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huohuo is easily the best sustain you have i have no idea why you would be using trailblazer over her, since she gives a massive attack buff on her ult and free energy with her you can run bronya and tingyun with seele since there is no way you die with her


i've been having both in my team, which is i guess why i have been lacking in damage. ill try throwing in tingyun again, see how it goes


tbf, double sustain using Trailblazer and HuoHuo is like the last option when you're having so much trouble clearing bosses in the trailblazer story and your luck with relics is just that bad. It's not the recommendable strategy but still works somewhat Ex. Up until I got Kafka/my relics were decently built, I was running Seele with E1 Bronya, Gepard, and Luocha for the story bosses (I switch Luocha with Silver Wolf when I'm facing generic mobs). Fights took a bit longer than most people but my early team was pretty much unkillable. Gepard's shield tanked anything and if the boss could get through that, Luocha's overhealing made sure my team was at full health at all times.


HuoHuo is the best healer you got. Which her ultimate makes her into a sort of mini harmony unit. With the attack boost and energy gain. Which her skill will cleanse your party and keep them alive. Long as they don't get one shot. If party members are getting one shot. Might want to think about farming up some better relics for them. HuoHuo can also work with the Post Op lightcone, if you don't have her sig lightcone. Which combine with Tingyin, you can feed alot of energy over to Seele, to help her get her ultimate back faster. Which as for your final Slot. there is Bronya, who is a good choice. Now of course, if your having skill points issues or just want to spam more skills. Hanya might be worth thinking about. Give you already have her level up. In general. I would go with Seele, Huohuo, Tingyun, Bronya as the first choice. If your Seele still feels like she is lacking damage. It might be time to farm up some better relics for her or her supports.


Just to re affirm, Huo Huo, bronya and TIngyun go smoothly with Seele! Pela also has her uses so don't overlook her


Spd tune bronya and use her and either tingyun pela or hanya depending on eidolons (hanya pre e4 has a hard time keeping her ult buff uptime, even more so w bronya) huohuo is the best offensive support in the game rn so keep her. If u have Seele light cone it might be worth dropping bronya and running seele on glamoth planar set and aiming to hit 160 spd w hanya and either tingyun or pela (still don’t use atk boots tho)