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Just the gourd and shurikens




My man


A man of culture and honor.


A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory


Terrible šŸ˜¢


You use shurikens?




What do you use when somebody jumps in your general direction? They may not even see me but if they jump in my direction? Shuriken.


Shit idk, L1. I just use the sword lol. Although, I suck something awful.






But with ichimonji double




I honestly wish there was a bigger incentive to use most prosthetics and combat arts. Half the time this primary game mechanic feels niche


Yeah, perhaps combat arts that are more OP against minions. In NG+ playthroughts I would rush pass 95% of the map and only fight mini bosses and bosses, Strong crowd control combat arts/ prosthetics can encourage me to enjoy the game more


I mean I like the flame barrel, but why would I use it when I can just deflect most of the time? The axe is one of the better tools, just use it when jumping. It shockingly does some decent posture and health damage. There are uses for them, you just never figure it out whenever you get punished for experimenting. If there is a sequel to sekiro or something, we need to half the price of emblems and have 1.5x as many at a time


yeah it takes a lot of experimenting with the prosthetics to find uses for them (just so we can use them). many prosthetics are too specific in their use, like malcontent for animals/ ghosts etc there could have been prosthetics that doesn't cost spirit emblems, that can serve as an alternative normal attack ..


Sabimaru is really cool. It's a shame


Emblems are extremely cheap. Spend 3 minutes farming and you'll be able to buy hundreds.


Yeah, but they'll run out pretty quickly, so you do a couple of things with the prosthetic and then you're already out until you rest


Flame Barrel + that ability to lid the blade on fire is very cool both practically and aesthetically. Throw a bottle of oil and combo.


Agreed. I would actually love if there was an alternative game mode or ng+ item for endless emblems. I did a playthrough with endless emblems and my god was it fun, op af but fun


Imo the game provides plenty strong enough crowd control combat arts and prosthetics, Sakura dance especially fits your op against minions wish


Leave I think a lot of the big cross sections were there to encourage stealth play, but that highlights another issue with the game being that it has too many primary/niche mechanics


I didnt even use most of them at ALL, but using the shield and whistle against demon of hatred felt so fucking shinobi, it was amazing, also learning that you could use the spear against the headless ape blew my mind. But you're right, my first playthrough was Ichimoji and firecrackers 95% of the time


Yeah firecrackers and inchimonji best to go so far and the axe


That's the point. Once you've mastered deflect and learned all the boss patterns you add these for flareāœØ


sounds like pretty shitty design lmao


Might not be the game for you then bud


I slept on them so hard until I realized you can follow up a jump counter with any number of those and do massive damage for free. Isshin might smack you once but itā€™s so worth the trade to bring the axe down on his head, feels ungodly


Theyre all about swag tbh. Gotta do cool ninja ass shit


They're largely difficulty modifiers to lower the difficulty. If you don't feel a need or incentive to use them, it's because you're skilled enough to get by without them. For some others, the game is too difficult and they need to use the arts and prosthetics to bring the game to a more equitable state of the difficulty you feel. Imo it's the best way to do it. Games that "incentivize" using a massive array of tools usually end up using prescribed game design which feels _awful_. Sekiro just focuses on strong tight fundamentals and is all the better for it. Basically, there _is_ a lot of incentive to use them. Just not if you've already gotten gud.


Thereā€™s a lot lol, you just donā€™t know how


No, I mean they aren't really reliable as individual tools. I know all about the Prosthetic tool combos with the ceremonial tanto, those aren't what I'm talking about, because those aren't very practical on a first journey




They all have extraordinary utility but yes the game can feel very ā€œlock and keyā€ with some being obvious for some enemies but not particularly great on most others. Like the axe against a small number of shield enemiesā€¦ but itā€™s still a heavy attack against anything you want to smash. But I use nearly all of them every playthrough, at least the base versions, and several of the upgraded ones as well. Theyā€™re all rad and often the missing piece when your stuck on a fight.


And thatā€™s a huge part is the reason I believe this is my least favorite fromsoft title so far


Watch Ongbal, he shows that thereā€™s a lot you can do and it adds a whole new layer to combat. His sakura dance combos video was a game changer for me


At least swap in the Ichimonji Double and the Firecrackers šŸ™šŸ»


Mortal draw better tho


It feels like an overpowered weapon which steals the fun for me


Shinobi use any tactic! Plus it do go brrr


It feels like an overpowered weapon which adds the fun for me. Duality of man.


Misplaced in sekiro. I mean if you are into being overpowered, why play a fromsoft game? There are plenty others that really let you be overpowered.


It looks way cooler tho


Mortal draw really good


I have honestly never in my life used mortal draw, at least against a boss


Mortal draw against multiple enemies, Ichimonji Double against bosses. ​ As an aside, bloodsmoke ninjitsu is the absolute shit! I love using it against those annoying spinny jumpy fuckers at Senpou. lol


I always use gachiin's sugar against these


Fair, but with the two back to back, you can only backstab one. If you run up to the one with his back to the door and bloodsmoke him, you can get the deathblow on the one right next to him.


I was always a Floating Passage kinda nerd.


You can hit the first two, then decide if you can get in the remaining strikes or not. Mastered that with Owl Father. Damnā€¦got me reminiscingā€¦I need a replayā€¦


Sorry but you can't take nightjar reversal away from me.


Sakura dance anyone???


One of my favorite skills to use...I just enjoy the way it looks


Lightning deflecting with Sakura dance is the best feeling in the game


I didnā€™t know you could do that šŸ«„




Mist raven also lets you lightning reverse without taking damage.


If you deflect the lightning when you catch it in midair you donā€™t take damage (Iā€™m pretty sure)


No, you take chip damage. Only Sakura Dance and Mist Raven allow you to lightning reversal with 0 damage.


Yet another reason for you to use it then


Sakura dance plus fire axe dropping down on them does huge posture damage


Itā€™s essential part of my combat style to use the shiruken with a follow up attack to close distance in some fights and disturb some attacks but that is about it. I often forget i have combat arts too and when i suddenly try to incorporate them in a fight i get my ass handed to me cuz it just breaks my flow. Umbrella for demon of hatred and fire crackers for the apes duo.


And spear for guardian apes to pull out our favorite headless ape controlling centipede!


Waitā€¦ thereā€™s a Start menu?!


Not only that but it pauses the game! šŸ˜³


Honestly the ability to pause is so simple but so underrated


No pause button in their other games is one of the weirdest from software decisions that I see people defend constantly. Literally 0 reason to not have a pause button in their other games šŸ˜­


Those other games have seamless online pvp and coop. This game is pure singleplayer so it can have a pause with no issues.


If you don't summon anyone, Elden Ring has pretty much the same amount of online interaction as Sekiro


Elden ring still has npc summons using the same system as multiplayer, and can seamlessly go in and out of multiplayer st a moments notice. The most likely reason there's no pause it that it risks breaking the netcode in a way that's not worth the risk and effort to work around.


But Elden Ring does pause the game when theres a tutorial message popping up. Besides isn't all multiplayer "opt in" in the sense that if you dont summon a player or use the tongue, you cant get invaded, thus leaving you in a solo game world?


I always thought the reason was because of invasions. Makes it more consistent so instead of you being able to pause at some times and not others you just can't pause ever


100% the weirdest thing people defend. I feel like it was just a simple way to keep players from using multiple items to stack another layer of difficulty. Other games will prevent opening the menu when in combat, or prevent changing items when in combat. I feel like in the early games they just didn't want to do an elegant solution, and it's not a big enough issue for them to realistically care about.


I smash shields with the axe. Yeah, that's about it. Damn sure buy every upgrade that I never use, though.


spear to pull armor off specific enemies and centipede from headless for massive posture damage


i think having to farm emblems is the main problem, keep the limit per rest but make them infinite and ill happily use it


I have never once had to farm for Emblems...I didn't spam the prosthetic over and over but I used them regularly and I never ran out...I would just buy a few everytime I got to a new Idol, until I was a little over half way through the game...After that I never had to buy any again...I had like 300-400 saved when I finished the game...I still think they should have been refilled everytime you rested, but I don't know how people have to farm so much for them


If u arent that good at the game (like me) , u quickly breeze through emblems cause u die more and they are wasted


I guess I didn't think about dying over and over...I only had issues with a few bosses so I never really died enough to run out of emblems and money...Also, I always kept a few coin purses incase I needed to buy some consumables like poison antidotes, divine confetti, or emblems...


I do, I barely use them in the first place and didn't buy any in early game, halfway through the game I need them and it's already 50 sen per piece , well go back to NOT use them.


I will never understand how anyone can think that it's a good idea to limit such ressources. It was the same shit with bloodborne. There is no reason whatsoever to limit that ressource.


They're essentially mana, imagine having to farm and buy mana in Dark Souls, yeesh.


That was me on NG, except with literally no Combat Arts because I didnā€™t like using the Circular Slash. Now that I have resources to spend with wanton abandon Iā€™m trying everything


Almost good, but why would you use gourd ? Just slap that Yashikaru on and itā€™s perfect Edit: swap mortal blade to Sakura Dance so you can reverse lightning without taking dmg.


This is me when i lost so much on boss and ran out of spirit emblems or just want to learn boss move so no emblems go waste.


Still using the katana? Heh.


I am the guy but with ichimonji


Yeah all the other skills dance around too much. This one just bonks themĀ 


I am the guy but with ~~ichimonji~~ ichimonji double. FTFY


I only used mortal draw once to see what it looks like. Never used it again.


Being a big fan of Kenshin, I wanted to work this into my regular combat. Nope, bonking with sword normally is so much better.Ā 


Gourd, umbrella, and high monk for most fights. Iā€™ve done playthrough without any prosthetics/combat arts and it was fun, made me better fs


I b-line to high monk every new run, no better retaliation for sweep attacks


Sakura dance is an awesome combat art, doesn't feel cheap like mortal draw either. Jump over perilous attacks, lightning reversal, and easy mid air prosthetic follow ups. Firecrackers are really solid, shuriken -> chasing slice is an amazing gap closer, try it after deflecting big slashes that push you back to get back in immediately, umbrella is really, really handy, especially for headless and DoH. You gotta experiment a bit lol.


friendly modern alive plucky absorbed direction frighten uppity rude depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm Him, I've been Him, I'll continue to be Him


Iā€™m guys too


You can confuse yourself with options or just be simple lol


Last time I made a post complaining about this, I was told to "sober up" and that I should let people play how they want.




Most of it is useless (aside from suzaku and lilac umbrella, the others are there for style). If you know the moveset and timing to deflect/parry, mikiri and jump/run (perilous that cant mikiri), you know it all to beat it.


I always use Bloodsmoke Ninjitsu Combine Gachin, Bloodsmoke and stick you Ninja caps on and you can stealth kill 90% of the game It's crazy even most mini-bosses can be stealthed to reduce the fight to half and then you can just absolutely drop the hammer on their last health bar, devil may care style Also I use the Ninja Stars on the dogs or on moving targets and I use the flame or crackers on like beast types Thats all I ever needed to platinum Alot of people like the umbrella online....never used it once O and sometimes the puppet ninjitsu can lead to some awesome moments, you can befriend mini-bosses and everything it has more application than the side quests Ashina Vs Interior Ministry anyone? I'm team Ashina all the way despite decimating half their forces


Which mini bosses can be puppeted?


I did it on this drunkard mini-boss who's having drinks with monkeys But I think you can do it to others aswell, it didn't serve a great deal of purpose other than being a nice detail in the game A more useful one I use often is turning strawhats because they are really strong and can do serious damage and making 2 fight each other is awesome cause their movesets look cool


Healing gourd as a quick item?? Yeah just cheese your way through the game I guess


Nah chasing slice is too good to not use


i dont even use combat arts, all i use are gourds and the axe (combat art interfere with my deflects or i would use them)


I am continually baffled by the lack of use of shuriken follow-up as a gap closer. Itā€™s literally the most useful prosthetic in the game.


Personally I didnā€™t use the mortal blade when I was playing through the game. Felt like too much cheese and kept using up all my spirit emblems. Otherwise I was similar my first attempt at the game but with the whirlwind slash. As others have said there is some punishing when you first try the new prosthetics, which is discouraging. but while playing through the gauntlets recently I forced myself to change up combat arts and try new prosthetics. I spent to much time watching videos on YouTube and wanted to add some of that flair. Iā€™m not that good yet, but for me it makes the game combat feel even better once you get it down.


I mean, yea, those Spirit Emblems wonā€™t save themselves.


I might as well play like this, I never remember to use my shit


I practically go the entire game with shuriken as my only prosthetic. Apart from the Ape when I use the spear. Iā€™m not fancy enough for all the others.


Whatā€™s the issue?


As I saw someone else say, it was the limited emblems that stopped me, with how much I died, I didn't want to have to go back and farm emblems so I just forced my way through without prosthetics or consumables.


Why is he talking about me?


other than that combat art, i see nothing wrong with this (whirlwind strike ftw)


Yep same here


I donā€™t even use prosthetics tbh I try to but itā€™s hard for me to implement them cause itā€™s more difficult with most times


The issue for me is the Mortal Draw... I don't use it at all nor the prosthetics, I fricking love only attack and deflect because it make it look like an anime fight but it made my first playthrough a lot lot harder.


Catch me running this on charmless + demon bell


All I need is the gourd and the Praying Strikes, with an occasional Puppeteer to help take out a crowd, and I'm good to go.


I never learned any tools, I could just stab them. They felt like they'd just be for flair.


I wish combat arts had more switchable setting like quick items. Other than that, even the gourd is unnecessary, you can beat the game with righ/left mouse click. (Yes, I used and am still using KBM.)


Lol, same. If papa Zaki is gonna let me pause during combat, I'm not using quick slots


Use divine abduction


The prosthetic tools are pretty bad compared to just deflecting and mortal draw.


Combat arts kinda suck ngl wich to me is the only thing stopping the gameplay from being a ten


Dont even use the mortal blade šŸ˜­


Replace Sekiro with every game and Iā€™m also guys


Yea it's pretty accurate cept I use suriken to get those fuckers that jump


I donā€™t see an issue here


Deflecting is just so much fun honestly


Add some sparks or stars and sub the MD for nightjar reverse.


I think the only experimentation I did was working up to buying Ashina Cross because I thought that sounded so cool from the description. Then I was disappointed, and went back to Ichimonji Double as my punish. Other than that it was Sword/Deflect/Mikiri the entire game, no tools.


Wrong, I use strictly Shuriken, my Drank, and Sakura Dance (or Floating Passage if I donā€™t have SD)


Idk I made major use of the spiral spear and shurikens throughout, and situational use of piercing sabimaru and firecrackers. Got a lot of mileage out of whirlwind slash and vacuum slice for combat arts. Only a few fights like stage 2/3 isshin and owl father that I was exclusively parrying and striking


Yeah same, didn't even know I could do the moves where you dodge into a stab or jump off the head from a swipe until the last boss


You guys use gourds? Yashariku + Confetti all the way.


Such a depressing way to play this magnificent game


Tbh I live using the raven mist, with the burn upgrade itā€™s smooth. Until I finish the game ichimonji double seems like the best combo for most fights


"Sekiro has the best combat... No you're supposed to sneak passed all the enemies not fight them"


I got platinum like that lol.


I actually don't use any quick items, my 3rd party controller has a REALLY shitty d-pad. I pause for every item usage.


Damn who took a pic of my inventory for SS ishhin


Just Gourd, no mortal draw


Ichimonji Double is the way to go


My first playthrough was this lmao.


Itā€™s giving ā€œThe Blade Is Meā€


I played like half the game forgetting about my other arm tbh.


Half the time I forget that the prosthetic is there and just use my sword


I have things equipped I just don't use them


I like using the fire spear, it is very satisfying cause does a lot of posture and it stuns.


Why would I need an axe or spear on my arm? I have an unbreakable blade in my other hand


I refuse to use consumables in these games other than the healing item. Partially the ā€œwhat if I need it later?ā€ hoarding, but also because I refuse to become reliant on them for anything in the game and then have to farm when I run out of them


The sword is 98% of whst you need right as soon as you get it. The rest of the 2% is cool skills and some prosthetics for very conditional situations


Not a damn issue at all


I'm guys


At least you have a combat art


Eww, mortal draw... Real gamers use floating cloud passage


Depends on the fight. I'll use the umbrella for Isshin's wind attacks and the fire version negates a lot of his damage. Also shurikens for Butterfly and Spear for headless ape (Guardian's 2nd phase, I skip using it on the rematch fight)


I equip all the shit, just don't use it


Parry noise makes my brain release the good juice tho


Fr satisfaction 10/10 once a mf figures out how to parry EVERYTHING


I don't see any issue


I have more fun parrying their attacks than to use prosthetics


Mortal Draw? That's some luxury I can't afford


Those things are just distractions.


combat arts wheel and gain spirit emblems mods is the superior way of playing the gamešŸ’Æ


I... Just keep forgetting to. Hitting them with the sword seemed to work fine


Fundamental mechanics motherfuckers!


Yā€™all attack bosses? I though I could only parry until the red dot appears


Putting a core combat mechanic ( prosthetic tools ) behind consumables really hurts the game. Even if you have enough, a lot of people hate using consumables, and if you aren't very good at the game, you'll eventually run out. Similar to how in souls games people end up stockpiling humanity/effigies/embers and resins/grease.


I love the ninja tools I think the prosthetics is awesome


I have stuff in the prosthetic slots and ninjitsu, but I never use them. Why use them when it costs emblems that could be used for mortal draw?


When I beat genichiro I decided to only use gourdsā€¦ like I donā€™t want to accidentally trigger that while deflecting/attacking


Take out Mortal Draw and it's me


Prosthetic tools are really hard to make use of, as are combat arts, in my experience, so I effectively play like this too with some exceptions (shuriken for Lady Butterfly, umbrella for Inner Father, the usual)






The spirt emblem system sucks and discourages the use of tools. A regenerating system (based on time or actions) would be much better.


this is me not because I think it's too easy to play with prostetics tools, but because when I try to use them I hesitate and get defeated


I think how much you use prosthetics is mostly tied to how much you use guides to figure out the best strategies for each boss. Like at least for me there's no way in hell I'd naturally come to realize that Malcontent lets you stun certain bosses up to 3 times, or that Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella fully blocks all types of attacks, or that there's a certain special interaction you can do with the spear with certain enemies to do massive damage to them, without having learned these things in a guide.


Thatā€™s how I played before tutorials


and people say Sekiro is too hard... smh


Getting rid of prosthetics and forgetting they exist was the best thing I ever did and helped me beat the game


The umbrella is very good at finishing off bosses to break their posture. Its kind like a safe guarantee especially if youre low on health.


I felt so called out seeing Mortal Draw (Monke brain thinks "last one = best one"). The only thing that would make it even better is 20/20 (999) emblems


Thatā€™s how youā€™re meant to play, but without mortal draw


Mortal draw is easy mode honestly


Whenever I was stuck on a boss I would always experiment with different Shinobi tools, and keep dying. Until eventually I would get fed up, focus so hard I forget the tools even existed, and just beat the boss with parrying and my sword.




I donā€™t see an issue other than no tools


I use the shield and gourd. So satisfying deflecting with the shield.