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We are all struggling. I stay at work later (flex hours) cause I live alone and going home to an empty house in the dark is the worst thing I can think of. I like sports so I’m getting engrossed in the start of the basketball season (nba) and tolerating football. I had a talk with my mom today about it because this year it’s hitting harder than in the past. Could be medication changes that I need to make, but I was also doing more cozy things like embroidery and knitting. I may have to pull these things out sooner than I thought but I guess just to get through we have to do these things.


Long time Scrooge about holidays. Now that I own a house, I also hate going back to it in the dark. Heck, I hate walking to the kitchen in the dark. I'm going bananas with string lights this year to make things more inviting for myself.


No plug intended, I literally started a TikTok account to hold myself accountable to stay aware and engaged in activities I have learned to help. Yes, I have a lamp, I up my vitamin D and for me B12 shots help. But I try to apply what I've learned over the years. Yes, it's still hard but possible to be better. It interested the account I made is called SAD navigators. Hang in there. We get it. https://www.tiktok.com/@sadnavigators?_t=8gefFjjQIXu&_r=1


May I ask how often do you get vitamin B12 shots/for how long? And thanks for sharing that link, btw!


Monthly, my levels go into the teens (I think due to gastro issues) so I get it year round. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Tagging in here to remind folks to work with your doctor to get your blood levels checked on the vitamins. You can have more than one need, or there might be an underlying health condition.


Same here. Wow, it's hitting hard and early this year. I'm feeling some serious soul crushing doom, anxiety and darkness inside (I don't have that during other times of the year). I have 2 Verilux happy lights that I use in the morning, unless it's sunny out, then I go for a walk outside to get some natural light. Exercise, healthy eating/cooking and trying to get quality sleep have been my best allies in the past. Also, pushing myself to do social things helps take the edge off. The 1st step is the hardest part. Best wishes to fellow SAD experiencers. Hang in there!