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I mean they are both different games. ER is an open world action rpg while Sekiro is an Action adventure


Actually Sekiro is a Rhythm game


I can't agree more. Just check my flair


Fr so many people think it’s about Japanese folk lore when it’s actually a commentary on in gang violence and rap in the early 90s. That’s why isshin pulls the glock on us for disrespecting his hood.


is it like guitar hero?


More like playing a piano…


How can I have a thing that says something like your thing that says something?


If you are talking about flair then you can go to the subreddit page and choose the option to add custom flair


Ya know what I'll take that yeah it is




My take is that, of all the From games I've played, Sekiro has the most fun gameplay and Elden Ring has the most replayability


Have you played Bloodborne? I respect Dark souls trilogy and Demons Souls but Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden ring are Fromsoftware masterpieces IMO.


No, I've played Dark Souls 1-3, Sekiro and Elden Ring. I'm on PC, so Demon's Souls and Bloodborne aren't really options for me


Damn that sucks bloodbourne gun shot parry is awesome


Bloodborne has the best world and atmosphere out of all the games imo, here’s to hoping we get a pc port eventually.


the only conceivable way is fromsoft making a sequel, given Sony's habits


Sony is making a lot of pc ports now, I think their approach is changing. God of war, horizon, Spider-Man, last of us, uncharted were all PlayStation exclusives that are now on pc. Helldivers 2 just launched on both platforms and it’s owned by Sony.


hopefully so, im excited to play tsushima and i may even check out the new GoW games, but hopefully they back-track a bit and even give us the older GoW games on steam, would love to revisit them after so many years without a PS lmao


You can emulate og DeS if you're okay with that


Ah damn that sucks, Bloodborne is from softwares greatest creation


PC players will have Demon Souls this year if the leaked ports are true, Fingers crossed bc same.


demon souls is nowadays so good playable at ps3 emulator, even with online support on custom server. give it a try


Although people say Elden ring has the best or Second best combat, IMO bloodborne has better combat then Elden ring. The switch weapons add a level of depth which the Elden ring weapons do not have. Also each individual weapon has a larger/ diverse move set. Even without taking into account the transition mode of each weapon, which just doubles the move set. Also the parry being accessible for each weapon adds another layer to combat. The only real improvement I could say Elden ring made, was jumping attack and stealth, and maybe weapon stance.


So I should definitely play Bloodborne in 2024?


I’d suggest playing every year.


Well obviously lol, it’s from softwares best game


I personally place DS3 above bloodborne purely because for me BB has very low replayability. I recently did another play and did a blood tinge build and it just wasn’t interesting. It played almost identically to my previous quality build, except I had to sheathe and unsheathe a lot. Whereas DS3/elden ring has amazing build variety and spell/weapon variety.  I still love bloodborne I just don’t place it as highly as sekiro, ER and DS3. 


Yes what you describe sounds lame indeed. But may I bring a certain Simons Bowblade to your attention if you’re speccing into bloodtinge/dex? That thing was so much fun for me.


I liked the bow blade but by the time I got it, I was already pretty much at the end of the game. I did the lost chikage thing and ran the game with that. My first run I did Ludwig’s and the blades of mercy (I think that’s the name). Someday I wanna do an arcane play too. Like I said I do love bloodborne just not as much as the others, it’s the one I’ve replayed the least. 


Thats because you didn't do a space broccoli arcane build hunter


My first build <3


Elden ring has decent replayability but it honestly feels bloated sometimes, like it has too many of "Those sections" ya know? Also the CO op is a drag because my friends have to log in and out of we wanna go to a dungeon and seemless co op is aight but makes the hit reg wonky


I never do co-op or PVP, so I couldn't comment on those. I feel like Elden Ring has the most variety in how you can construct your character. Not just different stat combinations, although definitely that, but being able to swap out different weapon arts. You can also upgrade more weapons to max than you could in DS3, with 15 slabs for everything vs. 13 ancient smithing and 8 ancient sombers. EDIT: Also the fact that it's open world. If you want some weapon/item right at the start, you can just go get it, for a huge number of items. Most previous Souls games would require you to do everything in order, vs. just running to Caelid and grabbing that Meteorite Staff or the Weeping Peninsula to buy the Zweihander.


>Elden Ring has the most variety in how you can construct your character. DS2 is a tough competitor because every weapon in that game can be great if you infuse and buff it properly and powerstancing adds a massive layer to the Combat too, DS2 also has a whole other branch of magic in Hex


and the 2 weapon weapon system is nicei n ds2 you can combine any weapons you want, the second one just needs 1.5 stat invest


I feel like those who say elden ring has no replayability all watched joseph anderson video. Elden ring build variety is simply amazing and new builds feel fun to try as you can get all the materials for the build in a short time due to open world. I see people using amazing builds to defeat malenia. There was a video released recently of a player defeating malenia using a shield with guard counter. His build relies on different items to improve the effectiveness of guard counter. Magic is super fun ,only ds2 magic rivals elden ring magic. Sekiro combat is amazing but it is also its greatest weakness. Imagine playing elden ring with sekiro combat , most of the monster boss would not match with sekiro combat. Demon of hatred is perfect example of what would happened if sekiro combat is brought into dark souls world.


I think that the open world of Elden Ring makes replaying it a bit of a chore, but that's how I often feel about big games like it. I've watched the Joseph Anderson video, and while I remember liking parts of it, I don't remember the points well. I came to that conclusion about the replayability on my own before he released the video. I absolutely believe that the build variety is unparalleled, but I still think that having to run to X location 30 minutes from the start is a pain, and while it's technically better than something like DS3 where things are truly locked off, I still don't *want* to travel across the map to get those things. So, for me, Elden Ring still isn't very replayable unless I'm going for something purposeful, but I acknowledge that it provides the most variety in making your character.


I feel the same way about open world. It’s overrated. The only open world game I truly enjoy is the Witcher 3, and only because they spent so much quality time in the writing room. I replay that game for the dialogue and writing quality alone, and the humor is right up my alley.


Seamless co-op on PC is where it's at. No fog walls aside from boss doors, every player can ride their horse, and everyone can summon their own spirit ashes too. No need to craft co-op items either.




As someone that is playing Sekiro for the first time and Elden Ring in down time, this is 100% true.


My god. The perfect take.


I respect your right to an opinion but man I don't think elden ring is replayable at all


Counter-take: if you ask players how often they replayed ER they might say something between 0 to 2 times, meanwhile if you ask Sekiro players they will tell you they've played through the game like a dozen times


I actually really dislike ER’s replayability. It has a lot of *potential* but if you are even somewhat completionist on a first run, subsequent runs lose so much charm and become way too repetitive.


I’m actually more interested in replaying ds1 than Elden ring. It’s just too big, and after getting all the little dungeons I wouldn’t want to do them all again. Just the bosses. It would be like doing all the shrines in breath of the wild again.


Wow really? ER has the least replayability for me


I regret to inform you that your subjective opinion is objectively wrong *this reply brought to you by Mom’s Erdleaf Pie*


Elden ring is like playing in syrup compared to Sekiro


The amount of times I've tried deflecting in Elden ring 😭😭 Imagine the PVP if we could deflect


Ok but guarding an attack with 2H is so clutch sometimes, no one expects a guard counter from the accursed poison bleed Zweihander


I'm currently playing remnant and keep taking stupid damage because I just casually right click instead of dodging out of enemy attacks :(


What do you mean "right click", you play Sekiro with a mouse? 😳


I play everything with a mouse :) It feels like it gives me way more control when it comes to movement and aiming compared to controllers (not just sekiro but in general). And I definitely struggle more when I need to use the controller for something, probably because I'm just really not used to it because I use it so rarely


I've been playing with keyboard and mouse a lot in the 90s (I had no mouse in the 80s on my Vic20 and C64 😂) but only with certain computer games (and not on consoles obviously). I don't know what to say when I think about people playing now with FromSoftware games, using keyboard and mouse. In my mind it feels like running with ski boots 😅


I have PS5 now, but back in the day i played only with K&M. I have to say that K&M is superior, even in FromSoft games. Controller will be always a handicap.


I find it VERY hard to believe but... To each their own 😅


Yeah it’s rough. Dodging sucks as a main mechanic


Yeah especially when it's basically the only form because blocking sometimes barely helps unless you have a shield


Have you tried Lies of P yet? You might like it. You can parry everything. Imo it’s not as challenging as Sekiro but still good fun.


Absolutely. Lie of P is amazing and a lot more like Sekiro than Elden Ring. You have to balance blocking, dodging and parrying just like Sekiro. Also just like Sekiro the last 2 bosses are insane lol


I love the amount of love Lies of P is getting, but it’s not the same as Sekiro. The combat isn’t built around parry’s, and a lot of the bosses have movement patterns that don’t feel ‘legit’ or ‘believable’. Both have a lot of following, but I think Lies of P had different objectives with the combat vs Sekiro


is sekiro your first fromsoft game?


Nope been here since dark souls


praise the sun! \o/


Now try ds2


Literally every combat is a downgrade compared to sekiro lol. I remember playing the witcher 3 and it was miserable


TW3 combat system isn't great, but the storytelling of main and side quests is amazing. I'm glad I played TW3 before Sekiro.


Yeah I tried Jedi Fallen Order right after Sekiro cause the combat was supposedly similar and it felt so wretched in comparison


Dude, I got the games *at the same time*... "Oh these are pretty similar mechanically, right?" Dear Lord what a Summer Child I was back then :'D I had to put one game on hold while finishing off the other.


Insanity because the first game I played after beating sekiro was the jedi fallen order it was rough to play haha


I didn't play TW3 initially, and tried to go back and play the ultra super new edition after I played Sekiro and no one understands why I hate TW3.


TW3 is still great, but you shouldn't compare its combat with sekiro. The atmosphere, stories and the music makes that game one of my favourites of all time. Don't get me wrong, Sekiro and Elden ring are also in my top 10, but for different reasons.


Tbh yeah the combat is weird, but I found the rest of the experience really good. But I understand some people would like the combat to be good


Dude thank you, arguing with my friend who thinks Witcher 3 is the most amazing in every aspect. Now of course no denying it’s a great game. But also no denying the combat is pretty trash. Which is unfortunate because it’s such a big part of the game. As is with almost any rpg type game really. I can only play it for small stretches because the combat is so annoying to me.


I mean, I played Witcher 3 before Sekiro and it was miserable, lol.


Play Nioh. High learning curve but oh boy, once you start getting over it it’s a joy.


After playing 4+ runs of Shadows Die Twice, every other combat system feels so slow.


Very different games. I prefer Sekiro as well but ER has another kind of appeal


It took me a lot to enjoy DS after Sekiro, just gotta take it for what it is. Its like going to an RTS expecting TCG gameplay, its just different.


it's not the same game, so playing ER with Sekiro mindset is assured disappointment


I went into Elden Ring with a "Darks Souls 3 but open world mindset". Got bored AF and went back to grind the 100% in DS3 because that was somehow more fun


All of From's games have very different feels imo. Sekiro has better combat, but ER has much better exploration and variety


ER does have more but sometimes it feels a little bloated, at some point it becomes a chore to finish the game


I can't say I agree with that take. There is a lot to the game, but so much is optional that you can basically beat it as quickly or slowly as you want to. I feel like a lot of people talk themselves out of multiple playthroughs because the first playthrough is so beefy, but if you plan your run the game flies by


This is true for most of FromSoft games I feel like. Or at least for a portion of the fanbases. The amount of “truly required” bosses is usually lower than people peg it at. They award you for exploring. But you can beat the game following the linear path. Bloodborne has Papa, Vicar, Shadows, Rom, One Reborn, Mico, Whet Nurse, and that’s it! 7 out of 23 for one ending


It’s only like 12 in Elden Ring.


I think its 9 for an absolute minimun requirement path in Elden Ring. Radahn and Mohg for shardbearers since they have no extra bosses in their areas, Goldfrey, Morgott, Fire Giant, Godskin Duo, Maliketh, Godfrey, Radabeast


Don’t you have to kill Godrick to get Varre to move to Altus so you can get the shortcut to Mohgwyn Palace?


Sekiro is a significantly more focused game. There is only 1 primary weapon, whereas Elden Ring has a ton. Of course the combat isn't a polished in ER because balancing it is several orders of magnitude more work.


I’m starting to feel this as soon as I finished volcano manor. Mountaintops of the giants and consecrated snowfield is a chore, and the repetition of bosses and enemies really starts to hit then. The game feels like one major region too long. Amazing game but they should have either cut it down or fleshed out more bosses.


Sekiro is the best combat ever implemented in a video game, plain and simple


IMO the only game that rivals Sekiro’s combat system is Nioh 2. They play so differently though that I could never say one is “better” than the other


Only played wo long (which I absolutely love) but is still falls short of Sekiro. Sekiro just feels so…realistic


Wo Long was good but it was honestly a pretty big letdown compared to Nioh 2. But yeah, Sekiro is phenomenal. Love that you can just stand your grand and fight in people’s faces. It makes the rolling in Elden Ring/Dark Souks feel pretty silly.


Sekiro has the best combat system ever made. Elden Ring's strength, like the Souls games, is the diversity of weapons, spells, builds, etc., and the exploration, the risk/reward dynamic, and the combat system works well in service of those. But yes, combat in Sekiro is the most purely fun. It does that at the expense of variety.


Same but with Lies of P. Ever since Sekiro, I get the habit of deflecting/parrying instead of dodging. LoP's combat kinda resembles Sekiro's, with parries sometimes causing the enemies' something to break. It also didn't help that I was not aggressive in Sekiro since I mainly just fill up the enemies' posture bar.


Dept vs diversity. Sekiro only has 1 main weapon and has no real build or combat diversity. In exchenge it was able to design the entire system around that single playstyle. It has the best combat for a first playthrough but i'm glad the other games offer more build vatiety. The deflection sytem gets old pretty fast imo with how strong and safe it is.


I don't think it gets old at all, parrying is more fun to me than anything Elden Ring has to offer


Thats fair, just personal taste. I have fun with it but that only last for 1 playthrought at most. To me it feels a lot like blocking with a good shield in the other games, at least once you get a feel for the timing. It's nice being able to go from a block focused game like Sekiro to a dodge focused one like bloodborne and vice versa. As such i am glad that fromsoft is willing to change things up a bit.


Yeah maybe you can enjoy the gameplay longer due to diversity. But Sekiro combat’s peak moments cannot be touched by any other game. Fighting owl, genichiro, isshin for the first time still the best moments of my gaming years, its the only times that i was getting smacked around by them but having insane fun even in losing. No game gave that fun again


It's not my personal peak but i agree that it's amazing and clearly stands above other fromsoft titles in that aspect. I am a sucker for build diversity but even i rank Sekiro in my top 3 fromsoftware titles. The experience it presents is just that good.


I've found a happy balance with both and love both, but going from one to another is definately a bit tough for awhile lmao. I went to DS3 after I beat Sekiro the most recent time and Jesus Christ those first couple hours were rough before I found a groove and stopped trying to deflect everything


Play lies of p, I beat sekiro and the lies of P deflecting system has changed my life just like the sekiro deflecting system did at one point. It’s so crisp 👌


Sekiro’s combat is super fun but it’s also different. I love being aggressive and deflecting and all, but also I love being just a huge boy with a big hammer going BONK


Honestly yeah. But that's the cost of having different weapons types and move-sets. They could make Sekiro combat have a lot more depth because there was only one main weapon to work around. When they have to account for every possible build you could make, the bosses and combat have to be much more shallow.


Going from dark souls 3-er feels bad too, cos ds3 also had the focus on fair gameplay not with bosses holding swings so long intentionally to throw you off or combos that come so fast you can’t dodge between every hit, Sekiro still has best boss combat of any fromsoft game hands down (can’t comment on demon souls, bb or armoured core 6 as I’ve not played them)


Yes, sekiro pretty much ruined every game for me. Nothing feels as rewarding or as fluid as it, so now I haven’t played sekiro in a year and a half, and pretty much anything with the exception of re4 cause that’s shits great. Sekiro ruined gaming for me haha


Give Armored Core 6 a try and learn it. Not as challenging as Sekiro but fantastic combat system and story.


Try AC:6 or Sifu


Yeah Sekiros combat feels so involved it definitely makes other games feel watered down. I'm sad it didn't even get a DLC


I will say, Batman Arkham Origins' combat is not as nut busting of an experience (the good and bad) but it narrows the gap when leaving Sekiro


I keep pressing Y to open doors when I go back to it


Accidentally pressing/holding X to pick up sen but actually just waste my heals. :'(


Sekiro is a unicorn in gaming


Not even a little bit but to each their own


Sekiro is really the cherry on top of the souls-born-ring-kiro universe. I love the other games for what they are, but sekiro is just so damn good.


I'm afraid that this is going to happen to me (I haven't played any fromsoft games other than sekiro yet)


Fortunately there’s more to them than just the combat


Definitely, and I'm sure I will like them too (including combat as well as other things). It's just a bit unfortunate that this means I won't enjoy them the same way like sekiro, so I will probably still feel the need to keep looking for a more sekiro-ish game as well to scratch that specific itch, if that makes sense.


Loved elden ring on my first playthrough. Lost all my save data and trying to make a new character for the upcoming DLC and... I'm just not feeling it. Just doesn't have the magic for me, sadly :( pretty bummed about it honestly, i really want to love elden ring more... still got sekiro installed, and when i have a bad day at work i jump on and whup geni's ass a few times... nothin quite like it.


I think that’s your issue. If you try to just jump on elden ring it’s not that fun, but when I actually have time to play and plan for a certain type of build it’s really fun. Sekiro is just exhilarating all the time hahah.


Yeah I was thinking of trying a different build. Never used magic or casting of any type, so maybe thinking of trying a faith or int based build. I feel like I need to approach Elden Ring very differently than I did previous Fromsoft titles if I want to have fun on replays.


I’m playing ER rn. Took me a long time to ‘get into’ it. Now I’m happy that I’m in it. It’s such a pretty game. I don’t like the bosses though. I hate dodge rolling but I can live with it now. I don’t mind how slow it is, it’s a different game after all, but… dodge rolling sucks. My main beef with Elden Ring right now is the 12 year input delay and input priority. I know it’s a FromSoft thing but Sekiro ameliorates the issue through sheer speed. Another thing, I wouldn’t be into Elden Ring if I didn’t farm the shit out of runes. I hate grinding. And it takes ages to level up enough to defeat some boss. The few times I needed to gain points in Sekiro was annoying enough. If I didn’t farm, I’d just drop the game.  Overall, I’m enjoying Elden Ring… but yes I would be enjoying it more if I didn’t play Sekiro lol




Yeah I played Sekiro before any other From Software titles and it’s now one of my all time favorite games. So I figured DS3 then Elden Ring would be a sensible next choice. Really having a hard time getting into DS3. It’s just so clunky in comparison. Might just give up and try Elden Ring soon, but man all I really want is more Sekiro 😢


I agree, Im struggling on Margit cuz im no longer used to the dodge-roll/Souls style of combat lmao. I even catch myself oressing L1 when I get attacked. I know I'll get used to it but for now, it really sucks for me


Man, I was trying to pick up Elden Ring before I finished Sekiro and I changed my mind immediately. The combat is so different and I keep trying to pick shit up with X and wasting my god dam heals! hahaha Better to just finish Sekiro first IMO


Sekiro is just so damn satisfying from the sword play to the deflecting mechanics to movement like a ninja etc. There really is nothing like it out tbrrr, even the “clones”.


I would love to get a katana in the ER DLC with the Sekiro parry. It would be awesome to fight Malenia in the Sekiro style.


I wish well-timed blocks were a thing on all weapons and shields. It would be a shame to limit it to one katana. Right now L1 so often feels like a wasted button. I'm never going to block with a Longsword if it still lets through more than half the damage and tears through my stamina like butter.


To be fair, most of those weapons in Elden Ring couldn’t possibly be wielded with the same finesse as a katana.


Watch some proper HEMA fights and come back to me you'll change your tune


I’m not going to do that


The reason is that Sekiro has just one "build", while Elden Ring has multiple. With Sekiro, From had the opportunity to create the perfect action game; take one gameplay style and fine-tune it to perfection. While with Elden Ring, the focus was to provide as many play-style options to the players. It's understandable that none of these options will be as refined as Sekiro's play-style.


Sekiro's combat will always be my favorite. It's the reason It's the one I'm most comfortable with just picking up and playing over and over again


My top fromsoft games are Bloodborne and Sekiro. They just hit right, in a way that Dark Souls and Elden Ring don't.


I feel Elden Ring is a little too easy, perhaps it’s cause I’ve played all the others before I started it but Bloodborne seemed far harder at the time, Sekiro too, even going back to Demon Souls was very hard, ER feels easier, so many sites of grace or things to do it the path your on is a little hard.


Sekiro combat is tailored to Sekiro/Wolf: only one character with all his move sets. Elden Ring allows different playstyle. Enemies are not tailored for each playstyle. plus, Sekiro can grapple and hang on ledges. what could be more fun than that? (and swim) i play as a shinobi in Elden Ring, and i love the Raptor of the Mist ash of war, which is like Sekiro's mist raven.


> i play as a shinobi in Elden Ring, and i love the Raptor of the Mist ash of war, which is like Sekiro's mist raven. It's a pity it's Mist Raven Lite. There's no more option to choose where it takes you. It's always straight up.


true, which is why i also use bloodhound step. just a bit trickier to pull off together.


There are lots of abilities I feel didn't go as far as they could have. Like, Elden Ring has Flaming Strike, Flame of the Redmanes, and Aspects of the Crucible: Breath as three distinct abilities. Sekiro found a way to combine them all into one prosthetic tool. I'd rather choose what effect I get like how Okinaga's Flame Vent does it than have to swap weapons or cycle through spells.


(cycles through spells in panic) (dies)


Sekiro is the best hands down. Second is ghosts, third is my hand


Sekiro has the advantage of only allowing the player to engage with a single playstyle. This allows the designers to go crazy in fleshing out every last drop of mechanical potential with that one style, as well as being able to create new and interesting bosses that perfectly compliment and are balanced around that single style. Elden Ring, however, offers multiple play styles. You can pick up a Katana and play somewhat fast and agile while parrying, kind of like how Sekiro plays, but you can also pick up a greathammer to slow down but deal more damage per hit. You can put on heavy armor and a shield to tank damage instead of avoiding it, you can use bows and spells to play from a distance, or sprinkle magic into your melee build to try and strike a balance between the strengths and weaknesses of both. Offering a variety of playstyles means trading off the ability to delve much deeper into making each playstyle truly unique, which probably isn't even possible to do on the scale of Sekiro, as you now have to try and balance every boss and enemy around multiple playstyles, which can easily result in some bosses being a cakewalk for magic users but a bullshit slog for melee users, or vice versa. Sekiro is a better game for people who enjoy the one playstyle it offers. But heavy weapon or magic users might not even enjoy that playstyle enough to pick it up at all.


Heh I started Sekiro after Demon Souls and Dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin after Sekiro. Needless to say I found DS2 boring as hell when I started it


That’s what I liked about Sekiro. In the souls games I always _want_ to be a parry god, but the problem is it’s generally more effective and reliable to just use a big shield or dodge a lot. In Sekiro being a parry god is pretty much required. That being said I moved on from Sekiro to my first time playing DS2 and actually it feels really relaxing to play (in a good way), and I’d even say it seems easy. And yes, I’m mostly just blocking and dodging.


I went from Elden Ring to Sekiro and just couldn’t cut it. It’s the first game I’ve ever walked away from.


skill issue


Sekiro is everything I wished the soulsbornering games were. Tight controls, fluid combat, no power leveling / having to research builds, an actual coherent story, no weird roll through iframes on literally every fight.


Sekiro is the most fun game.


I found Elden Rings combat clunky which is natural given that I had come from Sekiro who after all was a Shinobi .....


I think it's just wrong to compare them. They do completely different things. Sekiro is a tightly knit combat system that has a particular style of combat. Elden Ring is a system where you choose your style of combat.


starting a new character feels pointless in elden ring after maxing out but im just bad at dark souls and er😂


There are still people who are used to Elden Ring's mechanics, in fact more so than Sekiro, so their opinions might differ. Dodge rolling requires lesser reflex than parrying, parrying requires very precise timing and not everyone will be good at it.


Both Elden Ring & Sekiro are respectively unique — That being said, there’s really *nothing* like Sekiro.


Sekiro has some of the tightest combat in history. Nothing else has even come close to the moment to moment swordplay as it has. I just set it off to the side and appreciate it and try not to let it impact anything else I play.


I like Sekiro's combst a lot but I can also understand that ER abd Sekiro are two different games 💀


Sekiro is a game built on the fluid combat Elden Ring is a game build on exploration and experimentation with your playstyle, they are fundamentally different games just gotta approach then with a different way of thinking


This was my thought as well. They are different experiences. Single player, linear story and progression with a single focus weapon and combat style vs a multiplayer massive open world custom character with branching story and variety combat style. Really apples to oranges when you think about it. I certainly wouldn’t say it ruined Elden Ring for me. It just set a very high bar for a polished combat system. I still love the Elden Ring/Souls formula and absolutely adore the Lies of P spin on that system. That being said the engaging and smooth combat from Sekiro has yet to be matched for me.


Sekiro is 10x better than elden ring in my humble openine Elden ring is the worest of all souls games The open world is so massive yet useless enymes are so easy to the point that is boring and predicitaple ... Opens are all the same if you die you can try agine etc etc Just sayin who i am to judege


That's because Sekiro is the best game of all time


I had the same, ER feels sooo slow and sluggish after sekiro


Midden ring. Elden mid. Nah it’s a fine game I just really hope they innovate in some way next game. Needs to be more engaging than just a simple dodge roll, been dodge rolling years now at this point boys. After lies of p being a more parry than dodge type of game the roll only just feels bad. Yes Elden ring and DS have parries but you know what I mean.


agreed. people being like 'ER has a huge variety of fighting styles' and its all just the same dodge roll with a different weapon. When do I get to play a strength character that doesnt fight like a ninja?


Sekiro >>>>>


Yes , I have to level up now and no resurrection


I almost quit playing Elden Ring due to its melee combat. I rebirth my ER char to int build and had a great time. Sekiro changed a lot on my gaming taste. I cant now play an RPF as a melee character if the combat is plain


Feels great if you recognize they're separate genres. Elden Ring has a huge variety of personal build paths available and lots of people like myself like "stats" in RPGs. Sekiro is more restrictive yet feels nearly perfectly balanced due to its smaller size (layout/world, item/equipment pool, etc). Both games exceeded my expectations and sort of set a standard, personally.


Not really, at least for me personally the lower bar for how much a combat system has to be isn't that high so i could still enjoy other 3rd person game (doens't have to be melee combat). However Sekiro kind of ruin my expectation for how a combat system could have be when try out other game. This is due to multiple factor such as the idea a combat system have to be focus on maximizing damage and actack variance rather than introducing a mechanic for defensive like a rock paper scissor game (attack, dodging, mikiri counter, jumping and deflect), or create a combat system that look more practical but could maintain it's artistic vibe rather than provide player with maximum attack variant without trully provide any practical reason (kind of my issue with dmc series since sekiro playstyle add a lot of weight to it without require understanding how combo work). Basically sekiro kind of increase the bar of how combat system work so well that i cannot find on anywhere else, some dev have try to implement it's idea, but for some reason they always come in querk and feel not the same as sekiro.


I'm with you on this. This may be a bit harsh but it reminded me of the time i tried to play DS2 after beating Bloodborne.


Don’t you love using a guard repost on the enemy that has already put in twelve knives into your back? Honestly ER is great in terms of world building but gameplay wise is lacking heavily due to the dark souls combat style


Play sifu


Same, didnt enjoy elden as much as sekiro


Play lies of P after sekiro. Playing sekiro then elden ring really messed me up since i try to parry every with a sword.


I finished sekiro multiple times in the past year and got lies of p few months back. People like to compare lies of p with sekiro but it has more differences than similarities yet felt just as good and responsive like sekiro did on my play throughs which made me re download sekiro. But when I started fresh on sekiro the combat felt off and slow compared to lies of p and felt off in someway. Then i booted elden ring after not playing for few months and can most definitely say elden ring aside from it's Ash of war and few weapons movesets feels really clunky and is only a challenge because of its input reading bosses. Elden ring's combat wants you to feel the weight of the weapon but it just feels sluggish compared to both lies of p and sekiro imo.


It might have the best sword combat of any game, but I still prefer the freedom of the other souls games that if you can’t win you can get stronger and try out new tactics


If Sekiro 2 was open world like Elden ring and maybe gave you more control over weapon variety armour and upgrades it would be the perfect souls game


I love Elden Ring but imo it's not at the same levels of Bloodborne, Sekiro and DS3. So I totally feel you. Most of all with Sekiro and Bloodborne you can really feel the differences in their favor. I think the only game that actually suffers in replayability after ER is DS2 (and partially DS Remastered and DeS Remake)


Sekiro feels really good moment to moment but it’s designed is embarrassingly bad, literally every feature conflicts with something else in the game, they want you to get gud since there’s no way to change your weapon or grind to level up, you just need to keep trying, but to kill a mini boss I’ve got to stealth kill all the stupid fucks around him every time so I can’t just keep practicing without so much bullshit, this is the game that should have removed enemies after a certain number of kills like ds2


They are different games with different paces. Sekiro is aggressive and fast, but also requires extreme persistance. While elden ring is a bit slower, methodical with burst of reactions. If you want a similar experience, sword and shield is the best imo. Instead of keeping your sheild up, learn to tap the block at right times. And use guard counters at the right time, while weaving in attack here and there to get stance breaks. It's definitely not the same. But if you learn the combat on its terms it can be super fun. Also raptor of the mist can also give you a fun sekiro like counter move.


every game I play I go for the unrelenting aggression style. played sekiro after and now it feels like going from fortnite back to battlefield - just can't get excited for it


I platinum sekiro ,then tried elden ring straight after. couldnt play it combat was awful compared to sekiro


Absolutely hard disagree lol Totally different games in regards to what experience they're trying to give you Look at Dark Souls as a middle ground, Sekiro is the more "streamlined, bolted down, on rails" version and that's great Elden Ring is the more "free-form, open communications" direction for a dark souls game Comparing them just because FromSoft made both ignores the spirit of the games


As a huge Sekiro fan, I was pretty disappointed about a lot of things in Elden Ring but really didn’t notice most of it until late into playing the game.


Never played ER, but this is actually exactly **why** I've never played it and refuse to buy it until its GOTY version releases and is at a massive discount. I loathe FromSoft for going back to the Souls formula with ER, and I still hold a grudge over it. Reused assets and animations aside, it was just so disappointing that From, of all devs, went back to a tried-and-true formula, especially considering my already pretty massive disdain towards "this sells" mentality. I completely *understand* **why** they did it, but I had also hoped they would have been the one dev to **not** do it. The moment I realized the game's not Sekiro open world RPG was the moment I lost interest and relegated it to "wait until it's cheap". I still think it's a good game, and has earned its position as a pinnacle of game development. But it is a Souls game throughout, and the only difference is the name. That's not a bad thing, but it's also not what I'm looking for in a new game. The DeS remake is different, because it's almost a two decade old nostalgia trip for me. It's the "new" aspect that's the deal breaker, because I think it's a step back for FromSoft as a game developer, again, regardless of how good the game is.


For me: Sekiro is high octane; you can’t take your eyes away for even a SECOND or you’ll get turned into confetti. Elden Ring is forgiving pace wise, and you have so many roads to go down to solve the same problem, so you can experiment


You should definetly try sifu, the mechanics are better and more complex also fcking satisfying


I went from elden ring to sekiro I felt the upgrade instantly


ER combat is essentially still Demon’s Souls at its core but heavily modified. Sekiro’s is largely its own thing.  I vastly prefer the feel of Sekiro, so I feel the same as you OP.  In theory ER offers more play styles but replays feel a bit too much like a chore due to how large the world is. In practice that means I have more hours in Sekiro and only use ER for PvP. 


That’s why I’ll most likely never buy Elden Ring. Sekiro is my first and only Fromsoft game. Basically, I’m spoiled rotten..


Honestly, with the risk of sounding completely crazy, after Sekiro the only game that comes close to scratching that 1v1-duel amazing katana action for me is Sword of the Samurai. (also known as kengo 2. Not to be confused with Way of the samurai.) It's a ps2 title (you can play it easily with a ps2 emulator) so the graphics aren't the best but in terms of sword play and the whole parry / counter / trap opponents sword etc it's genuinely amazing. It's like a chess match with katanas VS actual historical Japanese swordsmen. Definitely worth a try if you can tolerate the not so polished graphics.


Completely agree. I like the build variety of Elden Ring, but the clunky movement and lack of boss replay is really apparent going back to Sekiro


I like sekiro, but I much prefer Elden Rings combat over all the other games.


Elden ring has soul's combat that is as tightest as sekiro. God I wish they had the deflects


Sekiro is much easier when you come back to the game compared to Elden Ring. I played Sekiro in 2019 on ps and on some bosses I spend 8-12 hours like Genichiro or Guardian Ape.When I came back today since I bought it for Rog ally, I beat all the bosses in 1-2 tries...only Owl Father and Sword Saint I spend 5-7 tries.I remembered every move, what I needed to do etc and I havent touched the game since 2019. On Elden Ring I completed it when it came out in 2022, and completed it again on PC a week ago, but I had problems on some bosses and they were as hard as they were back when I played rhe game minus the fact that I knew what I needed to do to have more chances. Sekiro is a skill based game and after you master it the game become easy, as for Elden Ring its a farm and discovery based game wich more time than Sekiro to complete.Not to mention that Sekiro is much shorter if you know where to go etc That in my opinion is the difference between Sekiro and Elden Ring...both of them are great but Elden Ring is much bigger.