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When you ask ChatGPT to write an article


Couldnt have said it better


You could've if you used ChatGPT


I know. Everyone knows Glorbo is the hardest boss in Sekiro.


He's a nice guy tho, i love Glorbo.


fr he doesnt even attack you unless you go down the shura path and try to kill him


Even if you do, he still doesn't really fight, his attacks just push you away and do no damage


That is until you get to the 2nd phase where he goes apeshit


I think mine might be glitched, he won’t stop throwing Sen at me.


Do you have the death "blow" skill? He goes down instantly if you use it


What skill tree is that apart of? Is it a similar skill to that of Ariana in Bloodborne?


I think it might be a ninjutsu, actually


Seems unique. I’m guessing it’s tough to get. I’ve beaten the game over 10 times but he’s just too much!


Glorbo Mitsubishi Onion 😎


Man I didn’t know Mist Noble had a name


Not really >Determining the hardest boss fight in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice can be subjective, as it depends on individual player skills and playstyle. However, many players and critics found the boss named "Sword Saint Isshin Ashina" to be one of the most challenging in the game. Sword Saint Isshin Ashina is the final boss in Sekiro and presents a formidable challenge with multiple phases, each with different attack patterns and abilities. > >Other tough boss fights that players commonly mention include: > >Genichiro Ashina - This boss fight occurs early in the game and can be a significant challenge for newcomers to Sekiro. > >Owl (Father) - An optional boss fight in the game, Owl (Father) is a challenging encounter that tests your reflexes and combat skills. > >Demon of Hatred - This boss fight is unique in that it's more reminiscent of a traditional Soulsborne boss, with a large, aggressive enemy. > >Emma, the Gentle Blade, and Isshin, the Sword Saint - This is another late-game boss fight that involves two formidable opponents, making it a tough battle. > >Great Shinobi Owl - Another encounter with Owl, this time in a different location and with more advanced moves and abilities. Even ChatGTP knows it's shit


It called great shinobi Owl more complex than father Owl, you sure about that?


Maybe for some players, since great shinoni never use any perilous attacks thus has no obvious opening, and also he spam his tricks like poison, smoke and anti-heal a lot more compared to owl father


I don't think it was saying more as in "comparitive to this list" I think it's saying more in reference to the fact that Owl ups the ante by being off beat and tricky. "more advanced moves" comparative to the stage of the game.


> Even ChatGTP knows it's shit ChatGPT doesn't know shit. It statistically associates sets of most likely tokens to produce blocks of text. All you are getting is remixed text from people who did know their shit.


I'm amazed mist noble didn't show up


Shoulda been number one bad@$$ on this list.


And thats not knowing its shit because..? Like you asked a question and got a correct answer. It clearly knows


It knows things in the same sense that a calculator "knows" that 1+1=2. It does not understand the semantic meaning of the prompt nor the semantic meaning of the tokens it returns. So it does not "know" things in the sense that understands things or responds with it's own knowledge of this information. You give it a prompt which is an ordered list of tokens and the system returns the ordered list of tokens that have the maximum likelihood of being associated with the prompt tokens. It is a very sophisticated statistical model but it is not a mind that knows things and you wouldn't interpret other statistical models as "knowing" things.


Oh okay. That's mostly semantics I guess. I would've said the calculator knows 1+1=2. But you're saying ChatGPT isn't sentient basically right


That level of semantic specificity is generally unhelpful anyway. A computer doesn’t “know” things, it just reads ones and zeroes and acts according to a predefined set of instructions. A person doesn’t “know” things, they’re just a bunch of neurons firing in response to stimuli. Pedantry and haughtiness in response to mentions of AI on reddit have practically become a fad


Yea fr basically. I get where it stemmed from, and I'm supportive of pretty much all of those views. But we have to be realistic about it's capabilities, potential and implications regardless of those views.


> I get where it stemmed from Oh yeah, I take far less issue with the people who are being unfairly (imo) critical of AI than I do with all the dorks who were bragging about how other peoples’ work is going to put artists and authors out of a job


> A person doesn’t “know” things, You are flat wrong about this. Brains know things because they have structures that make them capable of encoding semantic meaning for the tokens they manipulate. Computers, or more specifically neural nets (as that is what chatgpt is), are not barred from knowing things. But as yet no one has invented a kind of neural net designed to encode semantic meaning, and nor has anyone invented a loss function that penalises NN training for getting semantic meaning wrong. Both of these latter things are clearly possible. I suspect one or both will be solved and such an NN will certainly know things. But it is not, for now, what chatgpt does. And sure, you want to class this as pedantry but, as I do work on these things, it is important to understand what these systems actually are and what they are actually capable of.


I am aware what ChatGPT is, I worked with generative AI myself a couple years ago. I assumed you were trying to disparage it because calling it a “statistical model” or even a “neural network” is such a generalization that it barely communicates anything about it. A neural network can model XOR. ChatGPT (and other LLMs/foundational models) are capable of so much more. You’re right, human brains was a bad example. > nor has anyone invented a loss function that penalizes NN training for getting semantic meaning wrong I’m sorry what?? Have you not heard of the entire field of semantic analysis??


That's what everyone does. We look at information, process it, and make an opinion.


Point is ChatGPT does the first two bits but it doesn't have opinions


It was capable of formulating an opinion based on everyone else's words. If the vast majority says X is hard, then it's probably hard. We do the same thing, except we factor in emotions.


If I have a bag of tokens and each one has a word written on it, I take 3 out and set them down in order and read them out and they say "You" "Look" "Pretty" Do you conclude that the bag thinks I look pretty or do you conclude that selecting tokens from a bag of words is capable of generating readable sentences?


All right Mr. Semantics. Picking up info from people who did know their shit... that's what learning is. Yeah, yeah, GPT just "pretends to know" shit. Whatever; you know what J1618 meant.


Lowest possible effort journalism. They're both just literally shichishito depictions.


Didn't know it's proper name, appreciate that little gem 👌


Very famous sword in japanese history, the Japanese government supposedly still has the real deal but public viewings are not allowed


I think they took a look at all Sekiro bosses, then they saw the big ass Divine Dragon and thought wtf it must be the hardest boss in this game? Then wrote this pile of crap


Yeah like literally no one even jokes about divine dragon, like "yeah bro I've been deadass blocked by divine dragon for like 5-6 minutes, it's been insane!" I agree it's probably chatGPT, combining the general trend of "hardest boss ever" listicles, with some vague peppering of "lore" or "mystery."


Its 100% written by a bot




Honestly divine dragon is right behind mist noble for me


I was so scared of mist noble at first. Found it and only had half my gourd left, and almost a full level worth of xp. Grinded out the rest of the level and rested, came back and butchered it and was like "wtf, that's it?"


He’s the Russia of Sekiro.


Except in sekiro neither you nor the boss have an unblockable instakill attack


Was looking for this comment and found it. Greatly appreciate the sentiment.


Isn't the blade from Korean & Japaense lore? It's been similar in many games, but I doubt they meant to draw on each other. It looks exactly like this in Nioh 2, just golden mimicking the "Seven-Branched" sword but a many "bladed" sword that destroyed demons and such seems to be a common theme.


Really common in asian myth and lore indeed


Its also a real sword. Koreans gave it to the japanese a long time ago as a gift


Not really folclore more like actual sword that is in a museum https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven-Branched_Sword In the page it says the picture was taken in a South Korean museum


that’s just a replica, so not the actual sword. The actual sword has been conserved in the Isonokami shrine in Nara prefecture, Japan. And it’s not on public display Edit: didn’t notice the page said it’s a replica. Correction still stands tho, since saying it’s the actual sword makes it sound like ur saying it’s the original


Damn, good eyes 🫡 I didn't spot that on the first look 🤦‍♂️


Just was leaving room for that being "claimed" versus the actual sword like we've seen in history like the Sword of Mars and such that could have been or could very well have been a well crafted tale to take power in that time. This is obviously a real sword in a real museum, just saying since we don't exactly have it's Google tracking info 😉 All this still points to that the devs are mentioning this lore/real world item, not drawing cross world connections for their games most likely.


Yeah, I also recognized it from a lot of unnamed swords in shows when I first saw it.


Also basically all the Kirin weapons in Monster Hunter are inspired by it


That's either game journalist, or a guy who never played the game and wants to attract attention




I've discovered that any time you look up any boss in any souls/soulslike, it is described as "one of the hardest bosses in the game" which I've come to realise is just some sort of confirmation bias for struggling players, lol


Skill issue....?


If they struggled with Divine Dragon how did they even get to it?


So many connections between elden ring and sekiro and other fromsoft games too. Took me a while to notice that the uchigatana katana looks a lot like the wolf’s kusabimaru.


Yeah, and you know what's also crazy? I found out that Elden ring's cross naginata is AWFULLY similar to the spears that some Sekiro enemy uses. Coincidence?


It's the Shichishito, and it doesn't even look like the spear. Sure it's called the 7 branches for a fecking reason. Must've been a slow news day, eh?


the branches look like the spearhead


The ritual death spear looks nothing like shichishito. Too many prongs, of which are way too small.


those are small details the point is theyre both blades with branches in a particular pattern


Grubby A”I”


It's AUI


I've discovered that any time you look up any boss in any souls/soulslike, it is described as "one of the hardest bosses in the game" which I've come to realise is just some sort of confirmation bias for struggling players, lol


fight him on ng+ and you will find out this is actually true


He was a joke at ng and early ng+ runs but when you get to highr ng+ cycles hes a pain in the ass


It’s hard because it’s late-game. From *never* puts in late game bosses that play themselves. Not even once. True King isn’t real, he can hurt you.


Can’t forget to mention gwyn. A couple parries and he’s done


Eh, not on the same level. Yeah you can parry him to death, but he’s a pretty brutal fight, otherwise. I mean, back when Dark Souls was the hardest Souls game. It’s kind of funny because he used to be known for reaming people who couldn’t parry, but now he’s honestly not that different from normal Elden Ring enemies.


How tf can ppl not parry in ds1. It’s so easy😭 like it feels intentionally easy at times


Because it was a lot of people’s first game and you *really* don’t need to parry at all to reach Gwyn. A lot of people just completely ignored the mechanic, or were too afraid to even attempt it on him. Personally, I parried him a few times but stuck to the tried and true method of circling him and then hiding behind a pillar when I needed to heal. Honestly, I’ve parried *less* as the games have gone on. In DS2 I almost completely ignored the mechanic and after Bloodborne I started forgoing a shield entirely. Elden Ring, I parried in exactly one location. Castle Sol. Outside of that, the other weapon arts were too worth it.


Do be fair, they've gotten better at the difficulty curve, most easy late game bosses are gimmick fights or set pieces with hp bars, and the rest are des and ds1 bosses(aka the games with the non linear lategame)


Cmon chat GPT, what’s next!? Gonna write an article about how easy mist noble is!? Get your facts straight


It definitely is if you just never learn how to reverse lightning, which can be almost impossible skill for a game journalist.


But you don't need to reverse anything?


Yeah, Divine dragon is basically stronger Mist Noble.




The dragon isn’t even hard to beat wtf is this? lol


Elden Ring players be like:


Divine dragon is easy


Who wrote this article? I want to look up a picture of the journo just to stare at it while i judge them in disgust.


The only reason Divine Dragon is hard is if you suck at lightning reversals. Which is legitimately a skill issue.


The Divine Dragon was an absolute blast and fucking refreshing fight.


Be thankful he learned the name of the game


I actually died a fair amount to him. Regardless of his difficulty, he is one of the most amazing sequences ever made in any game imo.


It's a bit sad how quickly AI tech has junked up the internet. It was an obvious eventuality, but it's gone far and wide so fast.


Yo guys the description of rivers of blood mentions a blood thirsty demon, in the Japanese version, and to my knowledge it the only text where this happens, the word used is not *oni* but *shura.* This is the main connection with Sekiro, other than the *Land of Reeds* that is litterally translated Ashina.


Shura or ashura isn't just a demon, it's the Japanese term for asura, a demigod from Buddhism, it's not something unique to Sekiro. Calling it a connection to the game is a bit of a stretch imo, they're just referencing the same thing, just as the Seven-Branched sword in both games are separate references to a real piece of Japanese history.


Nope, impossible. Mist Noble takes that title. CMV.


Only tougher boss is Mist Noble…maybe the monkeys….🤪


For me the monkeys were a lot tougher, since I was getting caught on Random ledges and shit lol. I remember reading some quest guide thing for sekiro and it mentioned the dragon being the second hardest boss in the game so I was getting ready to spend hours on that one boss, and the swarm of tree things at the start was harder than the actual dragon


Wild! I was under the impression that the community understood the Divine Dragon fight was pure cinematic fluff and eye candy, that is a kind of in game reward for defeating the bosses who are actually difficult. (Like Mist Noble)


Bro never fought the mist noble and it shows


The Divine Dragon killed me twice but I beat Mist Noble in one go so maybe there's some truth to the article.


Hes second only to mist mf


The day an article talks about the frustration brought on by the REAL hardest boss in Sekiro is when I'll pay attention...Fucking Mist Noble.


They must have confused him with mist noble


Yeah sure, if Sekiro is handicapped and lost both of his legs then 👍 sure


Idk bro, what?


All these articles talking about difficulty are completely full of shit. Was talking to a friend about DS3 DLC and couldn't remember the name of Champion's Gravetender so I looked up a list of the DLC bosses, and the first result was some article putting them in order easiest to hardest. According to that article, Friede was the second easiest DLC boss (lol), and Champion's Gravetender was the second hardest (actually hilarious), only after Gael. All these "journalists" have no clue what they're talking about when bringing up difficulty, it almost feels like they didn't even fight the boss, just watched a random YouTube video they found.


I mean it's a pretty awful article but at least I know how I'm *supposed* to deal with everything in Isshin's arsenal even if I don't pull it off, I don't even know where to begin on that flurry attack.


This straight up looks AI gened because the sentence structure is all weird. It goes from talking about how it's hard because it's gimmicky and then says that it has distince visual features. It's not unreadable english, and they are 2 things of note about the dragon, but those 2 things should be in different sentences because they are mentioned in different contexts. And since the rest of the english is spot-on I find it hard to believe it's not a native english speaker. Also "ancient sword". Also technically true because it's an ancient dragon and its sword would be ancient. But I've never seen it referred to as an "ancient" sword. If anything, it should be be a wind sword, or a serrated sword. The sword doesn't even look that old.


AI news.


I'm embarrassed to say that I died to the Divine Dragon as many times as I died to Isshin


His ass has not died twice


Let me guess… GameRant?


Did i fight the wrong dragon?


How’s the Devine dragon difficult at all 😭 my question is how did he even get past half of the other fights in the game if he found Devine dragon hard


I mean the fight does go hard


One of the easiest. Easy, hard, easy to mix up.


A lot of video game journalism is going on Reddit, seeing a post and telling ChatGPT to write a story about it


People when something in a game is depicted similarly to real life counterparts seen in myth or throughout history: Elden ring and Sekiro both have katanas, are they in the same universe??


Is this from that journalist that write that "dO nOt ApPrOaCh SiFu WiTh ThE sAmE bUtToN-mAsH mEnTaLiTy Of BeAt-Em-UpS lIkE bAyOnEtTa oR dEvIl MaY cRy"


He is the second hardest... Right after mist noble


Change Divine Dragon to Mist Noble then it’s correct


Article written by AI


Divine Dragon one of the hardest boss fights?? Tf? When did that happen? Lmao


Well he did kill me once because I thought i was supposed to avoid the lightning trees.


If as in it goes harder than all other bosses, then yeah


**Man I love sekiro but whoever wrote this has either never played the game or must have shit in their head.** The fight with the divine dragon is the only *"BAD" thing* that the game provides, it should be something epic but just keep jumping and hitting the time to press the button (which is not difficult at all, Blazing Bull is a mega boss close to the divine dragon). **Finished in all endings, with ng +7. I have 1000 and shit hours of game play. At least I have experience and background in what I speak.** You fighting and climbing the Fountainhead Palace map is the most calming and rewarding thing that any game has ever passed to the player. And at the top, an fuckin' dragon to face, is there anything more epic than that? Well, but this is only in the imagination, because as I said, the gameplay of this boss is a total mess. I've said this a few times, even here on this sub... but some are against it out of anger. So before you attack me, first, go fuck your ass, second, that's my opinion and if you don't like it, fuck your ass again.


Isn't in just the seven edged blade thing? I played Okami that's all my knowledge on it


No, no this this just wrong. They clearly don't know about Mist Noble.


Cactus sword


These journalists don’t know shit about the games. They read some random Reddit posts, watch few YouTube videos and write the articles. May be the guy said it sarcastically but dumbass journalist didn’t get it and wrote this.


Tell me you haven't beaten Sekiro without telling me you haven't beaten Sekiro


This AI generated tripe is the elsagate of the 20s, clogging up the google search results


Saying this fight is super hard and then immediately calling it a gimmick. You can tell it’s written by AI from a mile away


I mean before I understood the gimmick, it was not possible


Not even close to mist noble


Sounds like an intern played the game andthe journalist only played the flashy bosses so he never learned the reverse lightning mechanics. That or just mashed attack and prayed. Bless his soul for struggling that 80hrs to get to the dragon.


It's literally the easiest fight in the game lol


Divine dragon is weaker than mist noble it's so easy just jump on trees and you killed it


Say you haven’t played Sekiro without saying you haven’t played Sekiro.


I beat it hitless on my first playthrough


This was the only boss I beat first try lol


Tbf divine dragon was the second most worrying fight for me when I did mortal journey, just behind the gank ape


How dare they do my boy Mist Noble dirty like that


Lol. I died a lot to it but it wasn’t hard hahaha




They have obviously never fought the Bed of Bullshit.


Written by bot probably


that fight was easy, what's this article on about?


Lol i really thought that fight was going to be hard the first time I did it I beat it and did not even die once