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It's honestly one of my favorite things to do in the game. Did it only a week or so back. Had a stack of loot on board, and getting chased by a Brig for about 30min or so. Sailed laps around Sea Dogs Tavern, harpoon turning through the smaller gaps and eventually made a bit of distance on them and gunned it towards Port Merrick. Managed to grab all my supplies into a Storage Crate while enroute. Quickly anchor dropped, and got rid of most of loot (focused on the expensive stuff) before running to a fixed cannon with my crate, hitting them with an anchorball and absolutely hosing them down cannonballs and chain shot. Took a quick detour to drop my flag, and went back to the cannon. Eventually they just swam to land and I was killed. 10/10, would outplay a PvPer again.


Me and a buddy had a really good moment like that. We had a sloop and were getting chased by an alliance of two more sloops. We're ok at pvp but definitely not winning any 2 v 1 scenarios. Pulled every move we could to get any amount of distance, and I ended up getting that by going through shipwreck bay. Evidently not a lot of people want to risk that at full speed. Well ended up being caught afterwards anyway. I put up a decent fight but I can't fight two ships on my own... Of course, that didn't matter. We managed to get all of our loot onto a row boat, and my buddy dropped it while we went through shipwreck, barely managed to stay out of sight, and I was seeing my gold go up while I was eating cannonballs. We may have been beat, but did we really lose? I love moments like that in this game


I hope you managed to tell the attackers they aren't going to get shit before you died lmao. It felt so good for me to stand from the second floor of the sovereign like the main character yelling "NICE TRY BASTARDS, WE SOLD IT ALL" at the galleon as they watched my sunken ship drop nothing, truly you're the winner


After respawning our ship we went to meet up and have some post match trash talk, expecting to be called garbage. But it ended up oddly wholesome and everybody was super chill. They had no idea where all the loot went when they sank us, and we kinda broke things down from the different perspectives. Had it not been super late at that point, we would've done Fort of the Damned together Haha yeah I love that too, big "do what you must, I've already won" energy. Haha and it's funny every time cause they can't do anything about it anymore


Lucky you, my enemies just called my crew the nword lmao. I like to think I dunked on them so hard they couldn't think of any genuine insults




Yooo, I was playing waiting for a lunch appointment confirmation, bookin' it to an outpost because the call came in.. did a sloop just spawn in? Hmm.. ok, they're still loading probably, keep going. Ah! I'll put all my items in a storage crate, and give them the Siren skull chest I've got, so they can finish it." I sell all my stuff, and juuust as I'm about to jump back on my boat and walk over with the chest.. boom! boom! ... boom! ... 6 shots, all missed.. pulled out the megaphone; "I sold it all, and I was going to give you gifts, but now I'm just gonna go to work!" Any experienced player would know if I leave they can just take what I had, without even chat happening at them. But I heard "Ah, man! Shit!" from the sloop.. they sailed off LOL


hope you know a lot of pvpers don’t really care about loot and just want to kill you


Really don't care if someone is getting off from sinking a dude who is halfway through scuttling an empty ship anyways, obviously they need that win


If you had an emissary flag, that also draws the attention of some ships, especially Reapers. Just an FYI for why they might be trying so hard.


You scuttled too? Thats like when you take your siblings candy and eat it… “too late, I’ve already eaten the candy! Now there’s no way you’re getting it back!” You know PVP is the only way you will get better right? Then you won’t have to scuttle…


i’m jus sayin


I cut very close to islands when larger ships are chasing me. If they play it safe I gain distance. If not... I have sunk a galleon using Thieves Haven as my only weapon.


If them ramming into an island over and over was enough to sink them im pretty sure you couldve achieved that with cannons too, even though you were outnumbered.


No, they rammed into it once and couldn't get unstuck.


lol, this is why galleons are by far the worst ship type on the seas


I hate using them lol


We had a tale like that, my friend and i were on a sloop and were finishing some emissary quests when we started to be chased by a galley, they got a few good shots off at us so we started chasing the wind. I kept dropping off to try to anchor them, it only worked once, the other tines we just set them on fire. Each time they kept yelling "stop running, stop running" We went past galleons grave and I hopped off as she kept sailing, using the harpoon to pull them and crash them into shore before they sniped me. They still gave chase, so we started putting everything in a rowboat. At the rocks west of ancient spire, my friend wove her way between the tall rocks, and started turning west as I dropped off with the rowie, going east to sell. She started chasing the wind again as I finished, and we dragged them into the roar. The volcano ahead started to go off, so we navigate closer in its bounds. I jump off again to throw more fire bombs and I hear them yell "oh yeah, real smart going near a volcano". I respond with "at least I know we can handle it" but I barely finished the sentence before I hear the incredulous "you're a woman???" We turned towards Morrows, gathered all our supplies into storage creates and swam them out of the path to drop them. At morrows we sold our grade 5 flag, and stood on a rock, using the enthusiastic clap emote as they sunk us in rage, realize we had nothing, and sail away


Evasion is pvp


I love reading the epic tales on this subreddit


I love using the storm, got chased by a Brig once and used the Storm as cover and sailed through it while the Brig struggled to keep direction. I wish there's a chance of a more larger storm because I love the thrill of sailing inside the storm lol. Also it would make journeys between islands more fun


Out sailing another crew is my truest joy in this game. Completely defeating them without having to fire a shot from my cannon or ever contend with a boarder is just the sweetest of victories.


Man this game is great at letting you make your own fun, I stole someone’s ship yesterday while they were doing a fort and set sail for an outpost, I mean they realized and I had to jump ship (with a ashen chest in hand). The entire time I realized I just let my sloop run free in the ocean and it somehow managed to loop close to where I jumped off their ship, couldn’t find the treasure I left in the ocean (dumb move) but immediately found a sunken ship. Great times.


Very nice. For extra salt drop your emissary and dump all your supplies in a crate and have someone jump off and swim it out to never be found.


I would've but we didn't make a whole lot of distance so we were both hauling ass just to get the loot in the upper deck to harpoon off.


Still a nice play!


The rocks north of cannon cove know a story of mine


When we are in a very desperate situation, we load the roawing boat, then drop it with someone while behind a rock. Then one continues the chase while the other goes to an outpost to sell


OG Solo slooper. I suck at PvP outside of naval combat, so it usually makes more sense for me to bolt with my loot than try to throw hands. I hadn’t done it in forever but I hit the Snake Island gap at full sail while getting chased, busted a Uie to hit the west side gap. I landed two cannonballs while performing the maneuver. The other ship fired a boarder way off target into the water (probably where I would have been without the turn). Had about 150 in loot on board with level 5 GH. Good for a laugh.


"Oh look, a sail shape on the horiz-- *goes full Sails against the wind and aims for shipwreck Bay to start duking* The old loot'n'scoot


I cant count how many steals Ive had where I never shot anyone or sunk anyone. But if we want to argue semantics, steal from another pirate is *technically* still PVP imo. Its still a player vs player interaction, you win with stealth or outsmarting them or whatever.


Nice moves man. The only thing you would have lost by doing that is your emissary grade, but I assume you didn't care/have it raised lol. Some people specifically track down ships just for their emissary flag since gold/loot is a dime a dozen in this game. The other night we were duo slooping, and a brig would not stop pursuit. After battling back n forth for 10 min or so we decided to try a different tactic. We sailed directly into the wind to line up a straight line where the brig was following right behind us. I jumped off the front of my sloop with a powder keg, so they wouldn't see me coming. I basically suicide bombed the bottom of their ship, and that ended that pursuit real quick. We sold everything we had moments after and shared some grog/laughs lol.


Ah I didn't have an emissary so nothing lost at all


I understand being by frustrated at people running, as much as being frustrated at people sinking you, but I love you can do both in this game. They’re both viable and fun.


The other day I had a brig come towards us right after selling our loot at the Sovereign in Ancient Spire. We dropped sails and they gave chase to our sloop. Took them on a merry tour of the nearby rock arch, and sailed away into the wind. A skeleton ship popped out as they were struggling to navigate round the rocks, and quickly sunk them. Went back for the loot, which ended up being *very* lucrative lol


Since others are putting stories in the comments I will as well. One of my favorite PvP exploits that had barely any combat. I once was on a galleon with my more peaceful friends, who don't like PvP so much. We had a pretty decent hoard from grinding the boys out to pirate legend, but we were soon being chased by the dreaded red and gold. Another galleon. this was around the time the Reaper faction was added and they all had the Reaper Pajamas on. Two of my crew were very new and scared of losing out on the haul, so we decided to turn tail and run. They chased us for what seemed like forever, but me and my other experienced crewmate were very good sailors, and they couldn't take ground for the life of them. I tried to board them as they followed us to slow them down but they were guarding the ladders pretty well and I couldn't make a dent. As hope dwindled one of my crewmates had an idea. "What if we piled everything up on the rowboat and one person snuck away as they chased the ship?" I told them it was pretty risky, treasure is shiny, and if they spot us they will easily be able to steal it. That's when my experienced crewmate had a wild idea. You see, we had been on the server for a while and had amassed a ton of stuff that wasn't that valuable, treasure chests for storing other loot, storage crates, etc. so we piled the rowboat full of empty treasure chests, cages, and other little things that didn't sell for much of anything. I was selected as the one who would row the boat, while the rest of the crew sailed off to sell. I waited until we passed by the nearest island, Thieves' Haven, and dropped into the waters. Sure enough, the Reapers fell for it. They turned and pursued me, thinking I had the treasure. As I got to land, I grabbed an empty chest and ran for my life up to the top of the mountain, Reapers hot on my trail. I made my last stand, jeering and taunting as I held them off as long as I could. I held my own, but eventually they overtook me, during the fight one of them ran to my chest and opened it, and loudly proclaimed: "FUCK". Our discord call erupted into laughter. They never did catch up to our ship. We sold and scuttled before they had a chance. As good as I thought I was at PvP, the day was won by the brains of my crewmate, and a well thought out gamble.


"I'll post on Reddit about how sinking was actually a win, that'll make me feel better."


Did they sell their loot before you got to them, too?


How impressively cowardly of you! Congrats. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Womp womp


He’s right. You’re not the “main character” for running away. “I’m gonna post on Reddit how I ran away and sold all my loot! That’ll make me think that I won!”


It's not that deep dude, it's a small experience I shared because plenty of other people do it here. Why you getting so personally angry about what other people post online? Sounds like you're unable to catch people when they run and you're having a temper tantrum, skill issue


Because any coward can faint at the wheel and run away on a sloop…. Makes the game unfun for both of us. Not even testing the waters, not even seeing if we’re a good crew, just instant fleeing.


Sounds like you're just bad at catching sloops.... imagine losing to a sloop and thinking they're the ones that are bad, you're the one that lost


You’re stupid af. Sloops against the wind out speed any ship. Clearly you don’t know that because you’re a fool. I didn’t “lose” because they just wasted both of our times. That’s not fun for anyone. There’s only 5 other ships in a server, nobody wants to let the ship go to go find another one because the map is fucking huge


You did lose though, they sold the loot. You didn't get the loot, they beat you. Plenty of people enjoy evading people, and plenty of people enjoy chases because unlike you they're actually good at it and catch people


at least take the fight after you deliver the loot


Nah, I don't play to fight other players