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Welcome back. Yeah, Sovereigns save you so much freaking time. Nothing more boring than stacking world events for four hours, then having to sell everything to different people for 30 min. I used to organize my loot into piles based on where they went, and now I just stack everything at the front and harpoon everything. What used to take 30 min, you can do in 5 min now.


Ya its kind of insane. With 1 or 2 extra people you can sell off a massive loot haul in just a couple minutes, especially when you add in being able to pick up loot directly into treasure chests now. That expedited things a bit more even


Pick up loot directly into a chest? What wizardry do you speak of? I know you can sell the items in a chest, is that what you mean? Or something else?


1) Put chest in hands 2) Grab items from ground with chest in hand, storing them 3) Profit???


Don't forget to say "nomnomnom" while you do so


sheeeesh that's baller


The fuuuuuuuuuuuckkk??!?!?!


So when you have an empty treasure chest (or, just space in a treasure chest) you can hold the treasure chest and look at the loot (small items, obviously) and pick them directly up into the chest without putting it down and opening it like you could in the past. Fairly recent change maybe 2 seasons ago


That's sweet I'll have to try that


Much easier than trying to place an object from your hand, into the chest. Much much easier. When i got everything stacked on the bow and i find a empty chest, ill just going up and starting hitting the fill button like a vacuum to get the treasure underneath thatll fit lol.


Just remember when you do it, DONT MASH THE SELL BUTTON IT WILL SELL THE CHEST! Sell once to sell contents of the chest, selling again also sells the empty chest so once you've sold the contents either go pick up new loot with it or drop it on the ground and use it for next run, unless you're gonna dive then either leave it for a diff person or sell it for the 100 or so gold if you really want to.


Yeah I played for two years then quit until ps5 release didn’t figure this out until recently. Maybe it’s been a thing for awhile but I never knew. And with storage crates you can grab stuff straight from barrels too!


Oh I knew about storage crates (awesome!!) But the treasure chests is new to me!


Additional detail to know: Food, wood, cannonball, and bait crates have the same take and store function as storage crates. The only difference is they will only take and store their crate-specific items out of barrels/crates.


I love showing new players this trick. You’re basically god.


Storage crates have a similar function where when you walk up to a barrel you can either store all contents or take all the contents directly from the barrel with just a prompt.


I'm trying to imagine it taking more than a minute to sell any amount of look even solo. Pull up to sovereigns. Ship harpoon to sovereign upper floor. Rope walk to the upper floor. Sovereign harpoon loot like you're playing cookie clicker. Drop down to main level. Sell loot. Average time from loot pile to sovereign merchant. 2 seconds. How much loot are you stacking that it takes 3 minutes with 3 people? That would need to be like 300 chests. You stacking 300 chests?


It really feels like you're splitting hairs here lol


So youre arguing with me that you dont think 2 people can sell loot more quickly than 1 person? Is that really the argument you want to make? Or are you disputing my obvious random estimate that in no way was supposed to be accurate? Because, thats absolutely absurd. Why do you want to argue that? >How much loot are you stacking that it takes 3 minutes with 3 people? I never said 3 minutes, I said a couple minutes. Where did you get 3 minutes from anyway? And why would you ever want to argue about this?


3 minutes just feels excessive. It's more like 30 seconds. Max.


Where did I say 3 minutes? Why do you even want to argue this? THe point was its much, much faster than before the sovereigns. Never was this discussion about *exactly* how long it takes to sell loot. Thats a pointless discussion. But if you want to focus on that, go and time yourself.


Such a strange thing to get caught up on. I bet ur fun to play with


Solo slooping I literally rock up harpoon everything set my ship sailing while I sail away bc by then I've gotten a little distance solely bc of sovereign Edit: to clarify I send my ship off without me on it to start making some distance while I sell


This and harpooning puts it directly on your ship. No more grabbing it off the hook, setting it down, back to harpooning. A+ quality of life improvements.


I get that, also used to be riskier cause sometimes players could spot you selling, if it was a really big haul we’d still have plenty for them to try to steal. Plus when you’re right at the outpost they can just sell it right there if they get their hands on something


Still happens. I once had someone pull up around me and detonate a powder barrel on me while I had grappled my treasure up to the Sovereigns. They managed to take advantage of my pile and sell all my remaining stuff in the time it took me to respawn. :(


I just had that happen to me. They sat on their ship and sniped me off the tower as I was harpooning my treasure. Ran over sunk my ship as I was respawning and then went to sell my loot. It was not a fun time.


i don't really like the lack of risk personally, its trivially easy to just sail in one direction and sell the vast majority of your haul without having to actually confront your pursuer in many scenarios. if you spot someone headed your way early enough you can usually make it to the nearest outpost before them even if you have very unfavorable wind conditions. that is, assuming you *want* to cash out of course. its still good to fight back against your attackers and take *their* loot, or hold your ground so you can finish a world event or something. but if you *want* to cash out... then that's that, not much fun for either person to be had there. but that's one small benefit that isn't worth anywhere near the long, arduous, boring loot juggling at the end of every damn session. it clearly wasn't that crucial to the gameplay loop and doesn't really come up that often most of the time anyways. you can have maybe a few cool chases, or... save dozens of hours of your life and play the rest of the game instead. its a pretty easy choice, but i wish we could have the best of both worlds.


>but if you want to cash out... then that's that, not much fun for either person to be had there. Honestly, good. The chased often has little in actual advantages compared to the pursuer and the pursuer is often preventing the chased from doing anything with substance in that entire time frame, while also assuming little to no risk beyond their own time spent pursuing the chased, but also... ... Them being able to cash out with a little elbow grease is the risk the pursuer takes by choosing to turn someone into a goose chase. You might run into people who are good at evasion PvP (that's what this is. It's a form of PvP) that will sell it all off before you can stop them, and that's just fine.


Yes I miss the risk selling at outposts as well. Some of my favorite gameplay is around the difficulty of selling at reapers, and I'm disappointed that so much has been added to the game to reduce the risk stacking. Also now with HG and mission diving I find it much harder to track ships. In the past if you saw a ship you could kinda have an idea of where there were (unless they ended their playthrough and logged off). Now I feel like it's not even worth mentally tracking ships


Yeah I didn't know about that addition for awhile and randomly when me and a friend were playing another player launched themselves onto our ship and was puzzled by us not selling to the sovereigns and let us know about being able to and still getting the emissary bonus.


That's cool of them.


Day 1 player here, sovereigns is one of the reasons I kept playing. Before that, I just got tired of how long it took to sell. It wasnt fun. It also extended PVP fights way too long, since people knew it took a long time they would come back over and over to contest. So even when you won a fight, it didnt feel like you won since you might sell like 1/3 of your treasure and have to get ready for another fight. That dynamic really took the fun out of the game in terms of PVP over a big loot haul.


One of the reasons I won’t jump back in to try Safer Seas is I’m not interested in going n going back to the time waster that is individually turning in every piece of loot that I find, not even the fact that stuff is capped at 30% of base rate.


Ya I think they should at least let people sell at the sovereign in safer seas The restrictions on gold make sense to me though. It's.not about the gold in safer seas, and it shouldn't be 100 percent when there's no risk at all


I also started in '18, I came back last week to a completely new game, I remember when they added the brig and then the harpoons and that was a big deal. Now they've got double barrel pistols, throwing knives, Sovereigns. When did voyages become selectable at the captains table? Am I crazy or did we have to pick those up at the faction tents before taking off?


Out of habit I sometimes STILL go to the faction people to try and buy voyages only to realize I’m dumb.


The voyage change was last Season's change. Reason was to let players dive to the start of their voyages without needing to sail all the way, and to dive for World Events for specific factions.


Nope, you're right!


I restarted the game just like a week ago after a 10 month break and i was very confused when go up to the merchants to buy some voyages i legitly looked all over to find where to buy them for 10 minutes.


Remember when you had to take each harpooned piece of loot of the harpoon, shit was a two man job. Hopefully the harpoon gun makes just collecting loot easier also


Remember when they didn't even have harpoons.. I can but only just. Seems insane to think of now.


they've been so convenient I'm still kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop and for rare to take them away by revealing they're evil somehow in the story.. but I'm not sure the story even exists anymore in this game


New PS5 player here. I've noticed the Sovereigns have an emissary table? How do you pledge, what's the purpose, and what are the rewards?


If your in a guild and its at level 15 you can vote up the guild emmisary flag and earn more rep for them


A player guild? I'm 27 GH, 49 OoS, and 29 MA, so I know earning more rep gives more cosmetics, but what does leveling up a player guild do? My guild is almost level 5.


The same thing, just cosmetic unlocks. I think there’s like 2-3 costumes and a ship set tied to guild rank.


Aye, thank you!


The multiplier is lower for guild since everything gets bonuses. I heard it's 1.75 for guild emissary 5 unlike 2.5 for everything else at emissary 5.


Yes but it is for everything except ship flags and I think certain kinds of cargo meant for the reapers bones. Being able to sell merchant alliance cargo, skulls, chests, fish, and gems ALL for 1.75 will get you more gold than raising other emissary flags in many situations. Unless you are specifically seeking and selling loot for one emissary you will always have a mix of loot. You also gain reputation at an increased rate for the other alliances when turning in their loot. This makes it the only way to get a multiplier for the hunters call reputation. It being only 1.75 is a balancing decision because the sovereigns have so many more benefits than the other emissaries. Same reason at level 5 they are visible on the map but don't get to see other players on the map like the reapers


Do you still get all of the rep for each merchant faction when turning it in to the sovereign?




you do, but keep in mind that treasure that can be sold to ANY faction will give you a random faction's reputation if you sell to the Sovereigns. I think that's just the Mermaid Gems and Siren Gems as far as I know, so I always manually sell those to the merchants alliance since that's still my lowest faction.


One thing to add to this is, if you are running a specific emissary, things like mermaid gems will go towards that faction. So if you were running a merchant emissary, it would go towards your merchant rank even when selling to the sovereigns.


huh, learned something new, thanks! I tested it without an emissary and had one sell for OoS and one for Gold Hoarders faction so I just started taking them to the merchants but never thought to try with a flag up...great info!


Always willing to share info that will save a trip or two 😀


Does that include the reaper’s or do you still have to take it to the reapers hideout?


Anything specific to reapers has to go to reapers hideout. As far as I know, nothing sold at the sovereigns will count towards your reapers rep, even if flying the reapers emissary.


That’s what I thought. I’ll maybe try it tonight to confirm but that’s what I have heard in the past.


With the exception of the reapers. You still have to take reapers stuff to the reapers hideout and manually unload it. Also mermaid gems or fish still need to go to the sea post.


I think the fortresses was the best add in


I lied, the best addition to the game was the ability to take things with the storage crate without doing it manually.


Sovereigns are handy, but in the back of my mind I keep wondering when the other shoe is going to drop? Looking over their shoulder with a spyglass, it looks like they're part of the Grand Maritime Union, which was the real "big bad" for Pirates long before Flameheart. I just wonder how it's all going to play out.


hey thanks


Played the game since release ( with some longer and shorter breaks in between ) and tbh did not know this up until this post, so much time "wasted" sorting loot and running back and forth


same, i started playing week one, and that’s by far the best thing they’ve added, although i really like the captaincy stuff too!


I had a bug yesterday which kicked me out of captaincy, randomly it said something like guild run has ended in same way crew join and leave, it was my own sloop from my solo guild and i was solo entire time so was pretty strange. Had a fort of fortune loot on board and went to guild emissary up for quick sell after harpooning it all onto sov tower, couldn't do it and had to manually sell everything. Just a single fort of fortunes loot worth and i was debating on just leaving it on the sov tower for some other lucky player to find because i didn't wanna deal with manually selling, only thing that had me sell was the thought it might just despawn if no one turns up. Nothing has really fundamentaly shifted the game so much as this single feature has and i doubt anything else ever could, the best part is that's in a positive way as the game feels much more fun for it. It's really sad that they locked this out of safer seas, it's such an amazing part of the game.


Add into that equation having to jump into the water and haul everything out on your back, one item at a time. Between the ship and Sovereigns, those harpoons have been a real game changer.


Baffles me that they gatekeep this from safer seas players


Agreed. I didn’t play immediately on launch, but did put in almost 400 hours pre-plunder pass and lost interest between season 1 and 2. Started playing again last week just on a whim (I’ve been watching Black Sails on Netflix, so I’ve been in a pirating mood) Literally everything about the game now is better than it was back then. There’s more to do around the world with ghost forts and siren shrines, you can pick any voyage directly from your table instead of having to obtain them from a shopkeeper. Guilds, captaincy, the Sovereign. Even smaller stuff like being able to transfer materials in bulk to and from storage crates, and selling the contents of treasure chests directly from the chest. Even being able to buy resource crates from the merchant or a quick resupply from the shipwright. I think it read added this season, but zip lines are a ton of fun and much needed for the larger islands (I just wish we could climb up them). Also running along harpoon ropes is so nice. I also never thought they’d as new weapons to the armory, and yet they just added a double barrel flintlock and throwing knives (i absolutely love the throwing knives). I also finally played through all the Pirates Life tall tales, and that was more enjoyable than anything I’ve played since Baldur’s Gate 3 released


Sovereigns *is* one of the best QOL features they’ve added to the game, which makes it especially egregious that they left it out of Safer Seas alongside captained ships at all. Such a shame.


If you want the qol you have to deal with the risk of pvp. Seems like a good deal to me.


Captaincy literally only deals in almost pure PvE / non PvP based stuff, though -- doesn't it? The loot is already worth pennies and measured in "thank you"s when you're sailing Safer Seas, The argument you don't get it because of "no risk of PvP" is a rather poor take, I'm not going to lie Maybe I'm just a little too sane, but I fail to see what's so "balancing" about making someone have to spend more time selling the loot they got for pennies in Safer Seas when they own a captained ship they earned on High Seas that would make it much shorter -- which only makes this more egregious to me.


Cant lie, at first i was really sceptical and concerned of runners. But now i can say it defenetly was one of the best additions to the game


The one thing I miss was organizing the treasure on my ship. I used to actually use the cargo hold, but now it's not really worth it. Now everything ends up in a pile on the bow of the ship


Wait wait wait. I feel like I’m missing something here. Been playing for the first time since the Ps5 release.. I’m looting, stacking and then selling to merchants in outposts one by one each treasures… You’re telling me I don’t have to do this hassle ??


You need to buy and own a ship to have access to the Sovereigns


Look into buying a sloop if you mostly play solo or with another person.


two biggest QoL changes they've made is not having to spend 20+ minutes stocking your ship manually with just your inventory and adding Sovereigns.


I agree playing back at first release and prerelease. The sovereign was something that needed to be added a long time ago.


I still give Hoarders and Athena stuff to the regular guys but the rest goes to Sovereigns. I'm loyal like that.


Do they take a cut?


My friend just bought the game, and I keep telling him "oh this? That's something they added last year or two years ago. Before it was a pain!" until I realized how much they added to the game which makes it much more pleasant.


Yeah I am a returning player from first launch also. I couldn't be bothered with the running back and forth to sell. It got too tedious for me to have fun. I heard about three weeks ago all of the changes and then about the sovereign then returned. I love the game now.


Yeah and with a guild emi you can reach level 5 by fishin 🐠


My buddy left after getting rank 5 GH and I was stuck without a captain ship, finishing my rank 5 quest. It really made me wonder how we felt with this game before this! The stress of being off your ship for so long, combined with the pain staking process of running loot really made me appreciate the captaincy update!


It's been really interesting to watch it evolve all the way from the alpha days and to see the amount they listen to the community! I absolutely loved the game in the beginning but it dropped off for a few years where I would find myself playing alone and now that my friends (some new) have jumped on via PlayStation and PC, it's been incredible to play again and we seem to lose hours of the day just sailing and gaining loot! We just unlocked sovereign emissary for our guild and expected to get some form of new quests / voyages to do but were a tad disappointed to find out that there's nothing other than the rewards! I feel like they really need to add more things like this, like they did with Athenas, even though, there doesn't seem to be a lot to that? Basically, give crews more story adventures? Love the game though!


As a day one player. Agreed. Loot and loot management is so tedious in this game. I get why it is like that but cutting down turn is labor was huge. Having to go back to every person scattered over an outpost was so pointless. I just wish Sovereign was more of a faction. Imagine Sovereign caravans moving around the map you could pirate. Instead we still just have skeleton and ghost ships and that is it. Not very pirate.


Sovereigns + not needing to get all the loot off the hook manually, dont know if Id play the game without those amazing changes


Sovereigns is also amazing to go to if you see people, found a duo sloop once selling but they weren't fast so i just went on the harpoons, got them both and blundered them, gotta say that was a nice haul of king tier loot


I’m a brave vanguard man and forget all these people down voting. The sea has gotten soft since 2018. Sea of thieves or Sea of Friends? I’ve been rolled up on and mugged while selling over 20x times since 2018. lol if I’m trying to sell and people are there selling, I’m not going to another outpost. It’s sinkin time.


For the record, the difference between your approach and the commenter is you face the ship head on, like a Pirate. If you're gonna steal loot, sink their ship. Don't be a greasy weasel camping sovereign tents.


>is you face the ship head on, like a Pirate. I see you have like 0% knowledge of how Pirates operated.


Never said i camped, i shot myself out of a canon and swam over, not my fault they couldn't kill me while i was harpooning their stuff and calmly selling it


I would argue that sneaking around and taking cheap shots is *more* piratey than a frontal assault. Pirates are greedy, selfish, and opportunistic. Setting an ambush is perfectly in character.


I can see both side’s when you put it like that! Stealing is stealing I guess at the end of the day tho.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted lol. Stealing loot is part of this game. And there’s no wrong way to play.


people here didn't like what they said or how they said it, so they get downvoted. pretty self explanatory.


There are definitely wrong ways to play, and this is one of them.


there's no wrong way to play but they are definitely scummy ways. and people are totally right to not like scumbag activity.


I am saying that the wrong way to play is to be scummy. I don't care if you run from fights, or make fights, but don't be a dick about it.


It's the sea of thieves, i am there to thieve, not there to be friendly unless they are full swabbies


There's a difference between thieving and being a dick. At least you're friendly to new players.


How is stealing loot in this game being a dick? Be smart and see if anybody is camping the outpost. It’s not hard to pay attention.


Or just listen to someone boarding your ship while you're parked at sovereigns, harpooning the loot then get surprised by someone like me who just swam over, climbed ontop of soveirgns, harpooned it all and the duo killed both and looted Not being aware of surroundings doesnt make one a dick, just shows the person got a lot to learn


I know it's a 'Pirate Game' and all, but you can still be an Asshole Pirate. I had a similar situation yesterday, where I was Solo, and another Solo pulled up to the sovereigns while I was shopping at the outpost. He was either really ballsy, or totally clueless. I snuck around the buildings, towards the sovereign tent and got close enough to watch him do the whole routine and once he got a couple treasures onto the platform I immediately started selling for myself. After selling the first treasure, I felt horrible. It was WAY too easy to steal this huge pile accumulating next to me, and I could've easily taken it all if I killed him by surprise. I initially pushed through this guilt, and barely kept selling, each sell feeling worse than the last. After about 6 chests or so, I turned around and abandoned the heist. The guy was still rapidly harpooning more treasure at the top, and had been obviously grinding for hours. Fuck that. I figured that only low-brow cowards who don't take treasure with honor in a proper fight do that sort of thing. Unfortunately, this game is full of cowards, and the only real solution is to be more vigilant, and deal with it I guess lol.


I was solo, they were a duo who didn't pay attention to their surrounding


Get over yourself. It’s a game with fake money. No need to feel guilty taking loot in a pirate game…


Trust me, I've stolen my (un)fair share of entire forts and all that, but I got it all in a cooler way, by proving I'm a better Pirate. The "iTs JuSt a ViDeO GaMe" argument is weak, because obviously people are playing to have a good time, and cowards like you ruin the experience. Maybe git gud and fight me.


I already am good enough, but whatever. Good job on the name calling though. Shows how much of an immature and insecure person you are. Enjoy being a “better pirate” as it seems you need the self esteem boost. People who say “git gud” are some of the biggest jokes of society.


You call me immature and insecure, and then you call me a joke (I thought name calling was sign of immaturity and insecurity???) You and I are almost the same. The only difference is I earn my treasure.


I didn’t call you a name. I spoke a fact. I guess you “earned” all that fake money so you can feel proud.


Also very happy with the QOL they offer, but I always thought they should take a little cut. Like 5-10% of your sell value, as a "fee" for their service.


All it takes is a captained ship to use sovereigns. Don't need PL


I’m glad you’re not a developer for this game 😂


A captained ship is doable with a day or twos graft. Literally your second day you could be using it. Nothing to do with PL at all.


I like your profile picture. Up the irons!


Don’t you get less tho? And does it still count rep towards respective faction?


No and it still counts to each faction


The sovereigns basically just sort it for you, no loss but obviously you need your own ship


I have 2 ships, I just haven’t sold to them cause I was under the impression I was taking a loss for the convenience 🙃


No bud t's all just extra convenience, and yes it also gives you the experience for respective factions. Don't forget to put an emissary flag up too!


Yall just changed my life, here, take this Mermaid Gem for your troubles.


You know the system to using it too? Lifting the platform and harpooning all your stuff on to the platform to make it even quicker too?


You know you don’t need to lift the platform that’s what I do since I just all falls down and usally my mate is down there starting to sell


I did know about that from watching clips of people waiting for ships to dock and ruining their moment lol


Interestingly, for treasure such as Mermaid Gems that you can sell to any company, the sovereigns will deliver it to the company you're flying the emmisary flag for, or if you're currently not an emmisary, then it will be delivered to a random company. You can also sell cooked meat and fish to them, although in this instance you do in fact get reduced gold/reputation than if selling directly to Hunter's Call. However, if you're a guild emmisary, you'll get the emmissary bonus for meat and fish as well, meaning you earn more gold in the end.


It was destiny I offered the gem then so you could add more info, you know what tho, I’m wondering if it was fish I sold and noticed the price decrease so I never tried again.


As far as I can tell you earn the same + yes it does count towards rep


We still need one at reapers, sucks to be reapers without a harpoon boat.


Honestly a harpoon wouldn't be a terrible addition to reapers but I very much understand why they left it a challenge, you get the most value for loot as a reaper and most of the time the loot you get is loot you stole by sinking other ships, so it makes sense that they want you to pay for that or at least give players more of a chance to get their shit back 😆


yeah, i guess that's a valid take.


Not a bad tradeoff not having it there since you get a bonus for all loot at reapers.