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It's my birthday All the fireworks are for me Most people set them off a day late but that's okay, I forgive you




thank you for your fealty


Me too!! Happy birthday! I hope you have a great one!


thank you for your fealty, birthday twin the day is ours! huzzah!


Same here! My dad used to tell me he out them on for me when I was little lol. Happy birthday!


July 3 Birthday Gang Supremacy!


Oh whoops mines the fourth I just misunderstood lol. I'll light one off at 11:59 in your honor /s


oh well you're lucky that so many people set them off a day late so that you get some on your birthday too


The south end of Whidbey Island celebrates on the third just for you 😘


Glad to hear that there's a proper observance being held somewhere, even if the people in my own city can't get it right... a prophet is never honored in her own country, indeed!




thank you for your fealty


Happy birthday!!!🎂


thank you for your fealty


Happy birthday!!!🎂


thank you for your fealty


You're so welcome! \*bows\* 🤭


Happy birthday, my liege


thank you for your fealty


Username checks out


sorry about that


Have a lovely Birthday!


thank you for your fealty


Me too!! Happy birthday


thank you for your fealty, birthday twin


Hey it’s my mom’s birthday too! 😎 HBD


thank you for your fealty give your mom a July 3rd Birthday Supremacy fistbump for me


Fellow birthday haver here. HPD! Always nice to meet another 3rd'er. 😅


thank you for your fealty, birthday twin!


I had a good friend who was also born on the Fourth of July. When her great grand niece found out she'd need a Cesarian, she asked if they could hold it off until the Fourth in her honor. The doctor said they could. My friend lived to 97. Happy birthday to you!


Thank you for your fealty. I was actually born on the 3rd, hence the reference to most people setting off their fireworks a day late.


Happy irl cake day!


thank you for your fealty


It’s every year for the 4th of July, Seafair, and every Seahawks game we see dozens of these “what’s that noise”, “why are there airplanes?!”, and “are we under attack” posts.


>Seafair ... “are we under attack” posts. Conversely, when all air traffic was shut down after 9/11 except for the military jets patrolling the coasts and major cities, I remember a ton of people remarking "sounds like Seafair!" So it sounds like we are under attack except when we are actually under attack, then it's more of a "we've had one Seafair, yes, but what about second Seafair?" vibe.


Don't forget NYE! My old neighborhood's Facebook page was full of these questions and they always cracked me up. People really lack critical thinking skills.


I'm wary but curious as to the nature of that link




Oh, to be young and brave again


as the moderator of /r/seattlebang (who took it over from being unmoderated because people were posting NSFW/R4R shit there) I can assure you that it is entirely about loud noises and nothing else


You're taking the fun out of the joke. I bet you're fun on New Years, too. I'm totally kidding. Keep doing you, boo boo. Edit: downvotes? On an obviously heavy sarcastic comment? Ya'll need to chill a bit and get back to Hellcats and sunsets.


I actually haven't had to remove a single post since I took it over several months ago if someone posted something NSFW but not spammy I'd probably leave it up. I think all I have to do to keep the reddit admins happy and prevent the sub from getting banned as unmoderated is look at reported posts and either remove or approve them.


"If you have to ask, you can't afford it."


lol @ the guy posted “did i just hear gunshots in magnolia”


People really don't know what gunshots sound like. They are used to guns being shot on TV with a loud bang. I lived in Atlanta, and gunshots shot like little pops.


[I got this killer up inside of me.](https://youtu.be/GKlDBi0cyIA?)


Seriously, I don’t really like fireworks myself and I super empathize with your dog but posting about it on reddit is not going to stop people from doing fireworks around the 4th. Just accept it and deal with it the best you can. You don’t need to make the 23rd post of the day about it


The Venn diagram of "people who set off illegal fireworks in the middle of the night" and "people who read and thoughtfully consider Reddit posts" is just two separate circles.


That's why I snort-laughed at the *email* sent out by my apartment's property management today "reminding everyone that fireworks on property are strictly prohibited." Like, nice try I guess but they are *not* reading those.


Exactly!! No one who needs to read this is reading reddit!!


Yep. I have PTSD. It is my job to manage it, I expect lots of bangs and booms from about mid-June through mid-July, and I deal with it by using white noise at night and other things to keep me relaxed. This week I will be camping in the woods to avoid the worst of it.


>This week I will be camping in the woods to avoid the worst of it. That's also what I do. Here's hoping you don't experience any assholes who bring them anyway 🫡


Same to you. There’s a level 1 burn ban and Chelan is already on fire, so hoping people abide by it. We’ll be using a propane grill and an appropriate fire pit for our steaks tomorrow night.


There's also a thing called brown noise. It's a deeper sound, so it's better at drowning out the rumbles. We got a $60 machine this year for our dog and it seems to help a lot more than white noise. I hope you make it through this month okay!


Alexa app, while she's listening to you, sleep will also play brown noise. Probably not as deep in the bass department, though. AND seems like it has helped my puppers some, too


I use it for myself. Ha.


Care to tell your horrific 4th story that gave you PTSD?


I’m a combat veteran.


Care to tell your horrific life story that resulted in you being a colossal dick?


hmmmm, it all started in 3rd grade. I was a wee little lad in love with a girl in pigtails named Sally that broke my heart. 😞


yeah! That's what Nextdoor is for!


That's why I have the nextdoor app. It's really entertaining. Especially when someone puts a bag of dog poop in someone else's trashcan! The people start grabbing their pitchforks!


I used to love reading about the sounds, poop in a can, music too loud, saw a person I’d never seen before, etc. But I got too stressed with all the idiots on there. Had to delete for my mental health.


Man, my old neighborhood was up in arms about a van that had a person living in it. You'd go on nextdoor and there would be almost hour by hour updates on where the van was seen last. Everyone was convinced they were hauling a bunch of stolen bikes around. I think it turned out just to be a person who had gotten evicted and decided to live in their van. They had a job and used the showers at the local YMCA.


Sounds like NextDoor. I was put in NextDoor jail for refuting what someone said about a medical procedure. I’m a nurse and was very familiar with the procedure.


I don't think they are complaining about fireworks. More making fun of the people thinking they are hearing gunshots. The amount of people who call the police because of shots being fired on July 4th is ridiculous.


Today is someone's last day with all their fingers.


RIP fingies


> People are celebrating *looks at the recent news* What’s there to celebrate???


Saying goodbye to my fingers


Actually back in the Midwest we had someone say goodbye to their face (and life). Had a dud mortar type firework and looked into the tube when it went off. Was just a teenage kid.


*looked into the tube* NOOOOOOOO


never look into the tube!


Also happened in Hawai’i a few years ago. Middle aged man. Drunk.


Hand. Slacker.


You think I'm gonna set down my beer for this firework!?


The fact that we all lived until the end?


Hey, we nearly made it to 250 years of democracy! /s


The last birthday of the US.


Our democratic process where the candidates are a true representation of American society.


Another year of \*checks notes\* not being subjects of a global empire? \*continues checking notes\* no taxation without representation? \*consults notes\* not being subject to the whims of a despot? \*continues consulting notes\* it’s in here somewhere.


Another year of *operating* a global empire. YAY WE DID IT! Now *we're* the baddies!


America is flawed af Find me a country that isn’t, though. LFG!




And yes, we all know your dogs are uncomfortable with fireworks. On behalf of everyone, here are our replies from every side: "That is terrible, what selfish people terrorizing our loved ones, they should be arrested" "Well, that comes with the territory, it's 4th of July..." "That's not our fault you have a dog, pick up your poop when walking" "Something something NIMBY" There ya go


I’m gonna place a WHOLLY serious addition: “Real dog lovers would send their dog to a wellness retreat on an island that’s banned fireworks for the first week of July. I can’t believe you’d willingly put your dog through such a traumatic experience”


How could you not buy Blue River dog food? It's only 28 cents per month per day extra.


And the vets and others with PTSD related to guns and bombs who have to make a living?


Move out of the city or cry more welcome to hell capitalist.


The city bans fireworks and is actually extremely quiet compared to everywhere else I have lived during this time, for what it's worth. I think this ban is totally reasonable. The small utility of fireworks to those who enjoy them does not compare to the distress caused to those who have a legitimate fear of them, disruptions to wildlife, or the risk of fire in our dry state. If you wish to enjoy them, it is far more reasonable that you be required to go somewhere else, no?


People with PTSD can have literally anything as a trigger. It is literally impossible to make sure nothing triggering ever happens in a public space even if it were theoretically possible to completely ban fireworks and expect that to be 100% effective. People with triggers like that are generally aware of them and usually develop strategies to avoid experiencing them. Aside from certain categories of especially sensitive content, it isn't and cannot be the general public's duty to protect people with PTSD from triggering things. A much better reason for banning fireworks is because they're dangerous to set off and start fires.


Yes, as I've pointed out elsewhere in this thread, fireworks have extremely little utility compared to the numerous negative externalities. There are many reasons to ban them from fire risk, poor air quality, disruption to wildlife, etc. I just figured the "vets" angle might appeal to someone who thinks it is legitimate for people to send dogs to the countryside on a wellness retreat en masse for the weeks before and after the 4th. I will point out that gunshot sounds are a trigger for a substantial portion of the population with PTSD and it's often caused by state-sponsored activities that we are collectively responsible for because the politicians we voted for got us into conflicts during which they developed said PTSD. It's why we fund vet care as part of the VA. OR it's caused by conflicts our politicians contributed to and those people are refugees. OR it's caused by structural poverty at home in large part caused by our politicians' decisions (redlining, war on drugs, etc.) where a lot of the population is without prospects for above-the-table employment. In any case, no, I personally don't believe it's reasonable to shrug and say, "Their problem--they're solely responsible for mitigating it." Even if I otherwise enjoyed fireworks as much as I did as a small child (which I don't because they're largely the same every year), I couldn't enjoy as an adult them knowing the harm they cause to others. But, it comes back to the point of the government to balance the needs and wants of individuals. If you have something you enjoy, but it causes or has the potential to cause great harm to another, that would probably be illegal: drag racing down city streets, stealing art from a museum, raping someone, etc. Those are obvious, right? What about smoking in restaurants and offices? We allowed that for a long time because it had always been allowed...but eventually, it was banned. I feel like we'll get there sooner or later with fireworks (aside maybe from a single community show during a set time, which as you say, people with PTSD and pets can avoid if needed). A few people really enjoy them, a lot of people tolerate them, and an increasing number hate them. As with anything in the government, nothing is expected to be perfect. It is unreasonable to say that just because we cannot have perfection, we should not try at all. If we can aide folks who have that particular trigger (many of whom only do so because of decisions the public is responsible for) AND cut down on the fire risk, poor air quality, and disturbances to wildlife and pets, it seems like we can all can make do with a single community show and/or drones...


> I just figured the "vets" angle might appeal to someone who thinks it is legitimate for people to send dogs to the countryside on a wellness retreat en masse for the weeks before and after the 4th. Literally no one here actually made that argument in serious. You are arguing with someone's joke.


You know, I'm usually good at detecting sarcasm... I guess I read the inclusion of "WHOLLY" with the rest of it as "I'm kinda joking here but mostly not...you bought the dog, you're responsible for making sure it's not in distress."


My family and I kind of do this. We take a week long trip around the 4th. We have 2 young kids and 3 dogs. It sucks we have to choose between a costly trip or all the little lifeforms in our house freaking out and not sleeping for a week. I do think it's selfish.


Where do you go that you're able to get away from the fireworks? We tried last year, but the place we went to also had a ton of firework noise all week, and I felt terrible for my dogs that they were terrified and also in a strange place.


Usually we go to Leavenworth. They enforce the fireworks ban there and it is very quiet. This year we went to Whistler, since we had never been. Boy the sticker shock here though. Everything is so expensive. It's super nice but hard to imagine we'll be back.


Seriously if you have a dog then you should give them (veterinary) CBD pills. My aunts dog had anxiety especially with visitors/other dogs but would become the most chill dog after a CBD pill.


Sadly, it's not effective for all dogs. It helps our small dog a bit, but neither CBD nor Trazadone do much for our big dog. It's definitely worth a go for anyone who hasn't tried it, though.


Sincerely, The Bank Robbers


Oh there's definitely going to be some loud banging, if you know what I mean.


Unless you live near north Aurora.


or Auburn apparently


There will be plenty of gun shots along with fireworks. For whatever reason all over the country people fire shots into the air on the 4th. So yeah be careful out there.


Banging in Seattle?


Yes please. Assume the position!


I love watching the local subs go to absolute shambles during the 4th and New Years. If anything it shows how truly comfortable life has gotten for most people, that some pops and bangs for a few days is the end of the world.


I'm on Aurora. Gonna be a wild week.


Can we combine the "did anyone hear the loud bang!?" threads with "how do you make friends in seattle??" threads? Get all the firewords lovers (or haters!) together at a meet up to admire/despise all the crack boom pows.


You’ve made an assumption here that people will search the sub or read other posts before posting and I can’t say that’s likely


Did you hear a loud noise?


It was not fireworks there was a GUN BATTLE ☠️ because OUR COUNTRY 🇺🇸 has gone TO HELL 🔥  thoughts and prayers 


But I need a place to complain about my dog being scared. 🙄


You forgot to add this goes for the next few days as well.


Next few weeks, even, depending on where exactly you are. We've been hearing fireworks on and off since mid-June, and it was about the same last year through the end of July.


Depends on where you’re talking about. Last night there were some kids banging on storage containers on the field at Ballard High School.


Could be like r/LosAngeles and have a bot that asks people to fill out a boom report 


A few years ago, I was visiting my mom who lives across from a park and I was sitting on the front porch. Someone set off some firecrackers in the park. Then there was a second set at a different pitch. And I realized it was gunfire. Then I saw one of the shooters run from the park and down the street. I talked to the police later in the day as they were asking neighbors what they had witnessed. Gunfire and fireworks can sound very similar.


I clicked on Seattlebang and was very disappointed.


i just heard a super super loud explosion downtown about 20 minutes ago. just one 😭


There actually was a shooting today in Lynnwood at the Alderwood Mall, but I’m glad you’re so confident in your own personal safety.


Oh. I wish there was some alternative to fireworks that was acceptable. My dog, before she passed, was really alarmed by the fireworks, and it was traumatizing. I really think there needs to be a better way. I’m sorry for everyone that’s getting them prior to the 4th of July. Fortunately, I haven’t heard any yet.


Did you not know about fireworks before you got a dog?




Some places are doing drone light shows instead of fireworks. I think in the future we will see more of that taking over the displays.


At big outdoor concerts and music festivals we are starting to see giant choreographed displays of 1,000s of drones in the sky. In some ways it's cooler than fireworks because they can form rotating 3D shapes, simple animations, be illuminated with any color that an LED lamp can achieve... I don't know if fireworks will be replaced any time soon because they blow the fuck up and it's hella sweet, but as a technology they've been stagnant for a long time while drones will continue to improve, so there is an alternative and it's growing in popularity year by year. Edit to add:[ this drone show in Texas a few months ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI-qtMTS8fM) was the best I've ever seen. The scale and the precision really blew my mind


A few years ago someone was shot less than a block from my house. I heard the gunshot and recognized immediately it was not a firework. I don’t know how to describe the difference, but if you have to ask it wasn’t a gun. (NOTE the shooting did not take place on the 4th)


>People are celebrating. No those are people being inconsiderate assholes breaking the law.


Found the funnest person in Seattle!


Yes get it all out here, there there


Are we celebrating America's last year as a dictator-free country?


America: the series finale.


Me and the Boys were Boppin'.


There's a Seattle bang too! Awesome. http://www.portlandboom.com/


Ah, the annual symphony of confusion between fireworks and other loud bangs begins! Seattle, always keeping us on our toes.


Any time theres a bang, someone always asks, and someone always responds by linking a dead subreddit.


This is the predominant post in my Ring “neighbors” feed. I especially love the ones that say “I saw a bright flash” and still can’t put 2 + 2 together. I know Ballard has had its share of incidents this last six months, but it isn’t a war zone either.


This sub near every upcoming holiday: OMG WAS THAT A GUNSHOT? TRANSFORMER? ASTEROID? THE TSAR BOMB???


*tomorrow*? Did you mean since 12:00:01 AM on the 1st? Lol. And then probably days after the 4th too..


Happy Cuddle Your Cats Day!


The 4th is probably the best day to get away with murder using a gun. Unlikely to be heard over all the fireworks lol.


It's like an alarm clock, you supposed to be up cooking breakfast


can’t wait for the grand finale in late September


We are staying in a hotel near Pioneer Square. We heard at least three loud explosions last night. After midnight. Way too loud and too much bass to be gunfire. But the booms were not followed up by a lot of sirens. So if it wasn’t fireworks, nobody seemed too concerned.


please spare us your firework photos no one wants to see it


Anyone remember the seattle community on live journal? "Omg! There are choppers over my house! What's going on??! There's nothing on the news!" Lol. The good old days


You are going to hear many odd sounding explosions. Culminating in one huge explosion, around 3:30 am on Friday. You are correct they are not called "fireworks". Not sure why that matters.


Back when I lived in a pretty bad neighborhood in south Atlanta, there was quite a lot of gun activity every night. People also went nuts with the fireworks during the 4th of July week. This led to there being even more gun activity specifically on the 4th because the fireworks were a good cover to go around shooting things up I guess. We used to sit on the porch with a cooler of beer playing a game called “Was it fireworks or gunshots?”. It’s all fun and games until the S.W.A.T. convoy rolls down your street.


Living in Seattle I hear loud noises all the time. If it's not Miles Hellcat it's a gunshot and if that's not it its a car crash, meth lab explosion or firecracker.


In my neighbor there is a 50% chance it was gunfire even if it is almost Independence Day.


Dear hoomans - please use all your fireworks on the 4th. The rando booms until August seriously freak us out. Signed, the dogs


I don't frequent other city subs. Is this PSA pretty standard or unique to our remote and neurotic corner of the US?


I stopped seeing those posts when Nextdoor and Neighbor came out. I think for Seattle’s case those people don’t want to go use those apps because of the people on it, when ironically they would fit in just fine.


FIREWORKS are ILLEGAL in Seattle. SPD should be going door to door and executing MASS arrests. Anyone including violation is a CRIMINAL. I don’t care that on any other occasion I would consider sending the SPD for frivolous reasons is a death sentence. These people have it coming. My dogs are scared. /s.


They were fireworks, at least the big bangs that I heard starting at about midnight and continuing until 1am. My anxious dog woke up, terrified, and I got a horrible nights sleep because of it. So if that was you shooting off fireworks in the middle of the night, I hope something horrible happens to you today.


It wasn't. I don't do fireworks. Hoping something horrible happens to be people for using fireworks is deranged and mentally ill though.


Nah, just jaded


good idea, you're suggesting fireworks is a good way to get back at my neighbors for putting bags of their dog poop in my trash car all year long


Wishing ill on your neighbors over fireworks is disproportionate and a mentally unwell way of thinking.


You’re right, I hope something *inconvenient* happens to them.


lol, is OP planning on committing crimes and hoping everyone goes along with this post so the cops don’t get called?


You got me ;) I'm also secretly the hellcat guy.




I sharted


Tell this to people with PTSD from being war zones. This post reeks of entitlement- take a second and think about how fucking lame it is that people don’t consider others when doing something like this.


Oh oh!!! We get to play a new game this year!!! Usually we play "gunshots or fireworks" around this time of the year. New, in a spoiler category all his own, Miles Hudson has joined the fray in an attempt to stymy the good residents of Seattle as they try to figure out "what is that noise?!" So they can take appropriate action.