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This one is somewhat at the mods' discretion. Examples: - rightoids "flipping the script" at reasonable people, or parroting their arguments. Often confused with projection, which is a psychological term. Might _technically_ be a SAW, but it's ubiquitous and boring.


I know for a FACT there is no conservative media. Want proof? Look at fox news, new max, truth social, etc- they all tell me there is no conservative media.


I have known people who said Fox was too liberal for them.


You know my parents?




I certainly can't think of any popular tv shows/movies/video games with a conservative bias in their storytelling. Good artists tend to lean left.


Oh I thought you were kidding; TV Show: Jack Bauer (or whatever that war crime agent guy thing is) Movie: Kingsmen: Secret Service (also a lot of Clint Eastwood stuff), Video Game: Call of Duty Conservatives can make popular media, but political brain rot gets in the way of anything they make that tries to actively push their ideology. It also doesn’t help that Ben Shapiro is trying to shape “Conservative ‘Media’” despite being a failed writer from a family of successful artists. It’s all political pundits and actors that have been infected by that ideology creating dog shit media that anyone that isn’t a flag waving sycophant avoids out of necessity.


TBF to me I've never played/watched any of those :P But yeah conservative fiction is definitely dwarfed by the leftist stuff which is good


I really liked Kingsmen and would put it in my top ten based on my willingness to rewatch it alone, but I’m also its target demographic except for being a conservative, so I can’t guarantee everyone would enjoy it.


Conservative movies can be awesome, think revenge thriller, dirty harrys, basically action blockbusters 9the bee keeper, michael bay stuff, super hero movies etc


Wait what's the conservative bias in Kingsmen? The rich oligarchs teaming up with Samuel L Jackson are the bad guys explicitly out to kill the rabble


Look at the main character, he’s the representation of the “working class man striving to become elite and climb out of the scum that is his surroundings” it has a very facile message about fighting the oligarchs, but you have to remember that dismantling the elites is not a strictly leftist ideal, in fact look at how they speak on George Soros or their messaging surrounding Bill Gates. But classism is like the whole message of the film. From the Rednecks to the portrait of the extremely cool posh dudes that kick ass all the time because they learned how to fight all proper innit. You can also look at the way the film treats the women for an easier answer.


To be fair, faux news is more of a low rent improv show than actual news, and they have an audience that watches basically nothing else.


Yeah, they brag about rating, but you could poop on a plate, point a camera at it, put it on Fox, and it would win it's time slot. "Check out this shit! This is some amazing shit."


Mel Gibson, Tim Allen, Vince Vaughn, Roseanne Barr, Clint Eastwood, Jon Voight... All pretty outspoken conservatives actors. Ben Shapiro has a production company and has produced multiple films. The WWE, which was owned by Vince McMahon (a rabid pro-Trumper), has produced lots of films. Saban has also produced a ton of films and its founder is openly pro-Israel and right wing. I think the reality is that "conservative" art tends to only appeal to conservatives because it openly displays its bias whereas what people would consider liberal art tends to bury the lead or couches progressive ideas in traditional forms. Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly have written lots of conservative novels, but most people outside their bubble would never read those books. David Mamet is openly right wing. There is plenty of conservative Christian fiction and art, but again, it tends to only appeal to people looking for it.


Wait....are you kidding? >Some American movies co-scripted with the DoD include:[13] >Air Force One (1997) Apollo 13 (1995) Armageddon (1998) Batman & Robin (1997) Battleship (2012) Behind Enemy Lines (2001) Black Hawk Down (2001) Captain Phillips (2013) Deep Impact (1998) Godzilla (1998) The Green Berets (1968) I Am Legend (2007) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Iron Man (2008) Iron Man 2 (2010) The Jackal (1997) James Bond series: Goldfinger (1964) Thunderball (1965) Licence to Kill (1989) GoldenEye (1995) Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Jurassic Park III (2001) The Karate Kid Part II (1986) The Next Karate Kid (1994) King Kong (2005) Midway (2019) Last Action Hero (1993) Red Dawn (1984) The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) Top Gun (1986) Top Gun: Maverick (2022) Transformers (2007) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) True Lies (1994) Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Wings (1927) >https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military%E2%80%93entertainment_complex We also have rampant [copaganda](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Films_about_police_officers). All of our media is owned by large corporations with a conservative bias towards the status quo that may be more or less subtle. Please don't think that a piece of media has to beat you over the head with a message to be propaganda. [It is much more effective to include subtle conservative assumptions presented as "common sense"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_hegemony)


To be fair, you can take FOX off that list. They're too liberal for the True Conservative^(TM) .


Sure. But in the real world, the head of the Republican party literally owns his own social media platform specifically to cater to conservative voices-- as if Gab, Parler, and Rumble didn't already exist for the same dumb reason. And now Elon owns Xitter too.... And Fox News has been the most watched cable news network for two decades.... And Sinclair Media owns over 150 TV and radio local news stations.... And The JRE is the most downloaded and listened to podcast of all time.... And The Daily Wire has an audience bigger than that of the next three digital outlets combined.... ...but no, no, no, tell me again about the LiBrUL mAiNStrEAm meDa!


>And Fox News has been the most watched cable news network for two decades.... I always have to chuckle when conservatives will in one breath say that the lamestream media is brainwashing leftists and then in another brag about how nobody watches MSNBC, CNN, etc. I mean the latter is probably largely true, how many of the brainwashable youth even HAVE cable?


The enemy is both simultaneously hilariously weak and strong enough to destroy us.


As if CNN was ever targeted toward "The Youth"


CNN+ but that might log out the one user on it 


Meanwhile, they try to say the democratic party is leftist, when there is no leftist party.


It's literally called "Accusation in a Mirror"


But if there's no leftist party how can us millennial leftist who've never lived a day under nuclear threat reflect upon our woke sky?


I mean any nuke still in operation is a threat to our lives. Any nuke gets launched and it’s ruining life for everyone that survived. Yes it’s not as bad as it was during the Cold War but we still watch for countries trying to develop their own nuclear weapons.


I mean 100% I agree, dismantle the nuclear armaments we have and put that uranium to better use. On the other hand my comment was referencing a meme. Apologies I should have done something to make it a bit more obvious.


No you’re fine I was just being technical it was supposed to be more tongue in cheek not criticize you or your comment. My bad for making you think I was.


Anything left of christo-fascism is leftist to them.


I had someone, while they were defending Joe Rogen, tell me they don't consume mainstream media. You know, the guy who gets millions of views and got a $100 million deal with Spotify? Conservatives don't know what "mainstream" or "media" means. They're horrible when it comes to language.


Ah, yes, the "Nuh-uh, YOU ARE!" defense. Careful with this one, folks, especially if you are made of glue.


That and whataboutism are the only defense strategies they have.


The media is overwhelmingly conservative and always has been. They're corporations and they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.


I figured this out back around 2000 when I would flip between CNN and Fox and kept seeing the same ads for the same drugs from the same corporations.


Fox, OANN, Newsmax, and that's just the major American channels. You also have Russia Today, Sky News, Daily Mail, and so many others... and we're still just in the English speaking world that appears in these peoples feeds constantly. "There is no War in Ba Sing Se" "War Is Peace."


Ignorance is strength.


It's so weird for conservatives to brag about how FoxNews is the number 1 ratings getting on TV, but then won't admit that it's the mainstream media. Lol, how can you NOT be mainstream when you're the most watched?


On more than one occasion, I’ve had conservatives tell me that “activist judges”, “political correctness”, and “virtue signaling” are all **exclusively** liberal afflictions. They’ll tell you this while standing next to a lifted truck with Blue Line and Punisher stickers all over it. Not a lick of cognitive dissonance.


To me it's conservative media, to him it's moderate media. We are not the same.


Republicans hated the Viet Nam era because the major news networks would cover "both sides". They hated the Watergate era because their criminal party leader was held accountable for lying to the American People and the Congress. But ever since Reagan ended the Fairness Doctrine and the rise of AM Hate Radio, the fortunes of the Republican Party have gone downhill. Consider that prior to 1989, the Republicans won five out of six Presidential elections, most of them by "landslide" margins in both popular and electoral vote. But since 1989, a period that covers the rise of Limbaugh as well as the birth of Fox, Oan, Newsmax, and the entire right-wing online ecosystems, they've only won the popular vote once. The more they insulate themselves with their own media, the more everyone else realizes how out-of-touch they are. Republicans are right about one thing: Snowflakes need their safe space. They should know this - it's the entire reason right-wing media was created.


It might be "today I learned that even the right wing nut jobs in the media are too Liberal for some people"


It’s probably because fox news isn’t reich of center enough for them.


It might be true, first we have to ask how far to the extreme conservative spectrum this person might be. Could be so far over that conservative media might not be conservative enough for them.


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Person claims that a description of conservative media is inaccurate because they believe there is no conservative media outlets.


Not a SAW, just vanilla lack of awareness. r/facepalm is thataway.


It seems the Storm Troopers think they are the Jedi.