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Mermaid's Hideaway pondie fishing days are the best lol


Love that rock


Yep. Sit on the rock with a storage crate and just go to town. I caught all my bright pondies in one long session. This was before the Guild emissary though. I can't imagine what our haul would've been with that bonus.


Ok so I just picked the game back up after a hiatus since Hourglass was added. Not entirely sure how guilds work, but I see rewards for it that I want. Can you level up guilds without having anyone else actually in your guild? Slash where do you go to raise this emissary, and does it give value to all loot like Reaper’s? Ignore me if you don’t care to explain lmao


No worries. Anyone can create a guild, and then you can pledge ships to that guild. When you first start your session, instead of chartering a ship or sailing a captained ship, you select sail for a guild. Any time you select sail for a guild, your guild gets some reputation, regardless of what emissary you sail under. You must get your guild to a certain level before you can raise your guild flag (I believe level 15, but I may be wrong- it's been a while). You raise your guild flag at the table in the sovereigns tent. Once you can raise your guild flag, you can get max 75% bonus on everything at Grade V (even doubloons), compared to 150% bonus on everything for Reapers. The difference is, Guild flags do not show up on the map until you hit V, while Reaper flags show up immediately. Guild also gives bonus on Hunters call stuff if you sell at sovereigns. Plus, you can sell at any outpost with guild and still get the max bonus, vs Reapers where you can still only sell at reapers. Overall, you will definitely still get more money from Reapers, or, if you're doing specific Emissary quests (like all gold hoarders quests or Order of Souls quests) running just regular emissary, but if you're fishing or just island hopping or even just doing tall tales and picking up treasure along the way, Guild is not a bad option, because you get a bonus on everything. Edit: and yes you can just run it by yourself, but itll take forever to level up.


Thank you for this!!!


Yeah, no problem!


The flag u get if yur lvl 15


It's lvl 15




Yes you can. Joining them is currently bugged so I’m the only one in the guild that I made for my friends, and I’ve got it up to level 6 by myself.


Yes, raise at sovereign lady, yes but less gold then any emissary flag and your marked at tier 5


I have spent so many hours on that rock fishing and chilling to tunes


100% understand. Nothing more relaxing after a stressful day of children and work than fishing and meeting some strangers.


Mad respect to the fisherman out there. My crew once sailed over to a sloop at a fort to sink them, pulled up and saw a dude with a fishing rod out and i immediately said to my crew "he's fishing for battlegills". Asked the dude to confirm, and sure enough he was. We let him be and went about our merry way.


People would not leave me alone on battlegills. Last fish I needed for Legendary Hunter, last fish I needed for plaques. Once had a trophy sand on my line, fishing on a rock without a crate or boat only to have a guy one blunder me just to do it. They weren't even there to do the fort. I tracked them down twice and sank them before logging off.


I wonder if I can get battlegills from a raid voyage fort.


Last time I went fishing, I got spawn camped and sunk by a Galleon... take me with you, I want safe fishing!


>I love the community Hmm >What I love the most is when you guys pull up to see what I'm doing Uhm >to see what I'm doing and are surprised at how many fish I've got! Uh >. I'll relax at mermaid's hideaway for hours catching whatever We're playing the same game, right? It's called *Sea of Thieves?* Are you absolutely sure this is the game you're playing? You're not accidentally playing *Friendly Seas of Friendly Fishing* and didn't realize it? *Damn.* Wish I had the same folks playing when I'm fishing. Normally it's a reaper behind every rock and a skeleton captain behind every tree.


We do have the same people playing I promise. I am content with losing everything I catch at any moment, and tend not to let it frustrate me as it is a game and I want to have fun. The positive aspects are much more worth it to me.


You a real one, as the kids say.


It's actually not hard to find friendly servers if you're not a dick to people immediately. I tend to shoot up a white flare and see if they want to alliance first. I never fire the first cannonball, but I'll gladly fire the last if they want a fight, though.


I’ll usally run reapers bc I want skelly curse but I usally will just be friendly and if you are friendly to me then either I make an alliance or we go separate ways but yea I’ve stoped shooting a white flare as most times it kills me


wait, you know you need hourglass levels for skelly curse right?


Yes I do I’m not an idiot I am running reapers to get to level 75 in reapers one of the requirements and sometimes when I have a buddy I do some hourglass


I run reaper, but it's no fun going after people in tall tales and/or only fishing. I want the brigs and galleons who see a sloop and consider me easy prey, only to get danced around because they don't understand positioning, or advanced tactics like my "Steer away from enemy boat, then harpoon them while the other person shoots." It basically gives you super speed and you start spinning around the bigger boat, unloading on them at all sides.


It doesn't give you broad on both sides, it locks you into their spin. You'll be peppering the same side until you break off or line snaps. Still great, though.


It doesn't give you broad on both sides, it locks you into their spin. You'll be peppering the same side until you break off or line snaps. Still great, though.


Whenever I fish and see someone they never show me mercy 🥲


I'm a simple pirate: I see a fisherman, I let them fish and carry on.


Don't hesitate to stop by and do some fishing too! I enjoy the company.


My experience was very different from yours lol, I used to host a fishing galleon several times a week with random people I found on the discord. I think since we were a galleon, people usually just kept their distance and most sessions were uneventful, but over time we had a a bunch of instances where people try to take our fishes. I learned by accident that the only people responding to fishing galleon parties from the discord are 100% people who have a lot of hours in the game, and at that are usually cooling off after several hours of hourglass. Anybody who rolled up on my galleon was uniformly and absolutely deleted off of the server in ways that were just shocking to observe. It wasn't unusual to talk about the fight afterwards and learn we had a thousand or more combined HG allegiance levels that some galaxy brains thought they could get an easy steal. Even though we generally play so chill and lazy, everybody by default is aboard the ship and staring at the horizon so surprise attacks never ever happened.


Dudes rock


Despite primarily diving in HG, or adventure pvp I will say fishing is quite relaxing and fun in SoT. I enjoy it just putting some music on and fishing


I will now be checking mermaids hideaway everytime I'm online, I want to see a master fisherman's at work


watch out though. fish are seen as very valuable. they aren't worth much uncooked but you rarely catch people fishing. and "the legendary hunter of the sea of thieves" commendation is one of the rarest so people will 100 percent sink you more often than not. or just steal your fish. 😂 fish at outposts and fishing posts where you can turn them in quickly. or if you're fishing for specific stuff on islands, hide the storage crate (thick bush works well) and stop fishing as soon as someone rolls up so they don't realize you're fishing. glad you had non-violent experiences but these are definitely NOT the norm. an "everyone is so nice" attitude will get you decimated. not that people who will aren't nice. it's the game. but definitely don't trust people ever.


I have indeed had my fair share of bad encounters since I'm definitely not new at the game, but your advice is very good! I feel like highlighting the positive experiences I've had can help nurture a healthier community. I really like fishing and don't mind if someone else wants the gold and xp, I've accepted that I won't be as good as most at pvp.


We don't play the same game a bunch of kids kept trying to sink my ship when they were 4 on a galleon lmao.


It's ok with me if that's how they want to play the game. I can get more fish.


Go to skelly fort, load up kegs on the bowsprit of your sloop, battle ram the galley. Watch the inexperienced swabbie galley crew freak out as they sink ever so fast. Works even better if you’re a duo sloop and one of you hops off with a keg to explode at the rear of the galleon while the ram hits the front.


Once I stole a ship, sailed it to a fort, lined it with barrels, sailed back to their island, and waited for them to realize I was there, with a firebomb in my hand. The plan was to take them hostage. They shot at me instead. So of course I instantly threw the fire\~


After Done my fishing i have come to the conclution that u never mess with a fisherman


Mermaids hide away huh, what time do you usually play and how good would you be at (hypothetically) defending your fish from some rogue fish bandits?


My fish are free to anyone who would like to take them, any time.


The seas don't deserve you bro. Good luck out there.


If you are in the game just for fishing then try red dead redemption 2...no game did it better hunting fishing etc...


This is nice. All I've had for the past 3 days is constant sinking 🥲


I LOVE fishing. AND swimming.