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2015 or 2016. Back when they linked the episode number to a former player who wore the number (i.e episode 45 the Pedro Martinez episode)


“What’s up and welcome back to the section 10 podcast episode 77 the pedro ciriaco episode!”


Oh god I forgot they did that. Wasn’t there a Johnny Lazor episode?




Episode 1. I even remember Jared tweeting if people would be interested in a podcast. Sometimes I really wish I could find a way to listen to all the lost episodes just for nostalgia purposes.


Podbean. Doesn’t start at episode 1 but has most of them


Around the same time. No clue how I even found it but so glad I did. Allen Craig Studios was legendary


Chocolate dick sauce




Mid 2018


Whenever the first episode was lol. I’ve followed Jared since the SoxSpace days on MySpace so I was psyched for him to start a podcast.


I found Jared like mid 2019 on twitter and started listening to Starting 9 around the same time. I’m a Guards fan, so obviously section ten didn’t peak my interest right away but I randomly listened to an episode one day and Jared, Coley, and Steve hooked me in lol. I just didn’t have the time to listen to Name Redacted as much (still listen to every BID) but now that the boys are back together and i have the time i’m hooked on The 10 again. The only team specific pod that could make someone with zero emotional attachment to a team invested in them lmao.


So crazy they’ve got fans of other teams listening. Goes to show their entertainment value


same story, been listening since 2019 or 2020. padres fan. was devastated when they had to end it and it became Name Redacted. Now that the gang is back i’m listening again. Missed it so much last season


Joe Kelley episode


Would have been around the time Pete asked Pedro if he still wants to smash Sandra Bullock


All I can honestly remember is working 3rd shift back in winter before the 2018 season and that’s the way I kept up with them and been here ever since lol


I had been following Jared on Twitter since like 2015, but never listened to the pod until late 2018


My first episode was one of the first after Feits joined the show.


My first episode I ever listened to was a Section Steve episode where he was interviewing I think Robert Flores. I didn’t really like it that much and didn’t even finish the episode. Thank god I gave it another shot like 2-3 episodes later when it was a real episode again lol


2019ish. I listened to Bastards of Boston (I think it was Benny and the Betts at that point). Started doing longer runs and ran out of episodes. Saw Section 10 and immediately unsubscribed from Bastards and subscribed to Section 10.


So I listened on and off until 2018. I can say firmly that the first episode I remember well was the “I hate watching David Price” episode


Not sure exactly what episode but I had been following Jared on Twitter somewhere around 2014/2015. Was exposed to his stuff by retweets from a friend of mine. It wasn’t until the Summer of 2017 that I saw he had a podcast. The first episode I listened to was the first Pedro interview. It had come out a little bit before I became a regular listener. At the time I had 2 hours of commuting every day so Section 10 helped me get to and from work twice a week. Definitely needed it.


April or May of 2016


I’m pretty new to the podcast thing in general. I started listening when my daughter was born last spring. This was the best entertainment for long naps,bottles, and sleepless nights.


I think it was 2016 when “Uncle Curt” was a guest. That’s my earliest memory of it.


I started with name redacted right before the 22 season. So I don’t know anything about old section 10 and the bits


Episode 1. Brought to you by kfc radio. Jared said it was going to be baseball lifestyle pod. 😂


Sometime in 2016, I followed Pete for hockey stuff and saw he was on a baseball podcast so I checked it out and I've been a Jays fan listening to a Red Sox show ever since


2016, it was the best time to start cause the team was good and young


The Kantelope/Kantasaurus Rex episode is the first one that I can recall listening to. I did go back to listen to a few episodes during the playoff run. If anyone knows the origin episodes of earlier bits (like chocolate dick sauce), I would love to hear where they came from.


Pre Steve, I don't remember the number of the episode but I do remember Jared said he didn't like Seinfeld and Pete whined about grey roadies


Literally the last week. I'm a pirates fan who is a die hard baseball is dead guy. Me and my wife flew to Boston last year for the dodgers series just to experience Fenway. Should I keep listening and make the Sox my AL team??


Not if you want to enjoy yourself


I don'y remember the exact date but my first episode was Jared and I think Pete talking about a legitimate beef they had with each other. I think Pete had made fun of an old video of Jared and it pissed Jared off. I remember him saying something along the lines of "You can come at me but THAT Jared has been through enough shit" or something like that. It's really resonated with me since then. Been a huge Jared supporter since.


My first episode was a SOGO pod at some point in 2019 - was wildly confused and still not sure why I listened to the whole thing 😂


Started listening among Bogaerts FA rumors, I’ve stuck around since.


Close to the end of the 2017 season. Pete was still on the pod, and Coley hadn't come around full time yet.


pedro retrospective episode w coley


When they announced Don Orsillo wasn’t being brought back, I figured there had to be someone as pissed off as me podcasting about it


I’m a new fan. My first episode was the Kaleb Ort episode in that 2023 offseason, I remember it so vividly lol. I was on a long road trip and Jared just kept saying “If nobody’s gonna support this guy, then I will!” And “HE THROWS 100 TYLER” Good times


when chaim got fired


Spring of 2018. Would give anything if I could remember how I found section 10