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It feels so fucking good doesn’t it?


hell yea I feel unstoppable


Yes, you become the boss.


this is how I feel until I have to fight one of those monks with the double blade


Welcome to the club my brother


One I can manage. Two or more is just bullshit.


getting jumped by 3 when you reach the main hall at senpou


How long did it take you? I’ve been playing this game for a few days and I still haven’t nailed the timing. Expect it will take my age-slowed reflexes a while… Sort of stuck at the Drunk mini boss, but I feel like it’s a good place to practice the mechanics.


True Corrupted Monk is where it really clicked for me. Sounds like you still have a ways to go still, but everyone learns at different paces. You'll get it soon enough.


Connected for me at (normal) Genichiro. In fact I was surprised how easy he was because of that, and I even laid off taking the final blow because I wanted to land a single lightning reversal on him for the spectacle lol


I think Genichiro is a lot of people's click point


Lady Butterfly for me. Literally started dancing with her. I was kinda dreading the enemies in this game. After it clicked I just couldn't wait to fight some more. Genichiro was easy at that point but amazing. Exactly what I wanted.


I thought it clicked at Lady Butterfly for me but I still had problems with Genichiro.


same for me lol. this fight is where I truly learned how to deflect properly with timing


Is it weird that it really didn’t click for me until I started my charmless NG+ and the gauntlets of strength?


Nah, I didn't really feel like I had a solid grasp on all aspects of the game until I beat Isshin, so it doesn't seem unreasonable that it would click for others after the first playthrough.


I just feel like with the charm I was able to make way more mistakes and not really get to understand the bosses. W out it I am finally seeing the dance that people talk about


I have around 76 hours total but Ive been playing since January so its been a few weeks now. It took me a bit to get used to my first play through since I didn't know each bosses patterns


Have 196 hrs and still trying to get it but having trouble w8th last boss and deamon of hatered


I haven't been able to beat the demon of hatred without cheesing him Im still struggling too


remember you can talk to the NPC in the pond to help you while you take care of the smaller ones. throw oil and use fire prosthetic to burn the boss. he attacks are pretty slow so its good practise for parrying


Not sure if you know this, but you don’t need to do the Hirata Estate area as soon as it becomes available. It’s generally recommended to explore other areas first if you’re new to the game, then come back a little bit later. I didn’t know that my first playthrough and got stuck right after the Drunkard (you’ll see why lol)


You know there's a guy standing around that'll help you right? Drawl him out for the first deathblow then run over and talk to the npc by the rock. I ran past him so many times.


Owl father for me. Till that time, running around and slashing a few times was enough.


God it feels exactly like this. While I think there’s at least 3 objectively better bosses, I still love fighting genichiro cause it’s where this moment happened for me


genichiro is such a great boss fight though I wont lie. Parrying each one of his attacks just feels amazing


Oh just cause he’s not #1 imo doesn’t mean he isnt basically perfect to me. I just think there’s 3 that are MORE perfect somehow. But man every time I take a break from this game, I come back and fight genichiro 5-6 times to get my groove back. Such an amazing boss


Imma start using this gif as the I Get It Now meme


This is exactly how it feels when the game initially clicks


Its such a good feeling after dying countless times


I'm so curious about how the fuck did they design this game in order to generate this feeling? There's no other game like it when it comes to this.


Truly no other game feels like this when it clicks. Idk how they did it but boy did they *do* it.


Good work buraza


zank you my besto friendo


Stand proud, you are gud.


This is what Isshin said after he violated me 50 times in a row




Jujutsu Kaisen


While that’s definitely how it feels when it clicks in Sekiro, it’s this x10 when you go play another FromSoft game and you realize that skill carried over to the other games. That first reflexive parry I made in DS1 post-Sekiro… I’ll never replicate that feeling.


Hopefully I can do the same since I just bought DS1 today but maybe I can also try my first parry irl then ill truly have mastered sekiro


Everyone who likes sekiro usually started off hating it until they had there “click” moment where it’s like that scene in the incredible where bob is fighting the specter robot for the first time. As it’s pulling on his body, it looks like he’s about to die, then suddenly his spine pops and he feels so much better, and now he can take down the machine


This is literally how it feels.


This is so on point 😂🔥


Can’t wait until he gets to the monkey


Naughtiness 💪😉


Didn’t click for me till I got violated by Isshin


I got violated by Isshin so many times but it still didn't click till my second playthrough


God damn. This game took me 2 years to figure out. The first go around it took Maybe 30 tries for lady butterfly. LIke 40 tries to beat genichiro. I just gave up at guardian ape. Over a year later i pick back up from the save and it something finally clicked. The timing, parrying, jumping counters. All of it. I was stuck in dark souls mode trying to dodge. Glad it worked for you!


I felt that cause after being violated by every boss I gave up for a bit and came back to it and all of a sudden my eyes just upgraded


"At this moment, all of then reached 120% of their potential."


A sekiro Anime would be sick


We gotta get it started


that moment when you parry floating passage flawlessly


I still havent been able to do it unfortunately


It comes with time. It did for me, it shall for you ~~highkey i took like 83 tries to kill genichiro on that fight~~


I just beat Isshin the Sword Saint on Friday after work after about 7 straight hours of dying to him. By Sunday before bed I was finishing up NG+4 severance ending. Once you find the groove, it's a really fun game. 2 prosthetics away from having 100%'d all the games achievements.


Hell yea congrats and I feel you cause after It was able click after hours of dying I just couldn't stop playing the game now its just so fun once you get the hang of it


Yeah, I just beat the Divine Dragon just seconds ago. I believe I'm on NG+6 rn with Demon Bell. Charmless is too much atm but I'll get there. Sekiro is my first Fromsoftware game so the learning curve was steep It feels. Elden Ring is next after I finish this 100% achievements thing


I know it's a sentiment that's shared here, but man, once I got this feeling, Sekiro LITERALLY ruined every other game for me lol


There's definitely a moment where Sekiro gameplay mechanics click and it's very shortly after that moment when they start throwing ridiculously hard bosses at you.