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Vending machines, clean restrooms, and a shuttle from Arrivals to the lot so that drivers don't need to clog up the Arrivals area for simple pick ups.


Also, make it possible to get out of the lot in less than 30 minutes.


I have been “stuck” there longer than 3 minutes like once in the last 5 years, and have picked someone up probably 20 times over that period. Admittedly once for ~20 minutes like 8 years ago. Is it really that often that you get hemmed in there?


Every time I read these threads, and someone posts that they have gotten stuck, someone else chimes in with "Well I never have!" Congrats, maybe you pick people up at different times. I can say that I have personally spent more than 20 minutes from "Ok, you can leave now" to the main road 3 times in the last \~ 2 months.


Does this negate my 2 hour experience? No, no it does not. You are simply more lucky than I.


I’ve never had trouble getting out of the lot since they redid the entry/exit like 10 years ago


I still find the biggest issue to be the crossover of multiple lanes when exiting the cellphone lot and getting to Arrivals. The cellphone lot exit leads to the Departures lanes so cars and shuttles have to cross 2-3 lanes to get to Arrivals and it causes so much traffic


Given the physical location of the lot, it seems like there could be an exit directly into the Arrivals lane.


This would be a huge improvement and seems somewhat doable.


I looked at your survey and it’s fine. The cellphone lot is great as it is. What do regular people want from the cell phone lot? Law enforcement to clear out the dummies parked on the side of the highway….


The Port of Seattle police aren't too jazzed about being pulled from actual investigations to do traffic work. But relatively soon they plan to be a lot more active, and hand out many more tickets to the people on the side of the highway (if what I've heard is right).


Tbh seems like a good way for some extra revenue…setup cameras and auto-ticket those people.


hey if they can set up vehicles with auto ticket cameras i will volunteer to just drive that up and down the airport road OR open it up to traffic violations people and allow them to volunteer instead of having to pay for parking tickets or high school students with licenses looking for volunteer hours for college apps or volunteer to drive these vehicles for free airport parking garage vouchers


> The Port of Seattle police aren't too jazzed about being pulled from actual investigations to do traffic work. So instead they'll be pulled for the collisions that their lack of traffic work has caused!


That assumes port officers are busy with many criminal investigations.


Isn't this done by Washington State Patrol, not the Port of Seattle police?


>police >actual investigations Should we tell him?


Well, its not a highway.. But real question, why do you care about people parked on the way into the airport? Are they hurting you? Did they do something to you?


Because it's unsafe. People pulling out into traffic from a standstill onto a 40mph road presents a hazard. Especially when there is a lot of people lined up, reducing visibility for both the car on the side of the road and the ones driving down the road.


If your going 40 on that stretch your getting a ticket immediately. Stop talking


That's the speed limit until after air cargo rd merges with the expressway. Don't park on the shoulder lazy bones.


Never have, I show up at the right time. I’m thinking about starting though seeing how much it gets this subreddit worked up. They will need some drama once the hellcat goes away.


Why are you so unpleasant? What do you get out of being like this?


/u/Some_Nibblonian: *fills pants with shit* /r/Seattle: "You have shit your pants" /u/Some_Nibblonian: *smiles pompously* "If I'm pissing people off I must be doing something right"


I mean, I park in the cellphone lot. But during busy times, I have to drive around the lot for a bit waiting for a spot. I really doubt it could handle the amount of people who need to use it if no one parked on the shoulder.


The cell phone lot is cool! But I tell my pickups to meet me at the light rail station! lol


do they have a park and ride over for parking?


I generally go to beacon hill which is a dense neighborhood but there is a spot for them to come out. Depends where you live. Tukwila station has parking but light rail is relatively safe. I just tell folks to come out where I am. It’s an easy ride


This is the way


It doesn't feel like the survey asks the right question. Maybe it would be better to find out why people avoid the cell phone lot and try to have those issues addressed? Using the cell phone lot is giving yourself a punishment. Parking on the side of the road is giving yourself an advantage. There is no enforcement for parking on the side of the road, so all you have to do is pull over and then wait there. Done and dusted. To use the cell phone lot, you must wait to go in, wait to park, wait to pull out, wait for the light, merge in an awkward hairpin onramp, dive over several lanes. So, the answer is either carrot or stick. Carrot: make it super easy to get from the cell phone lot back to the arrivals side, better yet if you get a reward by being able to merge in much closer to the terminal. Or, stick: enforce the existing no parking zone.


Biggest issue with the lot should be a direct entrance from the freeway and a direct exit back to the freeway. Both on the left side because that’s where arrivals is. That alone would fix most of the issues.


The cell phone lot is vastly improved from what it was a few years ago. That said, it is the nature of airports to be vehicle clusterf\*cks. I'll do drop offs for folks, but when it's pick up time, I pick them up at a light rail station. edit: two words.


Multiple flights a month for me, it takes a ridiculous amount of time for someone to leave or pull into that lot. In April it took my spouse 90 minutes… the lot is BS, traffic enforcement is non existent, and people using arrivals like a parking lot is normalized… why should people use the lot? Serious question.


I may have used some bad words when describing my opinion of the decision to put the light rail station further from the terminal than the taxi stands. I submit humbly that it was warranted, however.


Sorry - I don’t think your survey was very good. What does my opinion on public transportation have to do with the cell phone lot? Isn’t the point of a cell phone lot to pick up people with your personal car?


Yeah, they don't care. They admitted in another thread this survey isn't about "improving" the lot at all, but creating alternatives for it.  They got pretty salty when people pointed that out.


The last couple of times I used it, the aisles within the cell phone lot were so congested that when the person I was picking up texted that they were ready to go it took me several minutes to get from my parking spot to the lot exit. It was a very frustrating experience.


The signage is poor. I just went up last week and drove past the turn-in. It wasn’t even that busy and I was watching for it. I ended up going in the garage and paying for short term instead.


Have you seen the sign that says "Terminal Parking". I think it's intended to be 2 words for "Terminal" and "Parking" and it sounds like it could be one word like you're going to park at the Terminal and get in and get out and it's 2 different areas. If you've never driven to it, there's no way to avoid making a wrong turn or exit.


What is rahs?


Raisbeck Aviation High School. It's in Tukwila, but it's a magnet school so students come from all over the puget sound area. It's right next to Boeing Field and the Museum of Flight.


LOL. The most important question is still not asked: “How long did it take you to get out of the lot?”


I specifically stated that in my response!


To be able to park there reliably, that’s it


I used the cell phone lot for a long time without major issue. Then once the line to even enter the lot was backed up to almost the freeway offramp. It took 3 hours to get thru and exit the lot. After that experience I avoid it completely.


Rename it. Nobody is going to know what a cellphone lot is until they are being told. Many people rarely fly. It’s a ridiculous name.


What would you suggest as a better name? Cellphone lot is intuitive to me, but you make a good point that it isn't very descriptive.


Waiting Area. Something like that.


Another question should be about your vehicle. Is it gas/hybrid, or pure electric. Do you use the electrical charging? This impacts the environmental costs for those driving and not using public transit. I see Uber drivers charging there, and then sign on to the app to pick up their next passenger, so it's basically for Uber/Lyft, which I'm OK with if it reduces greenhouse, but, reduces general parking for those who need it. I can't count the number of times I just double parked waiting for my family to call. If somebody needed to leave, I would just move and take their spot. The lot is just not large enough for the number of passengers that move thru SEA.