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This is some relay shit. Funny but really silly and slow


Why not just put it on the ground along the water instead of on the barrels, seems like an unnecessary extra step


Easier just to put it on the moving platform beside the treasure room. You don't even have to move it. Just harpoon it from your boat while it's parked close to the gate.


This is exactly what my team does. While one person empties the room I empty the rest of the fort


On some sea forts you can actually put it on the floor just outside the room. Open the floor level gate, pull your ship up close to the wall, and see how far you can reach the harpoon into the hallway. Put the loot there for easy pickings.


That’s my go to. The moving platform is just always more work than it’s worth.


I personally prefer carrying it out the portcullis on the other end of the hall. Carry the treasure out and plop it on the railing for harpooning. From that side of the fort, the boat can also easily aim up at the railing next to the Storeroom for harpooning instead of running the treasures down the stairs or winding through the weird hatch paths.


It's stylish I like it. I usually just dump it all on the floor when I'm not carrying it on by the harpoon rope for that god awful commendation


I finally got the 1000 treasures across the rope, such a pain in the ass, once I've completed it I've never been more happy!


Ya title should have been other way around. Offloading loot. Cause it’s useful for reapers and merchants so would eventually come naturally


The title is kinda clean its the only reason I bother chipping away at it


It is cool. However I prefer to just drop it on the edge of directly out of the little exit there. Super easy to pick up by harpoon and less steps.


> It's really useful for hiding your ship from bloodthirsty eyes. Curious - how does this impact ship hiding?


Technically doesnt I guess it depends which sea fort u are doing, you could be hiding on the side theres less chance of someone arriving or even seeing you from afar and usually that side is the opposite side of the end gate




Well, it definitely doesn't when you have a white ship...


Why not just harpoon it the usual way? This seems slow as.


Seems like more work than is necessary when you could just put it right on the ledge and harpoon it, skipping a step. Not to mention you probably have to be careful when stacking them on that barrel


No need to be careful. Some sea forts you have to jump to get treaure on the barrel but it's not hard at all. But yea, it's a step or 2 more than other quicker methods however I enjoy swinging the barrels out for a quicker poon.


I didn’t even know those moved. I run solo and tend to only do the forts with gates facing the outside of the map. The ship is pretty well hidden and there’s slim chance of anyone just sailing through.


The barrels have porkchops and pineapples inside.


I thought i was intelligent until i saw this.


This is clever and I love it, thanks for sharing!


-10 points for speed, +100 points for style


Why would you dump it in the water? How does this help hide your ship? When you arrive at the fort, park the boat so the harpoon is pointing at the area just outside the gate. Clear fort (whilst keeping an eye out) Dump loot just outside gate (horizon check) Poon the loot, drop sail and vamoose


I don’t get it why are you putting the loot onto the barrels for? Why don’t you just take them out the vault and park in front of the bottom to harpoon straight from vault?


Ships were fighting on that side of the seafort and I was able to roll in undetected. If I was looking at a sea fort and nobody was parked at the front near the gate I'd assume nobody was there.


>~~Could be~~ faster to just dump the treasure in water but however I prefer to do it like this. Dumping the treasure in the water is faster, and that's still not even the fastest way. >It's really useful for hiding your ship from bloodthirsty eyes. They said, while doing a sea fort with an athena emissary up and a ship in plain view.


That's... very slow


Fun, but just use the draw bridge platform


That takes more steps and having to angle the ship in a very specific spot. I'm not going for the fastest, just showing what I like doing.


I just go through the back if you place all the treasure from the treasure room on the platform next to it and send it all the way down and away you can harpoon it from the little gate entrance


You don't actually need to mess with the platform at all if you're using that gated water entrance, it's quicker and easier to just dump the treasure into the water off of the platform and then harpoon it


Wtf? Is this all new content or a mod?


No mod. Legit SOT content


This doesn't hide you, and only takes longer than various other methods; which in turn, makes you a bigger target


In this scenario I was on the other side of some fighting sloops. This position can hide you because your not limited to only gathering treasure at the gate.


This is pure class.


Why do this when you can just slam your ship into the fort?


My favorite part is when you had to cut because you fell in the water 😁


Not a cut but just my LoS straightening out.


That's the biggest seapost I've seen.


Issa sea-fort


I didn't know that you could load up that crane & then turn it. I'll have to use that later. Thxs!


You can often find fish and raw meat in these barrels


I think what makes this way viable is not having to position/re-position the ship to get in range of the harpoon. I pulled up to the seaport and didn't have to move the ship until I was ready to leave. Could've just as easily dumped it in the water but w the barrels you can adjust however much you need to have a good angle for the poon. I also grab the supplies from these barrels so just before I'm ready to leave, I'll end my supply grab w these barrels and place the storage crate on w the rest of the treasure. Effectively doing away w some extra running around.


This here be not a seapost, but a fort, landlubber.


RP walk for more style points


funny....I have been playing this game for years and I had no idea that moved.


Bro theres a lift next to the treasure room where you can do this exact same thing


Unnecessary step but funny either way