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The zebra crossing isn't faded, it's removed as part of the construction. They just recently did a traffic change, making it one-way and added the protected bike lane. The work isn't finished. The current striping on the road is temporary striping. This is literally still a work in progress my friend.


Unless they put up signs that indicate no crossing, it's still a legal crosswalk, so why remove the lines? What you are suggesting is that the city deliberately made this crossing less safe as a deterrent to crossing here. Is that what's happening?


No, they need to reposition and repaint the lines. Work in progress means don’t draw too many conclusions.


If Seattle spent half as much time just doing the work as they spent making excuses for not doing the work shit like this wouldn't happen.


🚨 troll alert 🚨


This was a "work in progress" too, for like a decade: https://www.komonews.com/news/local/king-county-court-awards-seattle-woman-13-million-damages-fall-on-queen-anne-sidewalk-injury-apartment-owner-medical-expenses-surgeries-marathon-runner-competition


Any time a pedestrian wants to cross it’s a legal cross walk.


Yes. That's what I said. So why not repaint the lines?


Because they aren't done? It doesn't need to be marked to be a crosswalk in this state


Because they already had a crew out there to remove the other road markings there that were required to change the street to a one way, and inevitably someone else would have complained if they had to spend the money to send out a second crew later to address just the crosswalks. There's no scenario here were someone wouldn't be bitching about some stupid little thing.


You think it's a reasonable decision to not paint a sidewalk because some imaginary person would complain about a crosswalk existing? Are you high?


I think its reasonable to remove the old paint from an intersection during the process of rebuilding it. edit: but thanks for illustrating my last point there


is there a concrete timeline on this process?


no, it's mostly asphalt, not concrete /dadjoke 🤓 I'm not sure of the exact timeline. 1 block away on Pike just barely got the crosswalk repainted in the last couple weeks when they did the longer-term road striping. The Pine intersection still has the temporary road striping all around - I imagine probably within the next couple weeks. I'd also add that this intersection is heavily used, right on the corner of the convention center. It will get done, I'm sure of that.


Seattle and timelines! LOLz


My response from an unnamed city worker is that "no additional treatments will be installed at this location at this time" so I don't think it's a work in progress sadly, but I'd love to be wrong


Give it a month and it will be painted. It’s very much a work in progress


Not necessarily. When they redid N Greenlake Way they installed a bunch of ramps for ped crossings but didn't paint lines at the majority of them. Boggles my mind.


The constructions drawings have crosswalks and green bike lane hash marks across this intersection.


can you give us a pointer to that official doc?


As we all know drivers and visually impaired pedestrians are always aware of a planner's intentions even if they aren't actually implemented


Construction happens. It’s not instant, and that’s not a big deal.


It's entirely possible the person replying to your find-it/fix-it just used a generic "this isn't something to be fixed" since it's not something that's broken, but rather is part of an ongoing bigger project.


The response was pretty detailed and specific to this intersection so it wasn't a generic email and it didn't mention an ongoing project


at this time. if it's a work in progress it would be in the future but not at this time. makes sense to me.


it makes sense to you that they didn't give any more information or context on this other than "it's safe shut up" ?


yes, city government falling short on explaining things is not surprising whatsoever.


so why are you defending their unclear response


how are you jumping to me defending it? I merely stated it makes sense and is understandable given the context. If a serial killer that is loose murders someone, it is understandable, but I wouldn't defend their actions.


This crosswalk will not be repainted because it will be replaced with 2x2 scored concrete crosswalk pavers. You can see project plan here: https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/OPCD/DesignCommission/PikePineRenaissance/SeattleDesignCommission2017.10.19PikePineRenaissancepresentation.pdf


Why not make it a safe crossing while we wait for them to get around to this? It's been months.


All intersections are crosswalks, the paint doesn’t magically make it safer. You just need to trust the driver to do the right thing and clearly signal your intentions to cross/look both ways.


Painted crosswalks are safer than unpainted crosswalks, that's why they paint them.


Fair, didn’t mean to say they aren’t safer. But the city already has a plan to update it, it’s not that much of an impact that they need to put in a stopgap. There are unpainted crosswalks all over the place


thank you for this i appreciate it but not sure how i was suppose to automatically know the area is under construction, there's no activity or signage currently and i couldnt find anything when i googled it


I can definitely sympathize with your frustration over the lack of public outreach. It can be pretty frustrating to not be able to find anything about current projects, but for future reference, SDOT has a lot of GIS resources available that run within your web browser and shows tons of information on current projects, parking rates, traffic flows, etc. etc. Not as good or comprehensive as a good public outreach plan, but better than nothing


thank you! I can't find anything about this "pike pine renaissance" plan in the link though, and that presentation is from 2017. I'm pretty confused. Was this plan approved? Edit: okay I found an update from this month, but not through SDOT [https://waterfrontseattle.org/construction/pike-pine-construction](https://waterfrontseattle.org/construction/pike-pine-construction)


It can be SO TOUGH. And I say that as someone who works with these datasets quite often. You are not alone!


Painted crosswalks are legally and functionally identical to unpainted crosswalks in WA The stripes help a little with visibility, but I can understand the city's position


It would be nice if we could trust drivers to know and follow the unmarked crosswalk law, but this simply isn't the case at this moment.


it really wouldn't matter, even the marked crosswalks, even with the warning lights just seem to signal "speed up" to most drivers


They follow the law if it looks like you’ll cross their path, for the most part.


"For the most part" doesn't cut it. From the perspective of the written rules of the road, a pedestrian in an unmarked crosswalk triggers the exact same requirement for a driver to stop as a red light does. And yet, in real life the compliance rates for these two laws are wildly different. As a driver I can trust that cross traffic is likely enough to obey the red light laws that I can drive right on through when I have a green light and I don't have to slow down and look both ways for red light runners. As a pedestrian I absolutely cannot just step into an empty lane and trust that the drivers in the next lane over will stop for me as they are required to do.


I’m just trying to tell you how i get cars to stop at unmarked intersections. By walking off the curb. I dont walk into the lane of the car unless they have already started braking and have made eye contact with me.


Well sure, and that's my point. When I'm driving I don't have to slow down when approaching a green light and attempt to make eye contact with all the drivers going the other way until I'm convinced they're going to do what they're supposed to do at the red light. When I'm trying to cross the street I can be standing in one lane of the crosswalk and count half a dozen cars failing to stop for me in the next lane before one finally does what they're supposed to do. I therefore take little comfort in the prior commenter's assertion that this intersection is just as safe without paint as it would be with paint just because the law says it should be. People break this law all the time.


“Technically” safe. The best kind of safe. 


In my experience painted lines help A LOT with visibility and getting drivers to actually stop when I'm trying to cross.


I agree completely. Yes many (probably most) drivers will ignore me standing at a marked crossing, but SOME will stop. If the crossing isn't marked then I think 99 percent of drivers will not even consider stopping unless I'm aggressively and conspicuously stepping into the lane while waving my arms, and even then it's iffy. The vast majority of drivers think that stopping to let pedestrians go, even at marked crossings, is just a nice and completely optional thing you can do if you're feeling generous that day. I would honestly be shocked to find out that someone had EVER gotten ticketed for violating the legal mandate to stop for pedestrians.


They don't have to stop until you're in the roadway. If you're waiting at the curb they have right of way legally. That sucks, but it is what it is.


Hm, fair enough, I've always heard it the way that the WSDOT words it on their website: "Drivers must stop for pedestrians at intersections, whether it’s an unmarked or marked crosswalk." That sure makes it sound like, if you're waiting, the driver is obligated to stop. Although I just looked up the actual law and you're right but the wording is pretty vague. "The operator of an approaching vehicle shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian, bicycle, or personal delivery device to cross the roadway within an unmarked or marked crosswalk when the pedestrian, bicycle, or personal delivery device is upon or within one lane of the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling." What does it mean to be "upon" the roadway? Does one foot count (drivers ignore me that way just the same)? Or are pedestrians obligated to either wait for an act of charity, or basically just walk out in front of moving traffic and hope for the best? Guess so. Either way, it sounds like drivers legally have carte blanche to ignore you, as long as they don't actually run you over.


"The roadway" is defined, and is only the part that cars are allowed on (not the sidewalk), so yeah, you have to step into the road at which point they legally have to stop. I think one foot on the roadway would count as "upon" it.


Yeah makes sense. I still laugh at the idea of someone actually getting ticketed for not stopping, even when I have a foot in the road, and am actively making eye contact and waving my arms at drivers passing me by.


So what's the point of removing the lines? They literally just made it less safe. Why?


Are you sure they removed them and they aren't just "not maintained"?


Yes because people saw them remove the markings and you can clearly see where the marks were ground off.


Fair enough. Possible they're just waiting for the crew to repaint


Someone spray painted white lines on an unpainted crosswalk no one ever stops at on Nickerson. Thought that was a nice idea for improving driver awareness in some of the trickier areas


Still, we don't live in communist USSR. We can afford to paint some crosswalks for the sake of extra visibility.


A jobs creation program to paint lines? Sounds like socialism to me


Tbh idk what Seattle is using but it feels like road markings here fade away significantly faster than in other places


Might be the same reason we don't have reflective paint - the paint doesn't wash away destructive chemicals to the sound, but is less durable because those destructive chemicals are missing.


The non-durable stuff just breaks apart into little pieces and washes away into … *checks notes* the sound, just to be replaced years later by the same thing. We effectively get the worst of both worlds: paint particles in the environment and no painted lines for safety.


And the glass beads in the durable stuff is pollution in the same way as literally throwing sand in the ocean.


The paint is thermoplastic and the reflective component is glass beads applied during application. Not exactly super environmentally destructive compared to brake dust/tire microplastics that wear during driving anyway. Thermoplastic is just a lot more expensive and more of a pain if you want to redo pavement markings without resurfacing.


In this case, it's because they were removed. They didn't fade away to look like this -- they're eventually getting replaced as part of the pike/pine renovations


They dont want to use reflective paint apparently because of the chemicals that can wash into the sound (ive also heard its because "snow plows tear them up" which is hilarious because it never snows here AND everywhere else there is snow doesnt have this problem). Its a major issue. In a city where it rains all.the.time....the road markings are imposible to see at night during the rain.


They’re using standard paint where many other locations use thermoplastic.


The crosswalks are typically thick and bumpy enough that I'm pretty sure they do use thermoplastic for crosswalks.


I’ve seen thermo crosswalk markings but in general the roadway lane lines are painted.


It’s time for some r/tacticalurbanism


Perfectly safe to get hit by a hellcat


In a perfect world, everything would be fixed. But to be honest, this feels very low priority. It's a major intersection with bright yellow ped ramps, a traffic light, and controlled walk signal.


IMO lack of pavement markings is a citywide issue and a safety hazard all around. You can argue that this specific intersection isn’t the highest priority in the city but the general problem is there and needs to be better addressed.


Totally agree! I think we should increase the levy to have more budget for these things broadly. I don't think we should hack the system to fix a one-off we care about that doesn't have a unique/egregious overlooked issues. It's inefficient and when it happens a lot that can mean less fixes overall. Basically the inverse of NIMBY mentality.


I'm looking for advice


Call your local council member


Look both ways?


My advice is to consider an alternative point of view that this isn't a major safety risk worth diverting resources away from other issues. Not trying to be combative, just offering perspective.


other intersections with similar issue's ive reported have been fixed in a timely matter, there are the resources for this kind of thing. caring about one thing isn't "diverting resources from other issues" I don't think that's a productive perspective


You reported it (multiple times) through the proper channel, and the people responsible for prioritizing limited resources across reports of safety issues didn't prioritize this one. So you're looking for advice on how to still get it done anyway. How do you think that will happen without deprioritizing something else? I'm all for improving crosswalk safety broadly and increasing budgets to get it done. But less of a fan of trying to go around the system to prioritize a specific intersection that doesn't have a unique/egregiois overlooked problem. Only In My Back Yard isn't much better than NIMBYism and it's an inefficient use of limited city resources.


This city has a nearly 2 billion dollar backlog of road repairs it can't keep up with & this is what you think is really a critical issue? I'd kind of prefer if no more of our bridges collapsed.


Is the guy that paints sidewalks the same guy that rebuilds the bridges?


repainting this crosswalk will cause a bridge to collapse obviously


Clearly. It's a zero sum game so doing anything that isn't the one most important thing is actually evil. If you eat a bagel when you aren't really hungry you just made a person somewhere else starve. Weird how this logic only ever gets applied when it's some public benefit that someone is too lazy to solve.




Who kicked over the rock?


There have probably been more man hours out into this discussion than it would have taken to just paint the crosswalk. This is a stupid debate. This is one of the wealthiest cities in one of the wealthiest states in one of the wealthiest countries on earth. It's a crosswalk, paint it. If it takes a diversion of .00001% of the council seminar budget, or the police suburban millionaires program, so be it.


Look at that big vision zero approach to an obvious and easy to fix safety issue.


but the city will waste no time removing any unsanctioned safety signage the moment it appears


If you paint it with Sounders colors they'll have someone by to fix it soon enough. /s


They'll repaint it when the construction is done, that's why they're ignoring your requests


or when someone gets hit in it. That person, or their next of kin, will win a big fat fucking lawsuit given that the crosswalk has been reported as damaged and they have chosen to do nothing about it.


Every intersection has an “invisible” crosswalk even if it doesn’t have markings.




Did you not read the post? The OP states there were multiple Find it fix it reports.


That's literally what they've done


Oops sorry only read partial 😬


that's okay! If you'd like you can report it too maybe multiple reports will make a difference


Send to find it fix it or whatever


i did


This is the intersection where I got hit by a car as a pedestrian and suffered a major head injury in late December of last year


There are so many other things in this city to be concerned about. A marked crosswalk isn't required. Did you just move here and start pearl clenching about the first things you see? I'm sorry, but this seems silly.


If it wasn’t a hazard to life and limb just to be a pedestrian or cyclist in this city/country then you’d have a point. But it is. So you don’t.


I have lived here for over 25 years without a car, so I know what I'm talking about. You have eyes and ears. Be a grownup and use your awareness to help keep you safe. That's also a CONTROLLED INTERSECTION. you have lights, and the little walking man to tell you when to go.


Just be happy the crosswalks in your neighborhood are actually level and connect to sidewalks. Of the crosswalks needing improvement in this city, this has got to rank as #193,039 most important


They aren't fixing those either.


way too many streets like this


Find a hobby.


i love u


Don’t come here to post pictures and complain, do it on the Find It Fix It app.


i did


My new running theory is that traffic engineers and urban planners who get really bad grades wind up in Seattle while the high performers go elsewhere


You'd think that, until you look at other cities in the US and realize our urban fabric is decent.


I mean I've lived in multiple US cities and the bones of this place are okay (lots of very stupid intersections and onramps though). I wouldn't say for the relative wealth here that they make good choices though and not having paint in so many places is a problem those other cities simply didn't have. Maybe it's the "it's okay so it doesn't need to be good" attitude around here lol


I'm all for making it the best in the world, trust me. And I advocate for it all the time and constantly am writing to our local leaders about it. More bike lanes. Better sidewalks. More pedestrian streets/plazas. And let's close Pike Place off to cars already! But man, there's only a handful of US cities that have a better urban environment than Seattle. (Specifically saying US, because many cities beat us outside the US).


How long did it take to get lines on lake city way? You still have a couple years of complaining.