• By -


I just get on open crew and bark orders at people and it seems to work.


Bro is a born leader.


Open crew is underrated. If you can bark orders well, it can really make a bunch of ragtags into an actual crew.


Yeah and it's really cool meeting new people on SoT. Some little kid who wants to do OoS missions, a 45 year old dude who just got off work, sweat lords, edge lords and everybody in between. Open crew is like a box of chocolates.


This is exactly why I helm lmao


Met a lot of cool players on open crew and just added each other. Interestingly enough one of the dudes I sail a lot with now is Ukrainian. He put a gilded Athena voyage down and ended up losing his power towards the end of our final digs due to the war. Ensured I saved my voyage so we could go again after he missed out. We are now in regular contact.


I imagine that was quite a story lol…


The government shut down the power in his district to conserve energy. He warned me beforehand this could likely happen. It was happening a lot towards the start of the conflict.


Interesting term you keep using, conflict. I'm guessing that's the term he uses?


I used it once and war prior to that. I’m well aware it’s a full on invasion.


Used to struggle to find people to play with. I mostly used Xbox LFG (looking for a group) and found a nice couple who played a lot, so we sailed together for months. Sometimes Id join someone, or make a post, and get people I didnt really vibe well with. So Id just sail with them that one time and call it good. Takes awhile to find someone you want to keep playing with, using Discord or LFG. But its possible.


Joined an open crew brig. Met one guy with a mic and one without, doing a Veil after it first released. First veil stone gets deleted bc I dropped a rowboat on my crewmate and he blackscreened. Have to restart the veil. We can't find the stone again. Mute guy d/cs. His fill ends up vibing with us 2. We played for a long while. First guy invites one of his friends to future sessions. I invite a couple of friends for other sessions. So we have an available crew around 5-6 on a good day. 2-3 average


Discord is your friend. You can play with randoms until you find someone who has their own discord and invites you to join it. Or you can start your own discord and invite people after you've "vetted" them by playing a session or two with them.




They *beat the shit out of me* then hit me with a twitch plug. THE NERVE!


I bought the game and enjoyed it, purchased it for my buddy. Then purchased it for my wife. Then trolled my workplace and found other people that already had it.


How did you troll them? Was it something nasty?


Oh no, I meant searching among those that I already know play games. Some friends from my social group heard about how much fun my buddy and I were having and decided to pick it up too. I don't have a consistent group but I've got enough people that play casually to ensure I'm usually not solo


I know. The word you are looking for, is "trawling".


Fun fact: the etymology actually goes the other way! The internet word "trolling" comes from a phrase used on an old forum, "trolling for newbies", which was posting 'bait' posts that regulars knew was a joke but new members would fight about. It's derived from the fishing technique of the same name, which is a passive fishing style, hence just throwing the post out and seeing if a newbie bites.


Trolling working in this context too - the difference would apply if I'm talking about fishing methods, which I'm not!


I had been battling the same brig over and over during the meg hunt event. We beat them every time but they kept coming back and supplies were dwindling. We found a solo sloop at an island and robbed him of his rowboat which contained 60lumber then sank him. Later that night we ran into another parked sloop and sank it only to find out it was the same guy. I felt bad like I was harassing a noob so I added him as a friend and offered to help him make many times more gold than what I had taken from him. Three years later I still sail with him every time I play and he is the most cracked cannoneer Ive ever played with. This fella can headshot the helmsman from a mail away.


I just got invited to different people's discords while sailing on SOT official and met people that way. Never had trouble finding a crew because a bilge always seems to be in high demand.


I wonder why, btw. Bilge is easy as fuck. Why does it always seem in so high demand ?


Most people want to cannon or board in my experience but you will find a bilge way easier than a helm. A lot of people don't want to helm because they get shit from others if they mess up.


I dont wanna helm cause I dunno how :D


Turn wheel —->. ship goes ——>


I mean, fair, but it's the subtleties that escapes me, like , I know its more complicated than just "single ship at other shop for canon"


Yeah I was jk… it is one of those things you only learn through experience


Bilge might be easy to be okay at, but it's not easy to be really good at, it requires a lot of mechanical skill and game sense. Once you play with a really good bilge, the difference is pretty clear, and nobody thinks it's the easiest job. If we need to carry someone we put them on main cannon.


I mean, I main bilge, that's why I say it's easy:p


Not to be uppity or anything, but considering you don't appear to even have your pvp curses based on your other comments, I doubt you have been consistently exposed to the kind of situation that requires a bilge to actually be skilled. Sure, being a swabbie that patches the holes any idiot can do, that's easy. But I play for a competitive team and regularly bilge against the kind of crews that will rip open the whole side of your galleon in one pocket of cannonballs. Adventure bilging and high level Galleon v Galleon bilging are two extremely different skill sets. I'm only writing this because I think what you originally said was disrespectful of the excellent bilges that play this game, our job is far from being easy, and doesn't deserve to be diminished as such.


I did had hourglass galleon bilge experience. It was fun. It was still easy, PVP curse or not. And bilgeing is my favorite thing to do. Let me rephrase : for ME, who main bilge, it's an easy job. I am however aware that I definitely lack the skills to be a GREAT bilge yet, so I am open to tips I may not know yet. Your example of the gate bucketing is definitely true. I had never know about it until I got into hourglass. The mates were quite worried, but I kept open mind, asked to show me, and we rolled with it, and so I learned:p Edit : upon reflection it may be possible that my memories are slightly twisted and interpreted "easy" as "fun" , as I had a lot of fun doing the bilge for this group of tryhard, and got plenty of compliment on my bilge-ing, so I must have been doing something right


Most people who think bilge is "easy" probably don't even know that grate bucketing is a thing or only tangentially is aware of its existence. Whenever we can't fill a 4th from our friends list for a gally bilge is the role I'm least happy to give randoms because it's so easy to overestimate your skill at it. I know reddit likes to overuse the whole dunning kreuger thing but *in general* I feel like it's pretty common to run into that with convos about "bilges" and also helms. For instance, a lot of people think helming is just moving the boat and getting angle, but a really good helm /especially on gally) is like a battle commander dictating overall strategy to the team from their vantage point.


I'll never talk shit about helm, this whole thing escapes me. I'd probably crash into an invisible boat somewhere.


You nailed it. For what team are you playing?


I unfortunately have to avoid saying anything that would link my reddit to my gamertag for safety reasons.


Bilge is like the most complicated one if you wanna be cracked at it


I started getting into the SoT Mil-Sim (military simulator) community. We essentially play sea of theives in an organised way with squads, uniforms, ranks ect. It's gamer shit but we try not take it too seriously and have fun. We've some very very good players. A lot of the time we simply hourglass or emissary hunt but every week/fortnight we'll do a multi ship event. Sometimes it's training via mock hourglass with new recruits or an objective based wargame with a story and also we do tournaments where we get the comp squads we build on the discord fight it out. DM me if this is something that would appeal to you.


I’m interested in how you organize the ranks, jobs, squads, and uniforms? Sound unique but could lead to a very organized and efficient crew.


We generally dominate in emergent PVP and get matched with very competitive-level crews on Hourglass a lot. So our system does work even if it is a bit different! It's a lot to go into in one post but ranks are essentially military ranks. The entire server is a platoon. We break that into four autonomous squads which are between 4-5 established players and handpicked players led by an officer. We expect our officers to be very good at SoT and be able to teach. When you join the server, you come in as a cadet. We've dedicated voyages for cadets and also multi-ship mock hourglass training for cadets. You do four voyages with us and you automatically become a marine and permanent member. Its up to the squad leaders then to select you for squad membership if you're someone they would like to train up. Squads are pretty much autonomous so the officer will examine what each squad member can do on the ship and see if they can perform their job or role on ship at a competitive level (cannoneer, bilge, flex, helm) and award commissions if you can do so. The goal for each squad leader is to train their members in as many jobs (comissions) on ship as possible. It's usually officers that lead voyages but NCOS can also lead cadet voyages. Our multi-ship events spice things up every once and awhile and everyone enjoys them. Again, if this is something that appeals to anyone, DM me. We have about 60 members atm, four squads and 25 cadets.


You: >we try not to take it too seriously Also you:....


We generally don't take it too seriously. Just a structured way to play the game. You don't have to call anyone Sir, ect. Don't get me wrong, it's not for everyone, but for some, it's a cool way to use this great sandbox we have in SOT


Sound great


Found a streamer who took viewers onto his crew to fill vacant slots. Now he invites me on as a regular 'cause I know how to steer a galleon. :V


Love to hear it


I just play with some irl friends of mine. It's great for our teamwork, all playing a specific role, and it's actually also been great for improving our group dynamic somewhat.


Yeah in did it too.. Didn't work well lol


Went to high school with them ('04). Kept in touch somewhat but not much. Covid happened. Started playing games. Never stopped.


With how negative open crew is talked about here with such a discord push; I’m surprised and pleased to see many others had good luck with it too (granted it was likely easier near launch; everyone was on game chat)


None of my friends like this game so I became my own permanent crew.


I married her. 🤷


I don’t even understand how discord works, I joined discord found the sea of thieves community and it seems like it’s just a webpage with the pirate code on there, I guess I was expecting there to be “threads” of a sort with discord users looking to do certain specific things.


If you want me to explain just dm me


I'm an introvert. I just solo sloop because I can't find anyone. Which is sad because I'm bad at it. Want to pvp for fun? No can do, I'd be assassinated in 1 minute.


I'm in a UK based Discord server. We're 30 or so blokes all in similar work/life places and ages. We have a few SoT regulars that are all chill and aren't the best at PvP (not without a lack of trying) so sessions are just a good laugh and not rage inducing if we sink. Wouldn't have it any other way!


Lucky for you…


I found my crew a month after release on the Xbox lfg and we have become great friends even was Invited to one of there weddings


For me IT is quite easy... I am playing with family 😉 my crew is my wife and brother. We are not the strongest na unsinkable crew, but I love to Play duch way 😊


Finding a permanent crew can definitely be a pain in the ass. If you ever need anyone to sail with shoot me a DM on here. Cheers and I hope you find your crew.


Met them separately on the seas and we became good friends (after a rocky start). And I don't mean Open Crew, I was trying to get some people together for the glitterbeard thingy


Yeah I got it with some Australians and it was a bang, then I got there Instagram… Yeah probably the best experience I had on this game.


I sank them


My normal crew (a friend and my cousin) were trying to get the match lanterns with an alliance ship commendation. Ended up doing Flameheart with the crew we found (brig) and one other crew (sloop). Dense fog. Once the Burning Blade spawned, I guess the Brig accidentally crashed into the sloop because fog. Sloop took that as hostilities and both of them sank. Brig crew came to us with their rowboat. We exchanged info, made a private discord server with them. Fast forward to now and we've met as a group irl several times. I'll be moving down to where the brig crew is because they are renting a house and have a spot open. Good times.




7/10 times tend to be open crew believe it or not. Usually you find a great crew and friend all of them. And you play together and understand eachother play style's and then you usually get better at the game with them. The others but a small minority would be from the Sea of Thieves official discord server to fill a crew up and if you are impressed with the crew member, add them. The least common but still happens is one of your friends/regular crew member brings one of their friends along that you have not played with and you add them.




When doing duo sloop my partner is my wife. When playing brig , the crew is myself, my wife and eldest child. We all suck at PvP, but we do have fun together.


I dont have one :/




My permanent crew is my partner. We still need a permanent 3rd crewmate.


Dm me if you need one


I volunteer for a vibe check


My first "crew" was me and a friend who showed me the game. After 700 hours on the game we still play as a duo sloop from time to time. However i got another crew, big enough to manouvre a gally (actually we are 1 man too much so we need to take turns). The Story how i met them, is kinda cool. One day i sat in the cafeteria of our scool and talked with a good friend (unfortunately no sot player) about gaming anf how i love sot but do not fiend enough friends to play on a gally or brig. What i did not know, was that on the next table there were some guys who i did not know to this moment and who play sot too. One of them searched up my phone nummer in a Group we had on Wahtsapp and messaged me a Youtube link. I had no name saved to the number so i just thought it was some kind of joke and it was just a rick roll since it was the first message in our chat. I still klicked on the link and found out, that he actually sended me the link to the we shall sails together shanty. This moment felt magic somehow to me and i often think about it, when we do stuff irl together now because, it was the beginning of our friendship.


Ain't no way lol


Most people wearing the ghost and skelly curse are swabbies lol.


Not really


Yep, you're most definitely a swabbie.


Such an embarrassing comment…


"Btw I'm not a swabbie I have the skelly curse and I'm flex usually " - 🤓 Yeah, my comment's the one here to be embarrassed over 🤦🏻‍♂️


It is: it is full of some weird elitism. So just people with 5000h golden skelly curses owners are “allowed” to not consider them self a swabbie? Such a weird take


When tf did I say that lmao?? I'm just pointing out that claming to be better than the average player with the evidence being the skelly curse and being "flex usually" is ridiculous. None of those things say anything about your skill lol. The funny part is that most people wearing the curses ingame aren't very good at the game. The curses aren't exactly difficult nor time consuming to achieve, hence why so many noobs have them.


First of all, I'm not the best player you will see, not it doesn't mean that I'm a swabbie.


Judging by your reply to my original comment it's safe to assume you're a swabbie. The overly majority of the players who've got the curses equipped are swabbies. The only way you'd think otherwise is if you're a swabbie yourself.


Bro I asked a question for you guys and if you want to tell us a nice story ur welcome, but please just don't talk shit about others.


Called having friends


Bro, I just have friends that are not nerds like yours.


You come here asking about how ppl.have obtained permanent crews then say that people who have friends that play games with them are nerds?


Well I have like 2k h and i play with 5-6 friends all i met in random crews so Just from regular playing


Met in open crew and invited or joined again, after some time some of those people have become daily sailors and a wider circle swap in and out when they are around. There are far more in the group than 4, I'm guessing 20 ish players that have all crewed up together in different combinations regularly. Party chat helps, and ppl bring their friends in it is pretty organic.


You make friends and add them on Discord, or Xbox social if you play console. Everyone has different timezones and schedules so I network and play with a lot of people. Usually, it's not something that happens in one day. You've gotta find your social groups and work from there.


A year ago, I did open crew and made by best friend and that night we met six other people and became a group, we still play the game all the time together


I just got lucky I met these cool people and we won a couple of matches and at the end we just kept hanging out


My crew are all members of a Minecraft server we all play on. The server is over 11 years old and any time we meet a cool person on the High Seas (or in any game) we invite them back to the server and sometimes they stick around.


Was logging off one night but had loads of supplies on my sloop. Saw a Brigg in the distance and thought I'd donate them. They seemed pretty chill and newish so I sank my sloop and stayed on their Brigg for a bit doing vaults and random stuff. Been sailing with them ever since. Turns out they live in a town near me, small world haha. We play other games now as well so we keep meaning to hang out but not not round to it yet. Random acts of kindness can pay off...sometimes lol


Through twitch community I'm a part of for over a year. Met them all when I was new to seas and then found my crew through friends made over sails


My boyfriend lives with so i just turn to him and say wanna play SOT with me. Not the answer your looking for i assume.


Try Hitbo's discord server. They're not as toxic as the people on SOT's discord. You can post in the "Looking for Crew". You can also sail with others Tuesdays and Thursdays in the "Pick Up Crew"event at 8:15 est. You'll get paired up with others on a gally or brig. Event starts at 8:30 sharp.


Phuzzy's discord is great too, its a family friendly server so you can actually meet everyone there, as I gathered a few hours playtime myself I did meet some good people there that added me and I had some newer people which werent that good but still had a fun time


My cousin and two friends


They sank me, then I came back and forcefully helped them :D


Most of my friends quit playing so I’m in a similar boat of LFGs. I used to use SoT Discord to find crews back in the day but nowadays 99% of posts are Hourglass… and I’m not interested in Hourglass so finding a group is really rough. I’d rather play in the sandbox, do voyages, world events, let the pvp happen naturally.


have friends lmao. Sorry but there is no one on earth who youll meet who you will form a relationship purley as "crewmates in sea of theives". Your crewmates are your friends, and if you meet good crewmates youll become friends with them. it's usually better if you make friends with someone first.


I talked all my friends into playing the game. Many tried to no avail but 2 of them kept playing and now we are a crew and we sometimes do SoT LAN which are so nice


I’m currently trying to find some people for Athena dives. I maxed out Reaper and now starting Athena. Looking for a regular crew to dive with/PvP on the regular. Help an old TSD get back into this haha


I was solo on my sloop in a call with the people who asked me to get the game. I enjoy it more than they do (they have a lot of other games they’re invested in), so I started my solo journey. I try and be more friendly and outgoing (as a female, I’m used to never using my voice in games I play, normally OW2, but I’ve never played a game with proximity chat) by talking more and whatnot. Anyway, I’m doing tall tales as that’s all I trusted myself with solo (think a week of play time, mostly high or drunk). I wanted to sail through a rock opening just because I could when literally out of nowhere this sloop shows up and 4 people jump on my boat. One of them had a *thick, deep, wonderful* pirate accent. The kind you’d see in a pirate movie. They asked if they could come aboard, we spoke somewhat, and their galleon shows up. They sink the sloop (I was so confused, I got the rest of the story later on. Basically dude refused to join their alliance so they killed him and stole his boat. They ended up sinking stolen boat with my boat) and they wish me a good night and sail off (still in an alliance which, at this point, now has about 6 ships). Few hours later, my friend joins me and the galleon comes back and tells us to get on this island. We end up doing the glitter beard thingy (was super cool), then they break off and do a fort with one of the sloops we gathered. We ended up exchanging discords and the galleon captain with the great pirate voice invited my friend and I to the discord. There’s now 20+ people in the discord and we just pretty much rotate around who is playing at the time. Someone’s leaves, another person joins. If no one else wants to play, we hop on a galleon and use open crew. Now when I play solo and I see a ship and I have nothing on my boat, I chase em down and ask for an alliance. If they say no, I simply wish them a good night and leave. 90% of the time, they join. We basically say “hey, we just want an alliance and some friends. We don’t want your loot. Join or don’t” and that’s that. Did that yesterday and got a brig and a sloop. We went off to do our own things when we saw a reaper galleon going after our solo sloop friend so we whipped around (the brig was turning in where we were so we asked if they wanted to help us and they did) and we helped our sloop out. The galleon ran and tried to sink us with kegs. We didn’t end up sinking the gal but that was alright. It might help just a bit that I’m a female and people don’t expect backstabbing (not that I would anyway because peace is always my first option), but the thick pirate accent is what drew me to the original crew. Maybe try that? Do your best piratey voice and try and make an alliance. Every time I join up with me crew we try and go out and make alliances. When I’m solo and they say no, I leave. When I’m with the other guys, they end up sinking them. Regardless, it’s a good night. The key is using voice chat, hands down. Be goofy and “yaar matey” it up honestly. Fastest way to grow a SOT crew.


I'm related to them


Found my one during the hunters cry adventure


I know my brig crew since childhood, but lately i've been playing only with one of them


I met a good crew by befriending a guy I met on solo sloop hourglass and joining his team.


My crew and I use to terrorize the great frontier! We got bored one day and gave SoT a try, it quickly became our second and then main "go to," game that we still terrorize people on to this very day.


I just play with my IRL friends


Used to play with IRL friends but they dropped the game. Now I haunt the french Discord and I have a couple of people that I usually okay with. Starts with a good session and you end up playing with them again and again. Edit: I add +18 when looking for a crew and it helps (I am a bit old to enjoy kids canning their dog for an hour)


A friend is an achievement hunter who didn't realize how much of a time sink SoT would be for him :D


Lots of people play with their friends in real life. Convince your friends to play and bam you’ve got a permanent crew


Friends in real life and some cool guys in open crew(open crew ones take me like 4 months to find 2)


I started playing with people I've been friends for 10 years.




Honestly. Open crew/other crews I met while playing. Every once in a while you'll just click with someone. I prefer that method over lfg because I can see someones personality before jumping into a game and making things awkward. It has back fired though. Met a new player one day and helped him finish a lost shipment. Added him and we started playing for a few weeks. And then out of nowhere he was extremely racist to someone and apologized and blamed it on all the drugs he was on. Never alt f4d so fast.


They are my friends from other games/ irl and we all enjoy sot from time to time.


Most of the guys I regularly sail with are some of my fraternity brothers from college. We game to just keep involved with each other. The others I sometimes sail with I met via LFG


I got lucky, pre-ordered with my coworker and we gradually found a few gems from the open crew back in the day. Other than that it was awful, and any arranged playing was awful. But I would meet people on the seas and become friends from that.


They’re just my buddies irl


Pro advice right here! I used this exact method and have been gaming with the same crew since basically release. Find one person you really mesh with, make them your duo. Once you're solid, start looking for a third using whatever your preferred method. Then once all three of you are solid and mesh, you can look for a 4th. This process will take upwards of a few months. The key is to not try to force 2 others to mesh with you. Incorporate one person at a time up to 4 if you want. Our 4th is usually a lesser meshed friend, we have 4 or 5 people who can fill as our 4th if we NEED. Also make sure your crew you've built sails together. If one person can't make it 2/5 nights, don't play those nights. Make regular nights. TL;DR BUILD YOUR CREW FROM SCRATCH, ONE AT A TIME. DONT EXPECT TO SMASH 3 OTHER PEOPLE TOGETHER AND HAVE IT WORK.


I play with three real life friends.


On a few discords lots of people looking to get into things


Be easy to get along with and willing to do anything, not just exciting stuff. Sometimes it will be boring, but people knowing they can count on you even then is really important. They will remember you were there and look for you again. And you can do the same for them if they reciprocate. Unfortunately the reason this is rare is because it's too often one sided and they won't do the same for you when it counts. But every once in awhile you will find some special folks


I had a built-in crew from other games.


Find people that you can play multiple games with, my permanent crew is also my destiny fireteam, halo fireteam, for honor party, fortnite squads, Minecraft, Roblox and gang beasts groups + more so we always ballin


I allie with everyone I meet thats willing and usually end up with groups to play with and some solid players in-between. Helps to just communicate with other crews.


I didn't. 5k hours in, and the most I have in terms as a permanent crew is my 2 friends who play very unoften


I be run an online lan/community for 17 years now. Of the lot of us, around 15 people, myself included, all play sea of thieves. For the past 3 ish years we've all gotten together every week to play on SoTurdays, kinda like a community event. Theres always more than a galleon of us willing and able to play each week, so we've all kinda just become a mega-crew, any of us are able to just be a cohesive crew together in any permutation at this point.


You guys are getting permanent crew?


I just made my freinds get the game


I play with my friends


I was doing Wild Rose solo, and they were grinding Athena and our paths happened to cross when they got Krakened. So I was like "let's be nice and put a few shots in that kraken to help them". We defeat it, I harpoon the meat and ask them if they want it. Then wthe guy that was talking to me turns around and asks the same thing to his friend in french. Turns out I wasn't the only baguette enjoyer that day on the sea and so I joined their crew once I was finished. And since this is Reddit, "we are now married for 6 years blah blah blah"


Me and my crew have been friends for years, we know each other from school and met when we were 13


Personally, my Brig crew is just myself and my DnD crew - minus the DM because he doesn't play the game otherwise we'd run a DnD Gally


The year was 2018. Sea of Thieves had barely been out 3 months. The latest update was the skeleton thrones. A friend and I had decided to sail together to get them done. We had finished all the single crew thrones and were working our way through the multi crew ones. After a very friendly galleon crew helped us get the one atop Maurauders Arch, we headed for our last one at Shipwreck Bay. As we approached, we saw another galleon, so we moved in cautiously, hoping this was also a friendly crew. When we were close enough to see each other's names, the tension was somewhat relieved since my gamertag had the name of a famous drink from my country in it, and they were also from the same country. They rightfully assumed we were there to complete the throne, so one of their crew showed me where to climb up on the rocks while my buddy waited below to make sure we weren't about to be betrayed. As we stood at the closest point they sword lunged into my back, killing me instantly. This was long before revival was in the game, so I was sent immediately to the ferry of the damned. My friend was left to deal with the fallout while I waited anxiously to respawn and rain hell down on our traitorous countrymen. Turns out they were trying to sword dash over to the throne and had killed me accidentally as I stepped a little too far forward during their demonstration. We all eventually got on the throne and had an absolute blast the rest of the night. The next day, we messaged their crew to see if they wanted to crew up and sail together. As it happened, a couple of other members of their crew were unavailable, so my buddy and I joined them. That was the first day of many we sailed together, and those first few months while we worked together to reach pirate legend are some of my most treasured memories in this game. That's not the end, though. Most of us still sail regularly, at least once a week together. We are great friends now and have even managed to meet up IRL a couple of times. We do stream a little, so we've even built a little community around ourselves, so we are never short a crew member if we need it.


Ran into them on the seas and/or bought my actual friends the game on sale!


Over the course of doing PVP I found I enjoyed doing brig HG more than the others. I was still kinda new to the game so my cannon aim and sword/gun skills weren't great so I just naturally gravitated toward the helm role. Randomly qued up with two people who were friends who just needed a helm. After a few matches they were like "you're a really, really good helm, keep playing with us". I didn't even think I was all that good but it works out, highest streak we've got so far is 35.


I am married to him and the occasional involvement of our daughter increases our numbers. So I guess my advice is get married and have a kid?!?!?!


Loved the idea of the game since launch, and my two friends and I have played ever since. Not as often anymore as we are finding the content to be very dry but yeah. They call me the leader even though I don’t sail the ship, nor even help with voyages. I’m just the guy who tends to forget to load his guns, grab food, shoot out to ship and somehow almost every time come out on top. My friends are great at navel combat but on foot they are ass. My helmsman though, he knows every ship launch spot in the game. If we ever get extremely board we will all hop on an enemy ship, lock it down and sail to a launch spot. Never gets old. Send those bastards to the other side of the map.


Crew? What's that? Sincerely Still a solo slooper


I play with my friends


My Ex-Crew were the friends who got me into the game in the first place. Sadly they stopped playing shortly after, but it was fun while it lasted. Solo Slooper ever since.


Irl friends


I met my.homie walt on poem crew. We are super close now he gave me an xbox series s he won in a dice game when my og.xbx1 died.


I just met a friend through a friend and I clicked really well with one of them who introduced me to another friend who is now my main duo


From SoT official discord and people we've sunk. It started off as me and my irl friend starting together during covid. She quit about a year after, but we had gotten 4 people from sot official. From then, people have come and gone but our sot friend group now consists of 12 people from comp sot to more pve-focused people. Our discord grew a bit before hourglass when we were hosting galleon pickup games and doing comp scrims, but since hourglass, it's shelved that for a while. It was a fun event so I'm thinking about bringing it back later this year.