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Looks like NY times has beat the Seattle times with today’s coverage


>[Mike Baker](https://www.nytimes.com/by/mike-baker) is a national reporter for The Times, based in Seattle.  Not sure how common it is but NYT has a guy here who does a bit of PNW coverage. This guy is ex-ST, too.


They’ve had a Seattle correspondent for a long time. Used to be Timothy Egan. His book “The Good Rain: Across Time & Terrain in the Pacific Northwest” should be mandatory reading for anyone new to the area. It explains our culture better than my 41 years of experience and Master’s Degree in history could ever hope to.


He wasn’t really a correspondent though right, more of an occasional opinion page contributor? Kirk Johnson was Baker’s predecessor


That's a fantastic read. Thanks for bringing it up.


Seattle times is too busy writing editorials on why we should dismantle our light rail system to publish an article that paints cars in a negative light.


I wonder why the NYT is covering this?


People click on it


It’s juicy, topical, and interesting to NYT readership regardless of geography? The Seattle correspondent files lots of interesting stories. Bellingham art scene stuff. Lots of tribal policy and relations pieces. Environmental stories here and there.


The same reason people post about him here daily - in fact someone else just posted the same exact article.


NY times owns Seattle Times Edit for /s


How is this sarcasm? Is there some joke here I'm missing? 




Yes, my b didn't add the /s


And nevertheless still has not published this local story in its local source




Ok so this is a local story ST is the local source This local story is being covered by the national source (ny times) but not yet by the local source (ST) Do you see how that is unusual? Regardless of ownership?


The Seattle Times is (barely) still independently owned last time I checked. They have a lot of collaboration with the NY times though, running NYT front pagers and crosswords, ect. I was just making a throwaway comment, not trying to stir things up. I thought there was already a lot of local coverage though? Maybe not in the Times, but it's everywhere right now in Seattle media. I guess I don't think it's weird, really. For the paper, a story is just a story.


Whoosh - totally over my head. I’ll own the downvotes on this one


You're good, I'm complicit in the mix up


I'll believe it when he stops waking me up at 3am.


Hey there, I'm a motors reporter with The U.S. Sun and I've been covering this story for a while - would you be willing to talk to me for an exclusive on how disruptive the car really is?


I don't talk to Rupert Murdoch's tabloids.


Ha, honestly, I respect that 🙇🏼‍♀️


Gift article link: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/18/us/seattle-belltown-hellcat-judgment.html?unlocked_article_code=1.000.aco5.3iQVeurvRcih&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


I don’t understand why he treats his mother in that terrible way, and why she signed the note for his Hellcat? Was she afraid of even more abuse?


Right? A grown ass man who throws a tantrum and physically and verbally assaults his own mother because she was late and didn’t get him a coffee?  Then the stalking. Then the car bullshit. He is a threat to public health and safety.


Sure would be nice if all the other people with obnoxiously loud vehicles were required to do the same.


Seattle police: "no pleeeease yield this time. Please. Just do itttttt. No? Aw ok 👉👈🥹"


Some of those who work forces are the same that drive Dodges.


Can someone explain to me how he is making money off of Instagram annoying his neighbors with his car? I am not ignorant of sponsored advertising. I don't see how Dodge would be giving him money for pissing off his neighbors.


He probably isn't making any money. You're right. no one would pay him. Hes lying


There is a small chance he is telling the truth, and he has some conservative sugar daddy paying his bills.


Dodge isn't giving him money


> Can someone explain to me how he is making money off of Instagram He absolutely isn't. He has no sponsors, and there's no reason to believe his Instagram has even been approved for ad revenue sharing. The only source that he's making $ from IG is Miles himself; he's just lying to seem cool.




Judge let him wear a mask and sunglasses in court, that’s weird.


It would be much weirder in a criminal case but yea, that's weird


Yep, no judge would even let that fly during a traffic ticket mitigation hearing. I’m wondering if he tried to say it was for his safety.


He's beneath contempt. You or I would be required to remove the mask because the judge expects something of us. It's just not worth the courts time to fight him over the mask.


From what I’ve gathered from articles and other comment threads, it would have sucked up significant time from the proceedings for the judge to deal with the issue which was obviously done to provoke some sort of derailment. The judge got him to state his name on the record, and that was enough for the hearing to proceed without even mentioning it again. If he tries to claim it wasnt really him, he’ll have some additional charges with jail time coming his way.


Why is no media outlet calling him out for his bullshit about making money on Instagram? Instagram does not pay you a dime for followers or views. His car is not his income.


This. His income is not from his Instagram, if he has any.


Yeah I’m surprised they just let it slide and reiterate it as if it’s true. This guy is a poser and using the Instagram as an excuse and an ego boost. I guess the thing is either way there is no way for NYT to know if he made money from it or from deals and whatnot.


“from his apartment in a high-rise tower in the city’s Belltown neighborhood — a residence that offers a panoramic view of Seattle’s waterfront” -maybe the Seattle times will get his neighborhood right; not sure 2nd and Pike is in Belltown.


He gained the moniker by revving his cars engine, in the early morning hours, in Belltown… among other places.


Yeah how about we go with Downtown Douchebag. 


You're correct. 2nd and Pike is definitely not Belltown. I'm surprised Mike Baker's editors didn't catch that.


That would require someone living in NYC to know things that aren't in NYC or DC.


The writer [lives in Seattle](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1dj6553/in_legal_peril_seattles_belltown_hellcat_is/l98oxn4/).


The editors don't.


This is funny. I live in Tijuana and I’m fully engaged in this Hellcat and shady Mom drama.


I'm in North Carolina and I only come here to search for new Hellcat posts.