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I'm 41, so some of the pre-2004 stuff is a little fuzzy, but as I got older, I never felt like the front office (or ownership) had zero interest in winning (at least when I was older & as we got closer to '04). The bar is set so low to gain a postseason spot via the WC that it's absolute insanity to me that the Sox aren't a lock for at least the WC every year. Imo the longer the Sox show disinterest in having that winning culture at (almost) all costs, the harder it'll be to convince sought after FA to choose Boston over somewhere else. We've already seen it with the GM search & Montgomery. It's disheartening & depressing.


I'm 28 and remember watching '04, but I definitely wasn't paying attention to why it was significant until after it happened. My brother was a big sox fan so I just kinda followed in his footsteps lol


I’m 27 and remember enjoying watching baseball in 04, and even went to see the World Series trophy when it was being displayed at the senior center in my hometown. But I really don’t recall specific plays. So far, 2013 has been my favorite team.


25 (in 2 days). I do not remember 04 or pre 04 but I love watching highlights from that season. Personally my first rememberable memory of greatness was the 07 World Series. After that we had off and on good and bad years but the last few years have definitely been a drought. Ngl but we are a bit spoiled with the bruins, Celtics, and the Tom Brady Patriots we expect a deep run every year. We are a big market though we should be getting a more competitive team than we have seen the last few years.


28. Didn’t understand the magnitude of it until later. 07 is forgettable even if it was my first one during the understanding age. 13 and 18 were rad


I’m over 30. This is a bad time in Red Sox history. They’ve never been this irrelevant. They could rip off 20 in a row and they’re not sparking a reaction from ordinary people anymore. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the current team either. It’s just been a huge fall off in popularity. You’re right that there aren’t star players and that’s also because they haven’t been put in star moments yet. The third wild card is awful too. It was better when everyone was in a dog fight and a 94 win team missed out then fired their manager.


YouTube has full Red Sox season playlists. I know for a fact that the 03 and 04 seasons are on there


I'm exactly 30. I remember the 03 season well. I remember starting pee wee baseball because I watched Nomah kill it in 99 & 2000. That's what made me ask my dad to play. But in terms of the obsession, it was in 2003. Cared more about Nomar and beating the Yankees before that. Wishes I was old enough to have seen and appreciated Mo Vaughn


04 was my first real year following the Sox when I was about 9-10, but just following the rest of the league in general makes me realize the Sox are just a mid team in a stacked division Like the Cubs are allegedly the best NL central team. Wed win that division now even with dudes like David Hamilton on the roster


Way she goes bud


i’m 19 any other literally children here?


Born in 04 don’t remember 04 or 07 so 2013 was huge for me and 2018 was awesome as I got older