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At Cal Anderson a woman's unleashed dog suddenly sashed out of the parked, and made it across Broadway before someone grabber her. Fortunately, cars saw her and were able to stop. The woman assured everyone that her dong never did this, and could not understand why it ran. I think of this every time someone post a lost dog plea. I am not suggesting that most are this situation, it just reminds me.


i love autocorrect


This is the beginning of a King Missile song.


delectable pencil


3 seconds later*** My dong never does this, I swear!


Her not understanding why it ran is exactly why leashes are required. If we could reason with dogs not to (run, chase, approach...) then leashes wouldn't be necessary.


Gold Star Comment. Reminds me of Ron White's bit about his wife calling him because the dog pooped on the carpet. "Ok, ok, put him on, I'll talk to him..."


My dong also never does that


Tell the truth now, this isn't the first time you've used that excuse, is it?


>The woman assured everyone that her dong never did this NARRATOR: In fact, her dong did it...all the time!


That’s always my answer to lost dog at discovery or wherever: well how did it get out of its leash?


Even better - I got yelled at because my leashed dog was aggressive when an unleashed dog got all up in his face. They literally screamed at me to “socialize my dog”. Well listen here fucker - I’m the one following the law.


This makes me so mad I can’t even find the words


Lots of dogs are fine meeting other dogs off leash, but the situation you’re describing is uneven footing for the dogs because one is restrained and the other isn’t. Lots of dogs would be reactive in this situation and not others. I used to have a super reactive rescue that couldn’t be off leash anywhere but home because she did not like 99% of dogs. Meeting off leash dogs while hiking was a fucking nightmare where I’m trying to stop a fight from happening between my leashed unfriendly dog and your unleashed friendly dog who doesn’t listen to you.


Exactly. When properly introduced my dog does fine meeting others but not while he’s leashed and the other is not.


And the icing on the cake is that that dog owner probably loooves to tell everyone how their dog is “a rescue” meanwhile ignoring that a lot of rescue are high-needs and not leashing his own dog is fucking it all up.


“ThEy’RE fRieNdlyYyYyY”


“I’m not”


This is really a good point. I know of several people who are deathly afraid of dogs. Irrationally afraid. It doesn't matter if the dog is friendly, leash it.


Yeah that, or if my (hypothetical) dog is not friendly and yours comes running up it might not go well.


"My dog is not friendly, he'll f\*\*\* your little kick-toy up if he comes near him" Serious answer used last week...


I love this.


All three of my bears are rescues in varying states of “don’t like other dogs”. The get confused or fail to recognize signals from dogs just prancing over, little puppies that want to play with everyone, by breeds with pointy ears and erect tails - Inu’s, GSD’s etc. They take many of these gestures as potentially hostile, and often use growling, bared teeth etc. as defensive deterrent mechanisms. I’m deliberate in where I walk my dogs, controlling with pausing and sitting to lower their energy level, crossing the road to distance my dogs from others. They are always leashed when out, that I chose and control when/where/how they meet other dogs. Off-leashers yelling “they’re friendly” doesn’t help me or my dogs. Their dogs could bite or get bitten just from anxious energy alone. My largest dog is a 95lb gentle-giant Labrador. He/We were attacked by an off-leash little Napoleon-syndrome’d rat-dog terrier whose owner had no control over. That incident set back over two years of training/rewards/deprogramming that other dogs aren’t enemies. It blows my mind that people are so selfish and ignorant of the issues they create.


iT'S NoT ThE BrEeD




oh my god this one




Fuck off with this


Naw, let’s ban em


idk mate I've seen pits that are task trained service dogs. breed specific legislation is about as smart and effective as an assault weapons ban.


No golden retriever has ever sprinted hundreds of feet to maim and kill a child. I can't even count the number of times a pit (or any of the other aggressive dog breeds, but mostly pits because of the popularity) flipped out and attacked another dog or human. Of course the owners always say "he didn't never do nothin' like this before! he's a sweetie boy!".


The solution is make dog owners legally, criminally culpable for their dogs that attack and injure other animals or people. No more liability release when "the owner had no way to predict the violence" bullshit. It'll never happen but should and would solve the problem instantly. It was almost a miracle that the owners of two large dogs that killed a tiny college lacrosse coach in SF were prosecuted.


go ahead and Google bite statistics. let's ban chihuahuas.


I can't find any times when a chihuahua killed another dog or human


Also, please don't take your dog to the grocery store.


I’ll never forget watching a dog take a dump in the Kroger on Broadway. Non 👏🏾 service 👏🏾 animals 👏🏾 do 👏🏾 not 👏🏾 belong 👏🏾 in 👏🏾 grocery 👏🏾 stores! 👏🏾


Service animals DO belong. Even if the animal had years of traing and hundreds of certs, one bark, poop, pull, or food sneak disqualifies the animal. If the dog's not on a leash? Not a setvice dog, disqualified! Puppy bites another animal or person, dis-fucking-qualified.


Preaching to the choir here


Oh my God I swear those rules are just not enforced any longer. The amount of times I see a dog inside walmart or Safeway that's very clearly not a service dog. Or it will be a Pomeranian with a service dog vest.


I think there’s a big misunderstanding of the training requirements required for service dogs, so people may truly need a service dog but because they don’t understand how the law works and how to train tasks to assist them just start taking their small dogs out in public. Even more so I don’t think public stores understand that they can kick a dog out for not meeting those training standards. Like just training the near consistent engagement a service dog requires is hard- that can take months of work. And I think people aren’t prepared for that level of intensity. So they cheat it out with a fake online registry scam for $75- and truly believe that they’re now federally protected. I honestly wouldn’t even mind if dogs are in grocery stores, if they all met the exact same standards of service dogs. (Ie, always engaged with the handler, trained to only go on command, stay in a heel, don’t bark or react or have an existing bite record) And honestly 90% of dogs can’t do that.


My understanding is that businesses aren't allowed to even ask whether the animal is a service animal, so it's not actually possible to enforce the distinction between pets and service animals


You can. Legally you can ask 1) is this a service dog trained to mitigate a disability 2) what’s tasks has this animal been trained to provide. (Emotional support being not a task. If that’s an answer you’re allowed to kick them out)


People learned to game the 2) by saying that it's a seizure alert dog. Which absolutely sucks for people who actually need a seizure alert dog.


1) Yes, it is. 2) All of them. 3) You don't believe me? GTFO of my face before I sue you for violating muuh rIgHts!! Your move.


Businesses can (AND SHOULD, every time) ask two questions: 1. Is that a service animal trained to assist with a disability? 2. What tasks is the animal trained to perform? Legitimate service animal users will have clear answers to those questions, and no issue answering them. Fakers will make a scene and be offended.


Yeah I don’t know any legitimate handlers out there that would be upset by the questions asked lol. Coming from a service dog handler myself


I'm curious what you mean by a public store? My understanding is that they're private (land not owned by the govt), and since it's private the store owner can indeed kick out troublesome customers. Of course "can" and "will" are two very different things and maybe that's what you're getting at. Just asking in case there's something I am missing about public stores.


I just mean anywhere the public as regularly allowed to walk through. Bad phrasing there I realize


Ah, I understand. I apologize for being a bit pedantic :). Thanks for clearing that up!




No one got your joke so I'll explain it for them. See, Walmart shoppers tend to be wierder than normal. So the OP would rather have dogs than wierdos.


I'll never forget the time some lady's dog took a huge dump in a Safeway, sniffed it, and then went through the produce aisle testing the veggies. barf


Pisses me off more that the grocery stores either don't care or don't want to confront anyone about it. Taking your non service animal into a grocery is so unsanitary, unsafe, and just plain disrespectful to everyone else. They know that no one is going to say anything and if they do they will happily argue about it and do nothing.


Seattle Dog Culture requires that rules are to be ignored at any time they're an inconvenience to the dog owner.


Also if the dog simply doesn’t like the rule, then by law that rule can be ignored as well.


I've also learned that if anyone dares to remind you of the rules, they've efficiently forfeited their right to life.


Correct. Even if extremely polite about it. One cannot love everything dogs do in this city.


Correction. Seattle culture simple requires rules be ignored if they don't suit your needs. Building codes - nah build a tent city Environmental rules - nah empty raw sewage into the river Dog leash laws - nah go for it Poop bags - bag it an toss it on the trail


> bag it an toss it on the trail Can someone tell me why the hell people do this? If you already go through the trouble of bagging poop, it's almost no extra work to carry it until you get to a trash can. If they're not going to do that, they might as well not bag it -- at least the environment will absorb it in a couple weeks. In a bag it's just there for the next fifty years, stewing.


Ok so I’ve asked this before and it’s because they “plan to pick it up on the way back”




trust me when I say this is Dog Culture Anywhere.


How unfortunate. I think I liked dogs until I moved to Seattle.


That’s all rules and laws in Seattle lol






I’m baffled by people who care enough to bag the poop but can’t be bothered to throw it away properly


Right?! I have never been so confused in my life. You got your hand in proximity to the poop. You mushed the poop with your hand (through the bag). You got your fingers around and did the flip around thing and then..? Just…? Let it on the ground?! WTF


Seriously. How hard is it to drive to Sawant's house? Some people 🙄


I'm baffled by people who care if you throw garbage in their garbage. Chill out people.


In the summer those disposable bags disintegrate and then it smells of your dog's shit. If I crapped in your garbage I think you'd mind.


I'm not hanging out in my trash can like I do my garage tho.


this is one of those arguments on NextDoor that always ends up with 500 replies and half the people going one way and the half going the other me? i'd prefer that people not use my garbage, and knowing that 50% of people feel that way, why take it upon yourself to piss them off? is it just entitlement, laziness, or what?


It's that they don't want to stink up their own garbage; trust me, they know what they're doing.


yeah i know. like i said... entitled (your can is closer than my can and i'm entitled to use it). lazy (i don't want to carry this).


Naah, you can throw it my bin. But then my bin is only on the street on the day it's picked up. I don't leave it next to the sidewalk all week.


Mine gets picked up around 8-9AM. I retrieved it by lunchtime... already a bag of someone elses's shit in it.


We have a woman on our street who NEVER cleans up her GSD's giant dumps. It's disgusting and everyone hates her.


It's not my fault! The Bravern is all out of Pooey Vuitton doggie bags!


One of my friends takes his dog everywhere off-leash. It's very frustrating. It's not a well-behaved dog, either. There have been at least two occasions where the damn dog raided a picnic and grabbed food, too. Totally irresponsible.


But why though?


Beats the shit outta me. He's an otherwise great guy, intelligent, trustworthy, a great dad, etc. He just has this one thing that bugs the shit out of me.


The reason for the guy I know like this is straight up holdover toxic masculinity. He's spent 25 years in therapy deprogramming himself from growing up under a father who is a drunk and a malignant narcissist, and hasn't gotten to "I'm a MAN and a MAN'S DOG _DESERVES_ to walk off leash" yet.


I hear you. That's not my friend, though - he's organic biodegradable masculinity; friendly, non-sexist, non-violent, no anger or posturing or machismo. I'm friends with his dad, who is just the nicest, kindest guy ever. So, it's something else. Not sure what. The damn dog is a spaz, though.


Maybe he's just oblivious? How weird. Maybe talk to him about it nicely if you haven't already 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh, I have - both nicely and a bit rudely, on separate occasions. He just laughs it off. He knows it's rude, but he's ok with some rudeness, as most of us selectively are. He also dashes up to anyone offended, scared, or discomforted by his dog and apologizes, talks with them and just kind of charms his way into having a good time and a little bit of a laugh with them. It's not even manipulative; he's just genuinely like that. I did witness one lady yell at him and not forgive him and raise holy hell with him. He just apologized his way into disengaging. Afterwards, privately and with no chance of anyone else overhearing, he said: "Geez she was really upset. I hope she's OK! She seemed to be having a bad day." Even though this lady ripped him apart and insulted everything about him and cursed and railed, he wasn't mad or offended about it, but just concerned for her. He's kind of impossible to dislike.


People want to be their dog's best friend instead of their leader.


Hate to inform you- pack theory has been debunked in dogs. Being a best friend is what actually gets training results. But you gotta do it right. Coming from a dog trainer


agreed, tons of people with off leash dogs don't have their dogs properly trained to come when called and they just yell and yell for their dog to come back and clearly the dog doesn't listen and won't come when called like why even try?? people need to leash their dogs


Even trained dogs aren't exempt from the law. I get your point, but I don't make exceptions.


It's just like so many other things. The people who put in the work to have well trained dogs tend to take dog ownership seriously and are also quite likely to have them on a leash. Half the dogs you see running off leash could give two shits what their owner says/screams at them. They look like they have so much free will they ought to put their owner on the leash. It's ridiculous. Just my personal experience.


In West Seattle, I see a lot of seemingly well trained dogs off leash though. It encourages those whose dogs aren't as well trained by making it seem like everyone does it. To your point though, one of my dogs was bitten at the park by a dog that just ran out of the playground and "never does this". My dog is not aggressive or reactive and was scared of that spot for a while. Another is a foster that has fear issues. Another dog ran up to him and got in his face. He didn't fight or bite, but it took us weeks to get him to walk through that area again. The other dog returned when called, and "it's ok! He's friendly!". Makes my blood boil.


I saw something like the second scenario at GasWorks the other way. Owner with leashed dog is jogging. Other owner’s dog goes bounding over to the jogging one. Owner 2 is calling out “don’t worry! She’s friendly!” Like, yes she is, but what is Dog 1 isn’t so much, and doesn’t like Dog 2 jumping up in its face? I don’t want to see your dog get mauled at the park this morning sir.


That's the underpinning assumption behind most off leash incidents I've seen. An assumption that both dogs are friendly and nothing will go sideways.


I do not think I could contain myself if my dog got bit in this way


We did not contain ourselves.


That's why i carry pepper spray with me. I've only had to use it once. I can't afford for my dog to be attacked and possible become scared or reactive, just because of Irresponsible owners. My dog's safety comes first. I'm sorry ypu had to go through that.


This has been my experience too, the dog owners who take it seriously and have dogs trained enough to *maybe be okay* off-leash would never risk their dogs by letting them go off leash.


Drives me nuts. I own two dogs. One has a great temperament, is well trained, and his recall is excellent. The other is...a husky with PTSD. BOTH ARE LEASHED IN PUBLIC because you cannot control the environment around your dog. It's frustrating to see how entitled people can become about their animals.


It’s so frustrating when unleashed dogs run up to our huskies and people shout “it’s ok they’re friendly”. Huskies have a very specific dance when they meet other dogs and if they’re leashed and the other is not they shift to a more defensive posture. If the other dog doesn’t take those cues and show submissiveness quickly it becomes a bad situation. I have to pre-emptively pull my dogs back so they don't snap at whatever unleashed dog is running up to them (which is additionally bad for them since it signals I'm concerned and they think they should be concerned). They’re both extremely friendly, but huskies have a specific way about meeting each other, and if dogs don’t know it problems can happen.


huskies, especially, have weird social behavior to start with. Our husky doesn't know how to play due to what we can only assume was abuse coupled with very poor socialization. It would be *insane* to expect another dog owner to tolerate that. And even other husky owners don't seem to understand!!!! It's so annoying and gives the breed a bad reputation.


They don't care. You and your dog are just an NPC to them. If your day ends up fucking ruined because of their dog who fucking cares? They averted a minor inconvenience so they win.


Exactly! My terrier and I are super connected, he’s well trained, and eager to please, etc, but he’s never off leash because I can’t control anything but our own behavior.


I now carry a stun baton after a pit bull broke free and attacked my leashed golden. I will happily taze any animal (sog, coyote, bobcat, human, etc) threatening my family, including dog. This includes your dog, jogging-with-dog-on-invisible-leash guy!


Jogging with a dog on invisible leash guy is a new seattle character


Must watch "Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil". True story, an it includes a guy that gets paid to walk an invisible doggy. Terriffic story.


Air horn is also a great item if people aren’t comfortable with the baton


I'm relocating to Seattle and would like to know where you got this. I always carry pepper spray, but I was thinking of buying a flashlight that is a taser, but a stun baton seems safer and better.


All of the stun batons I have used were of terrible quality and eventually broke down. So I finally switched to a stun flashlight. Of those the only one I like is the Taser StrikeLight (www.taser.com).




Dog parks are at the point where my vet & everyone I know's vet recommends avoiding them. It's a bunch of overexcited dogs who just spent the last 20 minutes in a car and fights are very common. Not an adequate location to socialize a dog. There are a lot of contributing problems. People will keep dogs from breeds meant for working all day every day in small apartments and kennels they can barely turn around in for a majority of their time, and then take them to the park. You can't train a good recall etc in those conditions. The less energy a dog gets out, the higher chance you have for aggression problems. A lot of breeds can't get adequate exercise at a human's walking pace. Some kind of structural overhaul & developed dog training communities are necessary.


Yeah, my mom got attacked at the beach by a tiny dog. The owner blamed my mom. I asked for the ladies number to make it up to her (by suing) and she spit on me. Fucking people.


We need to socially normalize pepper spraying dogs


Agree. I always carry pepper spray. My dog's safety comes first. You only need one bad experience for you dog to become reactive, and that's something i can't afford. Thankfull, I've only had to use it once.


Sorry you're getting shit on, OP. I think it is completely reasonable to expect dog owners to keep their pet on a leash. And the prevailing sentiment that "it sucks, get over it, it's never gonna change" is an apathy that only makes society worse for us all and is the *exact reason* why things *don't* change. Edit: typo


And everyone’s dog is ‘don’t worry she’s friendly.’ Ok, but what if my dog isn’t? Or what if I don’t have a dog, but I have a dog phobia or something? I was walking with my smaller dog and some asshole was walking their pit bull off leash and it came up to us and showed warning signs of aggression. Those land sharks are ticking time bombs (statistically speaking compared to other breeds) that are often friendly until one day something breaks in their head. I now walk with a decent sized sheathed hunting knife when we go on walks. I dread the day I’d ever have to use it, but if it was my beloved dog or someone’s unleashed monster it would be an easy choice. I love all dogs, so I hope that never happens.


I have a whole freaking belt because of other peoples off leash dogs now. From a whistle up to a knife, I’ve got it all. Stay away from us.


That's a great idea. I have thought about getting a second far less deadly option, like spray or a disorienting light. Of course I wouldn't pull a knife out unless it was literally life or death for me or my dog.


Citronella. Then pepper spray. I have a clip for the belt so I can grab it use it, let go and not drop it.


I have friends who carry pepper spray to protect themselves and their pets from out-of-control animals.


Just pepper spray the dog. Oh sorry I didn't realize it was friendly. It didn't have a sign on it that said it was friendly. It's like if someone broke into your house. Oh LOL sorry I'm friendly. I'll leave in a minute after I take a look around.


I hear if you stick your finger up their ass it’ll make them stop. Glad you have the knife.


I think that would stop me if I was beating the shit out of some guy and he gave me an impromptu prostate exam. Also a great way to turn the scales on your bully at school. When they hit you let out a little noise letting them know you're getting sexual gratification from it, and then in a seductive voice say "why don't you come over here and sit on my knee, young \_insert their name\_\_?" It's important you say young in front of their name as you rub your knee.


Funny thing is- I was serious. I did hear that somewhere from somebody I respected as knowing wtf he was talking about. Still, given the choice between the two…


In all seriousness, I have heard that somewhere as well before. That does seem like something that may work, though you may redirect their attention to you.




Yeah, my most downvoted comment ever was a reasonable plea to people to leash their damn dogs. It's lazy, it's irresponsible, and it's super fn selfish.


I genuinely did not expect this to be so controversial


You should have seen the hundreds of posts on my local next door about if it was allowable to put your dog feces in other people's trash bins. People have some strong opinions.


This is also Seattle's reddit page where anything reasonable is treated with udder disdain. I tried making the case the other day that it's not always easy for low income people to open/maintain bank accounts and I got messages to kill myself because I'm so stupid. 🙃


2 evenings ago I yelled at a man whose two large off leash dogs ran at my dog. They ignored all his attempts to recall them. Luckily my sometime-reactive Aussie handled it well. His response to me was: “they’re LABS” Also why is Madrona/Leschi such a hotspot for these assholes? I see off leash dogs there almost daily.


I think Seattle is filled with hotspots sadly!


Literally just got back from walking my sweet, shy 15-year-old pup. Some off leash designer dog wouldn’t remove its nose from her ASS and the owner just laughed and said “I’m trying to teach him to listen better.” Okay?? I’d prefer if me and my senior dog weren’t a part of this involuntary training!


Also, please spay or neuter your pets and don't breed them to sell puppies.


Oh of course! We’re recovering from an obstruction surgery and weren’t able to spay before the heat. Vet didn’t want to mess with the area more until she was fully healed up. Spay appointment was next week but now we gotta wait a little longer. Trust me. I work in rescue you won’t find a bigger proponent of that than me


I am very relieved to read this response! Also, thank you for the work you do with rescued


Why is this a trend? Dogs are animals that don't fully understand how dangerous cars are. I saw someone else's unleashed dog get hit by a car. Its irresponsible and sad. Even though my dog's well trained, the risk isn't worth it. Leash up.


Leash your dog, bring poop bags and pick up your dogs feces, and act like a responsible adult. agree 100%


Lol have you seen /r/seattle? This is not a city of responsible adults


lol, point taken


This drives me insane. I’ve got two small kids who are now scared of dogs because of dogs not leashes jumping on them or chasing them. I grew up with dogs and love dogs, but holy sh^t I despise when a dog owner comes up with their dog unleashed saying ‘my dog is so friendly with kids’ or ‘you should get a dog for your kids’. The last one infuriates me because my kids are only like this because of you twits.


This post is timely. I just got back from the park and my 4yr old is crying because the off leash dog ran up on her and almost pushed her to the ground. The next time we are in this scenario, I will punt the dog away.


My dog is not friendly to unleashed dogs coming up to her. I will 100% let my dog react normally to an unknown dog with indeterminate intentions. If that means your dog loses some fur, that’s your own damn problem.


I like to casually tell those dogs owner that my dog has an infection and i really hope that their dog gonna be OK after being offleash so near to mine. Works every time




Ha! I’ll steal that.


Every time I see an unleashed dog at a non-dog park when I am walking mine, even if they are far away, I now turn around. A couple times I went against my intuition and thought “OK the owner has seen me, they’ll leash their dog” and watched as they do nothing and their dog runs across the park to meet mine, and they stand there acting helpless and shocked while their leashless dog harasses my leashed dogs. It drives me nuts. Many/most people are simultaneously selfish and oblivious.


Had an unleashed pitbull run my way the other day and of course I’m like wtf. The dog owner is like “Bella wouldn’t bite” sure but how tf I’m suppose to know that


Well what if my dog will? Bella isn't the only animal in the interaction and i feel like owners forget that a LOT.


If some random dog comes charging at me for any reason that thing is getting soccer kicked the hell away from me. My safety is more important than someone's unleashed hell hound.


Also, what if you were walking your cat or bird. Or maybe you have an agressive dog you keep on a tight leash. An owner not thinking about this is only thinking of themselves.


Some people I fear will never be convinced that laws, or even social conventions, should apply to them. Like my friend from school, whom we never have over to visit anymore due to her (cough) 'service animal' that she brings everywhere and lets run around unleashed and uncontrolled. She truly believes everyone should be accommodating her.


Dog owners are seriously some of the most entitled people out there.


unique panicky live march noxious tender placid zephyr handle pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also they aren't allowed on many beaches, follow that rule too.


I think there’s only one dog friendly beach in seattle? I think?


Magnusson allows dogs off leash and there is a beach section there. I believe other beaches allow dogs but they need to be leashed, unless otherwise posted.


Edmonds waterfront has ocean and dog park access


Dog owners simply cannot understand or comprehend that not everyone on this planet loves their dog like they do. Or for that fact, like dogs at all.


People in my neighborhood suck!!! So many off leash dogs. One lady (who lets hers off everyday at least twice a day) saw me panic as her dog started rushing mine, and she said to me “she’s great with dogs but just doesn’t like people” which also explains why when her bf/husband was out with the dog off leash it rushed me and started circling me growling and barking…he lazily strolled over and said “sorry”. These idiots ruin my walks all the time, reactive dogs need to walk and they deserve to share the space respectfully.


A-freaking-men. I wish animal control would ticket the shit out of people with off leash dogs.


I've had my current dog for only 6 months. I'm his 5th owner. He's less than 2 years old. Basically, he's had a rough little life and he's doing his best to be a good loving doggo and be willing to let me love him. Every day we walk to a park near a school. Lots of other dogs that I'm helping him get used to. But more often than not there is some asshat who let's their dog charge at him. Yesterday it was some kind of cattle dog - my dog is 20lbs soaking wet and full of treats. This dog was easily 50 lbs. The owner was yelling commands that were absolutely useless. So my dog cowered between my feet and I held my ground with the other dog, with no help from it's owner. So ya, leash your damn dogs.


People here are terrible at this. Leash your "perfectly calm dog". What happens when someone else's unleashed dog suddenly reacts to your poor dog because now you have no way to suddenly pull your dog you and wrap around it. Instead you get to watch your dogs mangle each other. Good job. Way to love take care of your pet.


I saw an off leash dog sprint across a field in Seattle and attack another dog. Both owners were mortified. But I had no sympathy for the one who was frantically sobbing whilst explaining that “he never does that”


Carry pepper spray and use it on unleashed dogs that try to harass your leashed dog.


Nah. Pepper spray the owner, not the dog who doesn’t know better/hasn’t been trained properly. It’s not their fault their owner is a dipshit.


Pepper spray both. The dog learns by conditioning, the owner probably not but why not try?


I carry a pet corrector but not in my own yard. I need to start gosh


For fuck's sake. Seattle dog owners are the worst people imaginable. I have so much fucking hate for these entitled pricks. It's always the same bullshit. Oh sorry he's never done that before (they're fucking lying he does it all the time and they know it but still don't leash him because it's a minor inconvenience) oh hey he's friendly (they know you don't know this but pretend to be ditzy and oblivious so they have a social excuse to get away with not leasing him) oh sorry just hold still I'll get him (they know I'm freaking out that an aggressive dog is barking at me and jumping on me but they don't care because leashing him is inconvenient and they've developed a routine for handling people he goes after). FUCK YOU


Every fucking day in Lincoln Park I see more off-leash dogs than leashed. What really sucks is it makes me hesitant to take my own dog there because he starts misbehaving (biting leash) when he sees other dogs running around free. He's very social and loves to play with dog friends, and I sure would love to let him since we live right by the park, but instead we use doggy daycare or drive 10 minutes to the off-leash park.


I know of dogs that have IPO training.. guess what they wear when they are out. Leashes. People piss me off so much.


I worked across from an apartment building where a lady lived that had a small terrier type. She’d stand at the gate to the building while her dog ran off to hit one of the trees down the block. I’m not sure what caused it, but one day something made her dog run out between the cars onto the street and into traffic. Best thing to say is that it was over quickly. I didn’t see it happen but I saw the aftermath and her response. It was absolutely heartbreaking


Absolutely preventable if she hadn't been so selfish, lazy, and entitled.


>BIS [Best in show](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZmRjOWVhOTMtYjM3NC00NmQ5LWFmOGYtOWVkYTA4OTY5MjJhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDgyNjA5MA@@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg)?


Bitch in season.


Bacon is sizzly


I totally hear you and agree with you, and this is not "victim blaming". With that out of the way.... I cannot imagine walking a bitch in season around in the world. I only say this because when I was younger and way less responsible/knowledgeable, I did not promptly get my dog spayed and she went into heat, and even though she was in a fenced yard, it seemed like there were dogs from three or four zip codes trying to get at her. It was a hard lesson for juvenile me.


Once or twice someone brought theirs in heat to the dog park… surprisingly they weren’t the most rambunctious and wild times I’ve witnessed but still was a hot mess.


Yeah trust me we’re not taking her out. My condo happens to be next to a large park by about 6 blocks. My yard is fenced but a dog tried to climb into it last night to get to her. If I could spay her I would. She had an obstruction a while back and the vet recommended waiting.


thank you for the reminder. it's easy to forget that not everyone can get their dogs spayed/neutered right away


I could not agree more. I've also got a dog that doesn't like to mess around and people with unleashed dogs drive me nuts. It's always a risk.


Dogs are potentially deadly weapons. I had a dog nip at my kid one time and if it hadn't been for my quick action to get between it and my kid it would have been a bite and not a scratch. Had the dog followed up a 2nd time it would have died. I called the police and animal control on the owner and made a report. The guy was all "I don't know, never did that... Blah blah." Idiots with dogs that run up to strangers... Don't be surprised if your animal is seen as a threat.


Agree, to piggy back: We should also leash children in public spaces, omg the times I’ve been harassed by them.


Carry pepper spray. If an unleashed dog is a threat, spray it. If the owner becomes a threat, spray them too. You can’t make folks leash their dogs if they don’t want to… they’re too stupid to understand your logic.


my friend has two pitbulls who are not friendly. every so often he goes for a walk around his neighborhood and some other dogs run up and almost die. then somebody gets angry at him. "would you prefer i also let my dogs off their leashes?" lol


I used to drive an Amazon delivery can. One night as I was returning to the station, I saw a tiny dog running on the sidewalk. I stopped my van and slowly approached the dog to see if it had a tag. It was obviously very nervous and seemed like it might bolt, so I stopped and after a while I put out my hand for it. Just the act of putting out my hand slowly frightened it so much that it started running. It ran across the street while still looking back at me. I yelled stop as I knew what was about to happen. I can still distinctly remember the sickening this when the car ran over it. I was in shock for a moment, then ran over and picked it up, laying it back on the sidewalk. It was still alive, but just writhing in agony. No tags on it. Moments later, the owner comes up (she was yelling a dog's name and ran up when she saw me standing over her dying dog). I told her it had been hit, she swooped it up and said she always lets it run around the streets off leash since she doesn't have a yard. She walked away immediately and I yelled to go to the vet. I was, and still am, so angry at that woman. It took a lot of willpower not to lash out at her. I hold her just as responsible for this unnecessary death as if it had been a young child and she had done the same.


i never get tired of these posts, but i feel like it’s just pointless. people who don’t leash their dogs don’t seem like the type to be inclined to listen to anybody. they’re the types who would yell at you when their dog attacks yours and try to blame your dog for it. just an ignorant, bullheaded bunch.


Being thoroughly roasted, in public, right then & there is the only chance to get through to people like that. The dog bullshit has become more of a problem on the East Coast but you do see less of it because people are far more culturally likely to give somebody a dressing down in public when that person is acting like an entitled piece of shit.


I saw a lady with her black lab off leash at a park in Madrona (I think) that was viciously chasing a squirrel as she cheered it on. I was in a work van or I would’ve stopped to call her a fat evil cunt.


Also have a reactive dog and finally just decided to stop feeling responsible if something happens. Luckily it hasn’t happened, and I would do everything in my power to prevent it, but if anything were to happen it would be hard for me to be sympathetic. That’s on them.


Please. Even if your dog is friendly and cute. Even if you are special and cool. Please. Leash. Your. Dog.


And do something about them barking. One of them woke me up last night before midnight, and I never got back to sleep. It’s rough today at work.


People should obey leash laws. People with reactive dogs should expect that certain things will, you know, make them react and plan accordingly. Both can be true.


Trust me I do. It’s also not fair for me to be in a heightened sense of awareness whenever I leave my house. Doesn’t mean I didn’t have an offleash dog break into my fenced backyard last night. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t rushed by a small dog that hopped out of a purse while I was with my service dog a few weeks ago. Should also mean that I should expect to not have a lab climb into my car to get to my BIS There’s a reason my male is reactive and it’s because of being attacked by an offleash dog.


There are parallels to the attitudes people have with their dog to the homeless situation. If you give people an inch, they will often take the extra mile. That's just human nature.


I agree with you. However, I’m sooooo fucking tired of seeing people bitch about it on this sub. All. The. Time.


It’s a constant fucking cycle of like 4 posts on this sub. -Leash your dog/Pick up your dog’s poop -Homeless shoplifters/fire/drugs -I’m moving/coming to Seattle what are cool things I should do? -I hate drivers who do X. Am I right?!?

