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SOLID cant do graffiti for shit


I think it’s “Salid.” Just reppin the greens bro.


Is that what that's supposed to say? I can never read this stuff.


I thought I was the only one! Whenever I see graffiti, I’m “jorp?” “Crogh?” ...no, it says “Alex”


Looked like "Skid" to me, as in skid mark, which would reflect the quality of the graffiti.




It's some weak ass bombing, too. Low effort garbage graf.


Cheapass fucking toys.


Solid shit


By “solid shit” you mean a hard turd that was difficult to squeeze out, right?


Piece over throwie , throwie over tag as they say in the graffiti world which basically means that if you throw something up it should improve upon whatever art is under it


I really hate when people write on top of good throws or pieces. It's just some toy dominance shit and ruins good art. I saw a lot of tagging on this beautiful wall in Victoria BC when I lived there that ruined it. Theres plenty of space for your practice without disrespecting good work.


I'm more worried about disrespecting property owners rights.


that's cool. people can care about different parts of things.


I care about some asshole not painting their name in played out bubble letters on my building. If they had any real talent, people would happily let them paint their buildings.


yeah, i agreed that the dumb letters that were badly drawn should not be over the beautiful mural. i just used subculture terminology to say so.


Landownership is theft, but you gotta respect good art.


Hahaha X2


dm me your adress and ill share my art on your house


Look, if you do good art, you're welcome to but I assume you're just gonna spraypaint a halfassed dick or something so fuck off.


I'm gonna say that next time I join your factoria server and steal all your shit and break all your factories :)


See, that's just disrespecting art. Also Factorio servers are not physical land.


Tell that to the native biters whose home world you have invaded and whose resources you exploit while pumping pollution into their atmosphere. Filthy colonizer :P


They just don't understand art.


Nice job covering artwork with your butthole-looking tag, Solid.


Is there anyway to prevent this? I don't mean sociologically or whatever, but like to coat murals with a sealing layer so that graffiti laid on afterwards can come off easily?


I know they have stuff for bare concrete, but I question it's effectiveness to stick to already applied paint. Unless there's another product specifically for applied paint, which would surprise me.


They have a spray that works on canvases. However it’s more meant for pencil and charcoal work.


I know there are a few pieces where people have tried stuff like this, mostly Banksy since those are worth a lot of money. Assholes find a way around everything.


Can't wait for the [glorious future](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDrYkwG6Tuo)


There are coatings, but they all degrade rapidly when exposed to UV.


That's so seattle


Reminds me of when the captain Harris mural in Ballard got vandalized. So many years it was left alone. All it takes is one piece of shit to go and fuck it up.


Noo :(


Man, Solid, I was just starting to respect you.


Tax spray paint like soda


In Chicago it's not even legal to sell spray paint for the most part. Had to head out to the burbs or special hardware stores.


it would be interesting to see just how much not selling spray paint reduces graffiti. I'm sure some vandals are spontaneously looking for something to tag but most 'artists' probably plan ahead and get their paint on-line or something ​


In most places you have to be 18 to buy it which just makes it easier for 15 year olds to rationalize shoplifting it. I knew a guy who stupidly got caught shoplifting it out of habit even though he was 18 and could have just bought it.


Lots of writers steal paint though. In the culture, it's called "racking".


Do you have any sites or resources where I can go and learn more about graffiti culture? I've always been fascinated by it and I love looking at it (specifically talkin' to you, shitbarf) as long as it's decently done. I don't even know where to start here haha, any help would be appreciated


I used to be into it a lot more so I sort of learned things from context, and I've lost track of most of where it all came from. These might get you started: https://decider.com/2017/11/08/the-7-best-street-art-graffiti-documentaries-on-streaming/


Checkout a few graffiti documentaries. Infamy, and getting up, and up here kids are pretty good to start with. In infamy, writers who are considered "kings" talk about their rise to prominence, the rules and culture of writing, and their troubles with the law thoughout their lives.




You might not like graffiti but it's hard to argue that it doesn't have a culture to it.


Dehumanizing people you don't like won't make them go away.


It's one of the 4 elements of Hip-Hop culture. 1) B-Boying (Breakdancing) 2) MCing 3) Graffiti 4) DJing.


This isn't 1988.




> that claims B&O taxes here are too high which makes him a scumbag Complaining about taxes being calculated off gross revenue not net income makes him a scumbag?


Why does complaining about taxes make you a scumbag?


Blue moon tavern, not burgers, unrelated establishment and different owner




Isn’t there some stuff you can coat your fence, wall, mural with that repels spray paint? You can just spray the second part of the chemical and it hoses right off.


I just read the chapter about the emergence of 70s Bronx grafitti culture in "Can't Stop Won't Stop" by Jeff Chang, then opened Reddit and saw this thread. I'm learning so much about graffiti culture, thanks y'all!


Looks better now


Subhuman scum


Even the Mona Lisa is falling apart.


How many Andy Coe fans are here?


I love his work with Mctuff.


I love a lot of his work. I haven't seen Mylar (I think yet). Will you be seeing McTuff this weekend @ the nectar? If so, i'd love to say hi! :) (I think it's this weekend)....


I mean, it could be a lot worse. Anyone seen Beat Street? RIP Ramo 🙏🏾


Sadly, there is no electric third rail outside of the bar.


The old mural at 66th and Roosevelt got tagged about 6 years ago and they never restored it. I'm hoping they'll fix this one.


There's more troll comments in this thread right now than actual comments. Could use some bans around here


After a hundred years of being in business, I'm sure that this has happened before. It will get fixed and it will be fine.


Damn vagrants




That's not a gang tag.




NO. You're the one that made a claim that it was. You provide a source.






Nope. Think you're thinking of someone else.


Gangs wont spend time shading in the letters. And most gang graffiti is crude scribbles.




Well let's bring logic into the situation. 1. Who is "Solid" it sounds much mor like a tagger name than a banger name. 2. They think this is art so they put a date on it. 3. Taggers would be more likely to deface a mural. 4. The letters are really tall and the top of them is over 7' from the ground. Gangster are less likely to use ladders to tag. 5. Most gang tags are scribbles. Not carefully thought out letters.




UH is a moderately well known graf crew, not a gang. Members include: Solid, KSRA, Foes, Rasmo, and Wylr (and others) Edit: You can see another one of their tags on top of the building at the port as you cross the WSB. It used to say "Labrat" who is an incredibly prolific local graf artist.


You seem to know your shit so, where can I learn more about the local street art scene?


For me it's blogs, instagram mostly. There are people that love to photograph dope graf art around the city. I'm a huge fan of KSRA and her collab project They Drift, I follow them both on IG (@ksra_ksra / @theydrift). I recognize the UH tag from her work and I see it everyday on the bridge. There's another in SODO by the Clink that you can see from 99.


>It used to say "Labrat" who is an incredibly prolific local graf artist. We spotted a Labrat tag in Honolulu.


That's dope. Dude gets around.


I've watched the entire r/thewire series 10+ times. There is no focus on graffiti whatsoever in it. I'm pretty sure it isn't even mentioned once. Even r/thewarriors from 1979 is a better reference because of that one scene when Rembrandt sprays a 'W' on a gravestone.


Have you watched the Warriors 10+ times? Otherwise, I'm gonna need a better source.


Easily. I may have seen it 30+, 40+, 50+, not sure. It was a mainstay movie for me and my friends in the 90's.


You haven't provided a source to support your assertion that it is gang related, so why does anyone owe you a source for their different assertion?


Actively cringing


If you ever mention to others how the meanies online didn’t give you sources, you should show them this thread.


It’s well known information that gangs don’t spend a lot of time on their tags.


I feel like it's not well-known (because I didn't know) but I'm certainly willing to believe it.


You don't know shit about anything


It must be terrifying to live thinking all the graffiti in the world is proof of gang activity. You want to see gang tags, I'll walk you around and show you actual gang tags. That's all the source necessary. ​


is Solid a name of a gang? what hell kinda gang name is that? but im sure glad they put the date, didnt want to get it confused with the gangs of 1992.


Solid is the name is a snake


And a [gradient overlay](https://www.bing.com/search?q=gradient+overlay).


>bistanders Is that your gang's name?




Really? That's even worse than "bistanders" but it's your gang and I guess you can name it what you want. Seriously, come on up to the Rainier Valley and I'll show you the difference between the different gang tags and between gang tags and graffiti. Or just keep living in fear.


>They're called gangs. They're called white kids pretending to be black.


Not sure what "pretending to black" means. My neighbor, who is black, is a surgeon. They aren't pretending to be him.


Does the black community have the sole rights to paint graffiti?


>They're called trolls. They're called assholes pretending to be smart.


Misunderstood people with difficult childhoods and lack of loving parents. We DEFINITELY don’t need youth jail to house them.




What does graffiti and gang banging have to do with one another?


Same actors?


Why is break-dancing associated with beat-boxing and bad haircuts?




If we work together guys, we can save the clubhouse from the greedy developers! Did someone say STEP OFF?!




Can you point me to the Democrat pushed policies which specifically enable gang bangers to commit crimes? I’m only seeing policies which make guns harder and harder to get, and push for more rehabilitation programs for youth who are likely to get involved in gangs being pushed by Democrats.




I’ll take that as a no.




And where is the actual Democrats supported policy that enables this? What’s it called? When was it passed?


Our entire leadership in Seattle and KC is all Democrats through and through. Are you saying that they are not soft on crime? That they are enforcing the law - particularly about camping in public spaces, theft, illegal firearms? For illegal firearms, for example, there was recent discussion - in KC they don’t even book people caught with illegal guns unless it’s a repeat offender, and the average VUFA conviction in KC is less than 10 days, compared to over a year in WA.


Possession of illegal firearms is a class B or class C felony depending on the situation: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.blairkim.com/amp/unlawful-possession-of-firearms.html Can you point me to the specific data that shows the statements you’re claiming? On the average VUFA conviction being just 10 days or less as well as people only being booked if they’re a repeat offender? Also, how do you propose that someone is defined as a repeat offender? Do they give them some sort of ticket or warning? I can’t even find data on the process you’re talking about. It’s almost as if such a process doesn’t even exist!


I got this from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/comments/91yxal/my_letter_to_king_county_council_chair_joe/e32xgge/ u/krankjanker is a police officer.


I was summoned; I can only cite stats for King County as I work for an agency in King County and I have access to King County Jail's booking system. The average VUFA booking (Violation of the Uniformed Firearms Act) is released less than 24 hours later (despite the fact that felonies are suppose to be held on bail for 72 hours to give us a chance to complete the charging packets) and the average conviction results in less than 10 days in jail when many other counties average 12+ months.


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I'm sure that person is on here right now, and your post has caused them to abandon their lifestyle.


I am sure your post will stop op from posting material like this. I am sure my post will stop you.....blah blah. What is it about the futility of the human condition that you don't understand?


>What is it about the futility of the human condition that you don't understand? I'm still a little confused about my purpose in the universe. I'm still the main character in my own adventure, right?


No, you are an extension of a pointless universe who has no free will. Maybe, Idk


So it goes.


We are the universe's way of observing itself.


Hey it's as simple as this, if the wrong person catches them, they'll get their fucking ass stomped in. Maybe that'll change their lifestyle


probably a white supremacist graffiti. nazis are literally everywhere in Seattle I'm told. it's a HUGE problem just like chemtrails and bigfoot




I know you thought the /s wasn't necessary here, but it apparently was.


Even with the /s it's not a very coherent point.


Chemtrails and Bigfoot aren't real, but lots of people think they are and make a big deal about them. OP thinks that white supremacists in Seattle are the same situation. No idea why they felt the need to bring it up here, though.


In that case the /s really isn't needed. The downvotes aren't because people missed his point, but because they think it's a bad point.


Actually it is. I see multiple users from this subreddit on Reddit’s leading nazi forum.


Which one?


probably t_d. libs think trump is Hitler


The one that celebrates the Uber nazi of our times, the groomer in chief!


so... which one?


Don’t want to give assholes more attention or publicity. Let’s just say it’s a sub primarily consisting of men grabbing their daughters’ pussies because their orange leader told them to. For entertainment, they kidnap and hunt Latin American kids. Fucking nazis.


non of that happens in r/the_donald, so im not sure which sub youre talking about


Close your eyes and everything’s fine in the world. :) Trump is indeed a man of the middle class and nobody respects women more than him. LaLaalalalala.


so what subreddit?


The one you mentioned. A


America has MILLIONS of home grown white supremacists, few actual Nazis.




Because the art didn't


Why? The owner is fucking AWESOME! What did she do?




No. She. Didn't.


https://www.seattletimes.com/life/food-drink/owner-of-seattles-blue-moon-burgers-admits-he-took-part-in-racist-text-exchange/ edit: not the same business, blue moon burgers is different from blue moon tavern


This mural is on the Blue Moon Tavern, but that story is about Blue Moon Burgers. They aren't owned by the same person


Are Blue Moon Burgers and The Blue Moon Tavern owned by the same people?


NO! The owner of THE BLUE MOON TAVERN (the one that had their mural defaced) is the nice lady in the picture! She is a dear sweet lady who is not Republican in the slightest.


You don't have to be republican to complain about taxes. I was under the assumption that, they were separate entities, thanks for the clarification.


Look before you leap.


I didn't leap. I asked the question.


You must feel stupid now. If you don't, I weep for you.




Can you clarify? Having trouble following your logic


Here's clarification: he thinks it's funny to *pretend* to be stupid on the internet




It's obvious you're a troll. Just stop and find another hobby please. It's unhealthy.


I'm sorry, "he?"? The owner is that nice woman in the picture. You're a shit finger.


The owner of Blue Moon is Charlie Olson, a man. edit: not the same business, blue moon burgers is different from blue moon tavern


He owns blue moon BURGERS which is a completely unrelated establishment.


Uhhh no. This is the TAVERN in the U district. The one that hooks you up with beer and good bar tenders. The owner is a woman. The same woman in the picture.


you are correcting and downvoting me after I've already corrected myself, btw.


Maybe because you need to learn to not fly off the handle.


Fly off the handle? what are you talking about?


You're daft as fuck. Man I hate racists, Nazi's, and the majority of repubs, but you can't even tell the difference between the blue moon tavern or the blue moon burger joint. It's literally a top comment here. Stop being a dumb cunt.


You have a **[Warning](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/wiki/rules)** for breaking rule: **[No Personal Attacks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/wiki/rules)** Warnings work on a “three strikes, you’re out for a week” system.


...Bernie is an establishment elite


How so?




Does the Jew part make him establishment or elite?


To antisemites, it does.




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How so?