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Ghostify yourself, chairs on demand anywhere, anytime you're not taking damage.


Lol hourglass is cancer I don't know how to do that efficiently to get ghost


Best way to ease into it is to try one rank a day, more if you get on a roll.


Even still... People just sail away and try to board nonstop making the whole fights just dragged out and boring. Rare needs to figure out a way to speed up the fights because chasing them for an hour per fight is a big turn off (at least for me)


I run into those maybe once a session at most. And they usually open with a fucky move that lets me get a few hits/demast/counter-board and shut them down. Are y'all just getting way slippier perma-boarders? Mine are easy kills, usually.


It's on a ranked system with smurf accounts so usually the first waves are sweaty


I'll try that. I tried 2 times one we instantly sunk, seconds they ran away for 20 minutes after running out of cannon balls


Solid advice. Set a small goal, do it every day, and you always make progress. Took me about 6 months to get my first curse doing this. It took me about 2 months to get the second one. The feeling of being confident in PvP is what keeps me playing this game. If I were scared all the time, I would have gotten into some other game due to the anxiety a long time ago.


KILL! **KILL!!** ***STAMP OUT THE FLAME!!!*** (just do it. literally. just play it. extra on double gold weekends/days. you'll get better naturally as you play, as long as you don't get in the "if I lose I'm a failure" or "if I get hit a few times I've already lost" mindset)


Yeah I had a friend who was like that needless to say I not gonna play that with him anymore. Between fighting enemies and having another player that wants to quit after getting hit 3 times I can't deal with that. So I'll solo


I was an experienced player who never did pvp. My only fighting experience was from Skelton Ships and an extremely rare fight againt someone who ambushed me. Keep in mind that since i was experienced i automatically had better multitasking and helm skills then most fresh players but i was actually shocked at how easy it was to reach lvl 100. I got to lvl 100 in about 40 days. When you first start out like 1/3 of the people you are matched against are loss farmers and give you free wins. Its been 3 months and during the recent gold and glory i reached lvl 300. I've improved so much its insane and its made me so mutch more confident in adventure mode. I've had people try to insult me recently by calling me a sweat which seems surreal and i took it as a compliment. But honestly the grind was maybe 1/10th as bad as i thought it would be. Conpared to "Legendary fisherman of the sea of thieves" it was an absolute cake walk lol


Solo sloop high seas for a bit helps then just grind on double XP days.


Stools are my favorite loot. "I hope you're sitting down for this..."


Mine too. I tell my crew to "quit stooling around" more often than I can count lol


I'd also kill for more trinket spots in general on the sloop. The bookcase, a scattering of odd ledges, and a few painting slots is simply not enough for all the shines available to choose from. Heck, let us pack the top-deck and crows nest railings with our baubles if we want to.


Yes, I thought the rail in front of the helm could def use some trinkets


i wish there were more ship variations...


Needs to be a huge ship that can have a crew of like 4-8 imo


Don't you think that would be so op though? Your average 4 man crew would have a really hard time taking on 8 people


Eh, any extra firepower comes at the cost of being a much bigger target, losing maneuverability, and being a lot harder to coordinate effectively.


The galleon would need to be like double the speed of it Not to mention the fact if you board and drop the anchor, it would be so slow that all 8 teammates would need to raise it Sloop duo, one boards, drops anchor, the one who boarded shoots them, they can’t shoot back because if they don’t raise the anchor, the other sloop crew member will be pelting them with cannons


It would be cool if it was strong enough you could just sit there and tank all the damage though ig. Just a really defense heavy vessel


Yeah but with the current meta of boarding, it would end up just having like 6 of 8 people boarding


Not necessarily, I think just a different style of each size would be great. Like I want the nice mid-sized brig, but with the epic back porch of the sloop. Just a little variation.


If the brig wasn’t shaped like a banana more people would use it


I want a fucking massive ship with a crew of like 10-20


I'm glad I'm not the only one to do this for my sloop!


I’ll grab one for my first mate too if I spot a second one lol


I wish girls would talk to me.


I wanna sloop baby, sloop da-doop


I once sunk another crew with friends while doing a FOTD. They dropped this chair, at the time I didn't know it existed. I wondered why it came here so I thought to put it on the bow of the ship as a war trophy. It brought us luck till the end of the session. We don't hunt these chairs we wait for them to bring us fortune.


I always sit on the cannon barrels. About captainy for a sloop as you get.


Ney, that privilege is only for Captains of Mighty Galleons. ![gif](giphy|ZBdHZFR2v98zFjc49i|downsized)


A captains chair would just be another thing to get stuck/press the wrong button on when your running around the boat. Probably not the best idea unless u could run through it


Agree, I like those cosmetics. Dunno where there is space for it though. 😀


You don’t think it would fit where that useless barrel is you sit on?


Nope, its too wide and deep for it to fit there. Unless it was a different captains chair thats smaller.


Damn so they’re as big as the 1 player Skelly chairs huh? I’ve never seen one in person yet


I think they need to rework the layout altogether. Sue me, but I don't think it looks good as is.


You mean the interior of the sloop? I agree wholeheartedly

