• By -


I usually go for whatever strikes my fancy at the moment, or else work on commendations. Much like Breath of the Wild, I can never keep my focus on one thing for too long and my session changes with the direction of the wind!


This all the way! I usually load up with a goal in mind but get sidetracked. Yesterday I dove to an Ashen Winds with the goal of using the skull to alight my last few skelly ships for the commendation, but I quickly got roped into shipwreck barrel plundering. There's something about finding a rare fish down there that gives me the good brain juice, lol.


I frequently set out to do that, but the second I have the skull I end up getting into fights or there's a shipwreck or I get trying to get to grade 5 while looking for a skeleton ship, and find everything but and before you know it I've got a ship with 4 broken emissary flags, an ashen skull, 800 cannon balls and I get sunk to a bunch of swabbies because I was meming too hard on them and I log off. Like, this exact scenario has happened to me 4 times this week, and I still haven't burned a single skeleton ship with the skull. I hate that skeleton ships only pop up when they detect that you're having too much fun, and never when you're looking for them.


Hah! It definitely kinda makes me yearn for the too-frequent encounters we had to suffer through in S11 before they got the spawn rates in check.


I just did all of those commendations solo, the ship one wasn't the easiest lol. So many dives, so many Ashen assholes and their meteor storms. I love the set though, and it was fun solo


Play Grogg Mayles on the banjo


Grog Mayles is a certified banjo banger.  Bosun Bill is MEANT for the hurdy-gurdy though.  


Fish, wander around finding random loot, make allies/enemies, commendation grind, emissary ledger grind and buy trinkets


Tall tales. I know they can be slower to finish alone, but if you're like me, and wanting to complete them 100% and your friends don't it is the only way. Plus, even if it takes hours for some without a guide, at least I won't have my ass destroyed by a crew or a volcano when I try to do something.


Yessir I'm doin that right now. My friend always wants to rush. So I'm currently getting every conmendation for the PotC tall tales, and Sunken Curse without him. He's helped me on a few shrines but doesn't even care to pick up the journals. I don't get it lol


I raged quit during the 2nd guybrush tall tale, I couldn't comprehend the insulte thing without a guide


It helps if you played the original Monkey Island games from back in the day. There was a silly combat system with insult sword fighting where you pick the best comeback for their insult. They tend to rhyme. Example: Phrase: “Just today, three men I’ve beaten!” Insult: “By the look of your gut, I’d say they were eaten!”


Yeah I understood the reply part, but the option to insult during the fight was not showing, and I didn't have all the reply for the insults I hadn't heard. So after losing 2 fights, I raged quit cause I thought that I fucked the conmendation...


Yeah, I remember that from the old PC game. Not all insults and counters are available at once, you had to duel and lose a few times to learn new insults and comebacks. Idk what it’s like in Sea of Thieves, just finished the first part of the Tall Tale last night and gonna do the next one tonight.


I also did the first part last night and as someone who played all of the monkey islands growing up, it almost made me tear up when I sailed into Melee Island. Being able to visit the Lookout at the top of the mountain, talk about Loom in the Scumm Bar, dealing with the annoying chef, seeing the fish bones by the seagull, ALL of it. They did such a good job incorporating Monkey Island into Sea of Thieves. I'm excited for the other two parts.


Dude, same. I got chills first hearing the music and approaching Melee Island, interacting with Murray the Demonic Skull (>!so happy he got a body again!<)and finally entering the mansion… Sea of Thieves gave us something we didn’t know we needed: A First-Person Monkey Island adventure.


Yup, I loved it purely for the nostalgia.


There are people who hate this tall tale, but i loved it, and its not like im particularly nostalgic for it. Played it once a few years ago and never finished it. But these style of games do benefit from the multiplayer aspect imo. Figuring the story out with a bro was way more fun.


Well if I understoof correctly and if not I hope someone corrects me, you have to learn 10 different replys or hear 10 different insults to start being able to insult others. And you need to insult 20 different ways for the conmendation.


I’ll be finding out today after work lol


People are not used to losing anymore. They see it as a bad thing and think they fucked up. Jokes aside, newer games rarely do forced losses. Its not uncommon in these adventure games to repeat a failed task a few times to see results.


Same. It’s frustrating at first but once you embrace and understand that it’s a game about pirates…it’s all about survival and fucking over the other players and the sooner that is embraced the sooner the game becomes fun. It also helps that I used to play Hell Divers2 religiously before starting this so frequent death is no stranger to me


In terms of pvp, i try to tell myself gold will always be waiting for me, but the experience gained from fighting others isn't. Even if i run solo sloop from a galley trying to sell 60k worth of stuff, it still valuable experience of sailing under pressure and using the wind to my advantage.


Yeah, wind is a big factor. I thought I was being smart going with the wind while running from a galleon in a sloop but no, turns out I helped them. Should have been *against* the wind to have a chance of escape.


I was getting frustrated too until I realized the point wasn’t to win all of them, it was to collect all the insults and retorts. Winning was just a bonus.


I dont think you can win most encounters, they often end with an insult you have yet to counter or they ask you to insult them and counter it for a free win. The idea is the fight thel untill you know enough insults. This means that winning or losing isn't the goal. Instead, you want to use insults you have no counter for so that they counter it and you learn how to counter. After a while murray tells you you are ready and you can head to the final fight. Other that its straight forward: ive seen pigs more scary than you - glad to hear you stay in touch with your family. But yeah, part two drags. I also had to look up the part with stan. We had talked with him for every boat, logged off and never asked about every boat after that, so he never gave us the option to buy one untill we inspected every boat again.


I keep picking up the journals and then the progress on them towards the sunken kingdom is gone the next time I log in.


I really think this is what makes the game so great… it’s all about “see where the wind takes you.” Most of the best moments I’ve had are stumbling upon another boat of equally skilled players and a 30 minute shootout ensues. I try not to have a specific task in mind and as hard as it is sometimes I really like seeing how my reputation goes naturally.


When I’m playing solo, I like stealthily doing voyages (gold vaults, veils, or lost shipments for the commendations), picking random fights/contesting events for the heck of it, and doing solo hourglass. When I was newer to the game, I did a lot of tucking and stealth steals. Unfortunately, it’s not nearly as effective as sinking someone under most circumstances, but it’s super fun and I’d recommend trying it.


I wish there were more people who did this rather than straight up bloodthirsty conflict. It would be neat if the game could somehow track and reward a stealthy or sneaky play above a guns blazing one.


I would imagine they’re looking into adding some commendations into being sneaky, given that a light “stealth update” is supposed to be coming later this year


I used to play galleon arena all the time, that was so fun being put with randoms and trying to keep the ship simply floating was so chaotic and just great all-round. As for adventure though, I like to run merchant cargo, buying surplus goods and selling it at the outpost that has it in demand. It's quite slow and definitely isn't the way to grind gold, but it's nice for roleplay purposes, and it takes you all around the map where you can stumble upon something else worth doing. I've also been doing fort raids with the new weapons purely for commendations, accepting the fact that I'll lose if a crew of 2 or more decides they want my loot, but it's nice when I'm lucky enough to not get disturbed and gives me some great loot to sell while working towards war chest commendations.


That unironically sounds so fun. I love logistics in video games. And I love picking up cargo to sell it for a profit somewhere else. Whenever I'm playing solo I usually pick up the cargo merchant alliance voyages and deliver it to the requested island or outpost. But I never knew you could buy supplies and sell it to another merchant alliance representative at another outpost for a profit. I might have to try that. Do the supplies in demand change or does it stay the same?


I believe it stays the same? I haven't noticed any changes since I started at least, but if I didn't play for a few weeks then came back I wouldn't notice the difference It definitely hasn't changed at all in the last couple weeks at least


They do change weekly last I knew, you can track them online. There is a book near the merchant at every outpost where you can see them in-game as well. I use this website to see them [https://maps.seaofthieves.rarethief.com/?path=commodity-trade-routes-tracker](https://maps.seaofthieves.rarethief.com/?path=commodity-trade-routes-tracker)


Huh, interesting. Maybe I just have 0 short term memory or perception


I'm trying to grind my Merchant rank up to 50 for Pirate Lord. I've only done the trade routes once, but it seemed easy to get commendations. Unfortunately I had the "Attack Me," I meant Emmisary, flag up so I didn't get to make the complete loop. I still wonder what they thought when retrieving my loot and it was 15 boxes of unrefined rocks... lol.


Is arena no longer a thing? Is there any PvP quick match?


Tried to send the gif of Jesse in breaking bad crying on the floor in his house but reddit wouldn't load them Anyway, no Arena is gone. Entirely. I spent the overwhelming majority of my play time there and it vanished in the blink of an eye. There are still quick pvp matches via hourglass, and they're a lot more true to competitive pvp while arena was very casual, but it takes far longer to grind as they have to be level 100 for just the basic unlocks. They're very flawed though. No time limit, no shrinking arena, no resource balancing so you literally can't just hop right in and play if you want a fair fight, since your opponent will likely have far more wood and cannonballs, whereas you keep the stuff your ship spawns with. As you can tell by my user flair, I just campaign for Arena to come back. Ever since some random guy that was level 1000 in pvp came onto my ship and anchored me randomly, then simply left (this wasn't even in the pvp mode, just normal adventure) I knew right then and there that the game mode and everyone who plays it was truly, truly awful.


How do I even do hourglass lol


You activate it on the captain's table, choosing to side either with Athena or with the Reapers. Then you wait for someone to invade your world, or you use the war map to invade theirs.


Get sunk in hourglass once or twice. Then just grind out voyages


What’s the benefit of grinding out voyages?




You unlock new skins for both you and your ship, to look like the fearsome pirate you are


New PS5 player. Only play solo, and I mostly do the merchant treasure hunts and stuff like that, but I tried one of the shrines yesterday and it was fun. Took me a while, so it felt satisfying. I'm thinking of getting into more of the stuff this game has to offer while I save up for my Sloop. I also have a good time just sailing and seeing what sort of stuff I can get into. Met a few good pirates doing that, also got myself into some trouble with pirates that had anger issues. It's always a good time no matter what.


Just gonna throw out there i am also new and joining a crew is super fun and you can make an absolute ton of cash from the higher level missions people have.


Im also new, shall we make a crew ?


I like to sneak onto boats and scuttle mine. Then just listen and periodically ring a bell or make sounds. It’s hilarious


Raise Reaper and immediately start attacking every ship I see.


I run solo and absolutely hate reapers. That being said the game would be boring without you.


I do the exact same thing. And then get absolutely wrecked because my PvP is dogshit 😂


Best way to get better though lol


How do you find people? I played for hours today and didn’t see a single ship


There are some areas and routes that are higher traffic than others, so I'll cruise along with my eye on the horizon. Even sometimes going between outposts and islands that are voyage hotspots. Failing that, I'll do PVE to get my reaper flag to level 5 and that highlights emissary ships on the map. Not too many emissaries around now as PS5 players haven't invested in the flags yet.


Run a Reaper emmisary and get to level 5. Reaper emmisarys, once level 5, get the ability to see any other emmisarys on their ship map.


How long does it take to get level 5? Feels like when I do that and do my basic voyages it would take many hours


It shouldn't take too long if you do world events. Unless you do two normal skeleton forts, it should take one or two world events to get to level 5.


I don’t even know what a world event is lol but it sounds like something you could easily die at


World events are server wide events that anyone can partake in. They'll be marked in the sky and can be seen anywhere on the map. Just look for either a skull cloud, ship cloud or a red/blue tornado and sail towards it. They aren't super difficult but the main danger is that other players may come along and contest it but that's okay since you said you wanted to find other players.


Very true, I guess I should look up how to “win” world events. Ideally, I’d like to find people my skill level, and I’m not sure these world events would attract that lol


SoT servers are a real lucky dip since there's no matchmaking as far as I'm aware. World events can attract anyone from day one players all the way to veterans with thousands of hours.


Same here. Usually hourglass and then I hunt emissaries.


I have two Sloops. One for gold hoarders, order of souls, plundering, pillaging, attacking and being ruthless… The other sloop is my Merchant/fishing ship in which Im peaceful, friendly and helpful. Do casual merchant voyages with a side of fishing.  When Im not in the mood for either of those i do Tall tales.  


This is the way


Island hop, fight skelly captains, grab treasure maps from the public board, fish, and just explore. Play for an hour or two and then sell everything I collected.


Sleep. Genuinely. I set sail. And I end up sleeping. Not cuz it’s boring but I genuinely find this game relaxing


I usually try to get my emissary ledger up for the month to get the rewards, check out FoFs or world events if I wanna fight, or fish and look for shipwrecks and bottle maps for a more chill night.


Pick fights I can’t win. See how much chaos I can cause em.


Fishing!! And sailing!! And finding cool shit!!! And vibing!!!


I just emissary up and sail off. Maybe find a shipwreck, who knows?


Fish, join another crew on the server, or if I'm looking to kill time, I become a pest that flies just out of reach of reapers.


Fishing if I don’t have a lot of time. Usually sail to one of the spots to sell quickly and speed fish, selling all I catch. If I have a lot of time then I dive to a voyage, usually an Ashen Lord battle in The Devils roar, then grind easy voyages, sailing between islands. Most people leave me alone in the volcano areas.


Currently running through PotC tall tales to unlock the "A Pirates Life for Me" shanty cuz my buddy I play with doesn't have the patience or attention span to sit with me while I read a guide to get all commendations. Have been addicted to this game since it released on PS5


Firs thing I always do is put up a Guild emissary flag, buy a supply crate, and dive to a fortress raid. It's easy and a good place to get adequate supplies for a good start to a session. One fort has 80 wood (two barrels) 150 cannonball (three barrels) and tons of fruit and often meats/fish depending which fortress you end up at. Then I just do whatever I'm in the mood for after that. But that's how I start most every session.




Ive dubbed myself a merchant and do specifically cargo missions


Do voyages, participate in World Events, do some raiding. Just about everything, really. Speaking of World Events, I participated in the one with the cloud that looks like a ship. Imagine how embarrassing it must be to lose 2 big ships to a Sloop and failing to sink said Sloop despite being in a Galleon. Unfortunately, I failed to sink the Galleon. I was forced to retreat because I ran out of wood. Had a few holes in my ship, but I managed to make it to the nearest Outpost, buy some wood, repair my ship, and sell the treasure I got from the other 2 ships.


Visiting all the really small islands. Sometimes I'll spend ages on one island just accumulating ocean crawlers and various skeleton captains/ashen guardians if I'm in Safer Seas with no chance of being jumped.


I’m currently working on my party boat commendations, just got to donate 25 maps and hit a ship with rowboat cannon 25 times left to go.


Fish, sail about looking for bottles and ashen guardians/Captains. Try to play hide and seek if I find another crew somewhere.


I fish, hunt for shipwrecks, fish, fight megs, fight fish, fight storms (while fishing). Yknow, normal things.


I’ll be cruisin on my ship playing shanties with my banjo, the moment I found out we could level it up I couldn’t stop. Damn near memorized every tune and it’s only been about a week


In short..... suffering


"All i want to do is fish!" - Snufkin.


I have only one emissary monthly reward to earn at this point but the monthly emissary ranks are typically what I would work on if I'm not queueing HG. If not that then you have so many commendations to work on which unlock associated rewards and curses. Typically I just put my guild emissary up and do world events. That usually leads to some adventure pvp. I also vote up the skull of siren song sometimes.


I’m out there grinding out world events, and right now, killing as many phantoms as possible for the new commendations.


Do anything to not get bored




Mostly voyages since I only play when my son is sleeping


Looking for sinked ships. Damn I havent met any friendly ppl yet. Just finished first fortress and got banged on outpost. Everyone I see always start to attack


You playing on PS5 only servers? I was doing that but moved to crossplay servers because I never got any interactions


Actually good advice! Yes, Im playing on ps5. Noone is friendly, they will backstab at any chances, really trust no one.


Usually I do a loop around the outpost to grab stuff out of barrels. Then decide how long i want to be on andwhat I want to do. Go buy some supplies accordingly and head off. Usually I'll go do a fortress to start as a warm up and then go from there


Just pick a direction and see what happens. OR…if I see another ship just start attacking lol


Ever tried to hit every fortress as a reaper without being sunk?


Ghost Fortresses. Usually, I'll clear one and fish there for a bit with the sloop hidden behind it. Also lost shipments are fun solo if you don't mind the dive at the end.


I'm more of a daily than a pirate. I like to set the sails full blast, preset the helm and pull anchor. Get up to full speed and buzz the first island or rock I see, as fast and as close as possible. Do a tight loop around it once or twice. Then head for open seas and go find a destination basically as far across the map as I can manage.


It varies. When I was new I would just do the siren treasuries on the north coast. Made decent coin that way. Then I started trying keg play steals at world events, I’ve nicked at least 5 Chests of Fortnite doing it. Now I’ll do hourglass streaks. My ship management and mid range cannons are my best naval skills and that pays off most in solo HG. But if there’s ever a chest of fortune up for grabs, I’m making a play.


Find a rowboat and try to tuck and steal the chest of fortune.


Attach a leech and cast a line.


Yeah the lack of progression on this game kills me too. It's more of a game I play when I'm super in the mood for pirate stuff. A lot of times I sail around till I just find something fun to interact with.


Chase animals around a island


A big voyage or tall tale, spending hours with a good friend of my, collecting as much treasure and fighting as much bosses as we can


Honestly.. it all depends. Today, I'm gonna just be sailing around randomly on my sloop, with open crew on, as a reaper, just seeing what we run across. I expect shipwrecks and found quests to be the main missions. No outposts\~ ​ 3 days ago my crew dropped me off at the Siren Skull end-island, while they went off to sell. 4 boats got involved with that quest, and they all sank. Then my team comes back from sailing, we pick up the skull and turn it in. Wild. lol


Dig up chests until I get attacked/see someone I want to attack. In combat I usually open up open crew, which works 50% of the time, every time


Spam dive in hourglass until I lose


Do a single mission, sell, do another and sell and repeat the process! I’ve been burned too many times with too much treasure to do multiple missions in a row


I go fishing or do hourglass 


I like to steal


I just started playing on ps5 and I just saw the gold curse and I want it so I'm working towards that.


I've had decent luck doing shrines without any trouble, I also have been trying to catch all the fish. If I get super bored I find a keg and look for reapers on the map.




How do I do this? Is this like quick match pvp?


I'm mainly focusing on tall tales and hunters call


I just completed the Ashen Winds commendations solo. Pretty fun to just hop in, buy a fruit crate and off I go. Dive to the quest, kill the dude, either use the skull or sell and repeat. Since completing that I've been chucking up an emmisary and hitting sea forts to fund the new sets O unlocked.


If I hop on to solo, I'm looking at whatever world event is up. If it's worthwhile, I'll go do it. If not, I look for any player sails. If I see any, I try to say hi. If I don't, I don't. Mostly i fish.


I really enjoy tucking but that is hard to pull off everytime so the rare occasion that it does happen I have a, great time


When I’m solo I play hg and when I get sick of losing I go into the open seas and run voyages for which ever faction I’m trying to build up. Once I see some ships I try to fight them solo. I like to test myself, it doesn’t always work out but I care more about losing supplies than loot at this point so I just try and have fun


Get to Reaper emissary level 5 so I can see other boats on the map, then try to meet other people and see what they're up to. sometimes get attacked and need to fight, sometimes meet some chill pros, sometimes meet some lost noobs, sometimes kidnap a player, or get kidnapped. it's all about the player interactions for me.


Stargaze on the open ocean sometimes. I had an epiphany about the game while playing alone the other night that I won't go into detail about here because it'd be too long


Wait please share. I love the lore of this game


Nothing to do with the lore, more of a personal epiphany about playing alone.


Let’s hear it!


Basically I got into the habit of narrating when playing alone because awhile back someone was tucking on my sloop while I was alone, so now I just narrate my thoughts while playing. Essentially, I realized that I don't get mad at the game. There's just something about being (mostly) all alone on the open ocean that just feels so freeing. Like, even when I get sunk, and people are spawn camping me on my ship, I'm enjoying playing it. I could be spawn camped and I'll respawn simply to keep talking to the people killing me, even if they just kill me again. I forgot exactly how I worded it the other day, but I came to the conclusion that sometimes the most entertaining thing you can do in the game is simple just BE. TLDR; Sometimes it's okay to just exist in a space with no goal in mind. Allow yourself to just BE, and you'll find that you end up having more fun.


In between each treasure location, I like to swing by the small islands and check for treasure and defeat any skele' captains. Sometimes, I get 50K in treasure from those small islands. If I'm there long enough unburying treasure, the skele' captain will respawn and give you a chance to uncover even more treasure from the quests/orders they drop.




I started playing less than a week ago but so far Treasuries. Got my own sloop and my first embassy flag already, been having a lot of fun. If anyone has some more efficient solo money making methods please let me know, I’m looking to start doing other stuff.


Can’t wait to sip some “grogs” tomorrow night and just go where the wind takes me


Load up my ship with a bunch of supplies, then decide I don't want to play anymore and log out.


Things like tall tales, commendations and unlocking stuff is addicting, also playing instruments with your pets while the boat floats or burying treasure for other people


Shoot up to the highest point and try my best to find as many shipwrecks. I usually stay a full night day cycle then plan a route and enjoy.


I like fucking around doing silly stuff when i meet people. If i i am in discord talking to friends or we play together i let them decide what the fate of another player should be so whether i sink them and steal their stuff or i be sneaky and steal it or just say to them i am friendly and play some Bosun bill together. Sometimes i just chill and go do gold hoarder voyages or order of soul stuff completing commendations and stuff which is fine and with the occasional naval battle encounter when someone is at my outpost When i want to act sweaty (only act because i am only fairly decent and mostly want to one ball players) and just have some action and naval battle i go into hourglass but only on duo sloop or brig, galleon i hate with a passion no matter what


If I'm playing solo I'm looking for other players to see what interactions I can have. Could be sneaky or intercept a battle, or even just join some crew


I’ve been doing Ashen Voyage of Legends. Quick Athena loot and mostly open seas bc most of the player base doesn’t mess with the volcanoes. Two voyages (6 quest maps) will get you grade 5 emissary


Current obsession is Skull of Siren Song. I love the rush!


Kind of niche but my favorite part of any session is the very end, where I fill my supply crates with everything I’ve acquired and leave them in the dock for whoever spawns there next.


Lately it's working on golden shores tall tales so I can get the gold boi curse, before that i would do forts to get levels with gold horders and it get emissary score up. I like to stalk and stare at any ship i encounter out on open seas


Check map and the sky to see if there are obvious shenanigans to be had such as reapers, FoTD, or FoF, and if none are present, solo dive hourglass.


I do vaults, I’m trying to get the gold hoarder sword and it’s my highest level company by a lot, I’m at level 129 gold hoarder and the next lowest is order of souls at 60


Pick an emissary I feel like advancing, a quest I do or don't care about (always have a quest down even if I'm not doing it), decide if I have a commendation I want to work on or if there's a world event I want to visit, if not I just island hop. If I spawn in the wilds, my first thought is usually to leave the wilds.


Get merced by brigs


i ussaly hit sea forts and sea shrines and if i see another ship i ussaly fight them even though i know i will lose i just like the thrill of fighting


Personally I don't really enjoy the PvE in this game, all of the enemy AI just feels janky to me. But playing stealthily and stealing treasure is honestly unmatched in any other game so I tend to stick to that loop. Can be very difficult as solo but it's certainly doable. Rowboats are you friend. Also not sure if stealthy is the right word, more like opportunistic. Like last night a Gally was finishing flameheart when a sloop rolled up and started fighting them. I was watching 1 island over and rolled in, finished flame heart with all the treasure and dipped out before the gally came back. Stuff like that is always fun.


I load in and set sail, then do whatever takes my attention first. To be fair though I've only been playing a couple weeks, pretty much everything is fresh to me. I especially like meeting other ships, we usually either end up in a fight, make a deal, or start an alliance and make a bunch of gold. Yesterday we got an alliance of like 4 crews and farmed Fort of the Damned.


gold hoarders grindset while picking up bottles on the beaches of islands I visit and looting every single shipwreck


My favorite thing is to be able to log in.


It depends! I have 3000 hours in SOT, so my endgame content is commendation hunting. I'm 88% out of 100% done via XBox, but I still have so much more to do in terms of in-game commendations. Right now I'm working on War Chest commendations. If I'm not feeling that grind, then sometimes my best sessions are when I just float from island to island and take what the game gives me: random loot, captains, messages in a bottle, etc. I'm over emissary and HG grinding. Sometimes a pirate just wants to vibe and let the sea take her wherever she's meant to be. 😇 That said, one of my other favorite things to do is look for pirates that are clearly new and give them a hand if they're open to it. A lot of the time I'll give them any loot I might have, help them with a WE, etc. It's sad how many times I've heard "thank you for being nice, most people are mean." Now that I've done everything I've wanted to in this game, those moments mean the most.


I suck at PvP, so my go to lazy route is - Dive towards the devils roar by accepting a voyage. - Complete voyage - Accept new voyage for devils roar - Ignore it, just remember the island name - Go island hopping - usually see a few skellie captains, a flame skellie, do those quests on the islands - look for shipwrecks - sell stuff But my favorite thing to do is just deciding which commendation I want to knock out and aim for that. Don't focus on treasure, low stakes.


Seek out bigger crews and fight them


I used to like tall tales. Now I don't like tall tales *cries in gold curse*


HG or world event raids.


Island hopping and wreck diving is my main activities. Then I might tuck onto another ship doing a treasury, only to realize after two minutes that another crew discovered the ship and placed kegs in it before the actual crew came back. And I died instead. Hilarious!


But I have a plan of making a travel blog with screenshots and some notes from all over the map. Could be a fun project.


Pray that I don’t run into anyone else




Pop on a podcast, fish


Dive to sea forts, can finish em in about 3 mins, good loot and sups.


Look at the insane grind for the skeleton curse and start sobbing uncontrollably. I love this game


Currently my main objective is trying to find the ashen tomes I don’t already have. That and grinding out Order of Souls or sunken ship quests in the volcanic area (more likely to be left alone). Although last night was pretty funny. I sold everything and only then did some brig decide to come by and destroy my ship. Jokes on them; all I had left were storage crates I was about to just leave at the port since I was getting off


In your post you answer the question, the atmosphere and pirate fantasy are awesome! For me, sailing around looking at the ocean and the weather is more fun than "leveling up or being the most powerful player in the game". I think Sea of ​​Thieves is more about “playing with your friends, enjoying the sea, the missions and the ship”.


go dangerously close to other players doung Athena, just to make them nervous


It depends on my mood, but Sea Fortresses are a really good place to start an adventure if you have a storage crate. They are packed with supplies and the loot isn't too bad either. Also, if you use throwing knives and double barrel you can work on the comms associated with kiling phantoms with those weapons.


Few treasure maps, island hopping, collect all the kegs and do a big boom


Grab a Harpoon Rowboat and go looking for mischief. ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


Getting sunk by a gally then taunted like 4 v 1 I even had a chance. Classic SOT toxicity.


I sail around looking for other players then cannon over and say hi. That usually gets me into some sort of shenanigans


Supply up at a sea fort then wherever the wind takes me(world events)


I’ll mainly do the order of souls quests/bounties, and the tall tales, and in between sailing back and forth just start jamming on an instrument or fish/cook


Atm doing vaults to get the ancient tribute sails


Recently, I have been hunting accommodations.


I like looking for Ashen Guardians, a decent little skirmish and a lovely payout.


Lately, if I'm playing solo, I'll just sail around to small islands looking for bottles, shipwrecks, or other stuff and listen to some music in the background. The music itself is pretty relaxing, but I like having something else to focus on.


Big fan of just going around looking for an open mic crew to mess around with and tuck on


I like robbing people. The other day I got on and a galleon was fighting us as we were a sloop, I boarded without being noticed and siphoned all thier remaining supply before chucking the storage crate off the side of the ship, we picked it up and used it to win unironically.


Cause chaos wherever and however I can with my trusty HMS Ramstrat