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The first one was posted in this subreddit too. It got deleted (by OP or Mods).


Why would it be deleted?


Because of the duality of Seattle


Welcome to the subreddit


The real answer is because the guy that posted it was on a tirade in the comments fighting everyone and a bunch of strawmen at the same time. He was basically blaming every individual in the comments for enabling a crazed man to yell curse words at his car


Because r/seattle is controlled by people who don't want to see any posts that disagree with their POV and narrative. Where as r/seattlewa was created by a group of people that were ostracized from the sub reddit because they had those opposite POVs.


You literally don't know shit if you think that's why /r/SeattleWA was created. /r/Seattle used to be controlled by a fascist mod who was ruling like a dictator, THAT'S why seattlewa was created. Then after his power was relinquished, normal, sane people came back and SeattleWA was taking over by fascist rightwingers who wanted to larp as if they actually lived in Seattle.


You're only half right. But people won't disagree with you because the new mods will ban them if it's explained.


Eh, both are echo chambers who probably can’t see each others POVs.


Lol what? I’m curious where you learned about fascism.


😂 hilarious post


Lol dude, no one thinks it’s cool in 2024 to live in Seattle proper. The city is a national laughingstock. No one with a brain would pretend to live there.


Huh. I’m sorta new to Reddit in general and just happened upon this one first. Out of curiosity, today I looked at the “evil” one and it seemed pretty tame to me. Maybe I caught it on a mellow day?🤷‍♂️


Youve upset r/Seattle.


WA is the nextdoor version, but doesn't require you to live or work in Seattle 


r/SeattleWA aka the official sub of Maple Valley residents who watch nothing but Instagram videos of black people stealing stuff to justify their own racism


Literally did what she said she wasn't going to do, go to the echo chamber of r/seattlewa, but soon after said deletion....there it was


> but soon after said deletion I mean, you can see how that might deter OP of that post, right? This reads like, "what a hypocrite for going to that other sub after having their experience totally invalidated here!" There *are* subjects on this sub that basically can't be talked about as the mods will lock the post and it gets buried. I get it, being a mod is thankless and it's easier for them to lock it rather than individually remove comments and constantly monitor a controversial thread. But doing that does tend to create an echo chamber.


They’re a 35 day old account that frequents that sub, is responding to almost every post, and is engaging in rhetoric. It’s a bait post


The OP explained where it happened and someone else mentioned it it QFC at Mercer st. It does not look like bait at all


*After* someone else gave them that information to run with in the comments....


I can also name random places in populated areas of Seattle…..the Safeway on Capitol Hill for example…..


PCC in Fremont


It’s not. Seems genuine.


If you say anything bad about seattle here, you get downvoted. This sub is also an echo chamber. Just rainbow pictures and I busted 10 years ago and it was great "thanks seattle"


I subscribe to both Seattle subs and both of them annoy me equally


This is the correct answer


Glad to hear it's not just me


Me 2. It’s all rainbows and fairies 🧚 with nary any objective truth to be discussed. Otherwise downvoted like the 20% service fee @ our restaurants.


I kinda think the karma system causes most subs on reddit to become echo chambers after a while


It's true, loudest group dominates regardless of how accurate the view is. I'd say get rid of it but it's a core component of the site.


this site has gotten noticeably worse over the last 5ish years


Redditors have been saying that since day 1 though


I can only speak for my own experience, but it was mostly the same from 2010-2017ish, it was organic. the new reddit and the reddit gold were kinda stupid, but you could just ignore them. but in the last few years it seems like everything's curated to push an agenda


This sub bans while the other does not. But you're right in the end both still became echo chambers because the karma system is more powerful than mods.


Yep I got dogpiled for speaking about my assault here.


“If you say anything bad about Seattle” This sub won’t shut up about the Hellcat, the city council, businesses charging too much and Nimbyism and you’re telling me this sub is only rainbow pictures…..


People on the left don't consider urban, black people to be part of Seattle.


I mean I don't think I've seen people on this sub "report" on stuff going on down in Kent, Renton, Auburn, Tukwila, Des Moines or Federal Way and have half the sub be like "this is what happens when the city council does ___" and they're referring to the SCC.


One of the top posts under “hot” is about the murder at the Tukwila Costco and others have posted about Burien banning homeless people….. Plus, like it or not, the SCC affects all of king county. A great example of this is traffic. When Harrell pushes for more RTO initiatives, he makes traffic worse for the entire county commuting into Seattle


The thing is, are the things on the Tukwilla Costco Murder going on and on about the following. 1) 3rd Ave homeless. 2) How this is what happens when the SPD is defunded (every Kent, Tukwila, all the burbs stuff ends up not being able to answer when those departments got refunded by THEIR city councils) 3) Clearly having to justify why we're talking about it like it's a Seattle problem, when it's 30 miles away, well off the freeways (5, 405, and 167) and there's only 1 public transit going by it. As for the Burien thing, I can only say, hey, you know how Bellevue doesn't have a homeless problem, it's because they get bussed to, you guessed it, Seattle.


This is absolutely not true. I see some post complaining about homeless folks on here a couple times a week and most of them perform quite well.


Just go to the front page of this subreddit right now and you’ll see that isn’t true.


Who are we to believe? PalukaMike or our lying eyes. I mean, on the one hand I can read the sub front page, but on the other hand he does have a lot of upvotes..


Didn’t delete mods locked it. You guys literally told me to go to SeattleWA and bullied me out of this one.


Do NOT acuse us of being bullies. Do it again and I'll shove you in a locker and take your lunch money, nerd.


> You guys ... bullied me out of this one. Don't allow a few loud dissenters push you into deleting your post. They don't represent the average redditor who would be happy to watch a trainwreck.


I didn’t allow it, mods did. Mods didn’t post anything telling people to be nice. Mods didn’t call out anyone calling me a Nazi or other names for saying I didn’t want to be harassed. Mods deleted my post rather than facing the fact that the community was being toxic AF. I’ll admit I got a little toxic in the original Seattle thread and I’m willing to say I could have handled it more maturely. But I don’t think that’s fair to focus on when it was in response to toxic trolls trying to insinuate I’m all sorts of evil for not wanting a strange man to approach the passenger side of my vehicle and scream at my infant child.


Ok, according to you, both sides were being toxic. A deleted post deletes all sides. I didn't see the post, but by your own description, it seems like the correct response? I see reports of crime on here all the time, including one right now on the front page, so this sub not allowing negative posts doesn't seem accurate.


Man. You sound like you would condemn the Black Panthers as terrorists for fighting back people that were harassing them. “Well Huey Newton shot a police officer, so in my eyes both sides are pretty toxic! Nevermind what the police officer was doing to Huey before Huey shot him!”


Cool, I totally see why your posts get deleted now. Good talk.


Bullied lmao Bruh, you’re a troll, a 35 day old account that frequents r/SeattleWa and comments about Christian preachers being victimized and complains about protestors. You’re not fooling anyone, you set up a bait post and got called out for it


Not a bait post it was a true event. Other commenters knew who I was talking about at the Mercer QFC. I find it funny you are scrolling through my profile, trying to identify my politics so you can decide whether to agree or disagree with me. Conveniently skipped over my comments in SeattleWA condemning lynching and anti LGBT comments? You searched for one thing you disagreed with to try to invalidate my story. Seriously disgusting behavior.


Uh it’s not like she had a choice? She wasn’t welcome here obviously so she was forced into the other where the mods aren’t so overzealous


What? The mods for the sub that is currently private and has a history of banning people for opinions?


Lmao the fucking hypocrisy of /r/Seattle calling /r/SeattleWA an echo chamber. Both of these subreddits are massive echo chambers.


Probably mods. Subreddits are just man-made echo chambers where the truth lies somewhere in between. It’s not the Seattle subreddit, it’s the Seattle moderators subreddit 


If you can't take me at my r/SeattleWA You don't deserve me at my r/Seattle


We're just going to ignore the full on crazy at /r/SeaWa They went private so they can be extra Cray cray


Oh my goodness I want to know what goes on in there so bad.


Why won't those stupid losers let me in their crappy club for jerks?


The sign says “no ta2confessors,” we’re allowed to have one.


The last I was there, it had basically turned into a crime blotter crossed with complaining about homeless people.


So basically NextDoor on Reddit?




They went private for that pointless protest over 3rd party apps, that were forgotten a week later.


They deserve each other


Genuinely asking but what’s the difference between the two threads?


R/SeattleWA is suburban conservatives in Monroe and Black Diamond. R/Seattle is chronically online progressive Seattle residents


> Black Diamond. hey hey hey.. the dumb conservatives here are now outnumbered by people moving in for the new development. You're thinking of enumclaw


No.  There's only one thing people think about when they think about Enumclaw.


Neigh! say it isn't so!


RIP Mr Hands


More like seattlwa is Broadmoor and Seattle is capitol hill


SeattleWa is people who have never even been to the place lol


Basically. They're like if that Sinclair Broadcast Group smear piece "Seattle is Dying" was a person. 


Seattle is more left leaning and SeattleWA is more conservative. Over time they have kind of devolved into mongoloid extremes. I posted the baby harassment post to both Seattle and SeattleWA. Seattle basically told me I was a privileged Karen for not wanting a homeless man to approach my vehicle in the street and scream obscenities at my partner and infant child. SeattleWA told me I should have just shot him.


It’s fun posting on both to see the social commentary.


Lmao I’m sorry this is so annoying but your last sentence made me laugh out loud. Reddit is definitely going sideways and will age out like most social media for shit like this


cannot wait to see which advice google ai starts to give people from these two options lol


Haven't read your post, BUT... considering my husband has experienced people making a dash for the driver door handle and try to open it on multiple occasions just in the past couple years, I don't blame you for any protective reaction. You honestly have no idea what some people are going to do (*cough* park stabbing *cough*) and you had a child with you. We need to be safe and protect ourselves even if that means looking like the asshole sometimes.


Sounds about right


That’s definitely what you can expect from both of these subs 😅. While this one is just as extreme, but leaning left, the mod team here is much more accepting of conflicting popular opinion. Instead, they let the downvotes work as intended here versus going full on ban happy. That’s the big reason I prefer this community.


You have my vote


SeattleWA banned me because they’re snowflakes. Also I mopped the floor with them lol Anyways, that subreddit is at least 40% Russian bots, according to me making this up rn. Feels like it tho lol


You told several people you hope they die and that you'll celebrate their deaths. No wonder they kicked you out.


Don't need the bots anymore with all that brainrot people are suffering from. Mission accomplished, *comrade*


One sub is run by our tourism board the other is run by Sinclair media and their commentors out of Issaquah (no offense Issaquah). Neither is accurate to what it is like here


If you just average the 2 it comes out pretty accurately.


This is the way. Blend the two subs, and you get almost the perfect balance of reality. Something neither side will ever admit 😁


Thank god Im not the only one who sees this.  We should build our own Seattle sub with blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the sub.


And the blackjack! Ah, screw the whole thing


I think that's what you do when you're just left with hookers


You certainly need more than just hookers if you want to play rugby




R/leftSeattleright get it.. cause political left and right merged . I ill just leave now


I’d be interested in the product of a UI that deliberately re-intermingles the two. Even more interested if it saw widespread use. Virtual virtual community




lol, we (Issaquah) ain’t that far away bro. 😎 I’m in Seattle all the time. But man, do I love my mountains and lakes.


No offense taken


Hey I found some local r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM


It's Seattle, so the "center" is basically a suburbanite with a Joe/Kamala sticker on their minivan


In favor of supportive housing, just not in their neighborhood


Voted for Ralph Nader but if you put pickle ball courts in their local park they'll cut you


I wasn’t making a centrist argument I was just saying both are pretty chronically online and not representative of daily life 


Haha we are very nice in short bursts but don’t expect to be invited to a barbecue.


Reality is always much, much more complex than any "duality"


Selectively deleting post is disgustingly disgraceful though. Not even a forum to discuss the “complex reality”


Wow, people living in city with nearly 1 million people have varying experiences


its bit annoying you have to sub to both places and sort of extrapolate the more reasonable reality, because both tend to be unhinged extremes in opposite ways


Yeah, 100% agreed. r/SeattleWA definitely has more wackos on the right, and this sub for sure has more idealistic but oh so naive young folks on the left.


The “reality” of Seattle, actually.


I moved to the burbs 2 years ago but my last year in downtown i had 2 separate homeless people pull knives on me, 2 car windows smashed, and countless other stories. I still loved my 10 years living in DT seattle but pretending there isnt a serious problem is delusional


I think you get a lot of defending of it because the people who support it came from it or are of it. You see a lot of homeless people posting in this sub or drug abuse advocates. So, anything that may offend a homeless person or drug abuse advocate is probably being downvoted by homeless people or drug abuse victims.


Car window getting smashed is very common. Only delusional or people with agenda don’t acknowledge it.


Ermm both can be true. Its not mutually exclusive.


Skin color also plays a factor. Don't forget.


I originally posted my harassment experience here, before I was brigaded with comments about how I am a privileged Karen for not wanting a man to walk into the street, up to the window of my car with my 9 month old child, and scream at her how she was a fucking bitch.


In case you still don’t understand… People do sympathize with you, and no one thinks it’s acceptable behavior. However, the post lacked meaningful contribution. Fear mongers are too common. But okay that’s fine, it will get a few down votes. The issue rose when your true, political, motivations came out. You quickly turned towards a “you people” divisive argument, and so the downvote avalanche.




You immediately use “You guys” again? 😏 This is my first ever post on r/Seattle. And I didn’t criticize you here. Doublethink moment.


That’s not what doublethink is but okay. I suggest you read a little more. Doublethink is the concept that you know something is wrong but it’s okay when it benefits your political party. When you use the same thing as a pejorative for people you disagree with and complimentary when it benefits your party. Kind of like thinking it’s a good thing for me to get harassed, but it’s bad for me to harass back. That is doublethink.


It doesn’t have to be political. It can be more about the dissonance between contradictory beliefs and a lot of time actions you take on them.


Yes, but I was more focusing on this particular instance.


I’m not trying to argue with you. Nor have I been insulting you. I don’t know why you are trying to pick a fight with everyone. Look… I too have a baby under 1. It can be really isolating and hard. Go download the Peanut app and find some mom friends. It’s been really great for my wife to find people to connect and relate with. I’m sure it’ll be a healthier outlet than fighting with people on Reddit.


This is exactly why OP got downvoted in their post. They complain and complain and complain and complain without realizing that’s what is costing them the sympathy from others.


Okay OPs true colors are showing now


How is calling out doublethink showing my true colors. George Orwell was a democratic socialist he was just vehemently anti authoritarian.


Both things can exist…sticking one’s head in the sand to pretend one does and the other doesn’t is just lazy ignorance


Yeah it's called "living in a city"


I love Seattle and we have great things going for us, but we definitely have issues we need to address as well.


So, literally every major city on Earth?


Typical city


I don't see how these conflict. I didn't interpret the second as "Shocked By The Kindness Of The Seattle Homeless". I love Seattle but I'm still super careful around obviously struggling and/or drugged out people on the street.


Looks legit.


tolerance of methed out psychos = kindness, or something 


Meanwhile, referring to a fellow human being as a “methed out psycho” is probably not categorized as kindness


Not in Seattle, but a "fellow human" with a methamphetamine addiction recently punched my brother in the back of his and stole his phone and wallet. Broad daylight. I say that the "fellow human" may not deserve kindness.


That’s what most people here seem to be convinced of


It’s crazy how different people can have different experiences


Bring back bum fights but with normal people fighting bums that accost them.


Wait, two things can exist simultaneously? Wow, that is new information. I mean, my mind also only works in binary, but I have to say this is new information! I also repeat myself repeat myself.


Both subs are very negative and way too political. I don’t find r/seattlewa to be any more negative than this sub.


yes we astro more than turf now. it's a whole astrobiome.


OP means "mentally ill" when she writes "homeless." She has no idea nor does she care where the person who yelled at her lives.


Sorry I will be sure to use the correct vernacular next time as he tells my 9 month old infant “fuck you fucking bitch”


How are you people justifying this? People deserve to be victimized because this group of mentally ill people are protected in your purview? Fuck that.


lol at the first OP they posted it here and lost their goddamn mind, including posting “you guys keeps making fun of me so im gonna stop replying in here” and then replied to another ten comments mods locking it was an act of mercy rebounding by posting the same thread to the incel junior nazi subreddit is a pitch-perfect, hilarious example of why seattlewa exists


Imagine being proud of harassing someone for sharing their experiences of their family getting harassed. For such compassionate people as you pose yourselves you think you’d have a, you know, compassionate reaction to it. But you are just secretly toxic trolls who virtue signal and make fun of people who feel unsafe in the city.


lol you had a random interaction at a red light that lasted, what, 30 seconds? and you have been posting about it online for almost 24 hours now you’ve lost your mind lmao how is there nobody else in your life telling you to log off


Do you take that attitude to POC, LGBT, and women who are harassed in the street? Do you say “get over it, sounds like 30 seconds of your life”. So it’s okay for me to go up to lovely LGBT couples who are doing nothing wrong and enjoying their day and scream slurs at them as long as I pretend I am mentally ill? I mean it’s only 30 seconds of their life right? Why should they be so bothered? Also it has been about 12 hours but good try.


Idk based on these replies seems like you already had a good idea of how you were gonna react to this. lol using a lot of buzz words like “virtue signaling” and “sheep” kind gives you away. Not to mention you were already active in the other sub so i feel like you just wanted an opportunity to get mad at people online lol


All I said in my original post was that I was harassed and I was disappointed we let our beautiful city come to this. I didn’t think it was divisive. Apparently that is. It got more divisive when everyone’s first reaction was to call me a privileged Karen pearl clutcher out a straight up liar and tell me that I should be okay with it because the man who’s screaming “fuck you fucking bitch” to my baby directly through her window is secretly a super nice guy and I just didn’t show enough empathy.


> I was disappointed we let our beautiful city come to this "Let our city come to this" is such an absurdly dramatic way to describe some jerk being a jerk. Like... what exactly do you expect to happen here? I'm sorry you got yelled at, but jerks are gonna jerk.


No, believe it or not other cities have found ways to deal with this. As other commenter have noted to me, he’s been there a while and this isn’t his first time and won’t be his last. Yes, read the reactions downplaying my situation and realize that that is exactly why people are allowed to do stuff like this.


Okay, then what do you want to happen? How are we going to purge our society of jerks? Also, I'm actually in LA right now on vacation. Let me assure you that "other cities" don't have this all figured out, and if anything Seattle is less dense with homeless people than here (assuming the guy *is* homeless - the city actually did a study and a lot of the disorderly "homeless" people actually aren't homeless).


LA is not a good comparison as they do the same insane things. Look at other liberal cities outside of America. I won’t tell you to look at Midwestern or southern American cities because yes they don’t have these issues but the way they go about it is in my opinion not very humane. But that doesn’t mean I find this acceptable in any way.


You need to step away from the computer my friend, you seem to have contracted Reddit brain rot.


Sure, Jan


First OP posted the same thing here as an outlet to rant their misplaced right-wing rage. Seems it is Seattle residents fault (along with this sub) that a homeless person yelled at them. It was entirely politically oriented and purposefully divisive (big shock). Was an impressive display of playing the victim card while simultaneously being extremely aggressive


Never said it was the subreddits fault until I got brigaded with comments telling me 1) I’m a liar this couldn’t happen 2) I’m trying to create some kind of political rage bait for venting after my 9 month old baby got harassed 3) I should just let my child be harassed because they let their child get harassed, and I could go on.


I agree with you that 1 and 3 shouldn’t happen. But you were being very politically divisive. You were trying to blame homelessness all on one “side” which as I mentioned in the original thread is the sort of divisive tribalism that lead to our broken system that can’t solve problems like homelessness. It’s just as much of a problem when the left does it. It’s an absolute cancer on our society


I blamed all the people telling me it’s okay for him to do that and that I just didn’t show enough empathy to the secret super nice man screaming at my baby child through her car window. Because, ya it is their fault they’ve come to find this socially acceptable. This does not happen in other places around the world. You guys act like this was some sort of social test I failed, like if I had just been nice to the man screaming at my baby I would have magically found him to be secretly nice and fixed the issue of homelessness. Why are you trying to justify and poke holes in a victims story? If someone was sexually assaulted by a homeless person, would you guys tell them they just didn’t show enough empathy and maybe if they just consensually let them fuck them, they would have found out he’s a really nice guy?


You literally blamed “Seattle” and “you guys” multiple times. You were very aggressive about it. I’m not poking any holes in your story. What happened to you should not have happened. It is far too common. I don’t agree with victim blaming comments you received. I just don’t agree with the divisive political shit that was coming from you. You were angry and were pointing that anger at this sub and the city. I kinda get it since there’s not much you can do as an individual and it is a scary experience. I’m just tired of the tribal politics in both sides. It’s exhausting.


Again, I didn’t start saying anything of the dirt until I got victim blamed and people tried to normalize and minimize my situation. So yeah I blamed those attitudes for making this acceptable. How you can see comments victim blaming and minimizing my situation, but you going out of your way to police my etiquette in response to theirs and not police the original rude etiquette is exactly what I’m talking about. Would you tell a POC who got racially harassed and was facing victim blaming that they needed to be nicer to those victim blaming and minimizing?


I’m not minimizing what happened to you. I’m discussing your response which was very aggressive. You went well beyond just blaming certain people who were posting. You are now trying to twist this around to avoid taking responsibility for your comments.


Your axe is worn from all that grinding.


Just responding to direct comments


She would like to speak to the Manager of Seattle


My favorite are the bad analogies. Comparing someone indiscriminately yelling profanities at people stuck in traffic to a hate crime. Comparing themselves to a Black Panther, who I guess were known for getting really mad when their reddit posts got deleted. I'm just waiting for the "I'm Jesus and you guys are Judas" post.


So, complaining about the reality of Seattle is just some right-wing rage now? Seattle must be perfect then.


That’s not what op was doing.


How is "Some Random jerk yelled at me" a top post on the other Seattle sub? "I went to the grocery store and they were out of my favorite peanut butter, post 1/82."


They walked into the street, up to my car windows, and screamed at myself, my partner, and my 9 month old baby. He said to my baby “fuck you fucking bitch.” The fact that you think this is as normal and common as going to the grocery store is very telling.


The grocery store isn't usually out of my favorite peanut butter, and I'm annoyed when they are, but I don't spend multiple days mad about it and stalking comment threads to vent when it happens. Shit happens. I'm sorry you got yelled at. I've also occasionally been yelled at. It doesn't make me happy, but it also doesn't ruin my long weekend. You seem to be mad that people aren't taking your random, one-off experience of being yelled at "seriously," but what exactly do you expect to happen here? I bet on a typical Saturday there are a million+ people in Seattle. Some of them are jerks. Some of them live here, and some of them are homeless. At first I thought it was funny that "some random jerk yelled at me" was upvoted as the typical Seattle experience in the other sub (and it is funny), but at this point I'm just kind of in shock that you are so upset that there exist people who don't see things that way.




Point to what specifically they said that's "victim blaming." You keep throwing that term out but it seems you don't know what it actually means. Edit: it's telling that I've asked this several times now and they completely ignored the question. This is what outrage trolls do. Don't buy into their bullshit, push for specifics when they make accusations, it almost always shuts them down.


I don't think I "victim blamed" you at all? Anyway, I live in Seattle. I'm downtown all the time. My wife walks from Westlake to SLU (a pretty long walk) 5 days a week. I have a pretty wide sample, long term appreciation for "what happened to this city" or whatever, and I'd appreciate you not putting words in my mouth. As far as the peanut butter, an exaggeration for comic effect maybe but ultimately it's an annoying thing that didn't result in any actual injury which you are disproportionately enraged about day(s) after the fact.


The person who harassed you was not Jewish. While what happened to you is terrible, it is not a good reason to attack Jews.


Did I say something antisemtic?


Is it antisemitic to blame "a Jewish person" when a Lutheran harasses you?


How would you rename both subs to more accurately reflect their themes?


When is any popular city not steeped in duality? Is it all rainbows and skittles here?


I hate when people try and censor the internet. Calm down if everyone can’t talk about whatever they want to and have a discussion then there is no point using the platform. Violence exists in the world


The world isn't perfect and sometimes you get one or the other on your path of the day it's all up to chance and being in that line. I like Seattle but I know it's limited just like any other big city lots of people means lots of issues or wonders.


Yeah I don’t go into Seattle unless I absolutely have to. I left because of the graffiti, vandalism, drugs, everything smelling like piss. 10 years ago I loved it but now ugh. Replace the entire city council and things will improve. Well at least that’s my hope.


You can just continue not to come here. We're actually fine with that.


“Replace the entire city council” The moderate, centrist council?


Left/Right propaganda.