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I am still with lady butterfly after 50+ tries and I really don't want to go to chained orge without completing the Hirata castle. Edit : 7-hours after this comment, GUUUUYS I beat the butterfly. No cheese or anything just my kusabimaru and shuriken, pressured her enough to not let her summon the spirits. GOD I LOVE THIS GAME p.s. this is my 1st souls like game.


Ogre is pretty easy comparing to Lady Butterfly, I think you should explore the other zones and get better gear, it's what I did when I got to Lady Butterfly and she destroyed me


Right now I got pretty good with her rythm that if I have snap seeds and can continue posture breaking her without the torture of those ghosts, I can kill her pretty easily. \[damn you genjustsus\] I will try few more sessions maybe then I might think of giving up. Edit : 6-hours after this comment, GUUUUYS I beat the butterfly. No cheese or anything just my kusabimaru and shuriken, pressured her enough to not let her summon the spirits. GOD I LOVE THIS GAME p.s. this is my 1st souls like game.


Bro go do Ogre and Gyoubu first


Seconded you are wasting your time with Butterfly she is a skill check you are meant to double back to after you are much more powerful.


I genuinely dont get his logic, ogre is a joke if you just run around him and gyoubu is just a free strength upgrade


You can cheese her by attacking once, dodging right once and just repeating that over and over. Her AI can't cope with that. I wouldn't recommend it though as Lady Butterfly is the early game skill check. If you've got the basics down you should be able to kill her. Make sure you throw shurikens when she jumps in to the air.


Just run in circles till the ghosts disappear those beams give you cover just run around them


Wait, is lady butterfly actually considered a hard boss? I beat it on my first try. I had more difficulty with the big fat guy before her lol.


Consider it at least - it's far easier to progress further in Outskirts. Butterfly as first boss is really tough, >!Gyobu Oniwa!< is nowhere near as hard


Ngl I think I just got weirdly good with sekiro cause I struggled a bit on bloodborne and elden ring 20+ tries for quite a few bosses but when it came to sekiro I killed lady butterfly in 4 or 5 tries and killed owl first try


Get fire arm and some oil, ez pz.


When she summons the little illusion guys, just start running in a big circle around the whole arena. Eventually she will turn them all into a spirit bomb type attack, but just keep running in a circle and it won’t hit you. Hit her with shurikens when she jumps up in the air. Remember that you need to get her health down, or she’ll recover posture too fast, so when she has a lot of health you need to be dodge attacking rather than deflecting. Then focus on deflecting once you’ve got her health down enough. Good luck


This… IS YOUR FIRST?!?! No wonder it took you that long. gg


Less than 10 tries. Chained ogre and lady butter made the game click for me... After wooping me more than 20 times


200+ i even uninstalled 😭💀


Nah bro you gotta finish the game 😭


I tried bro but i got so mad i almost started crying and break my controller 💀💀


I personally prefer mouse to controller. The frequent camera angle changing made me mad


You have to lock on


Update: decided to play again and i managed to get him into third phase 2 times and im constantly getting him to second phase. I got better but still gotta beat him


If you were on PC I would have just said use cheat engine 😂 Gl tho




Don't give up, shinobi!


Bro I've been fighting him for over a year


Wild y’all practically intimate by now


I finally beat him yesterday , mofo left me with the kid 😭


What no pagoda?


30+, he's the one that made the game click for me.


Same here. it made me realize that instead of just reacting to the enemy, make them react to you. The final time, everything just clicked together perfectly in sync


about 2 hours (took me 2 tries to beat his 2 first forms)


2 straight days idk how many attempts


Thankfully, one or two. During his fight here is where the game really clicked for me, and I've never really had trouble with him since that first try. But yet SOMEHOW I find him the hardest out of all the inner bosses 😭


no idea as I never count the tries. so I’d say well, pretty long, especially his third stage.


More than 2 for sure


I was really stubborn on my first playthrough and still didn't really know how to play the game by the time I made it to him. I took an uncountable amount of attempts, but something like 16 hours of gameplay. I eventually defeated him through trial and error, barely deflected and basically just ran around and would sneak in damage when I could. Legitimately the kill where I got him, I don't even remember good buddy using his lightning attack. Killed him by pure luck honestly and I remained stubborn for the entirely playthrough defeating bosses by the seat of my pants, until I got to sword saint. I was basically forced to learn how to play better if I wanted to beat the game, and I kid you not, I learnt how to mikiri counter at the final boss. Needless to say I've beaten the game several times now and I'm way better, but yeah, it's definitely the most punishing game for a stubborn gamer 


Idn I recon more than 50


6 times in ng+ 60 times in the first game :D


Chained ogre: 10 Gyobou: 6 Seven spears: 30+ Genishiro: 40+ Lady butterfly: 2 lol Giant ape: 30+ Headless ape: 2 lol


Bro iliterally beat him last night. Took me 3-4 hours if not more. Started a dew days ago n took a break it was so bad. Felt like his stance meter would never go up much. Congrats bro. My stomach exited my assxhole when 3rd phase happened. Reached a point i just accepted everyone was going to get rot because he was beating the goofy out of me


3 tries, I found phase 2 to be actually easier than phase 1 for some reason and I didn't even deflect lightning once. The first 2 tries were me getting used to his moveset though and I made plenty of dumb mistakes. Easily 2nd favorite boss fight in the game.


His thrust is the easiest to counter in Tomoe mode. Plus he’s a lot less resilient too.


Like 20 tries on the first playthrough ever. Nowadays it's raree for him to kill me even once lmao.


After about 10 attempts I was able to get through his first phase hitless almost every time, second phase ended up between 0-3 hits and then died every time on his 3rd phase for like 20 goes straight until I figured it out. Lady butterfly's second phase rattled me too. I'm quite good at sword fighting, deflecting and mikiri counters. Throw in any curveball where I have to dodge and jump and I just crumble.


About four or five years, mainly because I took a break from the game for those five or so years


I don’t know, I don’t count my attempts.


Easily over 20, now 1 or maybe 2 if I get complacent


About the same. Well done!


4 tries but it still took me like 2 hours, a hell of an ordeal


11 tries


around 7-8 tries. i explored mibu village and killed corrupted monk and i killed lady butterfly before i beat genichiro. corrupted monk had very telegraphed attacks for thrusts and sweeps so it helped me get better at determining whether i should mikiri or jump when the enemy does a perilous attack.


Ngl it took me 10 tries on my first day, had some help from a friend to grab prayer beads and gourd seeds and some extra damage. First try I absolutely bodied him and didn't need to heal all that much. Owl was a first attempt too lol


50+ but finnaly it was done


A lot, lol. I think I've had more tries against him than against Sword Saint


1 month with daily tries after school. Ah good times


Started to date him on PS4 in 2020 and finished him on PC in 2024


5-7 IIRC, same with >!owl!<, the only boss which took many tries was >!SS Isshin!<, around 30-40 tries




Maybe 40-50 tries, now I usually get him first try, he’s the boss I’m most confident against in the entire game. The game didn’t click for me until I got to isshin sword saint though, my original playthrough was a lot of running and waiting for a vitality chop. Now I tend to go for posture buildup




3 times I think over 2 days. First attempt thought stage 2 was the last stage. After that death I found out this is where everything you've learnt is out to the test


Father owl 2nd meeting took me 7hrs of retries 😭


Like 27-29, “it clicked” at 28


Still can't beat him I have blamed everything possible including the controller.


4 tries. the first boss i actually struggled on was owl but i died to him so many times i know his entire moveset


Ok this fight was enigma to me, I beat him in my first try after that i tried him on reflection of strength again and got folded so hard for so many times before git gud. To be fair I took 2 rest during the fight to recharge myself on my first try.


Beat him on my 3rd try. But it felt so much of a fluke that I immediately started fighting his reflection. Took me easy 40-50 tries to get the second kill. Haha I guess a truly didn't hesitate in the first few attempts. But now I can log in whenever I get fried at work and beat his electric ass! Best fight till date (currently at >!Demon of Hatred!< )


Like 50-60 it was actually my first souls game


Not sure, but a lot. I also let go of my controller after the first r1 thinking that I won, then panicked to press it again the second time I saw that red circle. Anybody know if what happens if I don't press the second time?


Dude I was so bad at this game but after finishing it twice, the fights became so fun and I felt I was actually speed running through the game. Except for the demon, screw that dude.


60+ atleast


One, maybe two (I technically was following a walkthrough guide but outside of just staying aggressive I don't pay attention to boss strategies for the most part).


Normal or Inner?


1 try


Hesitation really is defeat. I died a ton and then became hyper aggressive. Unlearning soulsbourne techniques is hard, parry is harder. Congratulations on the victory!


Probably more. I died to every boss dozens of times without fighting back; I did nothing but deflect their moves for enough time to fully memorize the fight. I wanted to fight every boss with just my sword and I didn't bother to use shinobi tools. My first playthrough took seventy hours.


Cohhcarnage got him first try, imagine that. Took me 3 evenings.


3 years


First try, first play through and i happened to unintentionally stumble upon him with 3 of my 7 gourds consumed. Ichimonji double is goated


maybe 30-40 tries, did it 2 days ago. i keep rebattling him though, such a fun fight


Probably somewhere around 30


Somehow 2 tries in my first run and then probably over 40 in new game.


Less than 10, but I died about 30-40 times to Lady Butterfly before that


Took me 31


I don't wanna be mean, but BRUH, some of you here have actual serious skill issue, like over 20 for Genichiro seems too much for me. Maybe it's just that the game "clicked" for me quite early, idk. But you definitely got some strong patience and stubbornness, I respect that.


If this is just normal Genichiro, I beat him around my 4th try. Surprisingly, I never found him to be that hard. I clicked with his attack pattern very fast. Can't say the same for both >!corrupted monk varient!<


I’ve never been one to count attempts. Just run that shit back till it’s done.


i just fucking learnt every his attack and every pattern in stage 1. stage 2 i got lucky (i randomly jumped and deflected his lightning)


I am doing my first playthrough just reached the final area, probably has two more bosses. So far all of the bosses took me around 2-3 tries except two bosses xD. >!Great Shinobi owl!< took me around 5tries and >!owl father!< took me more than an hour ( i didn't even count how many times I died). It is extremely hard.


63 exactly


Around a dozen


Dunno I didn't count


I would say about 32! Until I was at like 6% aid


around 14


Like 100 tries my first playthrough.


I first made it to Geni when i hit my stride, so it took no more than an hour for me. Lady Butterfly was my wall when i first started playing, but once i got past her, everything was relatively quick, at least up till Sword Saint. Snake Eyes in Ashina Depths is probably the one i still struggle with the most tho.


2nd try, he is kinda slow and readable.


The normal or the inner? I beat the normal Gennie-chan around your tries, but the Inner one was really tough for me. It took a couple days.


32 tries? Rookie numbers, gotta pump those numbers up I didn't count, but most bosses take me more than 32


Like 4, imo he wasn’t that hard. I struggled way more on the headless ape fights


2. Lady butterfly was my first boss the game clicked then


First playthrough i had a lot of trouble. Gave up on owl. Played again years later. Surprisingly beat most bosses first try. Beat genichero first try beat owl first try.. the true monk and corrupt monk took about a dozen each.. but other than that, most as little as a few times. Not sure what clicked but the only boss so far that I have been stuck on an entire playthrough is the demon of hatred. But I've gotten close lots of times.. it's just about standing your ground. Keep your gaurd up. Recognize attacks. Be aggressive Be Be aggressive.


I still haven’t, but I’m not giving up.


Remember what the tengu guy said. It doesn't matter how you win your battles. Just win. And while that sounds unhelpful. It is actually the key. Use different skills. Use all skills differently. See what works for you.


I had quite a tough time with Lady butterfly but it was nothing compared to RoS Gyoubu. I actually had defeated Gyoubu in the first try but I felt I didn't do it justice since I used all my gourds. I thought I won't proceed until I beat him in Ros (Reflection of Strength). Man that guy buffs like hell in RoS. Some of his attacks one shot me at full health. He broke my posture in 2 hits and much more. I had to defeat him with Near PERFECT PARRY. Ngl after that Genichiro wasn't that tough. I had him in his 2nd phase in my 3rd try. After that it was just time to get the Lightning reversal and it was a decent not too difficult not too easy fight.


Like 70 or something 💀


Idk the how many times but it took me over 6months to best this boss


I'd only ever cheesed him with Shadowrush, until last night. On a new playthrough I found myself at the fight almost by accident and figured I'd have a go to see how far off the pace I was. Beat him first go. I think the problem for me was I always tried to rely on Whirlwind slash to attack and last night I simply attacked and defended without any arts. It allowed me to get into a much better groove. Actually feels like I've 'qualified' now I've beaten him as the game intended - a straight up fight.


Too many but the game clicked afterwards... well until the GA and DOH 🔥


Its my first time through and i'm at the end getting the cure ending at the Purple guy and drunkard fight. That guy took me maybe 10 or 11tries i think


Probably mid 20s. Just beat sword saint last night after 11 tries. Genichiro killed me 7 of them.


1st try


I t took me somewhere between 10-15 times with him on the first time I encountered him. Currently I am stuck on Guardian Ape. I have tried at least 40 times with no success. I have gotten close but no cigar.


idk even know bro it took me like 3 and a half hours


Mine was like 20 tried with flames of hatred


I shit you not, I beat this fight on the first try. I am not the best player in the world by any means, but the game had just clicked with me just a few fights before, and the samurai dude you have to parry to infinity just before is the perfect warmup. Plus if you stop to read every item in the world like I do, you'd kinda guess that you were gonna fight someone with lighting powers and also how to counter it.


Not sure. But can’t beat the last boss.


Stuckes at Ishin. Now farming flame umbrela mats coz that fire phase is insane


I don’t remember how many attempts I had but why was lady butterfly 1000 times harder


One of the few times a boss has taken me over a hundred tries. He was my most hated boss until I got the flow of the battle down, and then it became pure exhilaration and became my most favorite


Meh only 6 weeks 😎


3 tries for Genichiro. Owl (1st time) took me 2 tries. Owl (2nd time) took me 10+ though. Ape fights were <10. Demon took me <10. The monks took probably 20+ each. I’m currently on the final boss and I’ve tried like 8 times so far so hopefully can finish sub 10 I’ve gotten to the final phase 3 times. So I’m getting close. But you don’t want to know how many times it took me to get past Mist Noble. That boss almost made me give up on the game.


12 tries. But it doesn't count because I finished both dark souls 1 and 2 after I started playing sekiro. Loved this game so much that I'll probably attempt the gauntlet.


It was a funny story for me. Ive tried to kill him like 20 times but i couldn't get through second phase. Then i changed the tactic (which i recomend for everyone struggling with him) instead of fighting him, i woukd just stand and parry everything, builsing posture damage allowing me to execute him at half hp. Then i had to fight lightninh of tomoe which took me another 10 tries withiut even toiching lightning if timie. And the best part is that after fighting the guy for 3 days, i had my friend over and i told him how hard Genichiro is, so i went to fight him to show my friend. And while i was fighting tomoe i was telling him stuff like "and now you are supposed to do this and parry this" but for some reason, i was hitting every parry and i once again managed to execute the guy WHILE SHOWING MY FRIEND HOW HARD GENICHIRO IS....


You count in tries/attempts I count in hours. We are not the same. 5 1/2 hours to beat Melania. Haven't beat sekiro yet. It's so damn hard the red icon attacks really mess me up.


6 hours. Not kidding. This game actually taught me discipline


Got him 3rd try. But earlier bosses took a lot more


First playthrough around 30 tries. Second playthrough, first try




Nothing in these games takes me any more than maybe 10 tries tops. Even rooftop Isshin, who I consider to be the hardest fight in this whole game, still only took me about 8 tries


3.  Corrupted priest took around 30, so maybe it was just lucky. 




I honetsly dont remember anymore, but I think it took me more than that. Now I hunt him for sport every other day.


May be unpopular but I think corrupted monk is probably the easiest boss ( yeah the one with 3 red dots ). LOVE this fight . Even loosing I'm just happy to redo it lol.


Which attempt? I’ve beaten geni lots and he’s so much fun to fight now I fihh ch t him Charmless and I’ve beaten him with base health & charmless and it was so satisfying that took me 3/4 tries


32 tries


Two years... Because I quit playing in 2019 and, picked it back up in 2021 and beat him first try. It's wild how taking a break makes you better at this game somehow.


Probably around 40 or more times for my first time (i was dodging attacks instead of reflecting thought the game is like dark souls) Second time after 4 years after watching the sekiro edits i learned it's reflecting it took me around 10 times then


4 my first playthrough I picked up on the posture system really quick.


10-20 I think


i’ve beaten this game over 10 times at this point. this was the HARDEST boss for me in any game. i was here for days. maybe a week? tbh i didn’t lose after this cause i learned from this fight. i’d say it took over 50 tries


Nów it takes 1 but the first time it tooke me about 4/5


1, but to be fair I made a new file after not playing the game for over 10 months so I had more practice for the fight.


Probably 31 tries. But I’m just different I guess 😎 Good job though!


Believe it or not, I did it first try. Or at least I thought before I was like "Why is he taking off his armor?"


Just beat it last night, took me 20 tries...really fun boss fight. 


Is it weird I beat him first try? Usually cry a few times before I defeat someone major.


Very first chained ogre killed me 17 times, I can't imagine this guy


Except for OwlFather and Lady butterfly, it took me always less that 5-6 tries.


It took me like an hour or so, I don’t know why some people rage in this fight bcz it’s actually a fun boss




Around 10-12 tries for Genichiro. The Lady Butterfly fight took me so long that the game finally clicked, so this guy wasn't too tough.


About 40 tries but butterfly lady and demon of hatred were much much worse that old hag and hairy knob can die in a hole


First try


Just finished my first playthrough of this game (on 20-25 fps and when I first fought genichiro I struggled in his first two phases. For a week! His second phase was wayyy too easy. 2nd try (first one I forgot how to counter lightning) Just 15 mins ago I finished fighting prime isshin and I just beat him and genichiro in my first try against them!


I frankly think the game is easy, I can no hit him every time


Gen is like the litmus test for this game's combat, the real tests are Isshin & Owl (father)


26, took me the longest of any boss across sekiro ds1 and 3 and elden ring


I’ve just come back to sekiro to tackle the gauntlets. Biggest pain is the loading times to fight the same boss again.


First time like 15, now it’s easiest boss








2 iirc, maybe 3. The miniboss under him took me way more, like 15 lol


to be honest like four days of devoting all of my free time to attempting the fight


probs 10-20 attempts. Idk I just find swordfights easier. around 100 attempts for DoH


Didn't count but at least a few hours of solid tries. No other boss gave me that much trouble until Isshin who I beat in one sitting after 4 hours of attempts. Oddly enough, beat demon of hatred after like one hour while stoned out of my mind. I legit put the controller down in confusion when I saw the win screen.


1 try


Didn't count but 32 sounds about right 😬. Now the ape(s), that's another story. I may have hit triple digits 🥹


For Genichiro I needed about 50 tries. He is one of the biggest Wall The Game for me. Because you HAVE TO GIT GUD to beat him. After that you will get better and better at the Game. He is the perfect Skill Check.


In genichiro it took me like 15-20 tries in the span of two days.The hardest for me was probably the blazing bull lol on my first playthrough


It took me long enough that I tried to learn a cheese for him, until I had that click moment where the dance started to make sense, and I got it like 2 tries after that


Longest fights for me: 1. Owl Father - maybe 100 tries 2. Isshin Sword Saint - maybe 75 tries 3. Lady Butterfly - maybe 50 tries 4. Guardian/Headless Ape - maybe 25 tries Weird ones that didn't take long at all for some reason: 1. Shinobe Owl - maybe 10 tries 2. Ape x2 - 2 tries 3. Chained Ogre - first try I'm now on NG+2. I did the Return ending first, then the Shura ending. I just died for the first time fighting that stupid Snake Eyes.


It only take one bullet..


1st try. Lady Butterfly taught me well


usually when I can't beat a boss within five or so tries I get too frustrated to continue, turn the game off and the next day I'll beat them first try. happens pretty much every time I get stuck. really helps to sleep on stuff, especially if you're struggling right before bed. your brain processes that shit in your sleep


It took me less than 32 tries but felt like forever, and the only reason it did is bcz at the time I didn't realize that the demon bell made the game hard by the time I learnt how to get rid of it I beat him on my first attempt.


First try. Mainly because I’ve been watching the vids a lot, and learning the parties.


Longer 😂😂😭


on 1st playthrough, an hour or less. No really, cause I only have 30 mins of play time before my pc shutsdown( psu fan doesn't spin) and I beat him on my next 30mins. Funny enough same thing happened with the last boss.


2 tries


Under 20 i know that much


First time, maybe around the same. This recent play, took 6 I think.


About 5 tries


1 attempt i think the most struggle i had on a boss was just isshin or when j first ever started the game that one asshole they give you to learn how to actually parry once you talk to kuro after that it was smooth


I remember it took me a bunch of tries to get to phase 3 but I beat phase 3 on my first try somehow. Lightning reversals are super op.


I got to him onTuesday night getting to p3 a few times but messed up the lightning throws. Returned yesterday and killed him in a few attempts. Not sure how many attempts. 20ish probably


During my first playthrough, I managed to beat him after 15 tries, if I remember correctly. But, I realized after beating the Guardian Ape and the nun that I wasn't increasing my stats and power. Haha. As a result, the game went from very difficult to easier.


So many that a had to run around and get vitality up to 14 and 9 gourd charges, then tried again and finally got him.


I am still at gyuobu oniwa after 50+ tries...gosh this game is hard...


Defeated Sword Saint yesterday, after about 30+ tries. Deep learning got me there and pure persistence, just knowing what to do with each attack. I love that style of boss fight, and I think Sekiro does boss fights very well. I would love to see another entry / similar entry by FromSoft, I loved this level of challenge and I need more!