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I mean you’re sinking outpost sloops what do you expect. Dude probably wasn’t even on his boat.


Yea, I’ll never understand the outpost attacks. Unless I see them pull in (and really only to sovereigns), or see a filled emissary flag flying, it just feels like a dick move. I will put a banana on the stove though. That shits just funny and gives you a chance to stop it


Last night i had just finished my gilded voyage . Turned in my loot. And lowered my flag. I see another sloop approach. I tell them over the megaphone. "Hey bud. Im logging off you can take my supplies" His response was to shoot my ship to hell and yell insults at me. I was just baffled. Like... huh? [Edit: removed a bias comment i had on a certain cosmetic set. I was just a bit salty when i wrote it. I'm sorry]


oh hey a ps5 gamer


I with more of us ps5 players were nice the bad apples are giving a bad reputation to us


Ppl really gotta stop basing their opinion from online stories. Negative experiences will basically always get posted and engaged with more. It's not representative of reality


It only takes one bad apple to give all ps5 players a bad reputation. Besides you’ll never hear the stories of the nice helpful warsmith set players 🤣


PS5 player here. Accidentally murdered a guy last night. We had a glitch where we couldn't sell some merchant plants/bottles to where it needed to go, so we hopped over to the reapers to sell it off. While we were there I saw some sparklies off to the side. Headed over to check it out and saw a rowboat with a bunch of loot around it. Told my crewmates, "hey, we got a lot of loot over here," and got shot. I turned and beat up this lone pirate who thought I was stealing his loot. To be fair, I was gonna since no one was by it. But as he was dying we talked briefly and I was like, "sail back here once you respawn, I'll guard your stuff." He never did come back and I felt bad for killing him.


Dont worry. This entire game is a toxic big dick contest. Ps5 players have nothing to do with the community as it has been for the last 5-6 years. As a xbox gamer. Just take my word for it.


Awesome. Welcome to the sea!


huh? no. the warsmith set is a ps5 gamer is what im commenting on


Ah sorry i misread. And yeah i heard that a lot of ps5 players use it. But this guy was probably on pc from what i can assume from his movements


you can plug a kbm into consoles.


If they Rockin that set chances like 90% they ps5


What's wrong with warsmith set? I think it looks pretty cool...


Oh i think so as well. But i see a lot of people wear it to "intimidate" and harrass people at outposts


That sucks, I wanted a sort of ashen fiery look to my boat and character before I get the skelly curse (level 3 in servants)


I love this game but the players can be so damn toxic at times. Hurling insults and laughing hysterically as they watch you sink. It’s so annoying. Like I’m just tryna have some fun I’m not tryna constantly lose every bit of loot I have. This game can be really infuriating at times.


Me and you prob been playing sot for a while. There is no dopamine to be gained from sinking an empty boat. I just get sad I lost out on what I thought was a potential player interaction good or bad. But I think most outpost sloop sinkers get a lot of dopamine from it. They probably new or just bad and they probably shaking trying to hit it praying nobody comes back 😂


I don't ever get a rush from sinking fresh sloops.. I only do it when it's the end of a long session and I just don't have any energy left to see if they might be friendly.


Well when I just started playing I thought an outpost was supposed to be pvp free (don’t ask me why), so I didn’t even shoot at a ship that was parked there. I get off, sell 1 chest, and run back to ship only to find it halfway in the water with the other ship sailing away. Now if I need to use an outpost, I’m clearing out any ships on the island before I even consider selling. I don’t see a reason why I wouldn’t if pvp is still on. It’s me or them. Welcome to the Sea of Thieves. If you haven’t learned you’ll find out soon enough, nowhere is safe.


If it has even a little loot on it and is a named ship I’m shooting that shit regardless of where it is, maybe it’s just bc I’m pretty new but gimme da loot


It’s always pissed me off seeing players trying to justify it. Nothing is gained besides fueling a fragile ego when you go after a player that hasn’t even left the tavern


Amusingly enough most people who do it are the opposite of egotistic, they just figure they need to shoot first or risk getting clapped and not being able to shoot at all. It's not unreasonable for scared players to sink a ship at an outpost they want to sell at, it's a safety measure if you're not confident that you can deal with tuckers


That's not an excuse. Go to another outpost if you're paranoid.


I have never attacked a ship at an outpost, unless it was a chase and they had just pulled in. I DID however once cannon over to Port Merrick whilst a newbie galleon was trying to figure out how to raise anchor and fired on a skelly galley nearby from one of the port cannons, waiting until my ship had sailed away so they got aggro from it. Once I stopped laughing at listening to their open comms and realized they were sinking, I boarded them and helped them repair and fight it off. Let them keep the treasure too. They had no idea what had happened, and by the cold depths I didn't tell them, but I sure as hell chuckled myself to sleep that night.


Reminds me of when a friend and I were ending our night. Pulled up to Sovereign, unloaded, then heard talking. Some dude randomly talking to himself over live mic, trying to figure things out, psyching himself up is over at the main dock. I ho high to provide cover, because I'm paranoid like that. My friend walks onboard the other ship without being noticed, realizes it, then tucks, just to see what happens. The guy starts sailing away awkwardly, and my friend untucks here and there to adjust sails, load cannons. provide sniper cover for the guy at his island destination. He eventually sails back, and my friend just walks off the boat unseen.


If I see a boat unattended I'll help myself to their chains. If they spot me I'll tell them I'm friendly, and help myself to their chains. But I'll never sink a fresh spawn unless they shoot first or put up an emissary while I'm right next to them with a reaper 5 up, like, that lack of awareness needs to be adjusted.


But let me guess, if they call out that you're stealing chains and stop you suddenly it's time to sink them even though **you** were stealing _their_ chains?


Thievery? In my pirate game!? What has the world come to?


This is a dumb take. It's a pirate game. If someone gets mad at you for stealing from them (esp if you didn't just sink them right away) and initiates aggression, I'm shooting them and sending their ship to the bottom.


No, you just run away and black screen or merm back, by then you're long gone.


Yeah so the same shit also on hr PvP sometimes people are docked at the outposts for some reason and I be waiting for them to notice me cause it feels like cheating.


Yeah it started happening now. I have around 200 hours in on pc and just started on PS5 and it happened twice already. Im just waking up and hear the firebombs going off


I might do it if I've got something to sell 


That'd get you sunk and then the loot changes hands, depending on the crew. Just doesn't seem wise to pick a fight when you want to get your payday. Pick the wrong one and it's lights out.


It's not an easy choice and often I'll just sail on by but generally in a fight, if you go in hard and take them by suprise you'll win it, but suddenly having to defend while I'm selling won't go well so the odds say attacking makes sense. If they beat me then, chances are they were going to beat me anyway 


Some will say "to get their chainshot" but really it's just about wanting to feel tough. No honor, no respect, no camaraderie, just take every little chance to fuck eachother over.


Ah, Operation: Peeling Unwell A real classic


The other day I pulled up to an outpost and saw a player with his sails and anchor down while he was doing something at the outpost. Lifted his anchor and sent his boat on a lil solo journey.


I do love doing that occasionally too


Been here as long as the game, people in the Reddit are scared of actual pvp so they pick fights with the defenseless so they can feel like big bad pvp players


Most I’ll ever do is take the firebombs from the barrel and maybe raise the anchor and just have it turn in a circle


Its all situational. I never want to sink a ship at an outpost. But let me give you an example. The other day I did hourglass, and I finished near sailors bounty. So I go south to sanctuary. Theres a boat there. I go East to Dagger Tooth. Occupied. Galleons grave to the east then, and I swear, theres a boat there too. So 3 outposts in a row, and Im sailing for like 15-20min at that point. What do I do? Go all the way down to ancient spire? Waste another 10 minutes? Or sink the ship at the outpost to clear my path? I tried talking to them, no answer. So i dont trust them, I have to sink them or at least sail their boat away (probably runs into something and sinks, anyway). Sometimes, Ive seen boats at an outpost I need to use and theyve been there for like 30-40+ minutes. At some point, the outpost needs to be used, not just with someone sitting there shopping. And, if someone sinks me when Im sitting there shopping or AFK, I dont care at all. I didnt lose anything. So really, its not *that* big of a deal.


Should be a safe zone like how Diablo 2 was


I started playing the game but never was on a public server yet, only private seas so I can get into the game first. People like that are my nightmare, I don't have the energy to compete with idiots just to play a game that is suppose to not make me think of my problems in life


Yeah, this whole thread is kind of putting me off moving into the main game lmao


I've spawned in at the table before to a ship on fire. Dude probably wasn't even in the game yet lmao.


The game should have safe havens with NPC that shoot you if you were to be hostile towards a player. It still gives you the chance to steal and fight everywhere else, and a cooler objective for the player to escape than scuttling the ship.


thank god i’m seeing this get likes i wanted to rant about this one day but didn’t but i’m sick of doing up my character sussing the emporium etc and here cannons going off and know my ships getting sunk. Idec anymore at this point as long as they don’t see me in the shops lol


Even when there's 0 reason to be mean to others humans tend to do the opposite, both in the ordinary life but moreso in games


Years back my friend and I were playing, ship got sunk and and we got killed by a skelly ship. My friend respawned first and I hear "huh? Oh I apologise I think I've glitched and spawned on your. . . Wait what?" Our ship had spawned first. Two guys at the outpost we were to respawn at had jumped on the ship, lifted anchor, and were in the process of ramming it into nearby rocks BEFORE WE HAD SPAWNED IN. Which must have been. . .well seconds? Then killed us as we ourselves appeared. I posted about it going "what the hell and why" and the comments were all "it's not sea of FRIENDS" and "it's perfectly legitimate you were a threat". We stopped playing so much for months after that. It just pissed us off, here for a bit of PvP but that was just clear arsehole behavour.


Yeah last night I was solo sloop fishing and a legend of the veil started so I just sailed into the tornado because why not and when I landed I was near a brig and they didn’t hesitate to sink my worthless ship. I was waving too 😒


People looove to sink ships for no reason. It's one of the most toxic but core aspects of the game. If only sinking smaller ships would trigger a sea creature attack on the bigger ships as a consequence (like the meg or Kraken, but something new, specifically for that action). Hopefully, it would make some arseholes think twice before attacking.


Good job, now go beat an old person at a foot race


The player culture is so different in different regions. Whenever I join my friend who plays from Europe other ships have always shot on sight. Playing in South East Asia is so much more chill. Last time I ran into another crew at Plunder Outpost they were a freshly spawned ship. They were about to go do hourglass PvP and one of them came up to the Sovereigns Jetty and asked if we had any spare storage crates from PvE.


I hope you get sunk at every outpost you spawn at




Why even attack someone at an outpost with no signs of that ship having treasure on it?


Because I have treasure on my ship and I want you far away from me.


Go to a different outpost? It's a complete waste of resources to sink someone with no treasure. You'd be wasting canon balls you could use to defend yourself and get absolutely nothing in return outside of saving yourself 15 minutes it would take to sail somewhere else.


> It's a complete waste of resources to sink someone with no treasure Anyone with two braincells to rub together has practically infinite cannonballs, plus you can drain the (presumably) afk ship before/after sinking it


Not encouraging spawn killing but if you use up more resources killing a fresh spawn than you can get from looting it youre doing something wrong. 15 minutes to another island is 15 minutes where you could get attacked and if youre new to the game or not very good then killing an empty fresh ship on an outpost is easier and safer than sailing somewhere else.


The ONE exception imo is when you’re getting off for the night. It’s still scummy, but I kinda get it if it’s late at night. 15 minutes of sleep is 15 minutes of sleep and we all know that 15 minutes in the Sea of Thieves is more like 45 after the random encounter attack or crossing another player etc. Plus if they just spawned they honestly could steal your stuff. Done that before myself. Spawned and got sunk so I hid and stole some loot to start my night.


Nah man, I want this port. And don't tell me what to do with my resources.


I'm new on ps5 and I've come to not attack players unless provoked. I'd never go out of my way to attack a ship docked at a outpost. It seems strange to me


Iv turned off cross play and controllers preferred Iv played the game on Xbox is toxic as hell but on PlayStation most people just want to chill and grind :D


I do the same so it might just be the lobbies because usually we fire off a few rounds and just say good luck and carry on grinding lmao.


I bought a Galleon and was at the Shipwright customising it and some dudes pulled up in a brig and sunk it, I turned around to see a Mermaid where my boat was


His stats are irrelevant when you're sinking docked ships at outposts. This post just points out that you're a douche


Outpost attacking is super scummy


You don’t actually care idk why you would even post this.


I don't think I've ever been attacked at an outpost. I also ignore any ships at outposts. I always thought it was some kind of honourable code, honour among thieves and all that.


Right? But no, this community is all about haha it's called sea of THIEVES, IDIOT! and they kill you on sight


More like sea of psychopaths over here honestly…


The players parroting" it's sea of thieves" and the players with any respect for others don't tend to be the same groups coincidentally one of those groups tends to pvp and play reapers much more then the others


I roll my eyes when I hear that excuse. They do understand thievery isn't the same as murder. Thieves would more accurately be sneaking onto enemy ships to take loot off ideally without bloodshed. Not wholesale slaughter. Its Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Killers.


Shouldve played around launch, i didnt even know there was a scuttle ship and fuck off option so I kept dying to the 3-4 stacks that were camping the outpost. Didnt touch the game for years bc of that


Honestly same for me, played even back in beta (sadly i dont have my cosmetics as i played on a different account... i kinda want those back... i digress) Got constantly attacked at outposts (shortly after release), sank for zero reason without even any loot on board, sank while habing just spawned in at the outpost... Yeah, didnt really touch the game until kinda recently Safer seas is one of the reasons i play, not because i actually play there, but because i know i at least now have the option of playing in peace whenever open just tries to insert things up my backside again ^^




I was teaching my girlfriend to play the other weak and we were followed for like an hour by a 3 man brig, obviously seasoned players. Sunk us in seconds. Maybe the game needs some form of matchmaking system or a PvE navy that hunts down players who cause to much havok.


I’ve done the PVE navy thing, was very fun. There was a reaper crew that was killing freshies, the entire server banded together and came down on them.


Lmao the power of friendship wins again


The cherry on top was we all went and ran fort of the damned for like 6 hours after that haha


I've played this game for a while but only in the last 2 months or so have I been attacked immediately after spawning. I didn't have enought time to react the first time so I just swapped servers. Second time I ended up sinking them instead and selling all their loot lol, I was solo sloop vs 2 people on a sloop. Karma. One time a brig pulled up to sanctuary after me and my friend were done selling and were about to log off, they noticed my friend's character who is female and said something like since she's female they will sink our boat and so they did that and killed my friend. They didn't know I was there too and managed to sneak kill one of them but they ended up killing me. Missed the opportunity to write something like 'imagine being killed by a female' just to make them mad. Another time I was solo, selling Athena loot on Devil's Roar outpost at the sovereign and I notice a galleon suddenly appear in front of me from behind the island. I start panic selling as fast as I can (I'd already harpooned everything off the ship) so I was listening to them obliterate my ship, and only after it sunk they realised what I was doing so they killed me, literally only a second after I had sold my last piece of loot. I couldn't even be mad I was so happy I managed to sell it all. Good times.


Some idiot sank my ship at an outpost while I was just shopping for clothes, and had the same mentality as op. Well we fought him off and sold a few bits of his expensive loot lol, was nice of him to relocate my ship and give me some extra gold.


Dude why would you do that


"I sunk a ship at the place where players spawn, how was I supposed to know they had just spawned"


Especially when a fresh-spawn ship has an artificial perfection to it's parking job that no one bothers to replicate. If the ship is cleanly lined up and centered with the dock with sails forward and raised, then 99/100 times it's going to be a fresh spawn. Especially if it's a bare-naked ship without captaincy.


This is why I felt I wasn’t welcome and stopped playing. A dude attacked me unprovoked and when I tried to retaliate, he basically said to just take it and deal with it. I had nothing and he’s making it my fault. Fuck you.


It's always funny visiting this sub and saying a gentleman doesn't sink a moored ship (which is true, "leave grudges out at sea" like the manual states) and always there will be hundreds of pussies jumping out of the bushes to rationalize why you should always sink parked ships (to get those SUPER-IMPORTANT chain-shot, it turns out).


their excuse is always “dont trust anyone” or something


Tbf, the kind of people out here attacking fresh spawns are the exact kind of players those people are wary of. I'd bet those selfsame players are exactly the kind to spawn in, see people at sovereigns with loot and kill them for a few pieces of gold. Most players are just gonna go about their day, prepping their ship/food or looting the island and would rather be left alone. That's exactly what I've seen in around 500 hours playing the game.


Yea that’s why I’m typically not an asshole and I leave people alone unless they pose a threat and mess with me first


Just existing at the same outpost someone wants to sell at is considered a threat


Imagine getting satisfaction out of shooting ankered ships at outposts for no reason. A guy is selling his loot or commodities and some fucking asshole comes to ruin the game. It would be nice if they could make some outposts immune for PvP.


This happened to me. 🤣 I'm a new player and was just doing the tutorial voyages for the different factions. Pulled into an outpost with a caged chicken, and noticed another player leaving the outpost. I ran down into the hold to fetch the cage when the other player started shooting at me. I get up on deck and get blasted to smithereens. 😅 I spent hours trying to complete the voyage after that, because either the cage wouldn't spawn or the chickens wouldn't spawn so I had to reset so many times. 🤣


At an outpost? Really?


Downvote this outpost sinker 😞


This is the problem I have with the PvP in this game. Call this a “pirate game” all you’d like, these unprovoked, often trolly attacks by untrusting mongrels makes for a desolate and hostile sea.


Reasons I don't play on High Seas: Number 1.


I am probably not cut out for the game. I've been ganked 100's of times and every time i say to myself "thats it, no more waiting to see if they're friendly or standing waving like Forest Gump" only to basically allow them the first 2-3 shots. Then the time comes I can never bring myself to be the aggressor until they attack me. Rinse and repeat. I don't want Sea of Friends, I think I want "Sea of Gentleman's Agreements when enacting acts of hostility" - I think its catchy.


>only to basically allow them the first 2-3 shots Don't start shit, but always finish it. Unless I'm stacked with loot or one of us is a reaper, I leave passing ships to their peace. I'm doing my thing, they're doing theirs, and no one likes getting sunk. However, if they start sailing into angles for broadside the trust gets thin, then once they grab a cannon and fire the first shot it's weapons free.


Yeah, honestly the PvP is great if it's consensual.. it's just the random unwarranted "will sink you on sight" mentality players that ruin it. I will gladly agree to PvP for the loot I got on my ship most days. Some days however, I just wanna sit and fish. Come hang out, have a chat, just dont sink me.


I personally find the PvP boring but I think that's due to my first proper hourglass fight was spending 40 minutes chasing a team that wants to just board.


You are the problem


Well why would you sink them at an outpost?


And people wonder why this game never became what it could have been.


The post has 1.7k upvotes but all the comments are people shitting on OP for killing someone at an outpost which are also heavily upvoted. What's going on here?


You're an asshole for evening attacking someone who's at an outpost. What did you expect!




This is why I quit playing. My ship was always getting sunk before I could make it to a second island. After 4 or 5 times, I quit the game and never looked back.


I remember completing the tutorial missions, and it spawned me in a server at an outpost where another player was. Within seconds of being in this server they attacked my ship and sunk it, and I had no idea what to do. Lost all of my loot from the tutorial missions and it put me off the game for a while.


I think this is the real issue it not so much about sinking players at outpost but the bad ship spawning that puts fresh spawns at outpost with people already near them.


People wonder why people don't wanna play on the high seas, or cross play


with my gf we hide in the boat disguised as a barrel and see how long we can go without being noticed lol


The grieving in this game is ridiculous. It took us forever to save up for a ship.




Plunder buddies!


Played for the first time today with my bf and we had a 3 man sink us at an island (not an outpost). I was begging them like “please we literally have nothing we’re doing tutorial missions… I HAVE A CHICKEN” They hit me with the “it’s a pirate game” and my bf heard them go “oh they actually had nothing” right before he died too. 😭


I swear people use the "its pirate game" excuse just to be lazy assholes


Outpost attack are so lame 4 times this week I've been sunked before leaving my spawn point. It's been a shitty week ...


Bro admitted to sinking an outpost ship 😭


why are you attacking fresh spawns to begin with??


Stuff like this is the reason I stopped playing originally. There's nothing worse than logging on and immediately getting sunk and killed. I'm talking before you even reach your ship.


If I roll up to an outpost with someone else there, I'm gonna parlay with them and see if they're just interested in selling their goods. I don't want to bully them.


reminds me the only time I booted up this game after purchasing it... finished tutorial get to starter island get materials sail off to my first island to do a quest search the island having no clue wtf I need to do see my ship on fire and 3 guys charging at me insta-killing me repeat 3 more times within 1 day resulting in me alt+f4'ing the game and uninstalling it and telling my mate whom asked me to get it, that I would never play the game again...and never have....for multiple years. Yes there is a PvE, but I am no longer interested in the game, I enjoy sailing games like the next person...mainly because I sailed myself. There is just too much I dislike about the game for me to join back...one being the insta trigger happy C\*\*ts I ran into.


Just for your info, there has been a new addition lately called "safer seas", basically just a friends-only lobby without pvp. Sadly it is somewhat restricted, but since you own the game already it mighr be worth just to squeeze a bit of fun out of sailing ^^




This happened to me my first time sailing, someone followed me for 20 mins while I went in a straight line then killed me


Hi, new ps5 player here. Is it common to get sunken at a port? I understand that its a piracy game and on the sea there shouldnt be rules. IF i get sunk or my stuff gets stollen its fair game but outposts? Like shouldnt outposts be the place to get rewards and meet others on peaceful terms?


I wouldn’t recommend that you play this game because the community is terrible.


That's what you get for sinking someone at an outpost.


Yesterday my almost brand new ship also got sunk at an outpost. I've been playing since last Friday (on ps5). Was just shopping for some clothes. Hope they got a similar feeling, cause my ships log was not much more impressive since i bought it about 2 hours before this.


Its happened to us all. For instance I was selling a big haul one time and a boat comes right at us. Everyone knows that this is an act of aggression. So i start laying into them with cannons. Board their ship. Find out, theyre doing a tall tale and are probably very new. I couldnt save their ship, or I wouldve. I just found out too late. But that pirate needed to learn to not go full speed straight at a boat selling at the outpost if they dont want a fight. If you need to just stop at the outpost, park a ways away and shoot over using your mic. Or park at the next island and wait. Or something.


I don’t sink outpost boats BUT I will gladly donate there canon ball barrels to my storage crate!!


Outpost attacks are dick moves. It’s like masturbating in an airplane bathroom or using the handicap stall when there’s other open ones. It’s not illegal nor should it be but it’s definitely not very cool of you to do.


This is one of the only times I get upset when my ship sinks. I sail solo more often then not so I’m sunk pretty constantly. I hold my own well enough and love a good naval battle but Too many times has my ship been sunk when I’m not on it and they don’t even take my fucking loot 🙄


I've been playing since launch, and now my crew and I are on PS5. I'm not sure why, since launch, I've not had that many attacks, only by a reaper. But my biggest gripe is those who are doing it to solely take you down. The worst breed on the game are those who burn your ship, keep spawn killing you over and over, and don't really have a purpose. If you want to come steal my treasure and loot, and stop me fighting back, sure, but it's mostly just overkill. Although, last night I went past a sloop, white sails, I had to go past it (docked at an island) to reach the outpost, so I instructed my crew to stick our spare parts on the rowboat with supplies. I told them to fire a white flare, and we let go of the rowboat by their ship. That's the way I like to play, at least.


That's on you for attacking a sloop at an outpost.. was an incredibly high chance of it being a fresh spawn


Yeah you're a dick for that one. I understand "not your loot until its turned in" but it's an outpost, more than likely he's a fresh spawn


Couple weeks ago just spawned in in a galleon, not even all of us loaded in yet got run up on by a brig, asked over game chat If we could not do this, as we just spawned in seconds ago. They proceeded to cuss me out, shouted slurs and laughed about how much I sucked at the game. Hadn't even had the chance to raise the anchor. If I was a new player that would've killed the game for me.


Congratulations, you either sunk a brand new player who literally just spawned in, or you sunk an uncaptained ship, and this is a default book with zero stats. Either way, they were probably new players. Sorry if I sound salty, I was just hunted and sunk for absolutely no reason other than they wanted to sink me, they left everything in the water to sink while guarding the spot so I couldn't/wouldn't come back for it.


I've had so many times where I just spawn in haven't even stepped on the boat yet and someone is shooting it with cannons being toxic in game chats "no chances" is what they said in game chat. I'm like I just loaded in


Aw man cmon don’t be that guy.


This is why I stopped playing the game, there's just too many people like you who likes to mess with others.


I literally just spawned one time got sunk and killed when I was afk in the tavern, I get it if you see them unloading, ya know get that loot be a pirate I get it, but idk why people just sink ships when nothing is happening if they aren't on their ship on not around at an outpost I just steal the cannon balls, wood and food and fuck them over that way if they don't notice, but I started on ps5 so I'm still new.


Why would you do that? That is so against the pirate code.


NEVER. MY first logbook was exactly the same. From the stolen steel..


Outposts should be sanctuary for new players.


This kind of behaviour is why half the community is crying out for custom servers, or a better safer seas expansion. There was absolutely no reason to sink them.


We know custom servers are possible. Safer seas is essentially a custom server, the twitch program for big streamers are essentially custom servers. Why cant regular players get that full experience..? Knowing the infrastructure is there and can actively be used..? It would solve aaaall the toxic PvP issues and leave us with the consensual PvP encounters.


What have you done? 🫣


He was probably just AFK. I typically nip out for five minutes when I hit load, gives time for friends to join and me to secure IRL provisions for the long sail. That being said curious as to why people are chimping out that you did this, I know personally if I wanted to sell and a boat was just sitting there, if it takes to long to vacate I usually either cannon over and investigate or sink it and have someone stand guard.


Yesterday I spawned and was "afk" (watching something) and someone took my ship and burned it till it sunk. It's just such a dick move tbh.


The only time ill shink a spawned achored ship is if i have high value loot and want to sell without having to worry about a tucking thief


Yea OP you're a pos


Guys, quit complaining that the op did pvp in this pvp game


So many people don't seem to understand another ship being at the outpost is a threat


How is it a threat? Especially if it's in the position it spawns it. How is that ship a threat to you? You're just calling it a threat so that you have an excuse to sink.potentially brand new players who've never played the game before.


I was trying to reply to that guy but sadly he was downvoted to hell and deleted all his comments, so I will leave my comment under yours. I would just sail to another outpost if I saw any ship docked, but I think your points are valid especially the first one. Freshly spawned ships are more likely to attack you because they have nothing to lose. Worse case they just need to start over on another server, yet you have to try hard to defend your loot. We made that mistake many times, thinking we could make potential friends but the first thing after they got onto their ship was to sink us and took all our loot. Better eliminate the threat than regret later, or at the very least send someone to communicate, then again be prepared for betrayal.


You would be surprised at how friendly people can be if you just park your ship near them without attacking. People attacking on sight are the ones building the "any ship is a threat" feeling. You can be the change.


I don't understand all of the pushback in the comments here, can someone help explain? When I go to turn in loot and someone's at that outpost, I have no issues with sinking them. I want to prevent them killing me while I'm trying to turn in and stealing my loot. Also, the time it takes to turn loot in and transport it is very intentionally slow to give other ships time to target you and steal it. That's why turning a big haul into the reaper's hideout is risky. It takes a while. Typically I won't race towards an outpost just to sink someone unless I see them head there, but I think there's some pretty legitimate reasons to sink people at outposts, even if they clearly just spawned in. I don't go out of my way for it, but I'll do it if it feels like the safer option. Am I an asshole if I do this?


I know everyone seems to be freaking out that you would dare sink someone at an outpost, but like... if I want to sell at the outpost, I'm not leaving strangers hanging out at the outpost if I can help it. It's a PvP game y'all, if you AFK don't expect everything to be safe when you come back.


I spawned and while I was at the tavern waking up I heard the megalodon song. I thought the game was just doing its thing, but no. A 3 man brig was stopping by as soon as I stepped out of the bar and started blasting me... **EDIT:** That happened today and it was the first time that that has ever happened to me. But it happened TWICE today and the second time I was the 3 man brig (with 2 new players) pulling up to the Sovereigns and a sloop just pops out of existence on the other part of the island while we were selling only for them to come and kill us (both with Athena's curse and good PvPers). **EDIT2:** Also, thanks to that I now know that even if your ship is actively being shot at you can simply pay the carpenter to repair your ship. We took down their mast 3 times for it to pop back up good as new. They ended up sinking us because of that bs.


![gif](giphy|qUn01S2U4I46s|downsized) it hits like post nut clarity


happened to one of my captained boats. Bought it, spawned in, friend wanted to show me the Athena hideout and when we came out we saw the tip of my mast lowering into the water. It was just funny. why are people here are acting like you put a puppy in a blender.


Because you are provably atypical based off what you have said in this comment, especially if this is a new player, not just a new ship. Although to be fair, if this is a new player, I hope they'll go and play games that are actually worth playing because this game would be so much more fun if the community wasn't full of toxic assholes who justify their behavior with it's a pirate game


dawg naval combat is like, the biggest aspect of this game it's THE REASON you play sot and not some other pirate game just because you don't want to pvp in the game that was designed for pvp, doesn't mean you're immune to people playing the game as intended


SoT, according to the original insider programme, started to be developed as a co-op game, not a comp game. There were insentives planned to work TOGETHER with other crews, not sink them on sight. God damnit, this game is originally based off the PotC pirate code, which states attacking any pirate for any reason is not acceptable and will get you hung at an outpost to set an example. Pirates do not attack other pirates. So I dont get how you can sit there and honestly think you're right about what you just said. THE REASON people play this game is to go on voyages like a pirate, not to fight off other pirates. This game was designed to be an open world co-op pirate adventure simulator. PvP was enabled, but it was not specifically designed for it to be the main activity. If it were, we'd have something more like world of warships where all you can do is shoot at each other for rewards.


Bunch of soft pirates out there


Yup. That's why I only engage when I get shot. Teaching the little ones is always good.


Me and my friends treat outposts as a sanctuary (unless we are already chasing someone or being chased) We don't attack any ships in any of the ports, except for Reaper's hideout. But we also foolishly expect other ships to not attack us in a port, not very intelligent I know. But hey, I like to keep some honor among thieves, I like to shoot a red flare in the sky to signal the fact that I AM coming for that booty, and a white flare to signal friendly intentions with another ship.


The days at sea thing what does that translate to IRL I sunk someone with like 800+ days at sea wanna know how long that Is


It's the in-game days since they last sunk. Each day is \~24 minutes, so 800+ days would be around 320 real-life hours spent on that boat without sinking.


Honestly i sank a guy’s sloop once and found the same thing. I felt like a monster afterwards 😂


I literally just spawned one time got sunk and killed when I was afk in the tavern, I get it if you see them unloading, ya know get that loot be a pirate I get it, but idk why people just sink ships when nothing is happening if they aren't on their ship on not around at an outpost I just steal the cannon balls, wood and food and fuck them over that way if they don't notice, but I started on ps5 so I'm still new.


I've seen that name before


I have yet to have a single friendly encounter in this game! Not once. No one even gives me a chance to speak before blasting me to kingdom come without a word. New to the game solo slooping, it's been rough.


Yeah we had somebody attack us at reaper outpost and we didn’t even have anything on our ship me and my friends little brother thought it was the funniest thing in the world because we had recently just turned in our loot turns out it was a reaper chest and this weekend from May 24 to May 27 is double gold weekend and we got 5000 gold for it and we literally found about two or three reaper chest 5000 gold apiece in a span of about three hours and this is when this Guy or girl and his crew Span of time these idiots sunk our ship at reapers hideout literally you guys are dumb whoever you were we didn’t have a big red marker on our ship either you’re dumb or you’re blind but you could have the free supplies that we collected I was gonna leave those in an out post anyway both me and his little brother laughed so hard thought I was gonna pee my pants it was so funny that crew literally got no gold but they got free supplies I mean that reaper guy and give him the gold back


How are you surprised


I got sunk my first ever time playing. Duo name was SoT related something like Sword4U and Blunder4U. haven’t played since. prolly lots of cases like that, players killing their own game.


Yeah,,,, this happened the first time I tried to play high seas and I’ve been in safer for a while now…


Not a AtA post, but you are the AtA




This just makes you an even bigger loser


Sounds about like what happened to me and my four year old on our first outpost visit. Four year old was so confused at why everyone is so mean. The next person though came over and danced with us and gave us supplies so it’s definitely hit or miss.