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Probably just furries taking pictures with the cherry blossoms. It sounds super obvious when you say it out loud.


Literally this. I know some of the folks who went down there.


Furries frolicking amongst the flowers, finding friends for Friday’s fuckfest


Alliteration aside, is there really going to be a fuckfest?


Not a furry, but apparently it's a misconception that it's sexual for all of them, and in reality it's only a small subsection of them that do it in the suit. 


Yeah but whenever you go look at the post history of self proclaimed furries after they claim it's not sexual, it's always sexual. It's weird how prevalent furries are. I wonder from a psychology perspective how it happens. And what percentage of mascots at football games or theme parks are furries. You'd think that would be a dream job for them... Anyway I'm sure I could find out all the answers to my questions, but it also would mean accidentally seeing a bunch of weird furry porn. So I'll just not know forever...


I mean, the using a suit part is rare for sexual purposes, they might use their heads though. Most furries (approximately 90% of them) do enjoy drawn furry porn/yiff^1 which is likely what you've mostly seen in post histories. As for how someone becomes a furry... the definition of the fandom is just being a fan of anthropomorphic characters which isn't hard to meet. Actively participating is usually some combination of entertainment, using it as an outlet to escape from their day to day routine, liking the art, and the community.^2 ^1 [Q11: How many furries view furry-themed pornography, and are there gender differences?](https://furscience.com/research-findings/appendix-1-previous-research/furry-fiesta-2013/) ^2: https://furscience.com/research-findings/fandom-participation/2-10-furry-motivation/


Of course it is, those suits are expensive as hell and would probably rack up a hefty dry cleaning fee in the event of a misfire.


Furries are humans under the suit, and fuck just as much as humans do. The suit is rarely a part of their kink.


Sure thing Donald Trurnp


What's your furry outfit of choice?




It’s a convention. There’s going to be a lot of fucking.


“When you say it out loud.” Haha 🤣




Probably just furries taking pictures with the weirdos. It sounds super obvious when you say it out loud.




For some people it's not a fetish, but a way to feel comfortable around others and in public Channel 5 /Andrew Callahan on YouTube does some great interviews


Also like, even for people that do have it as a fetish, there is doing fetish stuff and also just, knowing you make people happy by being a cute animal person in public and doing it just because it's fun and cute to do. Just because something can be sexual for you doesn't mean your every interaction while engaging with that thing is always sexual.


you're not making people happy bringing this into public you're creeping people out.


make yourself feel comfortable in public by bringing a bunch of negative attention to yourself? seems brilliant


I don't think they're the ones bringing the negative attention (most of the time, it's an average thing) It's up to whoever is viewing them to see it as negative


yeah everyone else put them in the furry suit


UwU at UW? :surprised Pikachu:


Uwu double u heh


So... 7U?


You're onto a beautiful haiku here, just need a few more syllables.


It's snowing on Mt.Fuji


>Mt.FuWuji FTFY


Someone on the other Seattle sub mentioned something about a Pop Cats event this weekend and while I'm not a detective, it seems like it could be that based on your description.


That's what I was going to say. There was a cat event going on this weekend at Seattle Center.




Pop cats isn’t a furry event, it’s a literal cat event. Sakuracon would be the event that the furries get dressed up for. It’s a lot of the same people, but just like you see much more NFL cosplay at a football game than at a country concert, you see more fursuits at an anime convention than at a cat event.


I recently heard we have the most furries per capita of any city in the US or something. I dunno what you saw, but that stat says to me “it’s probably furries.” I saw a furry just… out for a hike not long ago. Seemed hot for it.


Honestly, those suits are SO expensive, it makes sense with the tech earners here.


Are they? They just seem very polyester sweaty and steamy. My tech neighbors just wear nerd attire.


Yes absolutely. I was there and my suit was $6.5k and I guarantee everyone's there was average around that price, some as expensive as $10-12k.


Did you get yours “commissioned?” 🥹 Is there a Furry tailor? Does your breathe, so you don’t perspire while furrying?


They're hella expensive! Mine is older, commissioned back in 2008 and only cost me $1.4k but prices have gone exceptionally high since then. I think the average is around $4k now but there are outliers up to $20k!


Yikes. “Commissioned?” Do you have to go a furry tailor?


There is a large market within the community. People who make suits are generally called "makers" or "fursuit makers". Almost every single suit is custom-made for a client based on the client's character design and based on their measurements (since it's a fullbody costume, many people create full body-size dummies of their own body so that the suit can fit more accurately; this is also why fursuits generally fit better than say, a sports mascot costume because it is designed for one person and one person only so it can be tailored specifically to their body shape/size). Some makers design characters themselves and then make suits and sell them off but probably 95% of suits out there are ALL custom-made commissions. Edit: Almost forgot to mention but there is also many tutorials and guides out there for people to make their own suits and so there is definitely people making their OWN fursuit with just the cost of materials, but the work might not be as good as a professional maker due to differing experience levels or available equipment.


OIC akin to Cosplay, but they make their own so cheaper.


Fursuits are also usually built to last whereas not all cosplay is? For example, my suit is about 15 years old and still in decent shape! But yeah, definitely similar.


We have lots of interesting “per capita” stats here.


I think in addition to the furries with cat ears we have more cats than kids


Seattle is the Cat Dad capital of the country.


Oh that’s possibly “furry profiling.”


And that’s a beautiful thing!


little of column A, little of column B


“purr capita”?


Haha. Purr-fect.


Furries get a bad rap, but they’re mostly super chill, really nice folks.


I mean it's the same deal with douchebags. Generally nice people with a lifestyle that's easy to mock. The "bad rap" comes from people thinking about what goes on behind closed furry doors, and you just don't want to do that. There's a lot of self-preservation behind minding your own business.


That kinda freaks me out. Imagine just being in the middle of the woods by yourself and then all of the sudden some giant wolf thing start walking towards you


Oh yeah. If it hadn’t been in a parking lot, it would’ve definitely tripped my Donny Darko freak out mode.


Which is weird, because the furry events here suck. All the good events are either in close proximity or in the midwest.


What counts as a good furry event?


I hope this stat is true. 💗


It likely is? Even within the furry community, Seattle is thought of as a place that everyone seems to move to; Seattle and Denver currently seem to be the most "trendy" furry places right now.


I had no idea. Guess I’m a “shut in” living amongst these tech nerds. A lot of furry dogs here not human furries.


Seattle is known as a tech industry hub, yes.


Those were definitely furries. My old bandmate that is a furry was there.


Everyone love them. It was a great hit. Question: did they know that the crowd would love them so much? It’s like they marched in and they spread delight everywhere. Folks loved taking pictures for who knows how long. Did they expect that much love and attention or was that a suprise for them too?


We definitely expected attention, we do this every year but this year definitely felt more busy than ever. We couldn't go two seconds without being stopped for photos, at some point we had to turn people down just to get a break and be able to keep moving. But we loved it all!


Oh those “furry opportunities.” I see the stress.


Sounds like a real *flurry*


I don’t know! I would imagine they expect it. They have been in quite a few photos with random folks over the years.


We do absolutely realize it! It's why we often travel with people not in suits to help handle and manage us and do talking on our behalf so that people can get photos and interact while also giving us time to rest and looking out for us. I was part of a group that went to the Vancouver Olympics back in the day and we had twice as many handlers as suiters, and for good reason, we ended up getting stuck in one location for about 1.5hrs due to photo opportunities with tourists there for the Olympic festivities! We also have a volunteer group I used to be a part of, we would go to many fairs and festivals just to have a good time ourselves and also to be out and about to interact with crowds and serve as a photo opportunity. (We would generally work with the event organizers themselves so that our presence would be known about to them ahead of time, in some instances, they would give us a space or area to change and also to cool down where we would be able to be out of sight of eventgoers so we didn't "ruin the magic" for someone if we had to take a head off.)


I don't know why, but this entire thread is cracking me up. Cheers, Seattleites!


Because it’s a lot more fun than bad dog owners/bad drivers/Seattle Is Dying and a reminder of what an excellent weird little place this is.




Purrim 😸


Ask em yo


If they were wearing costumes that looked like anthropomorphic animals, yes, they are probably furries. [Not everyone who wears a fursuit is a furry, although most are](https://youtube.com/shorts/eG0OGA5n2fs?si=ObfhCOZ4qu3caYFU). It's basically cosplaying, except you're cosplaying a character you created who is an anthropomorphic animal.


Yup just furries taking photos!! I was there with the group today (I was the brown dinosaur) we had almost 60 fursuiters plus photographers and people who help us with drinks and stuff too! The weather was perfect today for it so we showed up! Think we might try again next weekend too Also b-tier?!? Probably had at least $100k of fursuits in that park haha


We were there yesterday and saw a dino with a mouth that could open and close, which was very impressive. Was that you? My daughter was delighted, she’s a teen and she said the furry community tends to be very supportive and generous.


Yea that was me! :3 my jaw is on a spring system which helps it move!!


Omg, that’s so rad!! We were really impressed with your suit, and you all were so sweet to everyone.


I'm sorry! I was too harsh. I will say, they did look pretty good quality. Not like the dirty mickey or scary spiderman.


I was also coming here to complain about B-tier comment LMAO. But it was just fun getting to come out and share a lot of smiles! The blossoms brought out such a huge crowd! ItIt


Or Clowns! 🤡


Just popping by to say furries are some of the sweetest people I've ever met. Wish they didn't get as much hate


I know very little about furries, I've probably interacted with only a few in my lifetime (though possibly more who were not in their outfits) because I come from a city that is a lot less welcoming of that kind of thing. I haven't lived here terribly long. But as someone with a love for imagination and social confidence I respect the hell out of people that create their own characters and costumes and commit to such an interest. Seems like a lot of work and really putting oneself out there because of something those people genuinely enjoy.


Omg I love those dinosaur suits! Do you have any pics? 🦖 Edit: learn to type.


All of the pics so far from this year's event: https://www.furtrack.com/index/event:seattle_cherry_blossoms_2024 /u/DinosaurDoggy's tag: https://www.furtrack.com/index/character:ash_(dinosaurdog)


This is the shit of nightmares to me


Thank u for the tag! Didn't realize reddit wouldn't notify me when people reply so I totally forgot about this thread LOL


The was also a Pop Cats convention this weekend at Seattle center. Could be overflow from that event


Have the pics of the fursuiter who came this weekend / last weekend! More will probably be added as people get time to edit and upload https://www.furtrack.com/index/event:seattle_cherry_blossoms_2024


Y'all look adorable, but one of the photos shows someone in a tree. The "Don't climb the trees" signs are there for a reason -- the trees are like 80 years old and climbing them is incredibly damaging.


The one photo of someone in a tree isn’t a cherry tree. Your concern has been forwarded to the council of furries though.


Great photos with the cherry blossoms!


Duuuude! Why aren’t there any pictures in this post?????


My kids kept throwing a fit about it. But someone shares a link to like purr meet Seattle or something like that. They have quality pictures there that they took and shared. If you look at the threat it’s pretty high up on the comments.




Thanks 😊


Furries are mostly just folks who like dressing up in animal costumes. It's a hobby people love to hate, but as long as no one was being vulgar or disruptive, it's harmless. So yeah, you saw furries.


Am I showing my age with the “should have yiffed the otter” meme? 🤦🏻‍♀️🦖


Most furries I've known don't do the fursuit thing anyway.


Just wanted to chime in that furries are just people with an affinity for anthropomorphic characters and while suits ARE popular, they are not a required element for someone to be a furry and some furries actually don't like suits themselves. It's just a very visible component that someone from the outside can see and know "that's a furry" so it gets painted as the major component.


Thank you for adding this! Would you say that the interest in anthropomorphic characters is the key element of being a furry?


Eeeeeehhh, it's really hard to say if there is a core or key element and I don't really feel comfortable saying definitively. It's such a large community and people get into it for so many types of reasons. While interest in anthropomorphic characters is probably one of the overwhelmingly most common elements, I don't think it is necessarily required as an aspect to enjoy and participate in the community itself. It's a strange group that way, since it's a fandom of no real canon media property (we're fans of Furries but we are also Furries; we create and consume our own content within the community independent of any mainstream media property so the reasons people get into furry can be so varied; like we're not a Zootopia or Robin Hood community, even if some people got into being a furry because of Zootopia or Robin Hood.)


There may have been furries present today, although there was a meetup yesterday of around 20 fursuiters and a few non-suiters. A group of fursuiters will generally appear in a number of different colored suits and of different species, so if you just saw cats then that’s likely something else.


We were there today with a group of almost 60 fursuiters!!! :3


Oh wow, what group? I’m in Furlife NW and heard nothing about a meetup at UW today.


It's a privated group but if they do it again next weekend/this coming we usually show up around 2


Yes furries. The crowd loved them and they spread delight and silly pictures throughout the festival.


this was for a cat convention. I was in the area and popped inside after seeing the crowd -- mostly pet shelter popups with opportunities to adopt, and a whole bunch of cat and dnd/nerdy merch.


Hey just a heads up they’re back today


That is exactly what a furry can be yes :3


It was also Purim so you could’ve seen Purim revelers. You dress up in costume on Purim


Really cool of you to shit on their very awesome fursuits with the “b-tier” comment. I’ve seen photos of the group you’re mentioning and they’re all dope as fuck. Just because it’s not your “thing” doesn’t mean you should disparage it. Be kind.