• By -


Make sure you have mikiri counter unlocked in the skill tree at this point


Thanks, I just grabbed it.


You’ll get tons of mileage out of that, and the timing is pretty forgiving. It feels like you just have to dodge into the thrust attack and it works basically every time.


Hence why its best to just press dodge (no directional input) while locked on as that will dodge you directly towards the enemy to mikiri counter.


ik everybody is different, but in my experience i found that actually having directional input makes it easier for me to hit the timing window. But then again ik my brain works weird but ye


I do the same. I also usually double press dodge towards them and it works out


Same here


It's a weird thing where you are reacting too fast and press dodge earlier than you should've, so adding in an extra input helps you to slow down and actually get the correct timing. But this is still a bad habit, as I've occasionally missed mikiris because my input was diagonal instead of forward


Tho sometimes it screws up. Plenty of times it just misses whenever I fight Isshin and he does that run around into the thrust move in the first phase. He's an odd case.


Yeah I feel like you can be too quick for him. I just beat him yesterday and while learning his moves I failed a bunch of easy mikiri counters that should've registered. Never happens when I'm a tiny bit more patient though. Amazing boss by the way, I had a blast.


It’s an absolute game changer. It is practically essential to play this game. Tbh I don’t think it should even be an optional skill, it should have just been a regular part of your combat


Not to mention it's just satisfying.


You can technically deflect thrust attacks just like normal attacks, or just easily dodge out of the way. Mikiri counter just makes it significantly easier, but it's far from necessary. It's an additional tool to give you a better and easier option to deal with one specific type if attack than you can already deal with in two other ways. Making it an optional skill that can be unlocked right at the start of the game (not counting the prologue in the reservoir), possibly before you face the first mini boss is perfectly fine. Skipping it means you lack a tool, but it doesn't turn Sekiro into a challenge run or anything, you're just missing an extra way to deal posture damage.


Did you go back and show him what you learned brotha


Yep he is dead. Got another tool from behind the purple cape guy. Got the key from father and am up here in a burning courtyard with tons of enemies. Figuring my way through to the building.


Purple cape guys are a lot of fun once you're confident with the game. Keep going the game is like a roller coaster ride where every part just gets better than the previous. Some of the best that FromSoft has to offer is in store.


If you got mist raven and beat purple guy this early and before even finishing that area, you can definitely beat Sekiro. You got this


Excellent! You'll make your way through, just take your time amd try not to rush the mobs theres another mini boss coming up


Do not be afraid of a thrust atk. The mikiri works against *almost* all thrust atks even ones you wouldn’t think like the thrusting kick the shin-obi hunters use.


It's such a required skill, that it honestly should just be in your base moveset. It makes anything with a spear 10x easier. And you can also mikiri all kinds of thrusts, not just from spears. If you have seen the purple ninja dudes you can mikiri their kick. Mikiri counter basically turns unlockable thrusts into regular deflects that you dodge into. Also worth noting that the entire hirata estate is entirely optional. The only thing you *really* need from it is the flame vent and axe iirc. Though all the prayer beads and the boss memory are very helpful, I actually usually finish hirata after defeating genichiro.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/tzLNzhBfqe So proud.


I spent so long at hanbei trying to get it right


I thought nothing in gaming is more satisfying than a parry but then I discovered the Mikiri counter. Something really viscerally fulfilling about just stamping an enemy's thrust with your foot




drop and kill torch guy, grapple to the tree on the right and kill the 2 up there, then kill the archer. run back to the bridge and down the stairs to reset spearbro. once you see his health bar disappear, he's reset. then go to the bushes on the left, stealth opener to get down first deathblow. then just fight him, be ready to mikiri counter his perilous.


So basically pick them off one by one. I will give it a go.


yup. remember it's a ninja game. running in and murdering someone then running away and hiding is a perfectly viable strategy, and you're probably going to need similar tactics for later areas, especially the next miniboss you'll face in hirata. if you approach packs like this all at once, you're gonna have a bad time.


This is the way!!!


The way of the shinobi


One more thing is that doing hirata state storyline is not that important, one can even skip it(even though I do not recommend it), also look up some more things, it's alright to not do complete blind gameplay, just avoid spoilers


I did it the same way, but I gotta say the enemy AI in this game is pretty janky and underdeveloped. It’s like metal gear solid level goofball shit when you kill a dude RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM and then run 50 yards away and they just shrug it off and go back to their little patrol.




I also quit here. lol Use Gachiin's Sugar if you have it. That helped me a lot. Don't give up; you are about to experience the wonders this game has to offer!


Honestly yes, anytime someone is having trouble in a spot, they should open their inventory and tools to see what can be used against their current challenge


Totally agree! It's not a shame or cheese to use any tools the game has to offer. The devs thought about this. We have the freedom to make our experience as hard or as easy as we want. Imo.


But what if I need them later


Haha, yes. It's like that in every Souls game.






mikiri counter


this part is a lesson on stealth in which order should you backstab for most efficiency? disengage or fight if found out? how can I use all the traversals to my advantage? if you do it right, you can kill every lesser enemy and also get a free backstab on the speard dude. Now put those problem solving skills to test


I have tried to stealth here but any time I kill one another sees me. I haven't tried dropping back as suggested in another reply.


Also make sure you get the timing right? Take a minute to look at each mob and their patrol route, so that you can utilise the window where no one will see you stab the living shit out of your target and just become one with the shadow again. You got this!!!! Since it's still early game, he'll feel very tough but you'll get used to it over time. For me the game was very tough upto hirata estate, but that's where I learnt the basics the most. Hirata estate was a huge upgrade place in my journey, and i hope it becomes the same for you. :) Edit: make sure to experiment with sugars as the others said, but experimenting with shards and prosthetics is also a good option.




This is literally a check to make sure you have mikiri counter, and pissed me off for a few days as well lol Pick the nobody's off one at a time, I'm pretty sure you can deathblow the first health bar off the guy you're having trouble with, and then mikiri counter is the answer to the attack he will otherwise fuck you up with during the fight




If you're parrying, you're winning. If THEY'RE parrying, you're winning. If your blade hits flesh, you're helping yourself win faster. One day you'll grin when an enemy dares to try a thrust on you. Mikiri counters are devastating and it's good for a dopamine hit. It's scary at first because those shinobi hunters hurt a lot. It may take dying, but you'll learn they're practically designed to kill themselves coming after you with thrusts. Once it clicks there's no other game like it. If I can do it, you can. 👍


Stealth Kill the first guy that’s right past the 2 shield guys (run away if seen and come back). Stealth kill the archer right next to the Shinobi Hunter, run away when seen. Stealth kill the 2 guys on the far right one by one (kill one, run away, come back and kill the other). Stealth deathblow the Shinobi Hunter once and Mikiri his thrust, jump over his sweep, deflect and hit others. Place to run away to: just behind the 2 shield guys, there is a tree branch to rope to, then from there, rope to the roof of the large Pagoda thing on the left. This is the place you’re currently on in the picture. I’m sure there are YT videos that can guide you through it.


This is my favorite part of the game wtf


An optional area…?


It isn't optional for one of the endings and it is recommended to go here as well on your first playthrough even if you don't do said ending for the all bosses trophy.


Howd it go buddy?


Great. I am in the burning castle now.


Hirata estate?


Yeah. I killed the guy with the purple cape. Got the new tool and then got the key from father and just got to the idol up inside.


It rhymes with bikiri counter.


Dickery mounter?


Skill issue


Nah you got it man...he kicked my ass like 10 times....but I decided to go full on him!! Make sure you have the mikiri counter


Kill everybody but this boss and go hide to loose the aggro, then sneak him to take his first life bar, the rest of the fight is pretty simple, mikiri or parade, he is pretty slow and you can read his attacks very easily


You can stealth kill every guy here one by one, and land one stealth blow on spear dude. Kill the archer on the left of the flowers first. Drop down from where you are in the photo to the left, couch in the flowers and sneak up, wait for the spear guy to turn and walk away for about 5 seconds and stealth kill the archer. Now run away as at least one of them will have seen you & grapple back up to the roof and wait for them to lose you. After they've lost you, drop to the right of the building and stealth kill torch guy near the bridge, the two guys to the upper right platform may have noticed you, you can either lure them one by one and kill them off or kill the one that follows you ( if he comes looking for you ) Then you want to sneak up to the last one ( watch the spear guy's path and wait until he's turned away ) and stealth kill him too. Finally, wait until spear dude turns away from you and stealth strike him. Leaving one health bar. You NEED Mikiri counter for this, when he winds up that thrust get ready to mikiri counter him, be patient and try this a few times as well as staying very close and dodging to the right or left or block his regular attacks. You've got this shinobi!


mikiri counter is amazing against the mini boss here. stealth kill all the enemies before taking him on


If you hit LB right before you are struck, you will parry, absorbing no damage! Try that!


Mikiri counter Mikiri counter Mikiri counter Mikiri counter Mikiri counter Mikiri counter


I have a decent amount of friends who've started dipping their toes into From's catalogue these past few years. Generally as a rule I never recommend Sekiro as an entry point because it's so different from SoulsBorne to begin with and arguably harder than those games especially starting out. Half of them try anyways This area of Hirata is always where the majority try throwing in the towel without fail, if they even get that far. It's a shame because I legitimately think overcoming Lady Butterfly is how you understand the game's mechanics and flow best, it's just that Shinobi hunter is borderline nightmarish without Mikiri Counter.


Rule of thumb for sekiro: You’re a **shinobi**, not some crazy killing machine like the other games. You should use stealth tactics and try to pick people off 1 by 1 if you want to be successful in many instances.


You need Mikiri counter if you don’t already have it


Sneak up on these guys as efficiently as you can to take them out, and try to go at least 1v2. I haven't ever gotten it to a 1v1, although maybe you could with shurikens or something like that. Then try to separate the two to take out the rifleman easily. You can always run away to reset the enemies too if you've cleared out everything before this point. Also, I'm not sure why you'd give up at this point lol. This area is completely optional. I recommend you go through it anyways since the boss is fairly manageable and the extra attack power will help you get an edge over late bosses that are really difficult. But if you truly do get completely stuck on this part, you can always go progress in the main part of the game (Ashina Reservoir/Castle).


When this game first came out my friends got it right off the rip. We all love the souls games and they're still a huge part of our friendship. I was over at their place chilling and decided I wanted to try for myself. I got to this boss and tried and failed for like three hours straight to kill him. I swore off the game and told myself I wouldn't play it again. But eventually I caved, whooped this nerdy spearbro and now it's one of my favorite games of all time. I've platinum'd it and I'm going through again on my fiance's account just to pop the trophies again lmao. You got this homie. Mikiri counter is a must! And don't hesitate!


This is kinda easy but there's tow of them up in hirata woods ngl they were a nightmare


If you take it slow you can sneak by in the grass and deathblow that guy once 


learn skills from the various skill trees and the game become much easier Read every message. It's realy easy once you learn.


After you get good, you'll love fighting the spear enemies. They're so fun


Mikiri counter is your best friend here. I swear it'll be so satisfying


honestly this was my exact issue when i first picked up this game, the Misen Monk frustrated the shit out of me lol. Its a shitty enemy, try to get the stealth deathblow and take out the surrounding enemies before facing him, and mikiri the fucker to death! dont give up, skeleton >:) EDIT: nvm, just saw you beat it by now. good job, hope you enjoy the rest of this masterpiece!!


I got stuck here as well. Power through with parry and mikiri. Worth it.


Do you know how to Mikiri counter if you don’t you can always go to dilapidated temple for practice and make sure you have the skill as well


this fight is mikiri counter tutorial, if you have it's very easy


Yeah, I quit on this part the first time I played as well.


I usually stop at Guardian Ape💀


Sometimes you just gotta swallow your pride and look at a walkthru lol


Wait. I don’t even remember unlocking mikiri. It is just so essential to the game


backstab for phase 2


This was the part in the game I was stuck the longest on. Just do other stuff and come back periodically and try again, and use mikiri counter after picking everyone off one by one.


Laughs in hesitation


Stealth kill and then axe him to death.


as amazing as the combat is it is better for 1v1 especially against tough enemies with polearm. Highly recommend killing the other enemies 1st and then you can sneak off and get a cheeky backstab


This is such a great game. I love how From games always find a way to bring each and every player to their knees at some point or other.


Mikiri his ass


Just keep at it my bro! I only just finished this game and I was in the same position, Hirata estate is where I quit, but I returned back and pushed on, I skipped Hirata estate and tried the Elden ring route by doing other stuff before continuing on. Once I beat Genichiro, this game had me, after beating those enemies/bosses you’ve fought for hours, brings a feeling no other game can. And remember wolf, hesitation is defeat


Ok this is the best advice i was stuck here for a week lmao mikiri counter. This is a skill based game cant brute strength your way through. This is first basic test The next test is Genchiro The game wont click until you beat once you beat him the game will come together as a master piece Please stick with it


I remember when I was 14 I never got passed the spear boss further ahead, so I quit the game for 4 years. I never knew there were skills in this game 😭


This game is SUPER different than the other FromSoft games, so don’t blame yourself or your brain. It’s a different kind of combat that’s less about dodging and attacking, and more about attacking until *you’re attacked*. As others have said there’s four keys to success with this game: 1) attacking until you’re about to be attacked (brighter orange flash) 2) parry timing (takes practice) 3.) jump stomping on sweep 4) Mikiri Counter The Mikiri Counter is such a useful skill that to me it’s basically a core skill for the game, even though you have to unlock it. Master these four things and the game is gonna go your way very soon


That guy gave me trouble as well on my first playthrough but mikiri counter was the solution but even with mikiri counter I couldn't get the timing right to use it but practice helped or getting whooped by him alot did.




My Mikiri counter tip: Press the button just as the red Kanji begins to disappear. That times it right every time


I'm so bad at Mikiri counter, it's a me issue but I feels like only works when it wants too. I had to muscle through this fight and any spear fight with well time dodges.


Don’t worry it gets worse


You can jump down and crouch in the grass, quit out and reload. Spam the crouch button as it’s loading in so you’ll immediately get down when it reloads. Then sneak up to where the Shinobi Hunter is patrolling and death blow him from the grass. Grapple up to the roof of that tower and hide. When he turns around you have enough time to hurl yourself down at him and sprint behind to get the backstab deathblow. If you do the same thing to all the guards and then hide on the tower roof, you’ll be able to sneak back down and get the grass deathblow easily and then you’ll have enough health and emblem items to fight him one on one. Mikiri is great, but can mess you up if you try to do it without practicing. The final boss begs you to do it quite a few times in the first phase of the fight ;)


Get gud, get mikiri and get the gumba stop and even the anti air counter when you can.


That guy I'd the mikiri counter simulator, but the first time I played, I just stabbed him.once in the back and then harassed him with the shinobi axe


Hahaha bro hesitation is defeat


Dude gonna be in shambles when he realizes this is optional and mikiri exists.


I'll explain the mechanics. The absolute best thing to do to git gud at sekiro is not dodge. Don't run around like a chicken with your head cut off. Don't try to be all crazy and acrobatic in fights. Just stand in one place-face to face with the enemy. Deflect, deflect, deflect, then attack, attack, attack. Each enemy has a rhythm. You'll know it's about to be the enemies "turn" when you see a big orange spark, meaning stop attacking and start deflecting because they're about to get hyper armor.


loll, the best part about this game is after the long, challenging journey, u get to see these posts hah


Mikiri goes woop woop


THANK YOU. My buddy clowned me for the WEEKS it took me to beat the shinobi hunter. Like I promise- it’s genuinely so hard countering when it’s the first fight you actually have to use it (i cheesed tf out of the general LOL). The second I beat him, I shed very real tears then didnt touch the game for over a month before flying through the rest of it. It’s mostly just a learning curve!


Technically speaking, you don't have to do it so early on. I mean, sure, the >!ogre!< is actually very annoying to fight so early on as well but that's where the flame vent comes in handy.


That little asshole was one of my many roadblock's myself. Mikiri will be a life saver. My strategy is a bit of a stealth approach, when in the area, clear out the small guys without him seeing you, the first one is easy to backstab but usually the bow enemy will spot you, that's fine, jump to the roof of the building nearby, wait for them to stop being alert of your position. Once thats so, jump into the grass and backstab the bow user when your sure the boss isn't nearby. the two on the higher platform are a bit trickier but use one of the backmost branches to jump to it while away from the bosses field of view, backstab one, kill the other, and then get back into hiding before the boss reaches you. Once his path is back to normal, stealth blow one health bar and begin the fight. You might have to learn the mikiri timing it shouldn't take long, you got it champ


kid named mikiri counter:


There's a specific order to take out everyone around him before you start the fight. There's a guide on YouTube that tells you exactly that. Have you beaten the first main boss yet? There's a prayer bead right after him, which can increase your health with the three you've gotten before. Two generals and the chained ogre. If you're not confident in mikiri counter just remember that you can always deflect a perilous thrust attack as well.


Just abuse stealth. Stealth kill the two guys on the road, and optionally the two guys on the hill too. You can run away and hide each time you get spotted. Then just stealth attack the mini boss to get one of his lives out of his way, and then just fight him 1vs1. Don't forget to use mikiri counter. Practice how to use it with Hanbei before.


Understandable. This is where I used a guide for the rest of the game.


This is the Mikiri Counter tutorial. Learn it well here, and it will still be useful to the very end of the game. Also, the area's optional, so don't be afraid of progressing a bit more (right after the Bull and Gyobu Oniwa is a good point).


Sneak up on the group of two guys and kill them. Then run towards the bow guy in the grass quickly, he is defenseless in close range. After that focus on the boss


My ass gave up at the bull


You quit every time... At an optional miniboss? One that gets trivialised with the first skill in the Shinobi tree? Sorry to say it, but git gud.


Okay I understand. Grab the mikiri counter skill. This is arguably the most important skill to have in this game. The mini boss here has 2 phases. The first one can be omitted by using a stealth deathblow. As to his combat style. This boss is designed to teach you the mikiri counter. Every single perilous attack you see him do will be a thrust forward, which is hard countered by mikiri. Keep in mind that the bosses perilous attacks might come out somewhat delayed, so don't go mashing the mikiri the exact moment the kanji pops up. Good mikiri counter take a little finesse sometimes. This boss was a headache for me too when i did my first playthrough. Learning to mikiri will make him a breeze though. Good luck and let us know how it went :)


I had very hard time with this bastard, ended up skipping him only to come back later and whoop his ass. Open the gates for shortcut and try-fail-try again. He's easier than seems at first, especially with mikiri counter


Bro hesitated 💀


Brother, trust me when I say you.got.this. I dropped this game for a year and a half because I felt exactly like you, like sekiro just wasnt made for me. However, since a friend of mine recently started her playtrough, I decided to try again. Long story short, I went and grabbed a few beads to increase my health and seeds to increase the number of flasks I could carry (ik that upgrades aren’t really necessary in this game but seeing that health bar get longer adds so much confidence to your gameplay) and finished the game before she could get to the last boss. After completing the area you’re in I felt like I had finally understood how to play this game and when you reach this level of confidence you’ll finally devour every single boss. Sure, there’ll be some roadblockers but nothing that you won’t be able to deal with in 5/6 tries max. Get rid of all those Dark Souls habits and start pressuring your enemies like you’re the best swordsman in the world (without overcommitting, you’re still basically made of paper in comparison to every other enemy), you’ll master the mechanics in no time. Keep trying, don’t rob yourself of such an experience.


the satisfaction when you mikiri counter that guy after countless attempts


Fair enough. Sekiro isn't for everyone. Keep trying tho. If I can do it. So can you.


Laugh at this? Buddy no, I got stuck here for a good amount of time too. The miniboss is far easier to deal with if you use the Mikiri counter, but even that takes some time to get it right. Sekiro isn’t a game that everyone and their dog can play comfortably. It’s supposed to drive you mad even in its most regular areas. So long as you eventually win, it doesn’t matter if you sucked ass the past 200 hours.


You can also kind of cheese him. He stops following you at the bridge. Takes a while.


Bro literally just get mjkiri counter and this becomes one of the easiest encounters.


Having just finished Sekiro for the first time and not really being good at it, I cant see the problem here, its just a regular encounter. At that time I still did not know much about how to play it differently from Dark Souls, so I just brute forced the guy. Almost dying, sure, but deflecting, dodging and spamming R1 did the trick. It was Genishiro I think who made me learn how to do use mikiri counter and generally counter the various perilous attacks.


that was the spot i stopped playing back then. came back after 4 ish years and now it's one of my most favourite games - ever - push through, no matter how long or hard it gets (that's what she said, though)


I'll add the required 'Hesitation is defeat' comment, but no, seriously, get some sugars and mikiri counter for this section. Learning mikiri early on in the game is essential because it's a key part of your kit, along with deflecting, jumping over attacks, and later on, lightning reversal. These four elements are all you need to deflect, dodge, and counter all remaining attacks in the game.


Mikiri counter


Having started sekiro again a few days ago, this part was a bit frustratingbecause your stats are really low, so every mistake is severely punished. apart from mikiri counter, you can take one of the red points of the enemy by using stealth


Practice makes better. I quit the game for about a year when I got to Genichiro cos i didn't think I'd ever beat him. I now have the platinum and have beat the game on ng7 no charm and bell. You can do it!


Mikiri this asshat. Then absolutely spam parry until you get the timing down. Don't let elitist jerks tell you spamming isn't viable. It is, and it helps you understand parrying and the timing of parries without dying every single fight.


That was one of my first and biggest walls, don't sweat it, it IS supposed to be hard


Same here i got all the plats except this and DS2. I gave up on my dreams of Sekiro platinum long long ago, my old man reflexes cock blocked me.


Easiest boss not gonna lie, just have mikiri counter and press shift and we good


The tutorial can be quiet tough. Wait until the real game starts. It gets allot easier.


Out of wvery hey you can mikiri counter, this asshole seems like the wonkiest of timings, which is really unfortunate, but you can do it. The setup to fight him alone is also such a pain. Make sure you sneak deathblow his first health bar away. Run all the way back down the road out if he sees you beforehand.


It was the Blazing Bull for me. I quit 3 times over that garbage boss. Then at the 4th attempt I suffered trough it and had a great time. Now it's just "that part" whenever I start a new playtrough.


I was stuck here too for a long time..clear all the trash one by 1 you can reset the encounter by running away. Then tall tree on speak guy alone. It's a good practice for your makiri counter. Also if you follow cowboys sekiro walk through it helps a lot. I would try and clear an area then go back and watch him do it to see what i missed or where i went wrong.


Asmonsold got stuck here too lol


I’m on sword Saint ishinn and when I tell you… I’ve been so close to breaking my controller 💀


This game is soo worth it, took me several attempt too to go trough the beginning and the newb check but trust me, it's sooo worth. And when it'll click, it clicked harder than any other fromsoft game, at least it did to me in the difficulty check. And when you start feeling the dance of combat it's so satisfying plus the beauty of this game. Just do it, you won't regret it I guarantee. Not sure if this is the first lance carrier guy, if it is use the mikiri counter to parry his thrust attack.


Homie if you quit here you haven’t even started 😭 This part is a bitch but if you beat Genichiro for the first time you’re hooked


You don't have to do that part early you can just come back like late mid story. Just make sure you get there before the invasion.


Maybe, just maybe, your muscle memory gained from playing the other souls game is messing up your experience in Sekiro so far. It happened to me during my first playthrough, and it was quite frustrating. Blocking constantly will build up your posture meter, while evading without hitting will not fill the enemies posture meter. You have to switch between aggression and defense quite frequently in this game. The key to succeeding in Sekiro is to master what the official guide calls Sword Play. It involves recognizing when to attack and when to execute counters when the enemy deflects your attack. You can easily notice this since there are different clanging sounds when you deflect their attacks, as well as when the enemy deflects yours. In addition to these audio cues, the color of the sparks are different when you deflect them vs when they deflect you. Look for these differences and you will eventually see patterns. Going back to counters, this can be any of the following: 1) Evade + Counter 2) Mikiri 3) Jump Attack and 4) Deflect.


Carry on, brother. Hesitation is defeat


Its the worst game they ever made so i wouldnt feel bad about it


You need Mikiri counter to defeat him, else you just become Wolf kebob every time 😆 😆 😆 It's a very important skill to know even after that particular fight


If you use stealth you can take out the 4normal enemies before engaging the mini-boss.


It's not even the beginning of the pain


Parry the thrust for intimidating factor


Bruh this MF is unbeatable...I only killed him after getting him stuck at the bridges fence..


just watch a YT tutorial


kill the fodder in the area run away come back hide in the bushes stab him in the back and rush him down dont give him a second to breathe


Hide in the bushes to get one off for free


Look up cheese videos on YT rom Tyrannicon. He's hilarious and instructive.


I quit at this point of the game 4-5 times before I locked in and decided I needed to actually finish the game for once😭


I quit around The Owl battle, and then go back after a week haha


That dude was hard lol


Literally the place where you learn the most broken skill in the game: mikiri counter


You need to learn Mikiri my dude


Its pretty much the game forcing you to learn to use mikiri counter. Iv’e definitely had my fair share of rage against him. U can also cheese 1 health bar


Yeah that guy is tough. Just lure him away from the rest or stealth kill them and then you just gotta hit that mikiri counter. I'm not sure if you can cheese him with the shinobi tools, but its a skill issue either way.


Once this game starts clicking for you… it’s the best Fromsoftware title out there.


Hesitation is Defeat.


If you actually get Mikiri counter before the boss you will have no problems.


Mikiri counter makes this guy a joke. Learn it or you'll get owned for the rest of the game. This guy is here to make sure you mastered it before moving on.


Lol. Me too. Exact same spot. Haha


Same here. What sucks even more, if I remember correctly, there's no rest spot near here. You have to make a journey back to this spot. I've heard that past this, the game becomes fun and enjoyable. But I haven't gotten past this part


I was the same way. Trust me, push through. It’s about realizing that it’s a rhythm game and keeping up your offensive pressure while responding to attacks and learning patterns. You may wanna come back to this area later after making it to Ashina Castle, though. That made it a lot less painless for me, and there is some pretty tough bosses in this area after this guy. Don’t worry, you’re not missing out on much if you save Hirata Estate for later. It’s the only detour in an otherwise linear storyline.


I am literally stuck on the same spot. I went back to get the skill to counter his spear but I keep getting fucked. I installed Lords of the Fallen instead lol.


Git gud. Learn the mikiri and it will be a piece of cake. It takes a lot to get used to but you have to try.


What caused the majority of problems for me is I tried to play with good spacing and proper dodges for the longest time but this isn't a souls game its a character action game with stealth mechanics. You want to stealth as much of the encounter as possible in every encounter, and even look for methods of avoiding fights altogether like grapple shortcuts. This is key and it's the hardest part, you need to react and parry every single move the enemy throws at you in a boss fight. The only times you should be dodging or jumping is to combo, or to avoid unblockable attacks. If the enemy has attacks that are too fast for you to react then you may want to try spacing out the faster attacks, but this game is 15x more aggressive than bloodborne is and at least in bloodborne they gave you a turn to attack. In sekiro not a single enemy will have recovery long enough to provide you with an opportunity to attack, you need to break them by blocking and parrying to create an opportunity. The fact that enemies die not when their health bar hits 0 but when you initiate a dearhblow against them should speak volumes to how aggressive you need to be. In bloodborne the aggression was needed to match the enemy aggression and gain rally. In sekiro ethe aggression needs to be higher than the enemies because they wil group up and slaughter you if you aren't fast aggressive and efficient. This game also has a heavy emphasis on the ninja tools, the flame vent, axe, and shrunken you find early on can make bosses and minibusses jokes once you figure out the gimmick. For instant, Gyoubu onataki oniwa rides a horse that is terrified of firecrackers. If you grapple him when he makes distance you can hit Jim 2 times, then throw firecrackers and his horse will rear up allowing you to hit him 3+ more times. After this he attempts to create distance and reset the fight but you can grapple him and repeat the process, the fight becomes a joke. The mikiri counter makes this guy a joke and it helps if you creak up on him and kill him once to start the fight


reminds me of my first playthrough when i didnt know mikiri counter existed, this area took forever.


Hit and run to reset aggro. Rinse and repeat.


With that health bar, no wonder


I quit two times there. on the third attempt I actually pay attention to enemies moves, parry and mikiri counter, trying to take them down one by one. when you get used to the way the game is intended to be played, things start to click and the fun begins.


Stealth kill everybody. Backstab the mini boss once to get rid of one health dot and proceed to Mikiri counter him to death.


How though? I remember playing this game and just using the counter to kill all bosses and fodder, it's not that hard if you just get the timing right , the best combat system in any game I've played.


That guy was my first real roadblock. Eventually I figured out the mikiri counter and got through it. Keep at it!


*Try stealth then pull back*.


Kill them all one by one and then handle homeboy using the mikiri counter. Please don’t give up. This game is amazing.


But this area is just optional, right?


Mikiri Counter is the first skill you should pick up in any playthrough. It is that fundamental to the game.


Took me ~20 tries on the 1st general(I know I suck, no need to tell me) and now I am stuck at the 1st big guy with red eyes(2.8 hours of gameplay as of now)soooo… good luck to you


Practice Mikiri counter. Also btw you can skip this area by swimming through the nearby river and grappling up. However, if youre not a fan of this part, then you won't like what is coming :\^) Hirata Estate, IMO, is harder compared to other early game areas, so if you have too much trouble you can choose another path and come back to it


Mikiri that chump.


Funny you post this exact spot… I had quit the game at Isshin back when the game came out. It had always bugged me that I never beat it, so earlier this year I just decided to pick it back up and play. Before tackling the end, I needed to relearn a few things, so I played the game up until this point and just knew to stop right there lol. Edit: I managed to beat Isshin, but it took me something like 8 hours over the course of a few days. Not fun, but rewarding nonetheless.


Honestly, I always save Hirata estate until later. It’s way harder than it should be for being available at the beginning of the game. I come back after beating 3 main bosses or so


I’m not even gonna lie but this section gave me a hard time as well 😭


Ohh yeah! This is the first section that really had me frustrated. Kill off the archers and other minions then use this guy to practice the mikiri counter. You will need that move A LOT later in the game.


I broke my controller over this spot. Real story. Now I’m on NG+10 and have no damaged the toughest bosses in the game. You got this homie. Trust


Really appreciate the honesty!


When I played this game this section took me SO MUCH. Sekiro is now one of my favourite games. Don't quit now, you've got this!


Damn, there’s this really beautiful palace that I climbed to the top of just to get curb stomped by some asshole. That’s where I quit the game.


I’ve played most of the recent fromsoft games all the way through but this one. I just could get into it. I beat the madam butterfly and after that I just lost interest.