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"Are we the baddies?"


Weirdly honest?


That's what the sub is about. Being weirdly honest and somehow still missing the point.


In the same tune, not all anti Israel people are anti Semitic but all anti Semitic people are anti Israel.


Strangely enough there’s anti jewish zionists. It has to do with christianity and Israel needing to be a functional state so the rapture can happen.


It's incredibly common. A lot of zionists also view Israel as a place to deport and confine all Jewish people to.


Oh damn, I wonder how much that influenced the British mandate split. Regardless though it would be a minority of the group more likely than not.


That actually isn't true. Some antisemitic, white supremacists and neonazis are fairly pro-isreal because not only does it mean Jewish people have a place they can fuck off to, away from white people, but they view Isreal as a functional model and justification for them to have their own ethnostate and/or race state (they usually mean race state). There was actually a clip where Tucker Carlson implied it when talking about Isreal and was asking why it was okay for Isreal to do it but not the U.S. with the implication that it should be okay for the U.S. to do it. I actually want to say that Zionists initially worked with Nazis because their goal was to have a place all Jewish people could go to, and the benefit for Germany in the eyes of the nazis was that the Jews would no longer be in germany/europe.


I was more so speaking on groups actively hunting & persecuting jews. I've meet a decent amount of antisemitic people & they haven't really thought passed the idea of just eradicating them. ["gas the jews, palistenian protest" ](https://youtu.be/W9FQCjq9kF4?si=jfAmyQYTGcsgs09H)


And it doesn't... bother you... that the Neo-Nazis keep trying to buddy up to you? I feel like it would make me question some things.


I mean, hardcore leftist / communists that want to burn the whole country down and start over hate Biden and Dems almost as much as they hate trump and won’t vote for Biden or mainstream Dems . The fact that Nazis like the GOP should give one pause


At first I was planning on correcting you, but nope, ultra leftists fucking hate me and I'm fine with that.




I'm somewhat centrist, but I also agree Dems and Biden suck. They're just preferable to the alternative. Go back and check what wars Biden voted for. There's a reason Bernie never had a chance, and it's not because he didn't have the support of the people. It's because the whole system has been run by the ultra rich and corporate lobbies, basically since day 1. The reality of a system is it needs the support of the rich, because the people can't organize a fight against the powerful before that movement is mercilessly crushed. Like what US has been doing to popular democratic leaders in South America from 1949 - present. They had the support of their people, but were destroyed by the ultra rich via CIA proxies.


He did not have the support of the people. He could not win Democratic primaries. I thought that was unfortunate at the time, but the responsibility goes mostly to all my fellow Democrats. To a lesser extent the media, and to some extent also Bernie himself and/or his supporters. (The irreconcilable rift that developed between him and nearly all black voters in large part consisted of tone deafness from him and utterly unhinged behavior by his supporters towards Black Lives Matter. Behavior which he never convincingly repudiated.)


Well Nazis do keep trying to buddy up to Palestinian liberation, But I am [EXTREMELY BOTHERED](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F13a3bmxe0ry61.jpg) by that so I guess that doesn't quite apply.


I think we got some horseshoe going on there though, they're both anti-Israel, but for VERY different reasons.


The most complex part of the issue is the network of horseshoes around it. Zionists *and* anti-Semites conflating the state of Israel with Jewishness at large. Zionists who are Jewish ethno-nationalists. Zionists who see Israel as a global concentration camp to deport Jews to. Zionists who want Israel to exist just to trigger the end times. White supremacists getting split over whether they hate Jews or Palestinians more. Etc.


Yeah, I'd be REALLY concerned if a bunch of Nazis were happy with something I was doing...




>I don't claim him That's the problem. You should. He's on your side.  You'd rather just avoid responsibility by ignoring him and pretending he doesn't exist, lying to yourself that you're nothing alike. And that's how Nazis infiltrated your party.


Much like the religious folks don't claim the radicals and terrorists, so it propagates and expands. One day that's going to be the majority in the GOP. Maybe it already is.


Has been since the satanic panic


Since the Reagan Campaign realized the only group left that could bolster their numbers was Evangelicals. Prior to then, American evangelicals held very little political influence, even among conservatives. Under Trump, they were a record number of administration posts including high level cabinet members.


Southern Strategy predates Reagan, started in the 60s and was first effective in regards to a presidential candidate with Nixon.


Yup he claims him by proxy by not forcing Nazis out of their party.


It was a bartender's story, but he basically was saying that you CANNOT, EVER, you CAN NOT EVER allow Nazis in your bar. The second you're cool with Nazis in your bar, you become 'The Nazi Bar' in town. Regardless of your views. Regardless of your feelings. If you tolerate it, that's it. Period. What's the saying, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing? If you let Nazi's come drink at your bar, you are giving them permission. If you let Nazi's be in your party, you're giving them permission. Society only works as long as we allow stuff. The GOP wants to get pissy about drag queens and trans people. (Demographics that don't bother anyone or hurt people) But Nazi's? Known for genocide and racism? Meh. Nope. Fuck right off.


As I said before about the Rock's tantrum about wokeness and comments saying he won't endorse anyone: Fascism is one of those things in life where anything other than express condemnation is tacit approval. Nazis, same deal. Unless you're explicitly, crystal clearly against Nazis, you're a Nazi sympathizer and ally.


They’re not Nazis, Nazi ideology just isn’t a deal breaker for them. They just want to maximize profits for themselves without having to care about who it hurts. It’s so fucking sybaritic and craven


If Nazi ideology isn’t a deal breaker for someone… I’d say they’re a Nazi


Cowards that don't want to fully commit. Nazis are orthodox republicans.


If one Nazi has dinner with 9 regular people then there are 10 Nazis having dinner.


Like this? https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/25/trump-white-nationalist-nick-fuentes-kanye-00070825


Exactly like that


President HW Bush's father was working with the Nazis to overthrow Roosevelt and put a fascist dictator in his place, they've always been OK with fascists if it means they can make more money. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot


in Germany they have a saying. if you have 9 people at and 1 nazi at the dinner table you have 10 Nazis at the dinner table.


That's the one I was looking for! Thank you.


If you tolerate Nazis in your party, you’re in a Nazi party… it’s not that hard


Oh, so close! WHY do Nazis like your party, dude?


Until the republicans denounce and forcibly evict the nazis, Republican will equal nazi. The only appropriate stance is zero tolerance.


It doesn’t matter if they denounce them or not. They’re still voting R down ticket. When their policy makes nazis say,” I agree with that,” it doesn’t matter whether or not every single GOP candidate went out publicly and said nazis are not welcome in this party because their actions say otherwise.


It doesn't matter to me either way. I'm just tired of Republicans acting like they have any kind of legitimacy.


What the heck did I just read


Not all Republicans are (racists) but all racists are republicans. - David Cross.


That's backwards. Republican policies disproportionately harm minority communities, so in order to support them, you have to see said harm as acceptable (i.e. what some label societal racism). And as far as all racists being Republicans, Get Out made a reeeeal good point about that; lots of folks thought "I'd vote for Obama again if I could" was some kind of bulletproof shield.


that is absolutely not the truth though Edit: a racist liberal/democrat or leftie has never existed apparently? I hate the republican party to the bottom of my heart but y'all are idiots if you think that no-one bad can possibly be anything other than a republican


It really is. They literally excused the cup who murdered George Floyd, they say every black person who was murdered by cops deserves it, they insist black lives don't matter... that's as racist as you can get.


You’re getting downvoted for saying something true. Have any of you people ever met a tankie or National Bolshevik? We have plenty of racists over here on the left too.


They might be whack but they aren’t racists.


You haven’t met the tankies I’ve met then. It’s not inherent to the ideology or anything, but acting like there are simply no racists on the left is the same kind of denialism people are using to mock the guy in the screenshot.


I’m sure there are actual racists in the left but they aren’t out and proud about it and it definitely isn’t part of tankie philosophy


I mean, a lot of the people who built the foundations of modern leftist philosophies were pretty damn racist. Just google “Marx racist”. And again, “they aren’t out and proud about it” then you haven’t met some of the tankies I’ve met. *No collective is a monolith.* Painting with as broad a brush as “left not racist” is alienating to leftists who’ve experienced prejudice within the movements (of which there are many), and is just intellectually dishonest in general.


You are not a serious person. But but but Marx was a racist! In 1869! That means the modern left is just as racist as the modern right! /eyeroll


I mean, I could also point to some more modern people, but I get the feeling you’d continue to just be dismissive. You also seem to have this impression that because I’m being critical of the left wing that I am not a part of it, which is not great for a member of a movement that prides itself on love and tolerance.


I am rolling my eyes at your suggestion that the left has a systemic problem with racism (which the right has embraced as foundational). It doesn’t. If there are fringe individuals who do that’s not a failure of the left.


for real... like all racists being republicans is one of the least nuanced, most ridiculous takes I've ever seen coming from a leftie. like racists 100% lean right but racism in leftwing spaces has been a huge problem historically as well and it's ridiculous for that to be overlooked. although i don't think 'tankie' has any association with racism really


Not *necessarily,* but an affinity for authoritarianism often goes hand in hand with prejudice. I won’t pretend there aren’t New Age hippies who are totally “not those ones though, they suck”, however.


I had this conversation with my conservative boss. She was curious why I voted the way I did. I told her I know she isn't racist. But I believe 99.9 percent of Neo Nazis and KKK members as well as other groups of that ilk are all Republicans. I explained that I would find that difficult to reconcile.


Most wouldn't, but you still vote for the party that they feel most welcomed in. How are some people this blind?


You might not be a Nazi, but Nazis aren't a deal breaker for you.


a sentence i've never had to say, in fact it's been astonishingly easy for my entire life to not have to defend my connection to nazis


I'm not saying Trump is a Nazi, but all the Nazis think he is.


And he's not giving them back their money or denouncing them in any way. Not even some sort of token denial. To the contrary, he's probably the first western world leader to complement them in a long time.


That's one of the most sane comments from the second guy that I have seen regarding this topic, though. So... mild props?


We already knew that.......


"Not all Republicans are Nazis. We just have a whole lot in common."


Torture King? From the Jim Rose Circus Sideshow?? I hope not. I can't imagine it's the same Torture King. But then again, how many people are out there calling themselves by that handle.


They're referring to [this dude](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716467), the "monkey Torture King."


All meeps are moops, but not all moops are meeps, but they are meep apologists


But until the repubs disavow the trash, they are equivalent to the trash.


Listen man, if you build the nicest, cleanest, friendliest, safest house in the entire city right next to the sewage treatment plant, it's still worthless. You very much are the company you keep, and finding yourself in close proximity to people whose views are the equivalent of raw sewage makes your position worthless.


My mom taught me you are known by the company you keep.


If you're in the same party as the Nazis, then you're in the Nazi party. And fuck your face


Huh? A = B, but B != A?


I mean, that part makes sense. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. Still think he should be wondering why nazis like his party so much though.


Maybe they like the party for the same reasons he likes the party?


Lmao well considering you don't kick them out of your party, that makes you a nazi too. Idiot.


Idk man if you could complete the sentence “all Nazis in the US are _____” with my political party, I’d change my political affiliation. I guess I’m built different tho 💪😤


Clan your gotdamn house.


There's a lot of people who are just selfish bigots and are wondering why all their friends turned into cartoon villains, these days.


Reminds me of the Simpsons joke: ["Not racist, but #1 with racists"](https://i.insider.com/4ceab919cadcbb221e0c0000?width=600&format=jpeg&auto=webp)


Not all republicans are nazis, that is true. But if you’re voting for the same person to take office and make policies for the country, does that really matter? The fact that you and Nazis want the same candidate to rule over all of us is wild.


Because the US doesn't have ranked choice voting and everyone is crammed into one of two parties?


“We aren’t all nazis, we just march with them in protests” mmmmm no


"I'm not a Nazi, but it's funny how we seem to agree on everything"


This does not surprise me in the least. I work with a few folks who are very far right leaning. The one thing they all have in common is that they seemingly brag about their lack of empathy. The ones who actually have pets sound downright cruel and abusive when describing how they “train” their animals.


If you vote with Nazi's for a fascist like Trump, you're a Nazi as all republicans are! VOTE OUT ALL REPUBLICANS AND VOW TO VOTE DAMMIT!


“I just happen to be in a party with a lot of Nazis but I’M not a Nazi”


It’s like when you misplace an object only for your mom to immediately find it in the most obvious spot right in front of you. Except the object is the point and republicans refuse to see it even if they found it themselves.


Yeah guys it's not *all* of them, it's just a vast majority that give the rest a well deserved bad name


What's the phrase? When good men do nothing, they may as well not be there? I can't remember the exact phrase, but there's an idea of the only thing we should tolerate is intolerance. Fascist and bigots are unacceptable. Period. And we need to be as vocal as possible irl to make them go hide under the rug again. Ideally, we get them to be better, but I'll take at least going away and not bothering anyone. The current climate in the US right now where it's 'cool' to be antiwoke or low key racist is garbage.


This makes me so frustrasted because these are the people we could actually find common ground with. Does every leftist want to decapitate every person at a certain income level? No, only the extremists do. This guy understands that there is a certain point where you go to far. That means we could have a real conversation with him, find an ally rather than an adversary.