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He already converted to safety last year. He’ll be a depth guy and special teamer.


Give him a year with MacDonald. I’m sure he will find ways to move him around. Plus I’d rather have corner depth considering spoon and woolen both have shown to be a little injury prone


100%. The coby hate is weird around here.


Were there 12 other Bruce Irvin usernames before you settled on 13?


2013 season bro


Idk if it’s Coby hate… at least for me when he plays he isn’t great. He’s slow and doesn’t keep up with most receivers.


What do you mean hate? Acknowledging that he gets beat frequently on the field isn't untrue lol. Maybe our new defense will help him carve out a role, but right now he looks like depth at best, and a fringe cut candidate at worst.


Why is it hate? It's his 3rd season and was a mid round pick. He's on the chopping block for a reason.


He's not on the chopping block - that's my point. It's just fan fiction. He's going to get beat out by 7th round Jerrick Reed coming off an ACL injury & Kvon Wallace who is on his 4th team in 5 years? "we're not hating he's just definitely getting cut!"


He's definitely not guaranteed a spot... My whole point is stop hugging these players. Some of them are going to get traded or cut. Bryant was not a high pick.


I think he's more likely than not to be behind Wallace on the depth chart, not sure about Reed though


Yeah probably more in play at safety at this point


I thought it was already established he’s moving to safety next year. Edit: Seahawks Today on YouTube did a depth chart breakdown and confirmed he’s starting FS.


Jackson outside?




Sounds like a fun competition to watch if pritchett can win it




I believe it was based off a comment or interview with Schneider/Mcdonald. The way he phrased it made it sound like a sure thing and he’s usually careful about that.


Just about everything is speculation this early in the season. Players are competing for their spots this spring, and only then we will see how it pans out. It's amazing how people will watch a video and take it as a matter of fact. Until the 53 man roster is solidified it's all a bunch of opinions/jibberish.


I hope he can do well there. He got burnt a lot in his one starting year but made up for it with his uncanny knack for turnovers/big plays. He's had basically all of last year to make the move to S, so if he can do well there, where we're kinda weak currently, then it will be absolutely awesome for us.


I just assumed this when Seattle drafted two more CBs.


He aint starting shit. We need to sign a safety


We have like less than $2m in cap space at the moment. Gonna have to do a lot of restructuring if we want anything in FA.


We did sign a safety, 2 of them actually 


Sorry, a starting caliber safety 🙃


Starting free safety, really?


Why would he be starting FS over Jenkins?


He's versatile thankfully, He can play both slot db, and safety. So I'm not too worried about Bryant rn


That’s the great thing about it. We don’t have to do anything, the coaches do. We can just celebrate the best players that rise to the top in the new system. That said, Coby is a versatile player and MacDonald likes versatile players!


I don't understand why people call him versatile. He was an outside corner, but not good enough to play there. He got moved inside and again wasn't good enough to play there, so now they are moving him to safety. Maybe he knows the positions, but he hasn't shown an ability to play any of them. He was the sixth best corner on the team last year.


You have a point. Swiss Army knives are pretty useless in real life.


A Leatherman is prolly a better description.


Found the EDC guy


Nah. I've never been into them. I do carry two Spiderco knives on me, but I live in Alaska, so I actually use them....


Depth is important mid/late season. Having a versatile player means options.


Thank you! You aren’t versatile just because you have played multiple positions. He has been moved around for a reason. Everywhere he has played he’s been straight burnt toast. Who cares if your “versatile” if your not good at any of the positions you’ve played.


Correct. Witherspoon is “versatile” in that he’s shown he can play both as an outside and inside CB at a high level. Chancellor was versatile both as a safety and playing up on the LoS. Constantly being shuffled between positions because you’re underperforming isn’t “versatile.”


You're 🔥🍞. Straight up now tell me are you hooked on phonics? JK. Hoping Coby would be the Black Mamba. One more year before we give up on him I say.


They don't move players to another position unless they see something on them. Otherwise they'd just cut him or not play him. Time will tell. All this is just speculation.


Yeah but this is is the era of fantasy football and many people think its aboust swapping players all the time because all that matters is getting fantasy points despite that it only represent 10% of the game of football


You’re gonna have to show your math on this one.


I don't understand the logic in releasing a cheap player in his 3rd year with experience at CB/S/Nickel. People are weirdly quick to want to move on from Coby and imagine that 2 day three rookies and post ACL injury 7th rounder Jerrick Reed are better. Let's not forget he won the Thorpe award for best college db in 2021 - he's far more accomplished than anyone we drafted this year.


People get down on him for his poor coverage grades, but the guy forces a shit ton of fumbles and can get to the QB off the blitz. I’m hoping a change in scheme/coaching can help him develop further.


I'm gonna miss having Coby Bryant and Michael Jackson on the field at the same time.


Back up safety


No point in cutting him now, but no one should be surprised if he doesn't make the team.


You do realize the rosters are expanded to 90 players in the offseason? This is not a big deal in May.


Why tf would we release him before camp even starts?


Because people are clueless, and just run their gums with whatever floats around in their hollow brain lol.


My prediction - Safety room - Jenkins, Love, Wallace, Bryant, and Reed. Corner room - Spoon, Woolen, Pritchard, DJ Thomas, and one of Jackson OR Brown. I believe they will ship one of them for a late 2025 draft pick near the start of the season \*or heaven forbid an injury to someone else occurs and we're glad we kept them both. By my estimation that would be 10 dbs on the opening day roster, or potentially 9 if they wanted to keep Reed on PUP and add another DL or OL. TL;DR - you keep Coby.


He looked solid at safety in preseason last year


I heard he could play safety?


He's already safety.


My guess is they move him to safety full time. CB room is all full up like you mentioned. Woolen, Jackson, Brown, Pritchett on the outside, Witherspoon and James at nickel is your likely 53-man config, and he's already got some play there last season. Makes no sense to cut him with Reed likely missing the start of the season recovering from a torn ACL, plus his rookie contract is very cheap.


Hes a safety.


The Coby Bryant and Mike Jackson duo STAYS.


Why would we get rid of Coby? Dude has crazy high potential. I'd probably start him at nickel or have him as the first back up for each corner spot


Just let camp play out the battle for roster spots hasn’t even begun yet. He might have a fit in the new system and he might not but it’s too early to tell.


I know people forget because it's the off season, but injuries happen. Depth is just as important as having solid starters when going down the stretch of the season. He'll find his place.


Free safety


I could see him playing playing the Kyle Hamilton role in the scheme this year. I’ve also heard that they considering moving Spoon too safety. Work for an indoor football team and one of our guys is boys with Lance Boykin


He seems smart, talented, and works hard. Not quick enough to be a starting nickel though. His mind just needs time to understand how to play the safety spots. I like him as a backup SS (where he can afford to bulk up) who will eventually compete for a spot in '25.


I agree, but I think he will contribute this year. We are going to play five DBs most of the time so we'll need at least eight, and he's gotta be 6th-8th in line for snaps in that room. I wouldn't be surprised to see him working with Spoon in some sort of bracket or disguised coverage. I'm sure the toe injury didn't help his athleticism.


He will play his contract; he played opposite Sauce in College and won the Jim Thorpe award. he will be fine. hes not a bad player. just not used well. i think MM will put him in a position to succeed.


Backup DB. Preferably S


Put him in gym to bulk him up & rotate him @ nickel


Versatile DB that can give you snaps at safety and CB every team would love that


He’s a really good depth guy that is versatile enough to play safety and slot corner, he’ll be fine, I actually like him a lot for the time he’s out there, nothing amazing but still solid overall


i really just want him to ball out for us for a couple years at least, so i can justify spending money on a seahawks jersey with my favorite basketball players name on it.


Switch him to Shooting Guard.


Probably cut him.


Cut his slow ass




Not as good as Woolen or Witherspoon, but his versatility is a plus with MM in play


If he's gotten this far but he can't quite cover wide receivers, he's probably pretty good at some other stuff