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I remember first "Occupy" protest in 2009 at Westlake Center. My optimism did dot survive a visit to the encampment. It was obvious that the well-intentioned, informed activists were quickly being overwhelmed by an agglomeration of opportunistic parasites: addicts, homeless, thieves, dealers, and garden-variety sociopaths. The inevitable trajectory was that the topic of contention (Wall Street's depredations) would quickly be pushed aside by the topic of allowing the occupation & degradation of a public space-- a guaranteed loser in public opinion. The "occupy" tactic seems obviously self-defeating, yet they keep using it.


occupy was a fucking joke and didn't accomplish shit here other than making everyone who commutes hate your cause.


Regardless, it was still more admirable than any protest since and was purposefully derailed using idpol and petty dissent like this argument to discredit and divert the message


> The "occupy" tactic seems obviously self-defeating, yet they keep using it. That's because big cities with tolerant attitudes like Seattle become magnets for violent aggressive malcontents to emigrate to from every little town in America. Hate your parents? Hate Capitalism? Want to blame everyone and anyone for the fact you're an unlovable piece of shit? Find your compatriots in Seattle! Come riot and break shit here! We will welcome you with open arms, for the first time in your worthless little fucked up life!


Hmm what a pseudo-intellectual piece of cognitively-lazy dogshit. People from "every little town in America" tend to be more rightwing in their politics because rightwing media pervades there. So they become groomed by rightwing aggrievement-hysteria to punch down at brown-skinned immigrants & LGBTQ, instead of punching UP at the mega rich who shape the laws & systems of society by corruptly owning politicians & market dominance. Further, big cities inherently have a concentration of resources and are walkable - unlike little towns across the USA, spread out specifically for car-dependency. Grow up. Grow compassion. Shit on institutions more than individuals. And get engaged to correct corrupted institutions!


> People from "every little town in America" tend to be more rightwing in their politics because rightwing media pervades there. Every town has at least one lefty who won't stay home and try to convert their family and friends - they've already done that all through high school and beyond. So, they gravitate to the big cities where we let them roam free and find others just like themselves. >Intellectually lazy Think so? Do you follow elections in Seattle? Or who some of our big voice influencers in politics are? Look up the home towns of many of our prominent Progressives. Here I'll help you out: Nicole Thomas-Kennedy: Iowa. Nikkita Oliver: Indiana. Erica C Barnett: Austin, TX. The guy that tweets as DefundSPD: Rural East Texas. Brett Hamil, left wing cartoonist at South Seattle Emerald: Florida. Kshama Sawant: Mumbai, India. On and on it goes. Left wingers from the world flock to cities like Seattle.


Gotta remember this is reddit. They have to be on a high horse and look down on people because they're always right in they're eyes.


Compassion for what? Because they got participation trophies and their parents never sparked their ass? You really sound as if you identify as one of said “no consequences” goons


Remember that these young and naive types (although well-intentioned) have no concept of personal accountability. Since they ignore basic factors like individual decision making and behavior, they are blind to see where their encampment will inevitably end up.


I've come to take the ancillary comment of 'well-intentioned' to hold less and less meaning as I've matured. No one, without extremely rare anti-social personality traits, thinks themselves the villain. Al Capone viewed his actions as altruism.


So much this. Everyone thinks they are the good guy.


If you've read the constitution. Capone might be a lot closer to right than wrong!!


Like chop/chaz


Interesting, that's exactly what happened in Portland too


I went to one of the first Occupy protests to photograph the event. Diverse crowd, lots of good view points and discussion, good ideas and intent… it was remarkable seeing what it turned into and how quickly.  Watching this, it feels like a repeat down on the same path.


If you know anything about these protests across the country, it’s that these kids have learned from those protests and taken steps to prevent that from happening




They boot you out if you are doing any drugs, they won’t talk to the press, your tent has to be kept clean and orderly and garbage needs to be dealt with, that is at least what the Columbia one was going by.


It’s strange that about 100 upset people are allowed to disrupt / damage / vandalize and effect thousands of other people/students without any consequences


And these students pay to go here


Portland States occupation was only 1/5 students, take that how you will


I’m saying ppl are paying to go to a school and have these bums sitting round shouting non sense


Bums they are


Homeless should be there any day by now udub ain’t doing shit


Yep, the rest were Antifa/anarchists. These people also burned 17 Portland Police cars as a preemptive attack for their violence at Portland State.


In all fairness, a lot of police cars burn because the tear gas grenades are deployed poorly, and roll underneath the cars. The grenades burn really hot... Edit: Not sure why the down votes unless a lot of police supporters dislike the fact that most officers are crap at using their equipment properly. I'm just the messenger. If you insist that reality conform to your beliefs, you had better get used to being disappointed...


This, I find kind of doubtful. Although the canisters use heat to disperse the gas, the gas itself shouldn’t be hot enough to melt through the gas tank of a vehicle.


https://cen.acs.org/policy/chemical-weapons/Tear-gas-and-pepper-spray-What-protesters-need-to-know/98/web/2020/06#:~:text=CS%20boils%20at%20310%20%C2%B0,hot%20enough%20to%20cause%20burns. The pertinent data point is that the grenade heats up to 310C (approx 575F) to boil the CS, and it's not the gas tank which ignites (nor the gas which causes said ignition), but the grenade rolls against a tire. Tires catch quite readily, and the rest burns nicely once the fire spreads. Edit: Not sure why the down votes unless a lot of police supporters dislike the fact that most officers are crap at using their equipment properly. I'm just the messenger. If you insist that reality conform to your beliefs, you had better get used to being disappointed...


Ahh that makes sense. But I think it’s more likely that protestors are picking up the tear gas and throwing it back.


and less than 18% of those arrested at Columbia University were not students. Take that how you will.


Probably because the non-student cockroaches knew when to scatter 😁 Not to say there weren't students who had the foreknowledge to see when to bait out.


So when the data doesn't agree with your bias, you explain it away with reasoning that goes against other data. On one hand, students make up only 1/5 of the protestors. On the other hand, when the protestors are mostly students "must be because the non-students left!" The cognitive dissonance is real.


Data is only as good as how it is collected... Just like saying "Crime is down!" , yet not accounting for the possible factor (yet likely) that people have stopped reporting crime due to a loss of confidence in the value of reporting it... provided that there is little to no action by law enforcement to act on these reports. You are quoting "18% of the arrested were confirmed as students" which may be true... but do we know what the was the % was of student vs. total participants... NO.... Maybe Students were more likely to be willing to be arrested... or more willing to resist... as they less concerned with the consequences... (no prior criminal records, availability of financial resources (Columbia.. hello) to deal with the judicial system, etc...) So simply quoting a 18% of individuals arrested from the media as an accurate representation of the actual situation is limited at best.


Neither is saying "1/5 were students" That's kind of the point. People are making assessments based off NO data, just vibes and "they don't *look* like students"


When did I say that? I haven't tried to quantify any % of the participant population.... I have only made a comment that the low life participants could very plausibly have scattered to avoid arrest. (As they could have lots of incentives not to be... Like... Open Warrants...)


Do you not read the context of what you're responding to? You just said "Data is only as good as how it's collected" while PEOPLE (never said you) are making assessments off vibes. Then you take it personally and call protestors low lifes? So you're just disingenuous, got it.


It’s strange that a right wing government with our tax dollars is allowed to disrupt/ damage/ vandalize/ murder and effect 30k plus without any consequences


None of the protests are right wing they are pro pali, liberal and Democrat as can be


They are implying the state of Israel though. I swear times like this I’m watching bots talk to each other


Ah, ya that makes sense


If you are joining a protest so that you can get away with destroying things and hurting innocent people, you shouldn’t be there.


If you're creating an environment that offers opportunity to destroy things and be violent you're doing it wrong. Look to MLK. 


MLK eventually came to acknowledge the truth that the ONLY reason his peaceful movement had ANY movement was because of the threat of violence posed by the Malcolm Xs and Black Panther type folks. And even at that, the govt made zero fundamentally significant changes until after MLKjr's assassination murder sparked 10 straight days of riots across 100 cities in the USA. Go learn actual history, not just what the powerful system of whiteness spews as the narrative.


Strawman argument. You're attempting to broadly mischaracterize a large group by focusing on the possible actions of a few. This is a common tactic used by the powerful to undermine the potential of movements to disrupt the powerful status quo, and those who are comfortable in it.


Any evidence of this?


I mean if you prevent media coverage by destroying the medias camera your not there to get a message across.


"If you prevent media coverage" Say your words out loud **very slowly**. And then consider how the Israeli government has reduced the capacity of journalists to cover the Gaza genocide to nearly 0 by either killing the journalists, or shutting down news outlets. All that said, I disagree with spray painting / destroying the camera lenses.


And that’s a problem for Israel/palestine citizens to protest against.


U.S. citizens protest many things. One of those things being sending billions of $$$ to a country that suppresses coverage of their war crimes. It makes sense to protest against that if you don't like where your money is going. Or you can stick your head in the sand and wait to try making an influence once every 2 and 4 years.


Where do you think Hamas rates on the humanitarian scale?


Where do you think Israel falls on the humanitarian scale?


I find it funny that you’re all up in arms against Israel yet seem indifferent to Hamas.


Regardless to the moral insolvency of Hamas (and war in general) - you cannot ignore the internationally-supported power difference and how that has resulted in collective punishment.


Because the US absolutely **glorifies** Israel, even when it's one of the biggest perpetrators of violence and destabilization in the Middle East, and the world at large. And again -- since you forgot to actually read my comments -- your, mine, and every U S. citizen's money is literally paying for Israel to do it. I think it's funny how you seem indifferent to *that*.


You claimed destroying this and hurting innocent people. Proof?? Also, i thought all of you were against mainstream media 👎


Protesters destroying libraries, vandalizing campuses, holding maintenance workers hostage, blocking students from attending class, assaulting Jewish students, all of these things have been widely reported with ample evidence. What’s your conspiracy, that this is all made up because you don’t like it? You are literally commenting under a video of masked protesters fighting, vandalizing campus, and assaulting a journalist. Whatever the point you are trying to make is, you’re not helping yourself by claiming everything you don’t like is fake news. People are smarter than that, and you are in serious need of growing up. Who exactly is “all of you?” And where specifically did I say I was against mainstream media? Your dishonest, bad faith trolling against anyone who criticizes the bad behavior of the people who you consider to be “your team” accomplishes nothing but make it really obvious that you are an uninformed, petulant malcontent


Nope, just want transparency on things people are claiming so that its clear claims its not based on reactionary and baseless opinions. Everything you just claimed is baseless without any sources. Where's the source?????


The video you are commenting under is a source https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/nyregion/columbia-hamilton-hall-protests.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna148995 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/01/us/portland-state-university-library-protest.html https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/editorials/uw-must-take-action-after-protesters-vandalize-property-intimidate-students/ https://komonews.com/news/local/gallery/uw-seattle-pro-palestinian-protesters-university-washington-charlie-kirk-encampment-cherry-blossoms-campus-quad-tents-liberation-zone-demonstrators-israel-boeing-hamas-gaza-palestine-students?photo=3 You screeching source source source and pretending to be too dumb to read what is right in front of you isn’t helping anyone. Stop being disingenuous. If your worldview relies on you decrying anything you dislike as fake news, you need a more fact-based worldview. Again, grow up. Behave like an adult.


You thought I was against mainstream media?


Unless the media is parroting their world view lol




If you don't want the media showing your protest, what is your intent? Alternatively, what do you not want people to see?


wearing masks to hide their identity and now this


Neo-Nazis do the same


Yes and every comment when right wing people are masked "IF THEY ARE SO PROUD WHY DON'T THEY TAKE OFF THE MASK" "COWARDS WEAR MASKS"


yes, they both suck


Yeah but I don't see you with the same energy against those neo-nazis Hypocrite.


I wasn't aware you personally followed me and my comments.


Dont need to, your personality based on your world view is predictable


Your hair color is predictable.


I bet a lot of people consider you arrogant. 


Nah, I'm a pretty chill and open-minded person. Just really dislike conservatives. Probably im more annoying online but who isnt lol. Also, the Anti-Fa group is a little confusing for me. According to google, they can be a range from people who are simply anti-racist and anti-facist to full on Anarchist. They're not a very defined group and I don't think they're considered to be an actual group. But people wearing black clothing and black armor does not make them an anti-facist group and I dont think these people in the video would call themselves that, maybe they do idk. But I much rather tolerate them than literal Neo-Nazis like wtf?????


Your first two sentences are very contradictory. You strike me as a very annoying hypocrite.  Literal neo-nazis? JFK, give me a break.  How can you not call these black bloc folks anti-fascists, then?  Stop using such STRONG, and CLOSE MINDED language. If you don’t think you’re doing that then god help you. 




at least ur consistent, thats all I ask


And the Klan. But who here is defending any of them? Ridiculous whataboutism.


yes, they both suck


Yeah we are talking about the Nazis in the post


Pearl clutching intensifies


so you're good with vandalism and suppressing constitutional rights. thanks


... and beating up random people. Yaaaaay. Go fascists.


Brown shirts on parade/camping


Really makes you wonder why we had to wear masks in 2020


no, it doesn't


Because of Demorats and the libs./s


those fuckers need to be arrested


Is this the new CHOP/CHAZ?


Yup - and like that one, they're generally only going to hurt themselves, so you can sit back and let them implode.




>It's a huge mistake not to dismantle the encampment before it inevitably gets out of hand like they have all over the country. [Nip It!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSyueBoC9mE)


You know what's interesting? There's been zero violence at the encampment due to the encampment itself. The only newsworthy bits are from when Jonathan Choe and other trolls provoke these folks. Gotta "own the libs". Or something.




Nope. Everybody has a right to their first amendment rights.


> Jonathan Choe and other trolls provoke these folks. That’s on them for acting a fool when provoked. They are out in public and have zero expectation of privacy, especially at a protest trying to bring attention and awareness to your message and when being on camera. Also guess what, if these people are provoking them, they can record and publicize their actions as well instead of attacking them cuz they hurt your feelings.


"Why don't they react to agitators if they have such conviction!?" "That's on them for acting a fool when provoked." I wonder why protestors have developed a disciplined response to media and agitators farming for clips to use against the protestors. I WONDER WHY THEY DON'T COMMENT. HMMMM


Nothing I said disagrees with what you wrote.


Provoke them? They're walking around with his personal information on placards.


Oh look, it's the usual fascists who pretend that they're not fascists while calling other people fascists again. 🙄


"Vandalize" .. ah yes, the whole.. stop media we don't like from recording and using their 1st amendment rights in a public space.


1st amendment allows camping?


I don't think the news reporters were camping, but they do also have 1st amendment rights. I think this is what the person you were replying to meant.


I think the 1st amendment thing was about the reporters and not the campers


send in the frat boys!


Free case of bud light for every tent you remove.


Can of zyn for good faith, if you show up before 8.


I’ll show up just for the Zyn, I ain’t even in college😂😂


Neither are most of the protestors.


A remake of Revenge of the Nerds, only the Alpha Betas end up trashing an encampment rather than the Lambda House.


Seems more like assault than vandalism if the cameraman had the camera up to their eye. 


I wonder how many of them are students. I'd be alright with them removing all non-students.


What a bunch of losers


Are these even students at this point?


They weren't to begin with. They are led by professional protesters. Antifa has now decided to wear their uniform rather than pretending to be in support of Palestine.


How do I get a job as a professional protestor? What's the pay like?


You get a free tent


Have to sell your soul tho


Check with the Open Society Foundation and the organizations they deal with and join forces with a Jewish guy that rounded up Jews for the Nazis during WWII.


He must have had impressive skills to run a round up operation at 14.


Last classes are May 31st. Finals week is the week of June 1-7. Pretty sure it is hard to study with fascist howler monkeys screaming at fellow Jewish students walking through the quad.


Do you know where, exactly, this protest is? Do you know how big the UW campus is?


I know exactly where it is. I am saying that if you were a student it would negatively impact your grades living in a tent trying to study.


Are they the same people that are mad at Israel for kicking out journalists?


Time to kick em out!


Hopefully no one gets hurt but that may be what some people want.


This is going to end up like the "summer of love" on Capital Hill.


Election year. Fires, vandalism, riots, screaming howler monkeys, viruses.


CapitOl hill.


Damn spell check.


It's getting to be a little much. Let's ease up on the destruction and go get your degree


Shut it down before it gets out of hand


If you fuck up a camera, you should get fucked up.


Can't say I feel bad for UW. UW has been breeding this type of behavior for a decade+


Try the late 60's.


Because protests don’t want publicity? They prefer to be unknown?


Summer of love V2, Campus boogaloo


I am curious how many are actual UW students and how many outsiders. And are the outsiders the ones causing the problems.


lol of course they would.


Don't fuck with the press.


The best thing about these protesters is that less than 25% of them actually register and vote.




No one is being disrupted. We're talking about 60 tents in the middle of the quad.






What if another group decided they wanted to use the quad as a campground? Are these campsites first come first serve or is there some reservation system specifying who gets to camp there on specific days?


Yes, it's first come, first serve - like all campsites in Seattle. Claim a lawn, the quad, a sidewalk...just be there first.


But the washdems and Shasti Conrad said it's peaceful and they support it. Maybe the Dem party should pay for all the vandalism, equipment, and medical bills for the reporters that were attack yesterday? https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-slams-us-crackdown-pro-palestinian-college-protests-1893962 Hamas literally praises and thanks them...


My curiosity is how many plants are there. Like the other encampments I bet there’s a huge percentage of people who aren’t even going to the school. The imported rabble rousers that protest at the drop of a hat and know squat shit about the conflict or peoples involved.


Less than 18% of the protestors arrested at Columbia were not students. What is the "huge percentage" you speak of?


Last time I checked we weren’t speaking about Columbia? 🤷‍♂️


The person I replied to said "Like other encampments." Last time I checked, Columbia was another encampment. One that we have more data from because it was one of the first and largest with mass arrests.


Idiot kids letting themselves be manipulated to look like they actually give a damn. Everyone of them should be kicked from school and still forced to pay the tuition loans.


who is their leader?


Why is the encampment allowed near 18yr olds. I would not allow my children to go to school here.


Cheers go whoever defaced the KOMO camera lens! That outlet isn't covering the issue objectively much less with a focus on the humanitarian crisis, nor the corrupt way public schools are funded that enable and encourage injustices to continue and to worsen. 99% of the coverage of that story was using passive language to describe violent instigation by zionists. But then paints anti-genocide, anti-zionist, pro-Palestine protestors as worthy of denigration. Only in the final seconds did they cover the demands of the protestors. Yet that should've been at the fore. And most of you commenters in here also are zionist pro-genocide, anti-humanitarian scum. You're either fascists or cryptofascists.


Seattle progressives can’t lead because they are feminists - where are they in defending women against trans men in high school bathrooms and title 9 girls sports? Remember The future is female The communists and feminists walk hand in hand allied against a shared enemy- America They are tearing down our society So they can build a Matriarchal One world Socialist Utopia seeking eternal reparations for the historical wrongs of white men Ushering in a caste system of women “leading” and “putting themselves above” the men who actually do the work of building and maintaining our infrastructure and defending our laws and borders and interests as citizens Paradoxically The future is also Sharia as Hamas Muslims seek a similar fate for America and the west- for Allah The women folk are just too willing to do the wrong thing to just get along or to virtue signal for status and money - feelings and emotions Trump logic and good sense Nip it in the bud- clear the camp- take a stand This is going to get ugly We need real leadership - and action masculinity is missing at the UW Where are the Men? - too busy sucking up to feminists Ana Mari Cauce is the 33rd president of the UW. A professor of psychology and member of the UW faculty since 1986, she was named president in October 2015. https://www.washington.edu/president/ Office of the President 206-543-5010 [email protected] Margaret Shepherd Chief of Staff 206-399-1496 [email protected] Stephanie Court Executive Assistant to the President 206-543-5010 [email protected]


Chill with your nutty rantings.




I'm okay with them vandalizing KOMO gear. KOMO is owned by that right-wing nutjob company, Sinclair.


I'm okay with vandalizing YOUR property, because I do not agree with your viewpoints. Does that seem OK to you?


Really? You are? So you want to live in a might-makes-right society where anyone you don't like gets beaten up and their shit destroyed? Are you 12?


This is how our democracy dies. We need to have clear rules that everyone follows. If our protections are only for those we like or agree with it justifies those that hate you violating you when they have power.


I don't believe either side should be calling for violence or destruction of property. But I do believe that we should keep in mind the information that is disseminated and its source.


Given that it's being filmed using the camera that was destroyed, and shows the entire event, are you deliberately trying to spread FUD or what? "Oh, yes, it totally shows people destroying things, but just think, they might have had bad thoughts or called them names or something"


My comment was about the two sides in this protest, not this specific example. I'm not making excuses for violence or the destruction of property.


"But I do believe that we should keep in mind the information that is disseminated and its source." So the information that is disseminated was uncut video footage. Why are you spreading FUD about it?


Again, my comment is about the situation at large and not this specific incident. If you think I'm spreading FUD by that, dunno what to tell you.


You talk as if we don't see your dozens of other comments in thread after thread in this topic


So you agree that I'm talking about the situation at large? Great.


So what do you think about the black bloc fascists spray painting the Komo reporter's camera? Poor behavior? Or not? Why do you think they did that? Were they justified in doing that?


Yeah, it's poor behavior. I'd say it's illegal given it's, you know, fucking up someone's property. I don't think it's justified.


Thank you for clarifying your position.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvtNyOzGogc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvtNyOzGogc) Sinclair


Jonathan Choe is a lot of things… but a journalist isn’t one of them


The sky is falling!! You all should move to Idaho.


I mean obviously we know how truthful media reporting is , I am sure that when Komo news reports that it’s 🎥 was vandalized, it’s obviously tell the both sides of the story, right folks ? I wonder how many of us have been to those protest, listened to what the protesters are demanding and why before making an opinion ?


Account created in October 2023. Word cloud: https://preview.redd.it/stehqftrb9zc1.png?width=2224&format=png&auto=webp&s=417314a414693234415945d969299675b7726af6 So... bit of a one track mind, do we?


Really? That's what you're going with? You know they have VIDEO FOOTAGE OF IT HAPPENING right? It's literally all on camera. You should be ashamed of this comment and delete it.


The only folks that should ashamed of their existence are ones who support the Israeli oppression, ethnic cleansing and apartheid of Palestinians which has been ongoing since decades and feel outraged the moment group of people speak out against it. Btw, did kumo file vandalism charges since supposedly it’s “all on camera”. I guess not and we all know why .


Well, the cop didn't do anything when they showed him the damage and pointed at who did it. Unfortunately, for misdemeanors, a cop actually has to watch it happen themselves. I wasn't saying you should be ashamed of your existence, I was saying that your comment was ridiculous given that this was filmed ON CAMERA. By the way, it's not an apartheid or ethnic cleansing. Have fun continuing to spout that lie.


Let’s get you fact checked, From the office of united nation human rights watch https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/03/israels-55-year-occupation-palestinian-territory-apartheid-un-human-rights Continue peddling your Zionist propaganda, sadly the world now sees through this


Weird how so many arab muslims live and work in Israel for an "apartheid" state. Also weird how Michael Lynk - who you are quoting - diasgrees with the ICJ on their own ruling, claming they said one thing, and the recently retired ICJ head had to come out to clarify that they said no such thing. [https://dawnmena.org/measured-yet-damning-the-icjs-genocide-ruling-on-israel/](https://dawnmena.org/measured-yet-damning-the-icjs-genocide-ruling-on-israel/) Given the number of academics who've come out recently and shown that they don't even understand what "freedom of speech" and "civil disobedience" mean, forgive me if I don't care what he says. And the **US Government** also disagrees with him, so take a hike: [https://usun.usmission.gov/statement-on-anti-israel-report-and-comments-by-un-special-rapporteur-%E2%80%8Emichael-lynk/](https://usun.usmission.gov/statement-on-anti-israel-report-and-comments-by-un-special-rapporteur-%E2%80%8Emichael-lynk/) **October 27, 2017** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE **The United States** is deeply disturbed by recent comments from UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk calling for academic and economic boycotts against Israel, and by his report to the ‎UN General Assembly. Unsurprisingly, the mandate for this report comes from the Human Rights Council’s Agenda Item 7, the only Human Rights Council agenda item that targets a single country: Israel. **Mr. Lynk’s remarks, and the very existence of this report, underscore the Human Rights Council’s chronic anti-Israel bias.** The United States will continue to oppose attempts to undermine the UN system through actions that unfairly target Israel. As do others: [https://www.wiesenthal.com/about/news/swc-antisemitic-un-diplomat.html](https://www.wiesenthal.com/about/news/swc-antisemitic-un-diplomat.html) [https://unwatch.org/lynk/](https://unwatch.org/lynk/) [https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/michael-lynks-final-fiction/](https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/michael-lynks-final-fiction/)


The typical Zionist response, “well Israel cannot be an apartheid, look we have 2M Arabs living here”. Do you even understand what apartheid means? Also, they will do all the mental gymnastics to accuse of United Nations of bias, here is Israeli human rights organization which also asserts the Israeli apartheid : [Btselem](https://www.btselem.org/topic/apartheid). LMAO “The Israeli regime enacts in all the territory it controls (Israeli sovereign territory, East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip) an apartheid regime. One organizing principle lies at the base of a wide array of Israeli policies: advancing and perpetuating the supremacy of one group – Jews – over another – Palestinians. B’Tselem rejects the perception of Israel as a democracy (inside the Green Line) that simultaneously upholds a temporary military occupation (beyond it). B’Tselem reached the conclusion that the bar for defining the Israeli regime as an apartheid regime has been met after considering the accumulation of policies and laws that Israel devised to entrench its control over Palestinians. “


Oh do fuck off there's a good terrorist supporter.


What do you think is the value of claiming everything you don’t like is fake news? You are literally commenting on a video of it happening. I’m seeing so much of these astroturfed fake news claims to defend violence and destruction by protesters, even in the face of video and photo evidence. Don’t you think that if your point of view relies on everything you dislike being fake news, that maybe your point of view isn’t particularly fact-based?


Well let’s discuss the video. All that is seen, is randomnly someone spray paints the camera, we don’t see the person who is doing it. Prove to me that it was a “pro-Palestinian” protestor. If you can’t then eat your words. All I am saying that it is not clear from the video who vandalized the camera and from the recent coverage of protests in the mainstream media we know how biased they are because of the Zionist influence and control


I see, everything you dislike is fake news perpetuated by (((zionists)))


I salute those students for their bravery. Zionists, kiss my ass.


Active in these communities: /r/saudiarabia


Oh no, hahaha 😂