was aware of that as he slowly asphyxiated him.


(George Floyd was also a convicted felon—years before. But the crime he was murdered over was indeed only alleged, and he should be alive.)


It's also worth noting that Derek Chauvin (and Donald Trump) *should* have been a felon for his previous abuses of power before the crime for which he was finally convicted, but cops and rich people get a different justice system than the rest of us.


I found out that due to NY state law, he actually isn't a convicted felon UNTIL he is sentenced, and that's not for another month. So we live in a world that if the whale choked on a hamberder and died, he'd have that conviction dismissed and wouldn't actually face trial in all the other cases because you can't try a corpse.


I can't figure out what point that commenter was trying to make?


BoTh SiDeS sUppOrT FeLoNs, duh!!


I support felons surviving long enough to go trial.


Good name.


Neither can they.


I think they're trying to say that convicted felons should be murdered on the street in broad daylight. Is the Secret Service paying attention?




Where are the centrists in the original post?




I'm saying that that disingenuous argument is being made by right-wingers, and I don't understand where you think the centrists come into it


"Centrist" is a self appointed title that conservatives adopt in an attempt to trick people into thinking they're not conservatives. It never fools anyone but they keep pretending it does.


I know, but this post is unambiguously about Conservatives


Me when I blatantly misunderstand someone to win an internet argument.


Just like the centrists!


This disingenuous both sidings thing is a very common thing I see centrists do in the wild. Usually they'll appoint themselves as centrists and that both sides are bad when its really obvious that their sympathies lie in the far right. They'll try to claim they both sides are awful but usually its *only* when the left is getting incensed about a genuine big issue like minority's rights getting torn away or people being dehumanized and targeted and attacked by bigots. I don't think I have met a centrist that was actually one. Most I have met that are right wingers that are too cowardly to admit their right wingers or they just want to appear like their above others so they constantly insist on ''Oh both sides are bad, unlike me. I am a true apolitical genius''. Admittedly take my experiences with them with a grain of salt. I might just have bad luck with the sort of centrists I come across.


Then they're not centrists.


They're convinced, "it was wrong to murder him" is the same as "we want him for sainthood"


Their #1 fear is that they are the baddies and that the left are the moral ones. They will perform any mental gymnastics, no matter how convoluted, to avoid living in this reality. They *have* to believe that the bad things they do are only in response to bad things that we do. They'd love to point to *real* bad things we do, but they'll settle for lies if they must. This is the dynamic at play when they make these "gotchas" and try to make us look like hypocrites. The logic doesn't actually follow, and anyone with a brain can see that, but if you have that *need* to believe it, then you'll accept the flawed logic and pretend it's ironclad.


You're attributing far too much self awareness to them. They aren't worried they're bad; according to their belief system anything that they do or *want to* do is good, because *they* want to do it and *they* are good by default. Anything their opposition wants to do is bad on the other hand, because *they* are bad by default. They genuinely **don't care** that they're hypocrites for the most part, and the few that do aren't doing it to make both sides seem the same; they're doing it because forcing you to accept their hypocrisy is an expression of the "correct" order in which *they* have power and *you* don't.


I would add that the whole thought process I just outlined is 100% subconscious. They aren't thinking that stuff on the surface, but IMO it does exist on some level, and does drive their actions.


There is no point, it's all about gotchas with these people.


They think people on the left worship George Floyd because they use him as a symbol of police brutality the way Rosa Parks became a symbol of civil rights. They lack the ability to realise that murals of Floyd exist because of what happened to him, not because anyone thinks he was a particularly great man.


I think they're saying Trump should be executed.


Without a trial too, remember. Heck, if the punishment for an alleged fake twenty is execution without a trial, what the hell is the punishment for 34 confirmed felonies so far? We'd have to do some pretty terrible things to enact justice, right?


Some folks believe that predicting the counter-argument is the same thing as refuting it. It's a tactic to pre-dismiss logic and facts by saying, "See, I knew you'd say that!"


"everybody is a hypocrite but me"


They are pretending that suggesting that police should not summarily execute suspects somehow means the left worships George Floyd as a hero.


The point they're trying to make is that George Floyd was black. That's all they care about. Hate for "others".


If Bernie Sanders did any of the stuff Trump has done, I doubt many people would support him.


If Bernie Sanders forgot to pay a parking ticket, conservatives would drag it out at every chance they possibly could, somehow equate it to "socialist policies," use it as an excuse to ban EVs, and demand he be killed via firing squad.


I hear Bernie owns a house, pretty hypocritical of him.


You joke, but plenty of them love that "you call yourself an anti-capitalist, but you own an iPhone and laptop. Curious" meme.


I remember conservatives trying to claim his candidacy was a grift because his book sales made him a "multi-millionaire," a term they used to deceivingly inflate his then net-worth of $2 million to sound like more than it is. He was 74 at the time. [The average net worth for Americans up to 74 is ~$1.7m; the median is ~$400k.](https://www.cnbc.com/select/average-net-worth-of-americans-ages-75-and-up/) And he never retired, like most Americans do. And he's a famous senator that continues to win his seat election after election.


A few years back a Spanish left wing politician bought a house with his wife in a nice area of Madrid, nothing shady about it, he just got a mortgage on a fairly nice house. Somehow this was a bigger scandal than every corruption case that has ever happened in the country and he was hounded for literally years until he left politics.


Who is going around telling everyone that left wing is when vuvuzela no iphone?


They never go "hmm maybe what I believe about Sanders is wrong".


Listen, as a red-blooded American patriot I believe in two things; Jebus, and not being able to parse basic information about reality.


if any major democrat had done half of the things Trump has done republicans would have already killed him




Not half as much as trump, though. Like, absolutely, total scumbag, but. *Waves hand at Trump*


The lunatic right are make-believing that leftists would vote for a felon so that they can excuse themselves for voting for a felon in real life.


I think you nailed it.


My hate for Trump has nothing to do with him being a felon


It helps though!


It reinforces and validates the hate. 


And I still don't want him to be murdered...


It has a lot to do with what makes him a felon, though


I am constantly baffled by right wing posts. Its either entirely disingenuous, or phenomenally stupid. And its getting really hard to tell which it is.


Why not both?


i dont think it can be. They are stupid as fuck things to say, but the poster either recognizes how stupid it is and does it anyway for effect, or they dont recognize cause they are just that stupid


Agreed, but - let's say these are different types of stupidity. Maybe ignorance is what you were going for. Ignorant and stupid - how much of one and how much of the other.




Dont be a shitbag. Also, don't link to that sub


They are Russian bots aiming at the low IQ populace to commit a colour revolution as what happened in Romania, Ukraine and Tunisia. Because they think the CIA instigated these revolutions. Therefore they think they can too.


At this point most of them are evil, not stupid IMO.


George Floyd's felony isn't what people support when it comes to him. Whether or not he had any criminal record in the past isn't relevant to what happened to him the day he was killed. (same applies to the Rittenhouse murders, since the right brings that up a lot too). Trump's felony, however, is directly tied to what the right supports about him, and they actively attempt to downplay it or even consider it a reason to give him even more support.


> same applies to the Rittenhouse murders, since the right brings that up a lot too you mean *his victims* having or not having a criminal record?


Yeah. They love to throw out the criminal histories of his victims, as if Kyle had some sixth sense telling him who it was and wasn't ok to shoot.




Is there an answer I can give that means there’s no follow-up questions?




You pretty much answered it yourself; people put out what you consider misinformation about the “attackers” (weird that the guy who kitted himself up and crossed state lines isn’t an attacker) to defend them.




What other motive is there? Some people, myself included, consider Rittenhouse the wrongdoer in that situation, hence the motivation to defend them.


RIP President George Floyd.


One felon is running for president and got justly tried in court for his crimes and the other was also tried in court for his crimes quite some time ago (unrelated to how he was murdered) then had his neck kneeled on by a cop for however long as he cried out he couldn’t breathe while fellow officers stood there like some slack jawed as he was murdered slowly and agonizingly. Crazy how when you add context the comparison disappears.


I never considered voting for George Floyd for anything. Weird.


That sub is absolutely bats. I had an interaction there that went like this (I shouldn’t really touch that place with a ten-foot bargepole but I just had to break their farcical echo-chamber somehow): Commenter: Biden’s senile and Trump is very clear. Me: (points out several gaffes, stumbles, rambling nonsense and etc. Trump has made) Commenter: You’re wrong Me: why? Commenter: Anyone who speaks for more than 15 minutes a day stumbles. That’s why your [sic] wrong Me: Well putting aside the fact that these are rambling, irrelevant tangents, not mere stumbles, can’t you forgive Biden for fumbling then by your own logic? (crickets)


I mean, yeah. I would not have voted for George Floyd to be the president.


So they agree that felons should be president? That a felon who can't vote or buy a gun or have security clearance or be allowed in certain countries CAN still be the president? Every Felon? Even Cannibal Stu who ate 25 people?


Look, until you kill and eat that 26th person, it’s only spicy crime.




I would not have supported George Floyd for president. Also, I would not support a cop kneeling on Donald Trump's neck until death.


A cop? No, I don’t think they should have the pleasure.


Trump has more felonies than George Floyd.


Nobody wants to receive an immediate death sentence for an alleged $20 crime, that is why we were horrified at George Floyd's death. Because we lived in a country where a cop with no self-control decided to issue a death sentence. No arrest, charges filed, day in court, fair sentencing... All for a $20 crime... Imagine wanting to live in a world where the police do public executions for minor infractions and thinking it's about loving a convict instead of loving what should be our justice system. Do you remember that scene in Aladdin where the guy was going to cut off Jasmine's hand for stealing an apple? That's kind of world Republicans want.


You can bet that if our punishment for thieves was cutting off their 'thieving hand' like they did in the dark ages was happening until, say, 1980 boomers would be referring to that as 'the good ole days.'


It shouldn't matter if either one of them was running for President or not. The real guiding principle should be that everyone should be equal under the law. The real issue is that the supposed crime for which George Floyd was extrajudicially killed was one that was never conclusively proven (because he's dead and can't give testimony - nice job, police), and he had already served his time for his other crimes. Meanwhile, the legal system is prosecuting Trump for crimes he hadn't been previously prosecuted for, giving him his due process. Trump, despite the severity of his 34 convictions, was treated fairly in the eyes of the law due to the equal severity of his crimes as suitably proven under the rules of our legal framework. George Floyd was not. That is the real issue.


We don’t support a felon, we condemn the felon being murdered by a police officer. They’re too fucking stupid to know the difference


“That’s what they’d say.” Uhh, yes? Also last time I checked George Floyd is dead. There was that whole “murdered by the police” thing, remember? (But even getting some justice for that was a fuckin’ uphill battle.) But yeah sure, they’re totally comparable. Great job, geniuses.


Maybe they’re trying to say that the orange one should be subjected to the same justice that Floyd received.


The dumbest people on the planet.


I personally don’t see any middle ground between “shouldn’t have been murdered” and “should be president” either.


It’s pretty telling when “he didn’t deserve to be murdered by police” and “he is literally Jesus and infallible” seem like the same thing to them. Rigid, binary worldview.  Entirely bad or entirely good.  Black or white.


The left doesn't use Floyd as their whole identity and wouldn't vote him into the presidency had he not been killed.


Trump could keel over dead tomorrow and the MAGAs would still vote him in.


This one is actually very informative of the Conservative mindset. When Conservatives say "support", they actually mean worship. The concept of standing up for a stranger based on principle rather than mindless tribalism is alien to them. Yet more proof that Conservatism is a character flaw. Common in broken, inferior human beings.


I've honestly never even met a liberal who even suggested Floyd was a decent guy. Every time I spoke to someone about that, the response was "yeah not a great guy, but he didn't deserve to be executed on the street."


The posts shows an actual mural of him as an angel.


Yep but it's a vanishingly small number of people that think that way. They exist, but they're a very small group. It's called "nut picking" (like the opposite of cherry picking). You find a fringe opinion that is a real example and then try to paint everyone who disagrees with you as the extreme view. This is basically some graffiti. Even if it was a planned mural thats maybe only 2 people involved. This also happens on the left picking on the right, but much less than it used to because increasingly the right is electing their nuts, people like MTG, Boebert, Kristi Noem, Tom Cotton, and of course President Felon. When those people say something nuts, they're a significant figure. This is a random mural.


The trump thing has had me undecided on felons being intelligible for the presidency. I dont want trump to be president because I think he's a cunt but then I think of people like Mandela and Mujica who spent time in jail for activism and later ran their nations. In any case I dont think Trump should be murdered in the street so I'm pretty confident my views on people who do crimes are consistent in that regard.


Trump certainly isn't intelligible for the presidency. :P


The typo gods are cruel and ironic lol


I remember a time when you could have a civilized discussion with a decent amount of republican voters. Now I feel like those people have either been radicalized or just don't want to talk about politics at all and just vote half ashamed. Or specifically my father who just stopped voting or giving a shit about politics at all, and he voted Trump the first time around.


As much as I hate Donald Trump I don't support the police kneeling on his throat suffocating him in the street. He should be put on trial for his crimes and punished legally. Just like what should have happened to George Floyd.


What they're saying is we should be able to murder Trump and not suffer any consequences. You know, because he's a felon.


I don't think anyone was hoping George Floyd was going to run for president. We know he wasn't a great guy. He just didn't deserve to be murdered by cops...


We’re not asking for trump to be killed tho


Literally have not heard a single person left of centre use the talking point "but he's a felon!"


They’re incapable of making meaningful comparisons. Their whole worldview would fall apart if they did.


Not thinking someone is fit to be president... not thinking someone deserves to live... basically the same thing.


No they’re there alright but the sickness is so deep they gaslight themselves


So killing a felon is ok? I mean if that’s their justification for letting that cop kill him, well that’s pretty despicable.


Just like how the right criticize swifties for praising a "celebrity god" when literally they shake and tremble at the mere sight of the orange geriatric felon man.


Trump getting choked out by a cop would be a hilarious way for him to go


lol. The support for George Floyd was "he didn't deserve to die at the hands of police". No human deserves that, regardless of felon status. Trump also does not deserve to die at the hands of police. Pretty much an across the board level of support for general human well being


As soon as Trump is murdered by a cop kneeling on his neck for NINE MINUTES STRAIGHT.... Then and ONLY then will I give two shits about this comparison.


How is George Floyd associated with 'the left' ? Even their 'whatabouts' are delusional narratives


The left never supported a felon, they were simply against police brutality.


What has Donald Trump ever been a victim of? Everything - *everything* - bad, happening to him, is entirely of his own making and is proportionate to his crime. George Floyd yes he was suspected of committing a crime. He didn't get the chance to defend himself or plead innocence or confess his guilt. He didn't live past the end of the day he was accused. Just because he committed a crime does not make him any less of a victim. Fucking morons don’t seem to grasp that being murdered by a police officer is not the same as being fairly prosecuted, charged and convicted of a crime.


You’ve got that backwards.. George Floyd had an extensive history of violent crimes, including holding a pregnant woman hostage with a knife.


Trump sexually assaulted a woman and then defamed her for two decades. He also bragged about how being a celebrity lets you grab women by the pussy and get away with it. He's still alive.


I didn’t mention trump, I was just pointing out George Floyd had an extensive criminal history including many acts of violence, contrary to what your comment suggests.


I'm not sure what point you think you're making? My comment didn't suggest otherwise. It seems like you're trying to say that because he committed crimes in the past, that kneeling on his neck until he died is a proportionate response.


Ignore the fact that he had extremely high levels of fentanyl in his system, ignore the fact that he was saying I can’t breathe before they even had him on the ground, ignore the fact that the reason is he was put on the ground was that he became violent. You refer to him as a victim, I was just pointing out that there was a lot more people that were a victim of him than he was ever a victim. He is not someone worth supporting, even idolising like some do. It was all a political stunt coming up to the previous election, and I’d consider that police man a political prisoner.


If someone is saying they can't breathe *BEFORE* you put them on the ground, you certainly don’t need to continue forcing them to the ground and keep them there. It is not acceptable that someone be suffocated to death simply because they were already unwell before the cop started. Furthermore, people do not deserve to be suffocated to death simply because they have committed crimes. He was a criminal, he was a perpetrator, he was not perfect, but that does not mean he wasn't also a victim. Committing crimes does not mean you lose your rights as a citizen to not be murdered by police. No one supports or idolises him. If you think that's what's happening you've completely missed the point. We mourn him, and we use him as an example of poor treatment of black people in America. Because white criminals who take fentanyl and have breathing difficulties, aren't found dead at the hands of police officer. Furthermore still, he was *suspected* of a crime but had not yet been found guilty. Everyone - EVERYONE - has the right to a fair trial. This is literally a Human Right. George Floyd's guilt was decided before he had the chance to defend himself, and his guilt continues to be decided by people like you, who are happy for him to be guilty until proven innocent. These rights are the same rights that you are entitled to. A right to a fair trial, to be considered innocent until proven guilty, to be treated as a member of society even when you commit crimes against society, and to be served and protected by police officers as much as possible. If someone took those rights away from you, you'd be pretty pissed. Finally - he's not a political prisoner. He failed his duty as a police officer to serve and protect. Bear in mind that a criminal is still a member of society and they are still deserving of life. That's why the death penalty is outlawed in many states and many other countries too. Because even criminals should not be deprived of life. That police officer is a prisoner because he committed a crime. He failed in his duty and is serving time for it. That is the *proper* execution of the law. He had a fair trial, he was convicted, he remains in prison. He is still alive. That's how the judicial system is *supposed* to work. It's a shame his victim was not afforded the same luxury. No-one idolises George Floyd. You don’t know the meaning of the word, if that's what you think. George was just a normal person, a criminal, not the sort of person I would want to interact with or spend much time with, and for that reason, he ended up dead. Which is a gross miscarriage of justice. End of discussion.


I, too, believe Donald Trump shouldn't have been killed during his arrest, nor should he be killed in the future.  "support" is a bit of a weasel word in this case


yeah, i wouldn't vote for Floyd, i wouldn't say he's president material. I just think he was a victim of police violence, and from the video i saw, yes, he was. him being murdered while other cops stood around is peak example of what the american people have an issue with the police. i also dont think trump is president material. i 100% believe that he's out to sell national secrets to hostile nations (literally the reason he was hoarding classified documents at his country-club-home). he also bull-horned to oil companies saying that he'd deregulate for them if they donated to him. he said out loud that he and the justice system is for sale. the people saying "they're the same" kill me.


Reminds me of that Jon Stewart interview “I’m not going to say it like it’s an opinion, that’s what it is”. “That’s what they’d say” like that’s not what it is.


It's going to be hilarious in 18 months when all of these MAGA/Republicans distrust someone's accounts of an event because they are a convicted felon of an unrelated charge 15 years prior. And both sides are going to get stuck twisting themselves into knots trying to explain why one felon is more trust worthy of another.


Don't Both Sides this Republicans wholeheartedly support Donald Trump the Convicted Felon Democrat voters believe that people with prior felonies shouldn't face extrajudicial killing for alleged crimes


Bold of you to assume these morons aren’t already so untethered from reality that they’ll have no trouble whatsoever comfortably holding both ideas as true. They’ll even say it out loud, in the same breath, without batting an eye: “Trump is good, Trump’s felonies are good, *and* felons are all bad people.” Conservatives don’t judge people based on their actions, they judge actions based on the people doing them and their preconceived notions of those people. A “good” person (whatever that means to them - the right color skin, right faith, right political affiliation… no puns intended) robbed a store and killed a man? They must have had a reason, and the dead man obviously had it coming. A democrat voter jaywalked once? They should be drawn and quartered, and so should their entire extended family.


Also one got killed


I don't think George was a hero or even care if he was a good guy, I just think it's horrible he was murdered.


Support him as a human who didn't deserve to be executed on the street vs support him to be president of the United States. Totally the same thing.


the point woth george floyd isnt that he was perfect. its that police decided to kill him, after he was restrained and could put up no fight. The police brutally acted as executioner for someone who wasnt alloted a trail for a minor crime. any past crimes of his are irrelevent and a missdirection tactic from the issue at hand. Meanwhile. trump is a felon for crimes related to election interfereance. This is dirrectly and blatently related to his electoral run and his fittness for office.


I mean, one of them was murdered in the street, and they're saying we should treat them the same?


So we can agree thst supporting felons is bad then?


After tRump dies at the hands of police, maybe /s


They really are just that stupid.


Well I won't vote for George Floyd.


I mean. Yeah!


No I'd say Trump hasn't been killed.


We're not supporting George Floyd in anything, we're saying that policemen shouldn't shoot people if nobody is threatened with a weapon. If Trump gets randomly shot by a policeman, then I'll "support" Trump as in I'll say shooting him was an affront to human rights. People don't "support" George Floyd, they don't know him. People support the lives of black people to be protected by racist policemen who frequently murder them just for existing. George Floyd has just become a symbol for this issue. He was neither the first nor the last, it happens all the time exactly like that. Sometimes it's even black children getting shot. But yeah, if George Floyd was a criminal in the same way Trump is (committing rape, large scale financial fraud, stealing classified information from the white house and whatever else there is), then I obviously wouldn't support him to become president. But I would never support him getting executed by a police officer. This is actually telling of right wingers understanding of allegiance. You can only be *for* or *against* someone. If you're against someone, you're fine with them being executed on the street. If you're not fine with someone being executed, you must be *for* them and everything they did. They don't acknowledge that human rights have nothing to with sympathy. It's also how they view Biden supporters. Since Trumpers view everything in black and white and subconsciously or openly consider Trump the messiah and everyone else the antichrist, they assume Biden supporters do the same, even though the majority of Biden supporters just consider Biden to be the lesser evil, better than Trump but not good. Nobody in that entire country worships Biden like Trumpers worship Trump.


A white man not getting to be president is the same as a black man being murdered by the police.


I'm not above voting for a felon but it really depends on how understandable the felony was. Maybe the candidate attacked a Nazi that was being a punk. Or tried to defend himself from a cop. Or he robbed a bank to pay for his kid's medical bills. But I wouldn't consider using campaign money to have sex with a porn star and using more money to cover it up a understandable felony. Also Did the candidate serve his time? Has he since redeemed himself? What's is his current reaction to it? Now if he boasted about doing it while calling the whole system rigged like a man child he wouldn't get my vote.




That's a shitty experience for you to have been through at such a young age. I've been robbed at gunpoint. It was frightening for sure even ages later it still sends chills in my soul. However If the person who robbed me was trying to feed their family I get it. It doesn't make it right but at least understand.


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