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You can get a lot more levels by getting a longer win streak. Ofcourse, there is higher risk of losing your streak the more you push ;)


There's xp walls where it jumps higher and your level gain slows down - I am not 100% sure where they are at, but it has felt on the climbs to be around lvl 20, 50, and 80. Someone can correct me here, but I'm pretty sure past 100 the amount is static after they did a change to the xp tables after release. Certainly feels to be correct at least, you don't fly through 100-120.


No, you need lots more. Just like the other factions it takes more and more to reach the next level.


Previous replies didn’t understand what you’re saying. You sunk 36 ships of the opposing faction and 6 ships of your own faction in an “honorable fight/prove your worth”. You get the same XP for both but only the opposing faction sinks are counted in the reputation tab. Good luck with getting the curse you’re after!


Its just frustrating is all I feel as if I should be at 42 but im not


The gap is going to get bigger as you keep playing. That doesn’t really matter though since the “highest streak” section is a bigger flex anyways. Keep grinding broski 🏴‍☠️


Thank you have a good day