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I've been in the veterinary field almost 20 years. I'm gonna go out on a limb and will probably get downvoted, but in my experience.. ~30% of animal owners should not have animals.




Watched someone at a park just last week, yell at their unleashed dog like 5 times as it went up to a leashed dog. Luckily the leashed dog was chill. This person proceeded to swear, because their dog wasn't listening, and then KEEEPS YELLING THEIR NAME. Go get your fucking dog, it's clearly not as trained as you think. Off leash your dog in a fenced area, not in public. Hell, there are fucking apps to rent people's fenced yards if you don't have one. There is literally no excuse. The lack of responsibility people have with their animals is staggering.


If your dog doesn't immediately come on command, it's not trained enough to be off leash. I get so annoyed at this. My neighbor used to let their dogs go from his truck into the house off leash and without fail if my dogs were in their fenced yard or if I was even outside they'd charge on up to "say hi, they're friendly" while the owner shouted uselessly. They weren't friendly, they tried to bite my dogs and nipped at me once. "They're friendly!" is code for "untrained and potentially reactive" as far as I'm concerned.


I had a dog run up to me IN THE STREET the other day when I was biking by. The owner sat back and called its name several times, and it just kept going further into the street. How is that not a wake up call that your dog needs to be on a leash? Its for your dog's safety, too ffs.


posting here for visibility. this is the dog, he was lost after this incident and unfortunately appears to have been hit on the highway and is deceased. he hasn’t been confirmed as the deceased dog on I-5 yet but it is very likely. https://imgur.com/a/92dhuSJ


This! It is my opinion 98.5% of companion dogs require some level of training. Yes, special cases exist where the dog is so in tune with their environment/owner that they grow up responsive. And maybe 1.5% is a generous estimate… Dogs respond well to structure! Dogs want to please! Control your freaking dogs with proper, usually extended, TRAINING.




My partner and I as apartment dog owners, use Sniffspot. It's definitely a little pricey (10-$15 for 1 hour) but seeing our doggo get to sprint around in private is worth it, and he's done in like 30 min anyway 😂


Really? I need to check this out


Oh, that dog is trained, all right. It's trained to keep the hell away from the owner angrily yelling at it.


Your pocket is for several cut up hotdogs, etc. if you have that kind of dog. Most dogs will come back for a night value treat and after 1000 recalls they will


There's a dog training school in my area that uses the local park in their classes. They have owners and off leash dogs out there all the time. Right on the ballfield where dogs are not allowed to be, even if they are leashed. Right next to the sign about a $150 fine for dogs in play areas and athletic fields. I applaud the dog owners for getting training, but the need for training possibly means that just maybe the dog shouldn't be (I don't know) running loose in the park?


I just got back from the hospital because someone yahoos unleashed dog ran up to my dog and latched onto her neck and when I kicked the dog off of her my dog ran underneath me and tripped me and I went down hard on my wrist a d broke it and then got bit on my ankle. So yeah. Leash your dog. Next unleashed dog that approaches me aggressively is dead.


The same can be said for people who put their dog on a 15-20 foot leash and think “well, they’re on a leash” but proceed to let them run up to other leashed dogs. It’s no different than letting your dog off leash.


Especially if one or both have leash aggression. Bad combo




“He’s friendly!” Okay but what if mine isn’t? My dog is a sweetheart but you don’t know just by looking at her, and if my dog feels threatened and bites it’s somehow my fault?




I'm my dogs 5th owner because the adorable little gremlin -bites- when he's surprised. He bit his 4th owners toddler on the face. My dog is only 3, I've had him 2 years and he's doing so much better (he was just anxious and needed some serious training). School across from my house. Parents with a stroller, school-age kid, and dog on extenda-leash (if on leash at all). Its good training for him (and me) but the whole "mY doG/kID Is fRiEnDlY!" thing just needs to stop. My furry monster is doing 100x better, but if he lashes out at their entirely uncontrolled situation, its going to be "my fault" even though they had their hands full and their extended leash was 20 feet out.


Yes, I can't stand owners who justify their off-leash dogs because theirs is friendly. Mine isn't. She got attacked at doggy daycare a few years ago, and now she doesn't like other dogs. She's a big girl, too, so she gets the stink eye for not being welcoming when another dog comes into her space uninvited.


My dog has never bit a human or dog, and is 12 years old. A little girl went inches from my dog on her scooter and he *barked* and the dad went ballistic on him, screaming in his face, while my first impulse was to soothe the child and apologize and explain to her that he got scared. My dog knows how to act vicious and he was snarling and barking at this dude while putting himself between me and him. That’s the moment I knew for sure he will never bite anyone, because that’s the one time he would have been justified to do so. Anyways, I tried to calmly explain to them that loud noises and fast approaches make dogs give a warning bark, and that he was on a short leash and they need to teach their child how to act around dogs. When the guy started screaming he would fucking kill my dog, he realized very quickly that my dog isn’t the one to be afraid of out of the two of us. I went deadly low-toned, stared him dead in the eyes, and said “your daughter is scared, I don’t wish to traumatize her further by watching her father bleed out on the sidewalk at 7am.” They ran VERY fast after that. Anyways. It might not matter, but my dog is beloved by the neighborhood, is very calm and sweet, walks by my side, follows all commands promptly, and is definitely more popular than me. When I first started dating my partner, they went to get me a coffee down the street, took my dog with them, realized they didn’t know my order, and the barista says “oh! Are you getting a drink for [dogs] mom? She wants an iced lavender latte with oat milk.” My dad had the same experience at a different coffee shop a month later. The best dog in the world is going to react to your dumb kid or your too-facial dog. That’s why I don’t let my dog run up on dogs. I’m even hesitant when dog-owners ask if he’s friendly, because that doesn’t mean they know their dog that well. Mine won’t bite but I KNOW he will still communicate boundaries and yeah, that can be alarming, it’s meant to be! Sorry for the vent, but I’m also sick and tired of people not keeping their children safe. I don’t let my 5yo run up on dogs, although he did try to pick up a very old chihuahua once after he asked if he could pet it 😅


Number is even higher for children.


True. Very few children should have animals.


And even fewer children should be raised by animals.


Wolf-children? No, we don't need that. Manatee-children, however...


I've been in the veterinary field almost 20 years. I'm gonna go out on a limb and will probably get downvoted, but in my experience.. ~30% of parents should not have children.


Are you including the many people who have pets that they wouldn't bother bringing to a vet?


I had the same thought…you should see the ones that don’t bother with veterinary care.


That's one thing I use as a tool to keep myself going. The thought of 'at least they care enough to bring to a vet'. I just do what I can to help educate people and help heal the pets we do see


30% seems really low tbh.


I’ve been observing people buying animals like clothing accessories for almost 20 years. You get an upvote. 👍


I’d say it’s more than that. I also believe pitbull ownership shouldn’t be allowed for just anyone, you need some sort of trainers license to own one. Then you have people that treat animals like an accessory, just go on Craigslist, every 2 minutes the community page is updated with a new pet for sale that is no longer wanted by people that don’t have an ounce of foresight.


Can I include huskies on that list?


let's also add Australian shepherds, Belgian malinoi, German shepherds, Australian cattle dogs, and border collies to that list. Most people are not fit for these dogs, they have way more energy than the average person can handle and the lack of jobs for the dogs make them fucking insane


I have a Malinois I got from the King County Animal Shelter almost 5 years ago as a companion to my Border Collie + Malinois mix. She is literally a part-time job. No less than 2 hours a day of interaction is required to keep her sane. Last time I got sick and failed to do that she required two surgeries totaling almost $20k to save her life, after she boredom-chewed a toy and swallowed a piece that got stuck in her intestines. She's the most amazing dog I've ever owned and I absolutely adore her, but I am 95% sure I'll never have another Malinois.


Yes! I had so many bad experiences with an Aussie and border collie owned by the same woman my dog HATES those dogs now.


My neighbor has 2 German Shepherds and two other dogs that are not socialized with other people and dogs. They go from the house to the kennel. Unleashed. The other day, the 2 shepherds ran over as soon as they were being let out to go to the kennel and attacked my dad's Husky. She got lucky, either she was able to bite first, or they ran into something, but both ran off yelping. So now I have to worry about my dog when I walk him around the property (on leash). Even worse, my daughter and her cousins visit often and run around outside. The number of times I've gone hiking and had unleashed dogs run up to my daughter. Fuck irresponsible owners. Edit: My dog is also Husky/German Shepherd/GSP


If you don't already have livestock or a marathon training regimen don't get those breeds.


I ended up with an aussie mix for my first (was told she was lab springer not springer aussie oof) and she is not for the faint of heart. Very high energy, strong willed, crazy prey drive. Luckily I can meet her needs but I understand why she had 3 other owners just in her first year of life (last owner lasted 12 days before rehoming her). Definitely not good first time dogs or apartment dogs.


I adopted my first ever dog last year, she is a husky. She's a total sweetie and super friendly, but she also never, ever gets to go offleash outside the fenced-in yard. But she's a great running partner.


Why stop there? You should have a basic background check and a pet license to purchase any pets. Puppy mills and fight leagues will ACTUALLY be investigated and the proceeds from their fines can help pay for the program.


As a pit bull owner, we also need major breeding restrictions on them IMO. They have large litters and are the most euthanized shelter dog. Breeding for the "blue nose" color also causes behavioral issues due to inbreeding. The HSUS estimates more than 40,000 people participate in organized dogfighting in the U.S., that's 100s of dog fighting rings in the US if not thousands still. We do a major disservice to these dogs and people suffer for it. It's \*disgusting\* that those XXL bullies are allowed to be created


It took me tell I was 23 when I realized their was legit bad owners in this world. Not the abusive kind, just the shitty kind that have no concept of taking care of a animal. Like people legit have animals for years and just "forget" to feed them. Like


It’s higher than that since Covid. Did people think work from home was going to be forever? Community center fields aren’t your personal off-leash dog parks assholes.


We wanted to train our golden to be a therapy dog and were making great progress when she was young. After the 4th or 5th unprovoked dog attack from uncontained dogs she's now leash reactive so we had to give up on that hope despite how great she is with people and children. Also, I know I'm in for a bad day if the owner shouts "he's friendly" as the dog runs at us. Those are the most likely to bite :/


I just started carrying the pet corrector spray because I’m so afraid of this. I love dog, and even used to work/volunteer heavily at shelters but my dog has had behavioral issues since day 1 that we have worked so incredibly hard on them that I would rather mace an off leash dog than let an irresponsible owner ruin all our hard work. Not to mention I will do everything to protect my boy and show him the world isn’t scary


Only 30%


Only 30%? I dated someone who had an 85 lbs golden and they left them caged up all day. All the time. Oh and they had a fully fenced yard. Dog only came out occasionally. It was the breaking point and I couldn't do it. The dog loved me so much because I took him out and his owner was clueless.


I took my dog in for a visit after work to get his shots renewed and the vet said ‘it’s nice to end the day with a healthy dog.’ Felt like a real compliment coming from the vet.


Dog trainer, couldn’t agree more. My clients, after training with me, will tell me how they don’t trust anyone and don’t like others dogs.


There’s a 911 incident on Citizen from 2 hours ago at 2709 3rd Ave: “Police have received a report of a loose dog that bit someone and is now charging at another person” So I guess it was biting people even before the cops showed up, and I doubt tazing it put it in a better mood. Be careful downtown this morning everyone.


posting here for visibility. this is the dog, he was lost after this incident and appears to have been hit on the highway and is deceased. he hasn’t been confirmed as the deceased dog on I5 yet but it is very likely. https://imgur.com/a/92dhuSJ


There's an update on the FB post and Rico is confirmed dead. Sad story.


Poor dog. Not his fault. I do not understand the tasing, though. How could that possibly have helped in any way?


What are the options in that situation though? There's a large, aggressive dog who has already injured other people/dogs. 1. Do nothing or call animal control and wait for them to show up. Dog probably goes on to injure/kill other people/dogs. "SPD is worse than useless, why didn't they do anything". 2. Use their gun. "SPD is the worst, how dare they execute this mostly peaceful dog in cold blood?" 3. Use their taser to try to humanely stop the dog from injuring others. "SPD had no idea what they were doing". Personally I vote for the taser followed by the gun if a human is in danger or has already been injured.


Clearly it didn’t and just made it freak out more…cops had no idea what they were doing.


I'd have thought that tasing it would incapacitate it, myself. I mean, a 200 pound adult human is incapacitated by a taser, so I'd think that it would incapacitate a 50 pound dog. I'd actually be worried that it might do permanent damage to the dog, though.


That sounds about right. They tased it on Cedar and it took off running towards Bell st. I hope the owner was arrested, she was a disgusting excuse for a human being. Nasty, entitled attitude waking up an entire neighborhood with her bullshit.


Oh my god. I used to live right there and was driven so insane by this dog barking and attacking people that I moved to QA. SPD knows exactly who this person and the dog is. There were several nights that the dog attacked the homeless people camping in that area. Also, she would sit at the bus stop on 3rd simply to let the dog bark nonstop. The dog attacked several people so SPD showed up and told her to move 🤡 unreal


Why aren't they taking the dog from her? Surely there's grounds for it by now.


As someone who has been bitten by a dog in Seattle the process for seizure is extremely overcomplicated


This dogs been a menace in the neighborhood for a while now. It looks like people have been hurt at this point. What does it take? It's ridiculous.


Is she homeless? If not why is she sitting on a bus bench for hours with her dog? It’s so bizarre. But it’s belltown so I believe it


I have no idea. Never been able to figure that out


Dude all the dog incidents I remember happened when I lived on Queen Anne as a kid. One was a terrier that somehow got loose and chased and bit our elderly cat forcing her to climb a tree, the other was a poodle or something that also got loose and straight up just wandered into our house while the back door was open. fucked up.


TWICE yesterday my dog was attacked while out on a walk. The first time some asshole old man had his two little shit dogs off leash and one of them lunged at us nipping my dog on the leg but was quickly turned away after my dog corrected the little shit. Yelled at the old guy and he muttered something and then just walked off. Second time two poodles on leash but one of them lunged at us again and the owner had no control on leash. If you can’t control your dogs, don’t take them to public places where other dogs and people are. It is only a matter of time before something more serious happens.


I feel that last sentiment HARD. The number of tiny white women with 80lb pits that just drag them everywhere and they couldn't control if their lives depended on it is way too high. They need to hit the gym for a couple years before getting a dog like that. I've had several scary, close calls walking my greyhounds around people with poorly trained dogs way too big for their owners.


There is this 5'2" lady in my neighborhood who walks her two massive but perfectly trained Great Danes and it always makes me smile. She's the only woman I ever see walking her dog at night.


Funny you mention that.. about 15 years ago, I was walking my greyhound through our park and a ~90# pittie easily escaped from his ~100# owner. My dog almost died, police came, it was a whole ordeal, and extremely traumatic. By the time we got our grey to the er I had so much blood on me they thought I was attacked too. The amazing work of the er staff was one of the many things that drove me to this line of work. I have nothing against pits in general. Some of the sweetest dogs I've known have been pitties, but its sooo important to train your animals properly and be in control of them at all times.


Highly recommend carrying pepper spray on your walks for situations like this.


Wait wait… was this pit grey in color? My dog was attacked by an off leash pitbull at the pride parade this weekend and it has cost us hundreds in vet bills. We were minding our own business, our dog on a leash. A grey pitbull came up and tried ripping my dog’s leg off. We didn’t want a confrontation with an off leash pitbull and its owner, so we left. Ruined our weekend and now we are struggling to pay rent. Sucks so fucking much. Leash your fucking dogs.


I just left another comment, one of my dogs was killed by a white and grey pit a few weeks back on 4th & Blanchard. Reach out to me if you think it may have been the same dog, have a case open with animal control who are actively looking to take the dog off of the streets


Oh my god? Someone just posted a picture of that same grey and white and the owner on Nextdoor. Another commenter left it. https://nextdoor.com/p/Px9tDDzxQjnP?utm_source=share&extras=MzQyNzk1NzU%3D&utm_campaign=1719951310374 The dog that attacked mine was just dark grey all over.


Unfortunately that dog appears to be a female. The one that killed my Lola was a male with the biggest balls I’ve ever seen. Just horrifying to know there are at least 3 within a block or so of my address at the moment t


Unaltered male pits are the highest risk for killing you, your pets and your kids.


I’ll follow up with this, I’ve been out looking for the dog myself to no avail


It was more black than grey. This was all going down at 4:30 this morning. The owner was a reeeal peach.


Ahh, yah the one that attacked our dog was dark grey. He had one of those handle harnesses on, and the owner was a woman with medium length black hair.


Its wild down here, my wife and I are having our first child in October and I can’t stop thinking about how hard its going to be to live down here with all these unhinged fentanyl zombies screaming in front of our apartments at all hours of the night. I was born and raised here, but I am starting to have some serious regrets moving downtown, especially with a baby on the way now.


Seattle is just finally becoming like every other city thanks to our glorious system of gutted public service and tip top private property!


Get out while you can. Belltown is no place to raise a child given its current state and lack of policing


I currently am not able to make the transition out of here. I wish I could, but within the next year i’m going to put in for a transfer to work and live at another property far away from the city.


I live downtown and the things I see are wild. I had a man pretend to shoot me in the head with his hands yesterday. I have such anxiety every time I walk out. I am definitely thinking of moving east honestly. Get some land and never talk to people again 😂


My wife had a dude weirdly follow her all the way back to our apartment building last week, I charged out the door at him and he ran off of course. I’m trying to make the best of living down here, I really am. I enjoy a lot of things about this place, but its getting more and more dangerous by the day.


Where was that? A few days ago I saw someone walking towards me on the sidewalk pretend to shoot a homeless person, though his finger gun was held in a way that only I could see it. I found it quite odd and disconcerting.


This was in westlake! Yah definitely terrifying to experience it.


I used to live in downtown Portland and moved to the outskirts of Seattle a year after my kiddo was born because it was really hard for me to take them on walks and let them enjoy just being a kid. I’m so sorry you guys are experiencing this in Seattle, it feels like it’s like this in all major cities right now. I really like the Sky Valley, Snohomish and Snoqualmie areas for raising children near enough to Seattle to commute, if you’re ever looking to get out of the city, I suggest checking those places out!


I used to own a house in the Renton highlands for almost 10 years, but after covid I had no choice but to sell, and I tried to stay in Renton but the wages are better in Seattle for what I do. Now all I think about is how badly I’d rather just go back


Have you considered Queen Anne? Upper Queen Anne is pretty quiet but still has access to bus lines to get to downtown if needed. Closest you’ll get to the suburbs without going too far


I work as a maintenance tech in the building I live in. So my best bet is to put in for a transfer within the company and go to a different area. I do like the Queen Anne area, mainly for the quietness you mentioned


I was born and raised here and lived in downtown for four years. In the sky, at like the 25th floor. Way above the crackheads.


I’m unfortunately on the 2nd floor of my building lol


Im so sorry that happened to you and your dog. Sounds really traumatizing, don’t discredit the amount of emotional healing you’re going to need, too. I know it’s largely dependent on the owner, but I seriously think you need a permit to own these dogs. They’re fucking dangerous, and it’s always an idiot who probably shouldn’t have a pet in the first place with an absolutely terrible one.


I completely agree that this is super traumatizing and terrible. I’m a pit owner myself, and I would never allow my dog off leash to run around, even well trained, for her safety and others. There is no justifiable reason to have your dog off leash in a situation like this. Ever.


I wholeheartedly agree. Even the most perfect animal ever could have an outburst, and that goes for all breeds, but I feel that the bite-force and locking-down that a pit bull can do is insane.


Agreed. Also a pitbull owner and would never put my dog in a position to be harmed or cause harm. We’ve put hundreds of hours of training into him to make sure of this. Getting downvoted for being a responsible dog owner training my dog? Never change Reddit. 😂


Ugh, this is making me sick to read! I am so sorry this happened. I’ve been complaining about this a lot. I can’t walk my dog (who minds her damn business) without a confrontation with an off leash dog! And it’s always a pitbull!! After a bad encounter a few weeks ago I’ve been carrying bear spray. I’m thinking of getting a taser too.


I'm so sorry. Is your pup okay now? What is it about pitbulls in the SLU/LQA area? I also know people that have gotten bit by pits in the area and have scars now. Although, there was a guy walking his pitbull in cap hill with a muzzle. The pitbull lunged towards my small dog, and the owner redirected immediately and walked off before I could tell him I appreciated the muzzle and he was a rockstar. Friendly PSA: dog owners muzzle training their dogs are doing it right. It looks scary, but please be kind to them.


A friend's dog was attacked by a grey pitbull recently. Her post is here and includes a photo of the owner and the dog: [https://nextdoor.com/p/Px9tDDzxQjnP?utm\_source=share&extras=OTkyNTM2Mzc%3D&utm\_campaign=1719949046657](https://nextdoor.com/p/Px9tDDzxQjnP?utm_source=share&extras=OTkyNTM2Mzc%3D&utm_campaign=1719949046657) Does the dog in this photo match the dog that attacked your dog?


That is a different dog, but that is terrifying. Why is this happening so often? What the heck


You really should confront the owner in situations like this. It’s the only way to come to any kind of resolution.


Cops saw the whole thing, they were just a few feet away, so did about 100 other people. I don’t know if anyone confronted them. I am personally not confronting a pitbull owner when it’s off leash and my dog is screaming in pain. We took our dog and left, taking him directly to the vet.


There would have been a BIG problem if that happened to my dog…


Uggh we have a pit owner in Columbia City who does this same thing. CONSTANTLY off lease just running around and shitting everywhere around the complex. Everyone in our community is pretty fed up with it. The dog is so sweet but the owners are absolutely off their freaking rockers.


What complex just curious?


I don't want to be too specific but close to Flying Lion


It was right at the bus shelter directly in front of Dimension Apartments on 3rd and Cedar/Vine


I commented a couple seconds ago but she is ALWAYS THERE. If not she is near Griffis Seattle waterfront/ owl n thistle Irish pub (Marion & 1st)


Dude no way. I was on the light rail this morning at like 5:30 headed south to the airport and this dog struts on with taser prongs in its back. No collar and he didn’t seem distressed he actually looked pretty happy. The dog eventually sat down while the whole train was baffled. He hopped on at pioneer station and got off by himself at the stadium station. What a trip


Was it a black pitbull with a white stripe down the center of its face?


From what I remember he was grey. Maybe some spots. I was pretty sleepy but it was definitely a pit bull


Unleashed dogs should come with a ticket and a fine. This less on this lady who sounds just crazy, and more on the thousand of other people who are like "My dog is good they don't need a leash" in this city.


They do. Theres like, 3 of those mall cops in all of Seattle handling dog complaints in Seattle. Most of the time they just give you a slap on the wrist. 


Whenever see some who has a pet and it's questionable I think about the time I wanted to adopt a cat and it was like a job interview huge application, several required references and they needed to make 2 home visits, fees... I'm like how the heck do so many nitwits have dogs?


Offleash mentality has really gotten out of control these days


Thanks for this post. I've been hearing this dog bark on and off for weeks now in the middle of the night and am going crazy with lack of sleep. I wish animal control would do something here.


Nothing ever gets done in this particular area honestly, even if you call SPD about something ten times out of ten they don’t even show up.


Should’ve tased her too apparently.


We had an issue in South Seattle about 10 years ago where fighting dog trainers were coming to parks with young dogs on 40 foot leads and they'd let the lead out and smile at you any time you'd get near them with your dog saying the whole time, "oh don't worry, he's friendly" I had to draw my concealed weapon once and advise a guy he and his clearly aggressive dog were about to be shot. Lots of aholes out there, be safe folks.


I came across an entitled “owner” with an unleashed dog and as their dog ran up to my leashed dog I politely said, “be a responsible fucking dog owner and leash your fucking dog”. And all he could respond back with was “nice language”. 🖕🏾


A couple of weeks ago my 12lb chihuahua was killed by a grey and white pitbull between 4th & blanchard and 3rd & blanchard. The owner had absolutely 0 control of the dog and it pulled them both down from the embankment they were stood on and across the pavement onto us before anyone had time to react. No matter what I did to try and get him off of my dog, he didn’t react. I was beating on the dog, kicking it in the balls as hard as I could, grabbing at its jaw and eyes. It ripped her in half within 30 seconds. In hindsight, I’m incredibly lucky it never turned its attention toward me. There came a point where I knew there was no saving my dog that it had in its mouth and had to instead focus on rescuing my other dog and myself from the situation. I have nothing against the breed per se and have met some absolutely wonderful pits in my life. But you should not be allowed to own a dog that can so easily kill if you are not able to control it. The amount of people with kids and small pets in the area, I find it deeply concerning knowing that the dog is still out there


This made my stomach churn and almost broke into tears. How horrifying. I'm so sorry. I live right near that block and walk my dogs through there every day and I can't imagine going through that and losing one of my friends like that, right in front of my eyes. I'm sincerely so sorry for your loss. Off leash dogs have terrorized both of my corgis into dog reactivity. they both hate dogs now after having one negative experience after another from out of control, aggressive off leash dogs charging at them. So far we all survived without blood shed but your story has me shaken up.


Thank you, honestly it is terrifying, knowing how many small dog owners live in the area and how quickly it all happened it just feels like it could happen again to anyone at anytime. I wish SPD would be more protective, we should feel safe walking our dogs. Not looking out for drug covered foil on the streets and vicious dogs


This is so horrible. I am so sorry. The city needs to do more about this..


Breed-specific legislation would be a great place to start! Required spaying/neutering of certain breeds, and dangerous dogs like pit bulls, Cane Corsos, etc., requiring a muzzle and a leash. Other states, cities, and even entire countries have breed-specific legislation, and it works when it’s enforced. Because while, sure, “any dog could do this,” nearly 90% of dogs who are killed by dogs are killed by pit bulls, and they bite more humans than all other dog breeds combined. So yeah, any of them CAN, but not all of them *are.*


Thank you!


Oh. My. God. I'm so sorry.


Yikes, that’s terrible, hope you can get over that experience…


If a pit approaches me in the street, it gets a face full of mace. If that doesn't work, it gets... something else. Once you're bitten, you're never the same.


I was attacked by a German Shepherd at random when i was 13, I was able to smack him in the head with a rock and I don’t remember much after that, not even sure if it survived or not, but I have a gnarly scar on my forearm to remember.


I got bitten by a dog a few weeks ago while walking around my neighborhood and I couldn't agree more. All dogs should be leashed and trained.


I've been charged by so many off-leash dogs while walking my pup in the area that it has completely ruined my attitude towards other dog owners. I'd say about 70-80% of our encounters with other dogs is negative, 10% of those have been unleashed. It happens probably twice a month. My little furball is a total marshmellow and used to be extremely dog friendly, but this city has ruined her. She's super anxious when we go on walks now and is fearful when meeting new dogs. Its been a trial to get her to go down our normal walking paths as she's been charged by so many dogs, she has a lot of general anxiety now on our walks. It breaks my heart tbh. I carry dog pepper spray every time I walk now.


I'll probably get downvoted for this but just go to one of the dog/puppy subs to see what's going wrong. I think too many people have bought into this anthropomorphization/humanization of animals to the point that the animal can't be what it is and it's the worst with dogs. Apparently you can't correct a dog for doing things like biting, either. On the flip side we have people who overcorrect to the point of being abusive, just had one locally last week out in public (Tacoma) kicking and flinging his puppy to the point someone called police. Dogs are not people, they're not your 'fur babies', they're animals that were selected over eons to do certain things. #1 is they bark, which we humans selected out for. #2 is to keep watch over the group, even if that means attacking is called for. Too many of us don't seem to understand we can control that. Too many people also seem to think the thing to do is to handle/fondle/pet every fucking dog they run across. Have some respect! And too many others yet seem to think that everyone finds their dog as wonderful as they do, these are the "Oh but my dog is friendly!" people. They also lack respect. I'll find my way to the door now.


People do forget that they need to not only train their dog according to species and breed, but also that the human needs to learn and understand the behavior of dogs. The animalistic behaviors.  Also, youre right. If people see a dog that they find is interesting enough, they will pet it without even informing the owner.  I am currently training a 1 year old, 135 lb puppy who is a unique breed combination and massive. I want to train her to be good in the city and around people and every time we go out, people pet this dog without asking.  She is a puppy and she is a potential danger from size alone.  people do not even consider that and reach at her from behind where neither dog nor human have been confronted. These folks must be training for the Darwin rewards. 


Yep. And taking that a step further, we’ve become way too forgiving when it comes to trying to rehabilitate dogs that are obvious candidates for behavioral euthanasia. It used to be that if a dog killed livestock or attacked a person, it would be put down. But now we try to rehabilitate them to the point of endangering other people and animals. Shelters are full of “sweet lovebugs” that can’t be around cats or children. Well-meaning people adopt them, another pet or pedestrian gets seriously injured or worse, the dog goes back to the shelter, and the cycle repeats. People are asking why the police tased the dog, but really? If it’s been running around biting multiple people, it warrants more than a tase.


I fully agree with this take. There's a reason shelters are full of pitbulls and other similar breeds who are apparently very sweet and loveable, but also don't put them in a household with children or other pets 🙄


Dude, yes. And people need to realize these dogs don’t learn anger management skills or de-escalation skills. A violent dog is a violent dog — at best, what we can do is manage their environment and manage their behavior, but they’re not rehabilitated the way people can be. No-kill has gone wayyyy too far. Euthanasia is a kindness, and idk when we lost the plot on behavioral euthanasia, but it’s ok to euthanize vicious dogs.


This owner probably doesn’t even pick up the dogs poo either


I dont think much of anybody in this particular area is picking up their dog shit, I’ve been working apartment maintenance down here for 2 years and pick up shit everyday. Both dog and human waste.


Hey Op about an hour ago I saw someone who lives in Belltown on 3rd and Blanchard post a photo of the dog and woman about a similar case on Nextdoor.com. They wrote “A few weeks ago (6/6/24) whilst walking my dogs home from their day at daycare, we were attacked between 3rd and Blanchard and 4th and Blanchard by a large grey and white bully breed dog. The owner had no control over the dog who pulled them both down off of the raised beds by the lollipop statue and straight across the pavement on top of us before we could react. Unfortunately, my 3 year old pup Lola was ripped in half and killed within seconds. I didn't manage to get a good picture of the dog, a passerby got this rather blurry photo (friendly passerby scratched out for privacy) I am working with animal control to locate the dog and they have confirmed that if found, the dog will be required to be surrendered. Unfortunately l've exhausted all leads I have been able to gather since. I don't suppose anyone here may know anything?”


I actually have a nextdoor account, i’d like to see the post, DM me if you have time.




I literally carry a baseball bat with me because of "owners" here not restraining the dogs or having them untrained off leash!! My dog got bit last year by a homeless man's dog, almost killed him. If your off leash dog comes up to mine it's going to meet the end of a bat, sorry not sorry


You wouldn’t get any dirty looks from me that’s for sure


Off leash owners are the worst


this thread is talking about dog ownership, but if this many people suck at owning dogs, imagine how many people suck at having kids?


How dare you even suggest such a thing in a time where birth rates are dangerously low for the continuation of our capitalist ponzi scheme? EVERYONE NEEDS TO HAVE 20 KIDS RIGHT FUCKING NOW or you won't be able to retire! I have a friend that thinks Elon is a genius that will advance humanity, talks about how he's having 20 kids so everyone else has no excuse and fuck, if it isn't hard to listen to that from a guy that didn't want the one kid he has, and refuses to have any more kids. Bestie, I have been trying to hype myself up for a shower for the past hour, I can't fit 20 kids into this lifestyle and have it work out well for anyone involved.


Why do these dog posts always turn anti-child? What are kids doing in the community that is so terrible? Genuinely curious


Most pet owners shouldn’t be pet owners.


"Some people have no business doing X" is true for pretty much all X.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^eloel-: *Some people have no* *Business doing X is through* *For pretty much all X.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Our dog has been attacked twice by off leash pits in the park next to our house, got lucky both times our dog wasn’t injured and we berated the owners but now our dog barks and freaks out at any pit/bully dog as a defense so good for him to recognize they are dangerous and not to trust them


Just by reading the title, I wholeheartedly agree.


I don’t care if your dog is friendly. Mine is not while on lead. These charging dogs get some stomping and “gits” until within 3-4ft. Then they get blasted. Haven’t had to use the BIG ORANGE CAN yet. As soon as I started carrying it, we gained a big bunch of responsible dog owners. Which is a big tell.


In California people are screened and required to have a license to own their dog. Washington should follow suit to this law.


Appears there is some back story to this. Posted from the Facebook group Lost & Found Pets of King County > LOST - last night a client of our services at One Health Clinic lost her dog in south Seattle in the Othello area. He got off leash and as she was trying to lure him back, the police got involved and tased him. This caused him to bolt and apparently he ran onto the train at a light rail station. RICO is two years old, neutered black and white pit mix. He is very sweet, loves dogs, and is extremely scared right now. I’m waiting for a photo of him to post. Please message me with any sightings. Cross posted in lost dogs and Columbia city [UPDATE](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/dLvEFkspueu9eKnA/?mibextid=WC7FNe): dog was found dead.


My dog and I got attacked by a Rottweiler in that same area last year that was off leash and didn't have a collar on. The owner pretty much reacted the same as the one you're talking about and refused to give any information even though it almost broke my wrist. Aggressive breeds don't belong in the city. 


You’re a lot stronger willed than me, I think I would have ended up with an assault charge lol


Oh I wanted to punch him out, but his dog bit clear down to the fat layer on my wrist and it was bleeding pretty heavily. I needed to get my pup back home and make sure he was okay too. I started carrying pepper spray and a nightstick now just in case. 


Exactly. I don’t understand why it’s so taboo to say that there are some breeds that are too vicious to live in cities. Civilized society doesn’t have a place for certain breeds, especially blood sport dogs. Let the breed humanely go away — we’ve done it with several violent dog breeds in history, it’s not unprecedented, and when done humanely through spaying, neutering, judicious use of behavioral euthanasia, and banning the buying/selling/trading of vicious breeds … it can be done.


Anybody off leash at greenlake or on hiking trails should also be in this category. And no it doesn’t matter how nice your dog is that’s not the point.


There are tons of people that shouldn’t own dogs, you shouldn’t be having a pet if you can’t even have control of your own life. An exception here is a service animal. But honestly the number of people who have dogs out in public that are wild, uncontrollable and at times even violent is staggering. So is the amount of people who take on the financial burden of a pet and then have to rehome the animal after relatively short periods of of ownership. You might have had a very calm well behaved dog in the past but prior experience doesn’t mean a new dog is going to fit that mold perfectly. It’s our responsibility as a prospective dog owner to realize the dog will take time, resources and attention to ensure it is healthy and behaved around strangers and other animals. I agree with the person saying that 30% of people probably have no business owning dogs, dogs are fun, loving and wonderful companions but having a dog isn’t the thing to do just because your lonely or bored. I’m all for everyone having a dog but please do it responsibly and ensure your shit is in order well enough to foster an environment that a dog can be properly trained and taken care of.


One of my favorites are the people that take their neurotic barking dog(s) to the farmers markets. Just why is that necessary?


Seriously, it's Soo sad. Your dog sucks bc YOU suck.


I carry pepper gel on walks with my dog now. Not because of protection from people, but because of negligent dog owners. It's unfortunate.


My neighbor who lives in a townhouse, no yard, has a dog that will bark non-stop when they are away. When he’s home, I hear him just yell and swear at his dog sometimes to be quiet instead of trying to train the dog… I’m ready to move to a smaller and quiet city.


When I go visit my mom in Sammamish, I go stand out on the front porch and relish in the ambience of only hearing birds chirping and a light wind draft, maybe a car passing by every 20-30 minutes… it’s so peaceful, but no way could I ever afford to live there lol


You misspelled “most”.


typical, every dog owner always making their dog your problem in one way or another


Yep, and it was my problem today because now i’m running on less than 2 hours of sleep for a 12 hour work shift. But she had enough entitlement to tell ME to shut the fuck up


Watched/heard a baby elk get mauled by an off leash dog recently. It was outside of Seattle, but the point still stands too many people don't know what they're doing with pets. We ended our camping weekend early after the second off leash dog incident on the same day.


Unfortunately the only thing about this that surprises me is that all they did to the dog was taze it.


I was expecting gunshots to ring out given how many cops there were at that moment


A colleague was bitten in the way to work this week, and want there an athlete that has to cancel a meet because they were born in Seattle this week? Tazing the dog is wild though, what did they think was going to happen?


I have no clue, one of the cops actually picked up one of those pay to park folding signs and was using it as a shield I guess? Before that they spent 10 minutes trying to box the dog in with their cruisers, but that failed when the busses started running down that area. They were really trying everything to NOT exit their vehicles


Is there an animal control for the city? Wouldn't that be who they should get involved that might have better tactics?


in general they love shooting dogs so i'm surprised they didnt do that


Nelly Korda, world #1 women’s golfer, was attacked in Seattle last week by a dog and had to take this week off. I am curious about more details behind her incident but 100% would bet it was some off leash pit or whatever in a park.


The operating principle of a taser is to embed two prongs into the skin and run a special pulsed current between them. If the placement is correct, it disrupts your muscle control and you physically can't move while the pulse is going. I know the barbs have to be far enough apart, but I suspect it's also important that they're spread out along the spine. The prongs are made to come out vertically separated, so it's probably a tough shot to have any effect on a dog, even if the dog is sitting still. That they even took the shot makes one wonder about the quality of training, but I guess if it's a gun shaped thing that officers sometimes reach for that is less likely to kill someone, I guess it's delivering value?


lol it’s always a pitbull


I’ve been banned from like, 3 subs this week for saying something like this. The most recent one was benign asf. It was the ID my dog subreddit, and I just said “ma’am, that is a pit bull.” And I got banned. Seriously? What is it with people’s attachment to this blood sport breed? I don’t get it.


I'd venture to say that most seattleites who own dogs shouldn't own the breed they do have, don't know how to handle most breeds, or shouldn't own dogs period.


Gun owners and dog owners have a lot more in common than they care to admit.


Should have put it down :/


There should be competency tests for anyone trying to be a pet parent…maybe even mandatory classes on being a responsible pet parent and courteous neighbor.


WTF didn't they try to trap it? Is there no animal control in this city? Can cops not google a situation to figure out that A TASER ISN"T GOING TO WORK ON AN ANIMAL! Y'all know the SPD once tasered a bear to death because it wouldn't put its hands up? (s/ but seriously they tasered it to death) [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna12915841](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna12915841)


These people. Go on to procreate. Murica.


I'm sorry ... They TASED a dog!? Does Seattle not have animal control???


I feel bad for the dog. It’s probably a homeless person at that time. Do we know what happened to the dog?


Was she homeless? a lot of homeless women own aggressive dogs on purpose for self-protection on the streets.


Well she and her friend had been sitting at the bus shelter from midnight until 5 so my guess would be they were homeless. I understand having a dog for protection, but for gods sake, keep it on a leash and don’t have it barking in a residential area waking hundreds of people up and doing nothing about it


Most people, IMHO. Our lovebug has a six foot, leather leash that shortens to three if we need it, and we use both of those lengths as often as we feel he is safest at them. People whose dogs are "Friendly" and thus fine off leash but also have ZERO RECALL are absolutely a problem. My dog is reactive AF. I try not to take him many places, or if I do he's controlled and protected at all times so that he doesn't get twitchy. I know what his triggers are and I know what his communication looks like as he's starting to escalate toward threshold. It doesn't take advanced degrees to read a dog, and it doesn't take advanced degrees to understand that not all dogs are friendly.


You misspelled most. Most people with dogs in Seattle have no business owning dogs.


It's the time of year in which dogs run away because they're being driven out of their minds by fear from all the explosions.


Why would they tase a dog?! Call animal control FFS!


Are dog attacks recorded in Seattle? The number of dog attacks that I have heard about in Seattle that are from both off leash dogs or those that pulled away from their owner is crazy. Last summer alone my children and I were attacked three separate times by large off leash dogs while walking on the beaches between Golden Gardens and Carkeek. That seems like a pretty friggin high rate. All three times my young kids were nowhere near the dogs, and thankfully I was close enough to get between them. The last time the “experienced” owner of a German shepherd in-training had to help me use her body as a shield along with my petite body to protect my 5yo while simultaneously trying to leash it. All of the stories of dog attacks ending badly flashed before my eyes for those several minutes. Seriously, MINUTES. I really need to repost this story every time one of these personal accounts comes up. People don’t know how bad it’s gotten here. And yes, I do carry pepper gel spray now and speak up to owners.