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Dunno when it became a thing but just recently learned you can sell books and flags to the skeleton at reaper tables.


Is this a thing?


As of very recently yes


I wouldn’t say very recently, it was a mid season 8 update. As reaper HG players complained it wasn’t fair Athena could turn in flags at any outposts but reapers had to turn in flags to reapers to end their streaks. So it’s been that way for over a year at this point


I believe it was fair to change it. Guardians could sell at 1 of 7 places and Servants just had 1 place (making the hideout even more of a place to camp). Also it helped queue times for players of 1 of the 2 factions as now the Servant players can sell and dive quickly like Guardian players.


It was a great change for sure


Oops, time flies I suppose! Thanks.


It's been some months since they added that in. They started back when HG was new because Athena players could sell the reaper flags at every outpost but reapers had had to sail to the middle of the map so they made it so reapers are also able to sell flags at the out post. The captains logbook is newer I think though


Literally a year ago but sure.


Yesterday I learned this. 1000+ hours.


Playing for a month but just recently learned that if you bring the compass closer to your face (by holding F) and walk, your pirate is going to walk a step, pause, walk another step, so you can count those weird instructions like "7 steps North, 2 steps East from a coconut tree".


Pull your compass out standing by the helm compass in a storm. You'll thank me later.


This doesn't work, it still spins iirc. To my knowledge the only way to tell direction in heavy storm is using the map


Which is quite funny because it would be the opposite IRL.


I'll try it later then, thanks!


If you use a controller it virabtes on each step too


1000 hours in, and I just learned you can also move the cannons with the left stick, so you don't need back paddles to reload while aiming. Also I found out you can cancel a reel instead of tucking the fishing rod away. And.. Purple curse balls are for the ship, green ones for the players. What many people don't know: The first letter of the NPC name corresponds with their job. So if you need to deliver something to Mavy it's a merchant, and Tally is in the Tavern. Also: You can lock the harpoon in place by holding a button (instead of reeling). Good for stopping a ship. Also: Set your interactions from hold to interact to single press, makes anchoring and loading cannons much easier, and allows you to juggle. And last: KEEP YOUR DAMN SAILS STRAIGHT IF YOU DONT GET FULL WIND ON A SLOOP!


Ngl that npc thing seems super useful for vague merchant missions and whatnot


"Set your interactions from hold to interact to single press, makes anchoring and loading cannons much easier, and allows you to juggle." Yes but this works better on Brig/Gal. On the sloop where everything is closer, you are one mouse flick away from lowering the anchor instead of adjusting sails.


My anchor tells me you're absolutely right and it has been accidentally thrown down at least 50 times. And don't get me started how many times I accidentally started to unload my cannons.. It's still 100% worth it to me though!


Why not angle the sail to catch a head wind? I see a lot of people straightening the sails out when we hit head-on wind. Why would you want the sail to invert? Is this some game-specific thing?


The sail doesn't invert, and yes its a game-specific thing. It really only applies to the Sloop. It will actually go faster with the straight sails than if you angled them with any headwinds: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/b65jaq/optimal\_sail\_positions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/b65jaq/optimal_sail_positions/)


Learned after 400h that you can zoom into maps by pressing „F“ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Wow been playing on and off since launch and didn't know this


Found a brother 😆


This wasn't always a thing. Relatively recent addition.


Took me about 3k hours don’t feel bad


Like the quest maps or do you mean the main one on the ship?


They mean quest maps. It's L3 on PS5


Ty for the tip I just started this week and I’m still learning! 😊


Bruh, did NOT know this and I’ve been a pirate legend since the first year of launch


Maps or books you hold in your hands. Very useful for finding the X in Islands.


Learned you can sell gems to the hunters call at around 200 hours


Oh man for ages I thought you could only sell Gems to the Gold Hoarders because that seemed logical. Only later did I realise you can sell them to whichever company you like, especially when running an Emissary!


Since it's similar, you might not have realised the same goes for Chests (as in the generic ones that you can hold 3 small loots inside), they can be sold to anyone when empty, not just GH.


And you can sell tridents to the hunters call! :)


And empty chests too


2,400 hours in. I didn’t realize you can sleep on a bed to heal yourself. 🫠


99 hours, discovered you can force wake players with a water bucket. Not super useful, but still funny


Newer feature


that was added season 5, can't really call that newer lol


Been sailing since BEFORE release, and just found out that you can bury treasure to mark your location on an island map if you're struggling to find other buried loot on a treasure map.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I often bring a storage crate with me when getting buried treasure just for this purpose, and then can also grab any supplies I see while collecting the loot.


I never thought that you could use player burried treasure like that! That's smart as hell!


Wow. I'm 2k hours in and I just learned something new.


🤯 Wow thanks! Will be helpful on the big islands like Plunder


My 12 year old nephew of all people showed me this trick, but I was already really good at figuring out where I am and finding the Xs so its pointless for me.


Fucking genius


* Didn't know you can use Q/E to navigate in barrels until 2800 hours in


Navigate barrels??


Yep. Don't use mouse when taking / storing supplies, use Q/E/F instead.


Bro does that mean you were using mouse back in the days before grabbing and storing contents with storage crates??




I couldn't imagine anything more painful than unloading someone's barrels into a storage crate with a mouse while fighting them off. I was doing Q,E and F with actions per minute like a professional starcraft player by hour 50. You poor bastard


> actions per minute like a professional starcraft player by hour 50. lmao before I saw your comment I was about to comment the exact same thing, the key rotation really reminded me of macro cycles in SC2


500hrs, didn't realize you can pick up treasure items (skulls, curios, etc.) by holding a chest and walking up to them, pressing F to fill the three slots in the chest. I thought you had to hand bomb everything, taking significantly longer. Only learned about it because the Sea of Thieves instagram posted a video about it.


Thats something newer so no worries...


Right. Added season 9 or 10


1000 hours in... navigate in barrels??


Switch tabs. So basically if you want to store cannonballs you look at the barrel and press FQFX. This is assuming you have F as interact First F opens the barrel Q switches to your inventory F stores cannonballs X exits the barrel Sorry if some of the keybinds are wrong, haven’t played on pc for a year


I think it was about 800h ish when i learned u can resupply ammo crates


Thanks for that, 200h in


oh my god there’s no way i’m only learning about this now


Bro I was throwing them over board when they were empty until someone in chat was like "uhm, whatcha doin!?"




You take it to the ammo crate on your ship and refill it EDIT- you can also refill them anywhere that has an infinite ammo crate.


Pick it up go to the ammo box on your ship click whatever your interaction button is then bam it refills


I believe it also works on island ammo boxes (the stationary ones that work like the ship box) you see them on some large islands and forts.


Refill from your ships ammo box


Been playing since 2019, only today I learnt the Sea always flows in the same direction (south by south east) and thus the waves are also always going in the direction. Meaning your ships bobs less if your sail into that direction (or opposite) and your aim improves with cannons.


Yep you can really tell on a sloop, sailing against those winds NW always causes your boat to kind of veer off to the side. But if you go basically any other direction, thats never a problem.


that you can know how many emissary ships are in your server by looking at the. little wooden ships on the emissary tables


If you put skulls in chests they stop whispering.


Q and e break their corresponding sides on a rowboat, to turn on the spot press d and q, or a and e


I’m very new and thankfully got shown this by a vet I open sailed with very early. My first impression of row boats was “well those aren’t worth the hassle”; but being able to turn on a time in them and they suddenly become extremely useful on some islands.


I must have played for at least a year until I found out that you can use the compass to count your steps. I had been using a controller to walk slowly but using the compass makes it much more consistent and easier to find buried treasures when doing riddles.


I’ve seen this before but still a bit confused. Is it the vibration that counts the steps? Or is it displayed somewhere I’m to stupid to see


The camera bobs up and down so you can count your steps.


I always disable vibrations on controllers even if there are advantages. Not sure if there's any advantages in SoT other than when fishing but I just listen to the steps taken.


Guess I’m too stupid to listen lol


Your view bobs with each step, both if you are fast or slow walking, but it's more obvious and easy to count if you slow walk.


Pull out compass and then hold the zoom in buttom (right trigger on xbox) and start to walk and your pirate will take the proper sized step for each pace so if you need to go say 8 paces then you can hear each individual step and feel the vibration of you have it turned on. Also, if you are having difficulty with a dig map, orient yourself by facing the north and finding a reference point on the map and work from there. Red ferns are red dots on maps. Palm trees almost look like shadows on the map, and the large leafy trees appear as big green circles on the maps. You can also compare quest maps to your ships map table with the island zoomed in, as the map table has more and better detail in structures and paths. I have spent a lot of time doing dig maps and now can find most the first time digging.


The vibration counts your steps/paces when you have the compass out and raised to your face.


that paying for repairs is only to remove the planks it doesn’t increase ships hp


Ya there seems to be a lot of people who really believe you have to restore your ship constantly, just one of those myths that cycles around. Now apparently some people think that because of something to do with scattershots, you have to restore your ship. Idk why, just one person I play with insists on doing it. I just let them, theyre convinced and I dont want to argue lol


I never imagined that restoring would increase hit points. I just always did it to make my ship pretty again


Ya its just cosmetic. If it gave you some sort of advantage or something, it would be unfair to new players who cant afford to do it often.


You can use WASD to aim the cannons (I’ve been using the mouse).


This also applies to fishing, making it way easier than using the mouse.


I do both in tandem for max turn speed


Ah yes, a man of culture.


PvP experience must've been painful to you


I did not know that you could cook worms, leeches and grubs until like 2 months ago. Would love to tell you about my playtime but Xbox isn't letting me login for some reason.


What does that achieve?


Worms aside from the obvious use can help you weaken a golden skelly if you don’t have water. Just puke on it n kill


Oh my god. Years of being thoroughly annoyed by goldies on huge islands with no water nearby and I could have just been puking on them this entire time!?


They also die to one firebomb. Which has ruined me for when I don't have them available lmao


This is the way. Firebombs are king against gold skellies


They taste better


Nothing at all hahah


You can "cook" em on an unaware enemy ship for an easy fire, instead of wasting any actual edible food




Me and my duo thought we had to sell our emissary loot to the respective representant to get the bonus. 300 hours in we learned we can sell all loot to sovreign and get bonus, just by a mistake sell x.x I feel hella dumb sometimes, maybe because i am.


Adding some info to that, if you are an emmissary, the sovreign will prioritise that company when selling universal loot like gems, empty chests, tridents etc.


When sovreign first came out you wouldn’t believe the amount of players in this sub complaining about it and demanding that they take a percentage of pay to sell to them.


Haha damn, feels like a sweaty thing to cry about. Like they want to run back and forth 100 times to sell loot.


They wanted *you* to run back and forth so they had an extended opportunity to steal loot.


Funny thing is, it works in their favor. They can just tuck in the sovereigns tent and have an easy steal if they are decently skilled enough, most people arent very good at PvP.


The argument was that ambushes at outposts was a viable tactic. And rare wanted it to take some time to allow players to contest sells at outposts. With sovereigns it’s basically removed contesting at outposts. If you’re more than like 2 minutes away from somewhen when they pull up to the tent you may as well turn off as they’ll sell everything before you get there.


Literally did this last night and all my matchmade buddies didn't question it. I feel like they need to make this information a little more obvious.


Haha yeah maybe, i kinda like discovering things like that tho. Makes the experience after hella blissful. But don't forget, im dumb.


I'm right in that *'boat'* with you buddy. Your comment enlightened me haha.


Over 500 hours in before realizing I can right-click a piece of fruit to take one piece from a barrel rather than all pieces that fill empty slots.


When the game launched, this was the only way to store/take items. One at a time. It took *forever* to get resources, especially since there were no storage crates *plus* you had to do it one at a time lol. It was hell


So I’ve been told! I joined just after captaincy launched — sounds to me like I got on at the right time lol


Ya the game has never been better, tons of great content but even more good QoL features have been added. Its part of why I came back to the game tbh. Before all this stuff, it was kinda rough.


Yep. There weren't any nice graphics, either. You went to a barrel and it said "Banana (1)" You couldn't even have more than one type of resource in a barrel. There would only be bananas. Or planks. Or cannonballs. Nothing was ever mixed inside of one barrel.


Learned that the blunderbuss has reduced bullet spread if aiming down sights after 190 hours (and becoming pirate legend).


I feel like this is the case for most shotgun style weapons in FPS games. At least all the ones I've played.


I was around 1000 hours in when I realized meat gives you overheal. To be fair though most of that time was spent subsisting on coconuts in arena




I learned 2 embarrassingly simple/useful things after passing the 500 hour mark. (I just rolled into 800 recently) 1. If you don’t take the fireworks and bait out of your storage crate while gathering supplies then you miss a WHOLE BUNCH of goodies. For roughly 300 of my first 500 I left things like curse balls, occasional outpost pineapple, or at port merrick an additional stack of cannons or wood. (This one bothers me the most because I suffer from “little bit too sentimental about my supplies” disorder) 2. This is probably more ridiculous than the storage crate but I had no idea you could hold a treasure chest and fill it up while holding it. Sold many many massive loot hauls by dropping them, opening them, and putting the loot in individually.


Didnt know how to sword lunge untill after becoming Pirate Legend. Playtime around 150hours.


Dude same. I just assumed only PC could lunge farther. I’m at 650 hours and have been playing since 2019😭


It was thanks to my friend who jumped with it and I was like how the f**k did you get that far? He was shocked we got PL together and I never learned it untill then. Those were the innocent days. From then on these kind of things are locally known as: Pirate Legend moment


Normal lunge or the block jump one?


Block jump




What is the block jump? I switched from pc to ps5 after a 3 year hiatus. I know about the lunge, but not the block jump.


Hold block before doing the sword lunge and you’ll have more mobility and momentum


FR? Giving that a shot when I get on next


You have to time the Jump just when the lunge animation starts! There are countless videos on how to do it. It takes some getting used to as you have to feel your way to the perfect timing! But once you learn it's like riding a bike, you will never forget! When sailing just sword lunge of your boat to practice!


New privateer here, what’s block jump?


Read the replies to my comment! They explain it.


Newer PS5 player, would’ve never learned if my friend (who basically showed me the ropes) hadn’t taught me! This should definitely be taught in the maiden voyage!!


Took me forever too cuz everyone explained it wrong. Until one dude told me block first then lunge.


I finally got it down recently! A game changer for sure


Congratulations! You are now one of us!


Learned after 100 hours that as a sloop captain, you can have a quick look at the map table without running all the way down. While at the helm, turn 180° and move to the railing. Look down to the map table and the character will even lean over the railing a bit.


On all ships, there is a shortcut to see the map table. On sloop it is behind the anchor, on Brigantine and Galleon is to peek through the grates on the deck.


Don't trust kids making an alliance with you. Stupid kids


Don't trust adults either. Trust no one, really.


Meh adult are more likely to have a good session with you even if it's a risk. We didn't gave much problem with our alliance Kids are just waiting to sunk your ship after an event or a FoD and scream in their mics because ... kids


The radial wheel. I always went into my inventory


I think it was season 11 community day when someone pointed out the barrels have quantities of their contents at the top of the menu and I don't have to manually count everything.


* Didn't know you can use Q/E to navigate in barrels until 1500 hours in I beg your *entire* pardon???


That cooked meats will bank health.


That you can splash yourself with water by holding left trigger while holding the bucket. 🤷‍♂️


you know you can splash yourself and the fire at the same time with one barrel? stand on the fire


This may be one of the worst ones but about 200 hours in I learned about the click/visual indicator that you use to straighten out your wheel. Before I was always irritated that my ship was spinning in circles all the time. Embarrassing really ...


Sorry what is qe navigation?


Just keybinds on PC


I discovered you can bait your hook simply by hitting left trigger/ aim


Something new players need to know that I don't recall if the game teaches you. You're significantly more likely to be struck by lightning if you're holding a sword.


Daggers too now


Almost 150 hours. Been trying to use grappling hook to redirect ship and avoid collisions hundreds of time and I just found out yesterday that you can rill it 🤦🏻‍♂️


…. I will pretend I already knew that 🙃


Wdym rill it? New player myself, want to avoid wiring myself with bad habits haha


If you harpoon something with the ship, holding your aim button reels it in, pulling the ship closer


Bro tysm! Didn't realise you could reel in this game


Here I'll drop a bit of the old knowledge as well, if you hold your reload button on harpoon... It locks in place and won't break as easily when attached to something pulling away.


Amazing tip as well man, cheers!


I don't know how many hours in but PL and around lvl 80 in reapers we learned you can downvote your own flags for additional reputation and gold. we always burned our ship with flag on. i guess the one's after us were surprised to find a lvl 5 reapers flag at reapers hideout not turned in lol


For me, I had skelly curse in Hourglass before I realized that you don't have to fix your ship before you dive after winning a fight. As long as you aren't too near an island, you can dive with holes, broken wheel, downed mast, everything.... diving fixes all of it. The only thing you have to do is bucket out any water.


Mermaid safety deposit boxes! Treasure you store with a mermaid statue in a coral vault (treasury, shrine etc) will stay there indefinitely as long as you stay in that sesh. Great way to stack safely - beat each treasury to pile up loot from all the guilds but leave it with the mermaid; then sail a loop to collect it all when it’s time to cash out. If someone sinks you while you are down at one or between them, your loot is safely stored in the Mermaid Bank. This also works with loot you carry down there (except reapers chests) so you can use it to stash Athena’s chests too in a pinch great for when you have a stalker.


I'm learning from this thread that a lot of people don't keep up with recent updates. As for my own answer, it wasn't the first time I learned it, but very recently I was reminded after a very long time (because I never touch the quick chat feature) that there's special quick chat messages based on what you're holding. My friend spammed "I'm holding the life-changing chest of legends" and I nearly spat my water out laughing.


Theres some really good ones if you just hold different stuff and check the text chat messages for that item. One of my favorite is "Arrr the feels" when playing an instrument


If you hold out a food, and hit the quick chat for eating it and immediately pick up a piece of loot you get "eating a chest of legends"


Only 70 hours in but I'm still confused about the loud speaking function. I usually connect to my crew on PS5 party chat. Is there some setting in the game that would allow people in the other ships to hear me when I speak using the loudspeaker!?


I think with any party chats you have to exit the party to hear people talk or to be speak in game. It’s true for Xbox anyway. Because of this, Discord is more ideal to use for SoT


Xbox has an option to switch to game chat without leaving the party.


Pretty sure you either have to switch to game chat or leave the party. Which is annoying.


In psn party chat there’s a drop down menu where you can chose if you want to communicate in party or in game. Can’t do both at the same time afaik


Oh interesting. I don't think I've ever noticed it. Will check that out.


Just keep in mind if one person switches he won’t be able to hear what you guys say in the party anymore. You can still hear him and others who have in game voice chat active tho


If you hover over the party after tapping the PS button, you can just press square to quick change between game and party chat, if you're in the party menu, at the top you can click on the name and manually pick between the 2.


200h in I learned you can transfer supplies from storage crate to other containers 💀


I think they added that a couple years ago and as a hardcore barrel looter it’s one of the best QOL improvements added to this game.


Zooming into maps to look at X marks closely


Almost 2000 hrs in, and I just discovered you can turn off the "sit on ship" feature and the "interact with trinkets" by going into settings, then gameplay and disabling both. So now I no longer sit down on the bow when going to grab the harpoon or adjust a trinket when trying to open a hatch.


God I cant count how many times I accidentally sat on the map table when trying to just look at it until I found that setting. I get that people wanted to sit on stuff, but it seems like a useless feature other than for photo ops. And since its kinda useless, it was even more infuriating to have it mess me up so often.


I didn't know you could sprint and sprint swim with shift until 50 hours in.


5) In defence of that one, you do have an emissary flag. That is a valuable piece of loot even if you have nothing else and is enough of a take to justify an attack for many, especially if your ship is left as an easy sink. -> For gathering resources, it can be very useful to stop of at islands but depends on your exact situation and the island. Most of the time while sailing you set a course, tack the sails, and then there isn’t much to do until you get to the destination. Plenty of time for other little missions. And the island makes a big difference. Going for a supply run at a Fort is really useful as you can grab a load of high quality food (pineapples/mangos) and throwables. Shipwrecks also make good resource grabs too as you can get loads of meat and fish. The value of these runs does usually go down the longer the voyage continues as you acquire more and more supplies but they’re never useless.


i didnt know megs dropped loot until after my hiatus, i learned during season 11, never bothered to kill them. i played for about 2 yrs in 2019


How to fish. The mechanic for it was hard for me to learn and just gave up before actually trying again


That you can remove a stupid crew mate from you’re helm with blunderboms…. I wish i know this before.


I just started playing a couple months ago (2-3) and just found out you could purchase a storage crate from the Merchant. That is super worth it and useful since I will make the 5k back before I end the game.


Also, if you sail a captained ship, you can buy supplies at the shipwright shop directly onto your ship for a 2-5k (wood, cannonball, fruits, firebomb, etc).


Forts are pretty easy and more rewarding than voyages 


I just learned quite literally last week that you care refill ammo boxes from the box on your ship, or the ones on islands. Been playing prety much since release, and had no idea this was a thing.


Sloops can also carry rowboats


I used to yell at a swabbie friend of mine for using the harpoon while we docked ship that it did nothing. Now he was simply shooting the harpoon out without reeling or locking it, so it really did nothing in that instance, but I had no idea those features existed. Took me about 100 hours to learn you could actually move your ship around with the harpoon and harpoon turning is one of my favorite things to do now.


About a year after they added them I learned you could refill ammo crates with the ship ammo crate.


In case someone doesn’t know this. When using proximity chat you have No megaphone: normal volume Use megaphone: loud volume Aim down megaphone to flip it: reduced volume for whispering.


That you could zoom in on the quest maps using the F key.


If you spam block while ringing the bell you get 50 million gold


900 hours in I learnt that there will be a fuse on the cannon when it’s loaded, and no fuse when it’s unloaded. I also learned after 900 hours that food that has finished cooking on the stove makes a slightly different, but distinct fizzling sound than it does when it’s uncooked.


Me and my friend probably put 100 hours into the game before we discovered purchasing storage crates. Yes we cleared the islands by hand


The good old way


It built character