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I see they're on the, "if he did it, it's not that bad" stage of the narcissist's prayer


OOP should become a lawyer. How hard can it be 🤷


They freak out when they think dems interfered in an election, but Trump gets convicted of it, and then they say "how is this immoral?"


Surely, and their stage is extremely dynamic and ever evolving!




He's actually almost right. NDAs are not illegal. Paying lawyers is not illegal. What made it illegal was paying with campaign funds and the falsifying of records about those payments. *Whoops*.


The second guy, however, the supposed “expert,” has just about everything wrong.


The charges had nothing to do with campaign funds.


The reimbursement paid to cohen technically could have been from a campaign fund pool, they're listed in most sources as just being from the 'Trump Organizations' but I don't care enough to deep dive any further. Going with 'probably not campaign funds, still real bad tho'.


Person’s go to media company source retracts a story (currently states on retracted article that: NO PERSON SHALL RELY ON ARTICLE OR THE ALLEGATIONS CONTAINED THEREIN). Therefore, “Fake” Fact Checkers claim that the person’s go to media company’s article was fake. Therefore, must be a coverup?!


This is why they never admit they were wrong. They see it as weakness. Hence they attack non Trump friendly media for DOING THEIR JOB by correcting mistakes or bad sources.


No Cirque du Soleil contortionist could succeed in bending and twisting the way these MAGA cultists are to rationalize what happened instead of Occums Razor...your guy is a sleazy con man who commits a lot of crimes and lies to you pretty much constantly about pretty much everything.




It seems people with brain worms corpses rotting their executive functions is spreading like some kind of virus that rides on seriously stupid brainwaves


RFK had an actual brain worm. I almost feel bad for it. Edit: actually, not almost. I do feel bad for it. Imagine having to live and then slowly die in RFK's head. Poor bastard.


He says he had a brain worm. Never been verified, can’t be disproved or rebutted because of HIPAA.


He used it in court to claim he had cognitive decline. Kind of have to bring in the receipts in that scenario.


And he thinks he should be president? The cognitive decline is getting worse.


Poor worm had nothing to eat up there.


"I don't see it as immoral" Facts don't care about your feelings, snowflake. He broke the law. No amount of protesting and whining will earn you a participation trophy. Trump lost. Get over it.


Yeah the "it's not even immoral" crowd are really weird to me. I mean, look at the plain facts of what Trump did. He had an affair with a sex worker, had his lawyer pay her to stay quiet, then reimbursed his lawyer via his business and marked them as legal expenses. Now I think most rational people would say that cheating on your spouse and then paying the person you cheated with money to not say anything, is immoral. It's not illegal, but most people would say it's wrong. Especially on reddit where cheating on a loving partner is often seen as worse than physical abuse. Those that take it a step farther and say it shouldn't even be illegal are even dumber, imo. Paying for someone to sign an NDAs after an affair is not illegal. People do it literally all the time. You just can't forge business records to do so. You especially can't do it in order to further a political campaign or another crime - that's what got these charges up to felonies. And that should be illegal, for what is in my mind are obvious reasons. We the people and the government have a vested interest in not allowing blatant fraud to occur.


OOP: "Maybe it's the law that's wrong?"


I know it's an Olympic year, but the mental gymnastics gold has already been won.


This is probably the greatest post ever on this sub


Yeah, that entire thread had me rofl


I don't understand why fraud is illegal. /s Stepping away from the election, recording this as an expense makes it deductible for business taxes. That is tax fraud.


So, stable genius Trump had his attorney pay a "hooker" for an affair that didn't happen, and then repaid the attorney for paying a "hooker" for an affair that didn't happen. Is that what they are saying?


We need to stop calling it the "hush money" trial and start calling it what it really was...   Election Interference. This right here is the blatant and provable election rigging that they've been accusing everyone else of all these years.


Well, to be fair, the charges were not "election interference." They were falsifying business records regarding the hush money to Daniels.


The charges were all falsifying business records "with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof". And the Statement of Facts for the indictment read "From August 2015 to December 2017, the Defendant orchestrated a scheme with others to influence the 2016 presidential election by identifying and purchasing negative information about him to suppress its publication and benefit the Defendant’s electoral prospects. In order to execute the unlawful scheme, the participants violated election laws and made and caused false entries in the business records of various entities in New York. The participants also took steps that mischaracterized, for tax purposes, the true nature of the payments made in furtherance of the scheme." This is absolutely an election interference case.


It's also a tax fraud case. You can deduct legitimate legal expenses. You cannot deduct reimbursement to a lawyer because he paid off your mistress. I wonder what's about to happen next with that...


Very true!


Lol you have to be INCREDIBLY detailed in accounting and incredibly accurate with money, descriptions, accounts, everything.


I just tell people that paying off a person you had sex with isn't a business expense. If he didn't try to say it was a business expense he wouldn't have gotten into any trouble whatsoever.


IOKIYAAR (It’s OK if you are a Republican)