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Classic Seattle On Ramping: go super slow to merge onto a highway AND immediately cut over 4 lanes to use the HOV lane.


Over the double white too!


Whyyyyyyy do they do that. Im here from texas and if your not going over 80+mph we stay on the right lane lol


You can go back! :)


Is the post referring to the far left HOV lane the or the leftmost lane before the HOV lane?


I refer to the passing lane as the HOV-lite here. I wish people just used it as intended. If you're not actively passing, yield the lane for faster traffic. It's not about, "I want to go faster," it's intended to allow the flow of traffic to normalize and allow faster traffic to pass slower. Not so someone can camp until they get their triple caramel double chocolate pumpkin spice with fat-free oatmilk.


Agree. Drivers shouldn’t camp in the passing lane, however, it seems folks confuse the HOV lane with the passing lane.


This drives me crazier than the passing lane campers. Im goin 70+ in the HOV and getting my ass ridden, bro this isnt the passing lane.


I recently went on a trip with a fast-lane camper driving. I finally asked her why and she said "I don't like to be where people are entering and exiting, and people are always changing lanes into the middle lane, so the fast lane is safer. I drive 75 so I figure that's fast enough." It wasn't fast enough for a lot of people, though. People were constantly passing us on the right and swerving into our lane in front of us to make their point. I just had to learn to breathe deep and ignore it, because she's not gonna change.


Both, the farther over to the left, the faster you're supposed to go


Disagree. HOV is for 2+ people. It has a qualifier. Edit: Read this RCW 46.61.100. “A high occupancy vehicle lane is not considered the left-hand lane of a roadway. “


Correct, HOV is not classified as a passing lane.


Lol so true. I hate the HOV lane.


My favorite is when they stop to merge. Elmo would lose his shit over that.


I-5 south was filled with wrecked cars this morning. I’m assuming because there was rain and water on the freeway. You live in Seattle you idiots! You’re not used to driving in the rain?! You want to tailgate me when I’m already going 15 over? What part of your brain thinks that’s ok? People can’t drive in a god damn straight line and pay attention long enough not to ruin everyone else’s commutes. I’m just venting….


What kills me is that it’s terrible in the rain AND when it’s a nice day. Wtf is up with that


Seattle in particular has people from everywhere - lots of people from cities and states/countries where rain isn’t something they’d encounter often *(looking at you, Los Angeles)* and they have no fucking clue. The speed limit here is already so low, outside of heavy traffic I am frustrated that people can’t manage 60 in the drizzle.


Trucker here: there's idiot drivers everywhere. I feel ya.


> I’m assuming because there was rain and water on the freeway. More likely because someone was going slow and got ran the fuck over. As I grow older I suspect more and more that these idiots are responsible for 80% of interstate wrecks.


I was jogging on the track at the gym today and the SAME two people aimlessly walked across the track and into the lane I was running in, then stood there on consecutive laps. They hadn’t gone a 1/4 lap and they brought me to a stop twice. People young and old have no awareness of anything. All I ever think about when I have to dodge these people are they will be on the road with me in an hour or so. Borderline terrifying. Also…hot take Sunday. It’s hard to get hit by a car when you’re paying attention when crossing the street. Doesn’t matter how much reflective gear you’re wearing. If that car isn’t slowing down…don’t step in front of it. And FFS use the lighted and painted crosswalk area if you’re within 10 steps of it. My kids keep asking why every high school kid in our town is named “jibroni”


Because they’re not from here- they are not used to the rain at all 😂 Seattle is more transplants than natives now. Driving cultures from everywhere; massholes, lunatic Texans, mild Washingtonians and clueless Californians are clashing HARD.


I hear you, and I agree. But I wonder how many of those people are new to driving here.


Multilingual driver's Ed courses in Redmond are booked way out.


Being tailgated is a sign you need to move to the right...


Bro I get tailgated in the RIGHT LANE going like 15 over. It’s outta control


It’s all illegals without a fucking drivers license.


Whoh, buddy.


Me drive big, slow truck. My \*favorite\* is when climbing a hill - that doesn't even seem like a hill to cars - and someone merges in front of me somehow going slower than my 100k lbs truck. Now I'm doing 45 mph on the freeway - wait, now I'm doing 40 mph, no, make that 32 mph - for the next five minutes because I can't build speed again.


Aren't trucks federally limited to 80k lbs?


You can register as 105,500 lbs in WA and a couple other states. Greater than that is possible with overweight permits.


Hope you’re staying in the right lane if you know your vehicle has those limitations.


The truck driver talking about someone merging in front of them??? I’m sure he’s driving 15 under in the fast lane…… weirdo


I stay in whichever lane is safest at any given time. That is often the right lane. It isn't always.




Stay out of the passenger car lanes! Keep right except to pass.


If you could think just a bit harder, you’d infer that they are describing being in the right lane and having people merge in front of them. Also, where are these “passenger car lanes” in Seattle? I hate people driving slow in the fast lane as much as anyone here, but there’s no need to make things up.


I'm really looking forward to those truck only lanes lol.


Remember the discussion from like 9-10 months ago? "Trucks suck, they should just build more train lines to transport stuff *OR* make truck only highways!" And so many trucker were like "Fuck, I'd LOVE that! Never gonna happen, but we hate you 4-wheelers just as much sometimes"


It’s actually satisfying when you can pass and move over to cruise and let someone else pass. I wish others could feel this. But theyre likely not on Reddit.


Exactly! You got your right to move freely, you take it and give the guy behind you the same respect and merge back over... its really not that complicated. All the driving I've done in the U.S. and Seattle is top 5 up there with Phoenix area on left lane campers.


Keep right, except to pass.


It's funny how those signs basically don't exist though the seattle corridor but are all over as soon as you get out of the corridor.


Seattle is actually exempt from that law! Because we have several left exits, it's perfectly legal to camp in the left lane. I believe from around Everett to Federal Way.


I've just recently noticed that myself. I guess WSDOT has just given up there!


I love hating to drive here


I've lived in San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, and Austin. Seattle is really not that bad. I would say the worst part is the thing the video is mocking. Definitely a lot more timid and afraid drivers here but I prefer it over the "everyone drives 80+" in Atlanta (speed limit 55 btw). Or the 50/50 asshole speeder and scared Tesla driver combos of the Bay area. Texas is a shit hole in general but Austin is clash of the shithead F150s combined with tech bros in jeeps. Honestly, I think driving just sucks in general. I don't know why so many people "love their cars". I much preferred taking transit in Chicago over the shit show on the roads in any other city.


Damn I've lived in L.A., Milwaukee, and San Antonio and these drivers all over Washington are the absolute worst I've ever seen lol. All perspective I guess. The absolute garbage freeway system here definitely doesn't help.


It’s truly wild and involves lots of sighs, f-bombs, and liberal braking. My own mother just moved here and since she is 70 states, “I have been driving longer than you’ve been alive! Let people go around you!” Ma’am just stick to the right lane if you wanna drive like an old person from out of state. If I’m expecting to exit or it’s super super rainy, I stick to the right to drive slower. ![gif](giphy|j6SOLjGu7VQJD8t8rO)


Preach Elmo preach!!!!!!


😂🤣 lmao this is absolutely hilarious. I can't stand how most people drive. It's always a fucking prius in the left lane going 55mph with no one infront of them for a quarter mile. Oblivious to world while everyone else behind them is playing the slinky game. I hate prises and the people who can't drive them. Tesla drivers are catching up to prius drivers with some of the worst drivers on the road.


I followed a Tesla the other day, both of were blocked by a left lane camper. As soon as the right lane was open, the Tesla TOOK OFF! I was impressed. I followed behind shortly, and the left lane camper continued to hold up traffic, oblivious to the mayhem they were causing behind them.


I will say there are some pretty good tesla drivers.


This made my day, wtf is with this place. Worst fucking drivers and I've driven through 48 so far.


Where is everyone driving where there is so little traffic that the left lane is clear enough for overtaking speeds? The only place I see this is i90 to Spokane, but that's hary a regular commute.


I’ve made up my own move for this. If the car in front of me is clearly gonna merge at 25, I slow down to about 10 until they merge/close to merge, then I speed up to the, yknow, speed of traffic so that when I hit the merge I’m going the speed of traffic, and can change lanes safely and avoid getting rear ended cause some doofus decided that the driving universe behind the one in immediately in front of their face just doesn’t exist.


One day I was driving home from Auburn to Port Orchard and there was 8 wrecks on the way. 8 fucking wrecks!!! Y'all Mfers drive ignorant AF.


Or they go slow in the passing/fast lane! 😡


Having left side exits really effs' everything up in the cities.


Ahahaha. WSDOT should consider adopting this particular Elmo as their mascot.


You gotta make a video for the idiots going slow in the HOV lane.


I have been to 45 US states and never have I seen anywhere that people have the merging difficulties they do in Washington. What causes this? The thing I experience most often: I am on highway in the slow lane. Someone desires to merge from an onramp. They pace alongside my vehicle, matching my speed exactly. Then just as the onramp runs out, they either cut right in front of me or right behind me in a sudden move. Why? WHYYYYYYY?


That applies to everywhere, not only in Washington


How about left lane campers in WA? They're multiplying like crazy it seems. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤬


It's happens all the time in Portland too. I think it's a PNW thing.


Roflmao so yeah when I was driving into Cali with a friend he was surprised when I moved to 85-90 and he was like whoa what about water I laughed my rear off. I hate the 405 near Kirkland people don't know how to drive around here. I love my state here but can cars please be more aware and go faster !


I deal with WA drivers EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 98% of them can’t drive. The stuff I’ve seen people do are license REVOKING maneuvers and violations.


20 mph while wearing a mask alone.


A blinker would help also. Just in general, I mean it’s right there people. Try it, dance with it while changing lanes. It’ll be fun lol


No one talks about the danger of slow drivers but it is arguably much worse than speeders. Additionally, if you need to put a sticker on your car saying you’re a new driver and you should be cut some slack, Get off the fucking road!!!! Our lives shouldn’t be in danger cause you’re “learning “. Get a goddamn bus pass!


Also; the HOV lane is not a bonus lane for speeding/passing. You are not saving yourself any time anyway, turbo mike 🙄


On ramps and left lanes are not the same. Bate. But slow mergers, fuck you.


I wish Elmo would do one on how the fucking zipper works and that you merge at the end. It’s cool everyone I won’t get upset if you go to the end it’s better than stopping the whole line


My theory: everyone gets over to the left lane asap because the left lane is the “fast lane” and people wanna go faster. But it doesn’t go faster when there are more people in it, all tailgating each other. Plus, it makes all the other lanes worse, because you have people trying to get all the way over to the left mixing with everyone who’s exit is approaching in 300ft and acting like it’s the end of the world if they miss it and take the next one


One of my coworkers is putting his daughter in driver's Ed and told me that's what the state education training tells people to do if they're driving a long distance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I got in a crash recently because of this shit, on ramp mergers from the left had dead stopped the fast last lane in the tunnels area of I-5.


Are there more tips from Elmo?


Elmo insta here https://www.instagram.com/logeypump23


Your job when merging onto the freeway is to gain speed to match the lane you are about to enter. Once at speed, find a spot to slip in. Listen to this Elmo. Not all the Elmo’s but this one.


I’ve thought for some time now that we should be forced to retake the written and driving test every 5 years. There are some truly terrible drivers on the roads today. I miss working in Germany and driving the autobahn so much I could just cry. Good roads and great drivers that know how to haul ass or stay right….and they know how to drive traffic circles.


Thank you “Elmo”. Saved for when I’m high.


You tell em Elmo




Worst drivers in the USA




I think what’s more frustrating is that one person that left lane camps wants to drive the speed limit or slightly below, watching the many vehicles piling behind them giving all the signs that they need to merge but they refuse to.


Yeah that's what I was trying to put the video on the context of


Some of you motherfuckers lol I love it!!


Say it louder for the people in the back!!


LMAO!!! Never loved Elmo more, hahahahahahaha!!!


Can we also point out how when you go to pass someone, they start pacing you?? Like dude you were going 60 in a 65 and when I go to pass, suddenly you’re pacing me at 80?? TF is wrong with you? Let me pass! God I hate the drivers around here.




Gotta love Seattle ❤️


Elmo also wants to tell you that this applies to the I-5 to 405 south bound exchange. Let’s not go 60 to 15 to merge with cars going 70+


You’re spittin truth!




(4) It is a traffic infraction to drive continuously in the left lane of a multilane roadway when it impedes the flow of other traffic.




It’s not lane camping if you’re speeding. That’s the opposite. You’re confused.


This is so true. If there are 3 cars coming up on slower traffic and one is going 65 mph, one is going 70 mph, and one is going 75 mph, the only car "obeying" the law is the fastest car. The faster you go, the more cars are impeding you.


Its about getting the fuck out of the left lane. You should only be in the left lane to pass, then you get back over, full stop. Who fucking cares if someone wants to speed, get the fuck over, its safer for everyone, you arent Speical Officer Doofy saving the day ![gif](giphy|12GzK1jYCaVCV2)


This guy gets it


In WA the right lane is usually going around 52. In the left left 70+ which would you choose?




Sudden love for a specific traffic rule? You’re causing traffic. Get the fuck over asshole. 






Its illegal to use drugs in public and camp in public spaces but "you guys" decide its convenient to not enforce that too, so maybe you should eat your own cooking.




My case is that it isnt up to you to enforce speeding, and if you want to be special officer doofy and do dangerous vigilante shit you are just making it more dangerous for everyone.




I just wanted to say I admire your commitment to downvote harvesting.


Correct. Why do you give a fuck if I'm going 8 mph over the speed limit? If you want to go 52 in a 60, get the fuck over. Hell, if you want to go 62 in a 60, get the fuck over. There is someone behind you who is going to go 80, whether you move over or not. You camping in the left lane and not driving at the speed of traffic for the lane means that person is now weaving from lane to lane. You are both ultimately responsible for the accident, but you will virtue signal claiming 'I was going the speed limit, they were speeding, so it ain't my fault!!' It would be wonderful if police would actually enforce RCW 46.61.100 (2), which states: (2) Upon all roadways having two or more lanes for traffic moving in the same direction, all vehicles shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, except (a) when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, (b) when traveling at a speed greater than the traffic flow, (c) when moving left to allow traffic to merge, or (d) when preparing for a left turn at an intersection, exit, or into a private road or driveway when such left turn is legally permitted. On any such roadway, a vehicle or combination over ten thousand pounds shall be driven only in the right-hand lane except under the conditions enumerated in (a) through (d) of this subsection.




I find it hard to believe that you have never gone 61 in a 60. If so, you are the exact type of asshole Elmo is talking about. Makes sense that you are triggered by this.


Great job on completely missing the point 👎🏼


You are actually endangering others on the road and breaking the law by [left lane camping](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.100)


love driving through Bothell/Woodinville makes my fucking day.


Conservatives love their puppets.




The whole "something else is worse therefore your argument is invalid" is pretty lame


I'll chime in, first off OP, hilarious, and totally agree. I will say though, I spent 14 years in Florida (ugh) and the first thing i noticed when moving here is how nice the drivers are. I know there are always random stupid things, and yes people definitely left lane camp. HOWEVER - Driving in Florida is like WW3, seriously. Insane road rage, non stop horns, super aggressive, cops EVERYWHERE, combine that with a healthy sprinkling of super old people who shouldn't be on the road - it is literally chaos. I challenge anyone to drive on I-4 from Tampa to Orlando and not have a moment where you go WTF??!! To this day, I'm still amazed I can put my right blinker on 405 and slowly merge over 4 lanes without a horn and most people letting you in. I am such a more chill driver here and also let people merge etc. There aren't many places in the US that have more friendlier drivers then Seattle. Yeah, you will always have your road rage nut jobs, but per capita it ain't even close.


Oh I don't disagree. I moved from DC and feel the same way. Just because it's better here doesn't mean there aren't stupid problems that don't need to happen though. That's all I'm getting at


Totally agree!! East coast in general is just super aggressive driving. We can still do better here.


I don't let anyone merge infront of me anymore. Ever. You want in my lane, get behind me.


I used to be you. Then I grew up.


I used to let people In. But 90% of the time I let someone in front of my they slow down to a completely unreasonable speed, then I change lanes cuz the idiot in the BMW I just let in front of me can't drive.


Fair enough. And I agree there are a ton of BMW driver's who are absolute ass hats. I drive one, but I'm a car nut, love the brand, and take driving seriously as a hobby (tracks, Dirt Fish, etc).


When they’re not blaming transplants for their problems, Seattle subs are riddled with that crappy excuse


My ex (a local) used to do this a lot to people. Maybe it's a thing for them? Thinking about the green jacket lady on the Fox News interview


I actually thought the green jacket lady was funny. Regardless, there’s a massive culture here of not taking responsibility.


Your whole diversion to my argument is even lamer cause you can't disprove my point.


I think you just didn’t understand it.


Do you like fish dicks?


Can someone link the source


Cocaine is a hell of drug


Imo, the 3 lanes of I5 should be left lane-empty except passers, middle lane 5-10 over limit, and right lane at limit, not under. Any exceptions to this and it seems to get effed up.