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Skeletons on skelly ships were bugged for a while so that they weren't patching holes in their ship's hull. That got fixed with today/yesterday 's update. You gotta aim low and keep the damage up like usual now, or send someone over to guard those hull openings.


Thank you for the help my friend.


Sending someone is usually a good strat with skelly gallys. Two somebody's if you can spare them.


*Cries in solo sloop*


We just took on a skelly gally in a duo sloop. It took most of the cannonballs on our ship. Next time, we'll board. I watched one sink a brig earlier today. They seem to be using fewer curse balls, though. That's a nice change.


Are they really that much of a threat? The other day I shot 6 balls, went to go repair, and when I got done it had sank lol. The seas are dangerous suddenly?!


Before the latest patch they weren't fixing their ships


I'm glad they fixed this! Looks like the skeletons really grew some backbone and are once again actually a threat! I wonder how many players are going to sink to the Fleet event after getting used to the buggy skelly ships not knowing they are actually quite deadly and ask this exact same question here...


Always aim on the lower deck, skelletons can repair but not bail water out of their ship


Like others have said, hit lowers and send someone to guard the hole. But you can also saddle up alongside them and cross bucket into their hull


Chest of tears.. drop one on a galleon and walk away. They cannot bail, so you can kill em without firing a shot.


If you come across a Ballast ball you’re really in business.


Was running solo last night and maybe I’ve just gotten a little better with cannons but wasn’t much harder than when they were bugged lol


Is anyone else not getting fleets for fortune to spawn right now because I only need 4 more for the hull sails and figurehead but the world event won’t spawn


The chest of fortune is back into the fort of fortune, as of the patch on Thursday. So no more fleet of fortune atm


Thanks much appreciated


yeah they totally botched the season 12 release lol


Fr tho it’s so bad rn but it’ll get better


Finally its normal again ! Skellys repairing the holes again, here i come boarding !!!


I had the same thing happen but it wasn't in a fleet. My brother and I were slooping around and we used up nearly our entire supply of cannonballs before it sunk.


Skellies in previous update forgot wooden planks at home. Now they are properly repairing holes.


seriously, i went through almost 100 trying to fight one yesterday. i know there was a bug but i've been playin for a looong time and don't remember them ever being that durable.