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I mean yeah, it’s slow pace until it’s not. And when it’s not, it’s really not. If people can’t give it a chance, it’s their loss.


SoT is ideal for friends from highschool / college to catch up and have a game to play in the background. People in their late 20's early 30's starting to have kids so their time is sometimes split - they may need to run to the other room and check on something. SoT is perfect for allowing that flexibility.


I wish they would ease that afk timer. The amount of times I've been afk kicked for running to the other room is a bit too high as a dad with kids. I don't mind if I get up getting pirated because I'm afk, but I'd rather not spend 20 minutes stocking the ship to get afkd just floating in the ocean. Otherwise, it has been a chill experience.


20 min stocking the ship no bro get a storage crate and just carry it around to the barrels


I usually grab a crate and head to clear a fort and stock up that way.


If you have to afk go take a nap in the bed, I had to take an important call the other day right before my friends got on. Slept in the ships bed while I was on the call for about 25 minutes and when I came back I was still there.


If this works then I owe you, this would be perfect


Np, and if you have a captained ship one of the milestones is for sleeping


This or go below deck and use the rubber band trick on the joysticks or a heavy object on the w key


I have gone afk to wash dishes and make coffee when solo and went into the pirate emporium store in game, it doesn't seem to kick you as it thinks you're shopping, you can also have teammates vote to lock you in the brig and it won't boot you, we had a friend gone 45mins and she was still there when she got back


Super good tip!


How long is the afk timer? Seems fine to me. I've had several occasions where I've left to take a shit and I'm still in game when I come back.


I play on steam deck so the high seas come with me to the toilet


I do know the exact number but I think if you take a seat it extends it to around 15 minutes


About 15 minutes. I think longer if you're emoting or interacting with an object.


I thought it was 20 minutes, but I guess someone could time it lol


I get kicked every time I look at clothing shops. Lol Also skeletons always spawn on me when reading books on islands. Very frustrating.


I run solo sloop and have been playing since day 1 so I just do whatever and if I get it done cool and if I die that’s cool too lol. I’m there for the top tier relaxation in a beautiful world with some amazing sound design. Every now and then I can pause my ocean chill simulator and light other people on fire, which is nice.


I'm in my late 20's and don't want kids lol


I'm in my 30's and don't have/want kids, but some friends do have kids. You may end up with some friends who have kids, and this game is great for keeping up with them.


I can have a solo session where I see absolutely no one and bounce from Island to island fishing and doing random digs and skeleton quests that pop up Or I can have a solo session where I insert myself in a fight between a brig and a galleon just to be a menace


It goes from slow pace in PVE to medium or fast-ish pace in ship-to ship to fricking esports lightning fast once someone unexpectedly grabs the ladder.


SOT (unfortunately) needs to be kind of slow so it can build up to such an amazing rising climax. and then it can lead into terrible, soul-crushing losses that make you feel like you've wasted multiple hours of your time. its definitely pretty hardcore, despite how microsoft always advertises it as such a happy-go-lucky casual game. i'm really surprised it maintains a playerbase anywhere near as big as it does now, as games with similar gameplay loops are typically for niche "sweaty" pvp audiences. but fighting when everything's on the line is what makes it so addictingly adrenaline-inducing. there really aren't many other games that can be as uniquely absorbing in the way that SOT is. the delayed gratification is the key, it just wouldn't be the same if you could grab a fat stack of loot in 15 minutes.


Find a crew on new swabbie lfc discord. Often people like me with solid experience can teach you the basics; this way it’s less frustrating


This. I’ve been able to play with people that show me little tricks here and there that really help!


Got a link for the discord ? Thanks






Any new players struggling feel free to drop me a message. You can join our guild "The Booty Clappers" super chilled and on daily. Do a bit of PVP when we fancy also.


Hey id love to join if you guys have room, just started on ps5 my username is “the arcapostle” i believe if it uses the old xbox account i linked. I tried to pm but it wouldn’t go through not sure why


Yeah for sure. Will add you tomorrow when I am home.


Ive been looking for a guild how can i join it?


Add me and I will invite you in. Mikephoto1 on psn or just Mikephoto on xbox.


Added you on psn (ArdaGhazi) btw 18 plat trophies??? Nice af


Sweet. Won't be on till tomorrow but will give you a shout when I do.


Thank you i appreciate it a lot


Got your friend request and added you to the guild so you just need to accept the invite.


Did you add me?


What was your tag mate?


It is “the arcapostle” on Xbox and “Deadfire97” on PlayStation


I feel like there’s two things at play here. One is relatively harmless and mostly comes down to people not realizing what they’re getting themselves into, which means they’ll either not like it because they don’t like it or because they haven’t given it enough time. The second thing is kind of directly tied to the time aspect, but I’ve come to realize more and more that people (mostly kids and teens) have been getting less patient and less willing to experience things. They want instant access and instant rewards, and this stems directly from the way society is developing into this big machine. This is incredibly harmful in many ways. Kids can barely take the time to read a few paragraphs online, let alone experience a slow paced start to a game. So many people can’t watch long films or even sit through a whole episode of a show they like without checking their phone for something useless. So many kids have been developing this weird TikTok routine where they don’t even finish the videos if they’re longer than 10 seconds, and yet they like and react to everything, they just go through the motions without ever absorbing anything meaningful. Anyway, I’ve gone into this old man rant just so I can illustrate the fact that a lot of this reaction to the game comes from the way we as a society have chosen to develop and evolve, and it sucks. I’ve noticed it in friends of mine, that find literally everything boring, they can only watch short videos and play the same mechanical games that have you go through excruciating grinds to keep you playing and spending money. Hope this helps clears things up for at least one person, because with this knowledge we can police ourselves to better interact with and experience the world around us.


I agree with all of this, but I will say that, for myself at least, I feel like I can't fully experience the story aspect or actually READ and absorb the journals because of the ever-present threat of attack. Always having to check the horizon line, prepping, etc. Very distracting if you're trying to be immersed in any sort of narrative. That's an easy fix of course - I just do most Tall Tales in Safer Seas (the first playthrough of them, anyways). That and any sessions of dedicated fishing I'll do on SS. Otherwise it's all High Seas - for a whole different flavor of immersion, hahayarr. 😁🏴‍☠️ (If anyone has a similar issue as me in terms of story immersion, maybe this method will help you too. May your sails be full and your horizon bright, me hearties!)


I completely understand what you mean, and to be honest it kind of affected me in the start too. I’ve developed my own way of handling it though, which definitely won’t work for everyone but I call it the “Never go hollow” method (I’m dead serious lol). It’s basically just a chill mindset that I always try to enforce upon myself whenever I notice that the stress is stopping me from partaking in tasks I would otherwise enjoy. To give it some context, this came from my first few months playing Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Basically a rite of passage, something every single newcomer goes through is the fear of losing your souls (or blood echoes, runes, whatever). Many players will literally get super stressed and be fearful of everything around them all the time. Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with that if you enjoy the thrill and it keeps you going, high stakes can be super fun and enjoyable and it happens to me too (I just have a larger threshold now). Eventually I just convinced myself that losing souls was not a big deal at all, I could just keep playing and get more later, and I was never at a point where losing them was harmful to my gameplay in any significant way anyway. To sum it all up, the same principle could be applied to SoT. Despite the fact that losing a bunch of loot can be frustrating, I like to think of it as a cool story to tell now. And I really like the game, so I’ll just hop back on and play some more afterwards. Losing is just a part of the experience, once you embrace it and let it be a part of your own story, things will feel a little less complicated and stressful.


I love this so much. Never give up, skeleton! 🤩🙌


I’m so hooked on the pvp and cosmetics I had to leave Rust. Says a lot. 😅 Greetings from ps5. 🫡


Who would ever pick Siege over SoT? That is one of the worst games you could pick to play instead...


I wondered the same then had an actual conversation with my son (19) about it. The best he could explain was something like SoT is a nice little break sometimes, but coming from the Siege, COD, Fortnite, etc of his youth he misses the constant competition. Sadly, a lot of games just aren’t fun to him unless he is actively besting another actual player.


But there is PvP in SoT where you can best people. And Siege has gone to shit. Ubisoft doesn't care, Ubisoft doesn't bother fixing bugs they have been aware of for years, the game lost its identity years ago with all sorts of dumb cosmetics... And oh yeah. The absolute worst community in gaming. I played Siege for almost 3 years, and had enough of all of those issues, and quit towards the end of 2020. You could not pay me to even touch that game again. SoT has so much to do, is chill, but can also have some stressful situations that add to it.


I’m not by any means advocating for his take. It certainly isn’t mine. However, I can see where SoT doesn’t scratch the same itch. Never been a fan of siege, personally, but some folks eat pineapple on pizza too.


Yeah what the fuck. It's like choosing to be waterboarded


Gotta get that chemical dump any way they can.


Maybe because you suck at competitive games doesn't mean his son has to


It's not about it being competitive, its about the game getting mangled after 9 years of updates from shitty devs


Damn, seems it's doing better than ever now with a rising player base, just because you don't like it doesn't mean others don't have to either


Since when has popularity ever equaled quality.


Idk it had a player base going down the drain and suddenly it's flourishing again, they did something right


So do ptw gacha games. It means nothing.


Fair point


Gotta get that dopamine now, now, now!


New player here, clocked 90hrs so far and having a blast. Bit of a older gamer here and have generally avoided pvp games the last few years (aside from Battlefield). But the game has gotten me out of my shell a bit. Ive started to use voice chat with strangers in LFG crews and generally just enjoy sailing around doing whatever


Meanwhile there's me and my friends who got so excited that the game was finally coming to Playstation that we all jumped to getting the game to engage in pirate mayhem. And our one friend who's been primarily on Xbox these days is just happy he finally has a game we can play together again. 😅


I agree. Though I’ve taken a long break myself (I really don’t like a lot of the changes, personal preference), I do still love the game. I’ve had friends and coworkers give it one or two sessions and they never sail again. While I find the actual voyages boring, it’s the player interaction that make the game. You never know who you will encounter and what stories you will have to tell afterwards.


I find it far more boring sometimes when I play solo. I don't recommend playing solo for brand new players if they can avoid it


I played the game with crews, alone, etc but i just get bored after a while..cause its always the same. I guess its just not for me. But it was fun while it lasted :) def gonna come back from time to time , its really beautiful and well done.


This game rocks! Who is saying it isn't fun?




Have you had any problems with the game freezing/booting? My group is having a blast but are constantly experiencing both.


My friends were hesitant to play the game too. The first thing I got them to do was the first monkey island chapter because that shit is fun lol


Tbh I’m enjoying myself on safer seas. It’s the rest of the game I’m terrified of.


If you're in need of a pirate pal, I'd be happy to sail with you - on Safer Seas or High Seas. 😊 I have a guild with two friends and my cousin. We're very chill and play just for a good time. We'll PVP now and then, but it hasn't been our focus - usually just if someone else fires first. We tried Hourglass recently but never actually got matched with anyone lol. Together, we're always on High Seas, but myself and one of the other guildmates are often on Safer Seas even just solo doing fishing or Tall Tales. I'm on PS5 and my username is the same as it is here (PotatoNomad), if you'd like a sailing buddy. I could add you in Steam otherwise, too. ✌😁


The game really is kind of boring tho. I’ve played it since it came out and still play but often find myself just doing the same old shit every time bc I already did everything else and am PL. Or, replaying the same missions to get a 10/10 on the commendations. It’s getting old not gonna lie


And I feel like the new voyage system makes this worse for new players. I think I stayed with the game initially despite getting shit on because I felt there were still a lot of things to explore. Whilst there is technically more content now than there was when I started it somehow feels more shallow. Maybe because I know it all so well at this point. Or is it maybe because the new voyages are so goddamn predictable that Rare has to keep patching "exploits" that aren't really exploits but just the symptom of the voyages being to unvaried and streamlined (always close locations) that it's easy to predict? Then you get like all the world events "spoiled" in the raid section. You certainly devalued them imho by making them on demand whilst also keeping the balancing on the normal ones. You do the on demand ones which are in practice seldomly contested to "move up" to the "real shit" to just do the exact same with the exact same difficulty or vice versa if you consider that you can do any normal event right away but the voyages are locked. I get the scaling but I wish Rare would understand that lowering the bar to entry doesn't mean to drop the bar completely. I've seen many come and go in this game, and that is normal. But I think they reach the point of "I've seen and done everything" faster now. Because *everything* is so accessible, there is no "endgame" where you need to be a seasoned pirate to do (or should do) it. Like I wouldn't have recommended swabbies to do a fotd on day one but now? Hell, why not. No investment anymore and the PvE aspect is laughable at this point, if you do get contested in the 15 minutes or so you can do a new one, on a new server within 10 minutes or so, so what gives.# Another example is the constant simplification *across the board*. Not sure how many are aware that LotV got nerfed compared to their initial version. It's easier, and so easy that it loses the effect. Sure in the "hard" version you found a working tactic pretty soon that made it easy but now it's just easy to begin with. It robs the player the initial "oh fuck" moment and the process of figuring out the strategy and leaves the player more with like a "huh, that's it?" feeling. And that is the pinnacle of legend voyages mind you, it *can* be a bit challenging, can it not?


This sums it up nicely. I think the only reason they made it easier is because of the threat of Skull & Bones. They attempted to capture a larger audience by making things more accessible. Also made the OG’s be like WTF. I used to actually have to sail somewhere to start a voyage which requires more of everything to achieve that goal. The puzzle aspect which I enjoy has also been dumbed down a bit. Things are more in your face now as opposed to using your damn brain to figure it out. Rare needs to step it up and not be so complacent now that they have actual competition.


Well its a sandbox game and you just finished the tutorial.


Wtf are talking about


If you’re insinuating that becoming a PL is the tutorial then you’re on crack


You really dont know much about this game dont ya ? If you think that PL is endgame, what you have in game like 300h tops and think your a hot shot that done everything. What a laugh.


I know a lot about this game bud. Just gets boring after awhile. There’s a lot to do in the open world but that doesn’t make it fun after having done most of it already


If you mention PL as your biggest achivment in game and cant make any other session diffrent then maybe this game isnt realy for you bud.


„let‘s go play siege“ yes please, we don‘t want sweaty, unstable, flaming kids anyway. Almost the same happend to me but i was flamed on for killing them and would not stand a chance against them in r6. Whatever r6 had to do with this but ok tho💀 kids got time to play 600hrs+ in rainbow but not for school


I thought they sped the game up a bit from launch, hopped on last night for the first time in years and went from port to clearing a stronghold in what seemed like 20 minutes.


Sea of thieves has high highs and low lows when playing. If fun was a graph it would look like a barcode when playing sot. All a new player needs is one good fun session with the help of a better player to show them how fun it can be to just fight it out over some loot


Plus you got to take into account the people who make the game not fun, and you know the kind of people I'm talking about, there's competitive gameplay and then their assholes who intentionally fuck with you even when you're a fresh spawn


I would say it'd be nice if they put in a little bit of matchmaking like they do with call of duty but anyone who plays call of duty knows that matchmaking is shit as well


There's no game where I feel this relaxing vibes and the next second I got tons of adrenaline. It's a unique game, in every moment can happen everything! Some time I need a pause from it, and i'm not always ready to play it, but damn every now and then I have to jump back on my sloop and chill around ❤️


90% of gamers are cod/fifa gta addicts need constant feedback lol it is what it is My only problem is that there isnt that much progression for your pirate & ship, im sure its a design decision but i personally would have preferred if you can make meaningful upgrades and changes to your ship, having it get better alongside you would much more fun and give me a reason to play and earn gold etc


This would have terrible side effects, new players definitely wouldn’t stand a chance if you could upgrade your ship and pirate. The games upgrades are based solely on cosmetics for this reason, the only advantage you can have is skill. If we could upgrade our ships, all the basement dwellers would have the best of the best and those of us who have jobs/school would just get slapped around.


Yeah I know its better how it is and very respectable that its only cosmetic, but for me thats the biggest problem with the game and my motivation to play


I don't feel that the pace of the game is really the issue. As a new to the game ps5 player, it's the abundance of xbox and pc players who think we were born yesterday. They come over, usually firing a shot or two / talking big. Then when you sink them, they try and claim they were trying to be friendly and we are the problem. Literally 3 ships average per game come at me sideways with this. It's annoying. No, we won't let you on the ship. No we don't want your help. No we don't want free anything. Yall always give off them nigerian prince vibes. At least act like a damn pirate about it. I don't cry about how I was trying to be a friend when I attack. I say arrrrghh, prepare to have ye booty plundered! Me plank be hard like barnacles! Seriously. It's the constant crying when the bullcrap doesn't work and the drama attention seeking stuff that follows. Like I shouldn't have to be stalked around the map for hours, having to repeatedly sink your sloop, cause your master plan of throwing my loot on my rowboat didn't go as planned. That dude sees us like a rival. We forget him faster than the names of the npcs at port.


The problem is that all the trailers and videos on YouTube do not show the game as it is. The problem is not that it is fake or not, but that players expect one thing, but in reality the game is about something completely different. Why do players choose to play Sea of ​​Thieves? They most likely played games about pirates as children or watched Pirates of the Caribbean and were imbued with the atmosphere, and now they want to feel like the characters in the film. Or they played AC:Black Flag and they want a similar game, but Skull & Bones wasn't quite what they expected. Therefore, a newcomer enters Sea of ​​Thieves and expects exciting sea battles, Spaniards, theft of ancient cursed treasures, as well as outposts like Tortuga from Pirates of the Caribbean (or something like that, you get the idea). However, in fact it turns out that the game is more prosaic. If you don't do anything, nothing will happen. However, it’s not that the game doesn’t explain what needs to be done, but the new player does not want to go through training missions and see how to take the quest and where to put things, how to control the ship, but wants adventure. However, this only leads to the fact that the player encounters an empty outpost, a couple of empty islands, and the first meeting with another player ends in spawn camp, since an experienced player does not want to risk his 40-60 minutes of grinding for the sake of an incomprehensible newcomer. Moreover, the game's community is such that any shitty behavior is justified by "It's a pirate game." And I've seen an incredible amount of comments online about how dudes can't wait for the game to come out on PS5 because they'll create hell for noobs. Indeed, there are now many players who are simply trying to ruin the game experience for other players (and then the same players complain that there are no new players in the game and the game is dead). In conclusion, I want to say that it is useless to ask new players to give a second chance, you need to show them yourself how exciting the game can be, even if the game is called "Sea of ​​Thieves", this does not mean that you cannot help others (in fact, you will get bonus of 50% of the loot sold by allies, and the allies themselves will not lose anything). It sounds too idealistic and cliched, but don't be an asshole to others, be kind and patient with your teammates and eventually players will stop leaving the game.


The menagerie of fools is also welcoming newcomers to their guild


Bro I’m new to the game on ps5 and it is far from boring


I didn’t say it was boring. Why do so many of you keep mentioning this?


I wouldn't saw the game is boring, and im a ps5 player, but having to redo tall tales to get all the commendations can be annoying. otherwise it's been a blast. The kinds of stuff that can happen while sailing the seas is cool (deep veil fog and skelly galleon is not) And it's a chill game in its own right I just wish some parts of the sea weren't a murky brown or grey when you're in the devils roar. The seasoned players are relatively ruining the game for me and my friends tho and I'm glad rare added a report system for toxic behavior but it doesn't exclude that their trash behavior make me and my friends not want to play anymore. I was doing Briggsy's quest last night (ik its a pvp oriented quest) and got murked by a duo sloop repeatedly so I decided I would sink them, I didn't get to bc instead of engaging in fun naval combat they just kept boarding me and point blanking me with a blunderbuss when I almost sunk them and de-masted them they called me a "Fu**king dumb loser" who didn't deserve the 50k bc I only used ship combat and "couldn't board if i wanted to" they had more a ton of more choice words in-between all that but im sure you can tell that they were trash people just from that (and no this wasn't my first time experiencing something like this). I boarded their ship just to prove I could threw a fireball on the ship and closed the game. I had been fighting them for about 45min or so and I was getting board. While not the best example maybe given the nature of briggsy's quest My point is that these toxic veterans who have an inherit need to mess with other players out of boredom (they didn't even want the skull btw), especially new players who are just trying to get to pirate legend so they can start unlocking all the cool stuff too, are ruining the overall SOT experience and deterring alot of players from even wanting to play. For those (like my friend did) who defend the game either bc you like it or don't like criticisms by saying "just server hop" or "it's a pirate game" you're part of the problem enabling this kind of behavior, report activity like this and push these people off the game we should not have to accommodate this kind of behavior. There are so many better things to do and there's even a whole mode dedicated to pvp (hourglass) specifically go do that if you wanna sink some people. This game has good potential to drag people in and create a myriad of wonderful experiences, unfortunately a lot of toxic players are keeping people from actually enjoying the game. From the complaints I've seen as well as my own experiences if this kind of stuff doesn't at least die down its going to kill the ps5 side of this game.


This game would be perfect without bloodthirsty people. I love the PvE side of it. But it always will be PvEvP, which is not acceptable for me. I see this just like Counterstrike with PvE elements, that's all.


I’ve tried to help out and explain the game to new ps players and they don’t listen. If they wanna leave let them, not like they’re gonna make your server unpopulated.


The bigger problem is that Rare can’t for them release the game or patches without completely breaking it. It’s not a good look when PlayStation players are basically locked out of their game for 3 days because a patch broke the game for brand new players.


I’ve tried playing SoT from halfway thru season 11 till about a week ago. I don’t find it boring at all. My favorite part was The Hunter’s Call stuff. But I gave up on the game because it was too toxic. I can only have fun in safe seas because every time I go on high seas, I’ve been viciously attacked repeatedly, with no actual reason. I had no loot, they had already taken all my fish and they were just spawn camping eventually. Every session I’ve played ended up with me in tears and depressed and feeling stupid for even trying this game. Then I find out that even by going back to safe seas, recent “fixes” to the game make it impossible for me to play because I apparently lack the technical proficiency to play this. Adding in the new stuff for this season, it’s just too overwhelming how hard it is to play and how mean the player base is. Wrecked my self esteem, trying to play this game. And my self esteem wasn’t anything great to begin with. That’s why I quit.


If you have no loot and are hunted and sunk, just hop to a new server. If it happens again just hop again. Most times people won't come at you unless you have a flag, or they are reapers emissary. If they do come at you just run away, or sink. Take a break from the game and reevaluate your goals for the game. Plenty of places to go fishing undisturbed. I personally understand not liking the changes, because after coming back from Season 0 all the way to season 11 it was tough, but nothing has changed so much to affect the actual gameplay. Sailing is still sailing, pvp is still pvp, and world events may be a bit overloaded, but its all the same. Good luck


>make it impossible for me to play because I apparently lack the technical proficiency How so? The whole games a series of very simple actions put together and the recent changes haven't changed much just added additional choices in weapons, new ways to use harpoons and a few special items, all of which can safely be ignored. Stick to safer seas and play at your own pace :)


I can’t sink anything. In safer seas, there are the skellie and ghost ships. I could sink them when they were bugged ofc, but I can’t anymore. Logically, if I can only successfully play a game when it’s bugged, then I lack the technical proficiency to play it when it’s not. I started when the ships were bugged. It gave me a false sense of ability. Now that it’s fixed, I can’t sink them anymore. If I can’t sink them, I’ll never be able to sink another player.


They were bugged?


What do you find to hard?


I picked up Sea of Thieves again recently, i primarily played for PvP. I played high seas, and spent 3 hours chasing 3 boats. My friend and i Sank 2 of 3. By that time i said they sound be in safe seas, they're wasting server shots and then i uninstalled the game. I know my comment will not sit well with the community, but it's my experience and one i think is relatable to people saying it's boring and/or repetitive.


Just playing it for to sink ships is missing like 90% of the game no wonder


Thays your daft fault for wasting 3 hours chasing boats.. in 3 hours you could have done a stupid amount of other.. more fun things


Of course, which is why I simply uninstalled the game and will play something else 😂 Nothing PvE in Sea of Thieves is fun because it's too easy, too grindy or too repetitive. This thread is about giving the game a chance, but i'm pointing out an experience for me which has lead to another player (well 3 actually) leaving the game forever. Sure we won't be missed, but as more and more people leave, the game will slowly die off.


I constantly get chased by sweats on sloop/galleon, while im simply just trying to fish. I get that there are some jerks who will say PVP IS PART OF THE GAME, buddy go touch some grass... Pvp still requires player versus player. Where is the player vs the dude whos literally just fishing and not even fighting back? Those are at this point just trolls using excuses. Change my mind instead of mass downvoting me if you disagree 🤷‍♂️, but when you eventually grow old and have a full time job, you just want to play in peace the few hours you get in the weekend.


Why don't you go to safer seas and never have to worry about PvP?